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关于生与死的思考铸就了人类哲学的恢弘与博大。中国古代哲学中关于生死之论,不乏智者和睿者,其中道家先哲们以“万物皆一”的开阔视野看待生死,超越了一时一事、一得一失,确立了极具特色的超越死亡、生死存亡一体的生死哲学。并以其丰富的理论内容,深刻的思想内涵,脱俗的不凡见解和独特的美学意境,为中国乃至世界生死哲学理论宝库书写了不可或缺的一笔,对后世产生了极其深远的影响。  相似文献   

生命的物质属性是探讨生死问题的基点, “生命的意义”和“死亡的遮蔽”是生死哲学理论研究和实践应用的核心。将生死问题放在物种背景下加以分析和论证, 将生命定义为具有内因性死亡功能、能够保持相对稳定、通过产生子代促使物种存续的复杂物质系统;死亡是生命内在功能, 生命的意义由生命本身而自足。医学实践和殡葬活动对死亡的遮蔽表现出不同的内容, 增强医学实践的人文性和改革殡葬活动的生死观均基于生命意义的认知, 为解蔽死亡的探索提供了思想工具。  相似文献   

Changes to posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) trauma criterion in the 5th edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM–5) have been an area of much scrutiny and debate. One of the proposed changes included removing sudden unexpected death (SUD) from the list of potentially traumatic events. This study tested the extent to which unexpected death differed from violent death and other traumas as measured by PTSD symptoms. Our results indicated a significant difference in symptom development between those experiencing sudden violent death and sudden unexpected, but nonviolent, death. Additional analyses at the DSM–IV symptom cluster level, as well as with Simms, Watson, and Doebbeling’s (2002) factor structure of PTSD symptoms, suggested further distinctions between event types and symptom development. The extent to which SUD should be included in the trauma criterion is considered.  相似文献   

儿童生命认知和生命体验的发展特点   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
本研究在生命教育的社会背景下,以2、4、6、8、11年级的中小学生为研究对象,使用造句和补充句子的方式考察儿童对生命和死亡的认知及体验。结果表明:1)儿童对生命和死亡的认知发展是随着年级的升高从模糊不清、具体形象到认知生命本质直至表达态度、感悟哲理的一个渐次深入的过程;2)儿童对生命过程的体验总体上是积极的,且随着年级的升高体验的内涵越来越丰富;3)儿童对死亡的心理体验以恐惧和悲伤为主;但随着年级的升高,儿童对死亡体验哲理性和迷茫的逐渐增多。  相似文献   

The Elder Life Adjustment Interview Schedule (ELAIS) was developed as an age- and culture-sensitive assessment device for depression and 9 environmental, behavioral, and health correlates (Schlatter et al., 1993, J. MARC Res. 1: 27–42). The psychometric adequacy of the ELAIS has been demonstrated with samples of elder Americans of Asian, Caucasian, and Native Hawaiian ancestry (Dubanoski et al., 1996, J. Clin. Gerospsychol. 2: 247–262). This study reports on the reliability and construct validity of a translated Japanese version. Participants were 55 community-dwelling elders living in the areas surrounding Maebashi, Japan. The ELAIS contains 14 scales of which 9 represent theoretical predictors of depression. The 2 Environmental Condition scales measure life events and social support. The 4 Behavioral Competency scales measure recreational activity, assertiveness, self-reinforcement, and perceived control. The 3 Health Factor scales measure perceived health, functional ability, and objective health. The 5 Other scales measure demographics, depression, life satisfaction, cognitive functioning, and response style. Results yielded acceptable internal consistency and stability reliability coefficients for all but 1 of the subscales on the ELAIS (informational social support). Construct validity support was found for the Depression scale and 6 theoretical predictors, including life events, recreational activity, assertiveness, self-reinforcement, functional ability, and objective health. Treatment and prevention implications for the cross-ethnic multivariate assessment of depression among elders are discussed.  相似文献   

Parents (n = 140) of children 2 to 7 years responded to an online survey regarding their children's experiences and conversations about death. A total of 75% of parents indicated that they had spoken to their child about death, and the majority of conversations were first initiated when children were between 3 and 3.5 years of age. Binary logistic regression analysis was used to explore factors that could predict conversations about death. Parents (n = 88) provided narratives of the explanations of death that they gave their child and subsequently reported their level of satisfaction with their explanation. The content of the explanations was coded and examined in relation to children's age and parental satisfaction. Results revealed that parents who provided explanations to a continued existence after death reported significantly higher levels of satisfaction than those parents who discussed the absence of a future physical relationship after death. Finally, explanations of a continued existence were not always in reference to an afterlife and could include discussing the memory of the deceased or their continued impact even after death. Thus, when talking to young children about death, parents may feel greater satisfaction in finding ways to discuss the continued legacy of those who have died compared to more biological explanations. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The Karamojong people of Uganda are marginalized and likely to have difficult lives. Research is needed to understand Karamojong children’s challenges, adjustment, and resiliency to help guide interventions and policies to improve their lives. Thus, 18 Karamojong 10–16-year-olds (10 girls; M?=?13.33 years; SD?=?1.81) were recruited from a nongovernmental organization in Tororo District, Uganda, and interviewed about their life events, coping strategies, social support, and hope. Adolescents also were verbally administered questionnaires about their life events and adjustment problems. Participants reported many negative life events (M?=?9.28 of 16). The number of negative life events was positively correlated with internalizing, but not with externalizing, problems. Participants described a variety of coping strategies. Most participants received emotional or instrumental social support, and were hopeful about their futures. Hardships were often alcohol- or poverty-related events, whereas hope was often centered on education.  相似文献   

"脑死亡=死亡"生物医学定律的逻辑论证   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
心脏具有顽固自律性、可多次复苏性、功能可人工替代性、可多次置换性四大特点,因而已失去作为死亡判定权威器官的地位.而大脑由于具有统领性、损坏后不可恢复性、功能不可替代性、全脑不可置换性四大特点,已替代心脏成为死亡判定的靶器官."脑死亡=死亡"在相当长时期内都将是一个严格的科学定义.  相似文献   




Although gratitude is important to the good life, little is known about factors that enhance gratitude. Some have suggested that traumatic events such as near-death experiences and life-threatening illnesses might enhance gratitude. If reflecting on death causes one to appreciate life as a limited resource, this might enhance gratitude. This study investigated this theory. Participants were randomly assigned to a death reflection condition, a traditional mortality salience condition, or to a control condition. Participants in the death reflection and the mortality salience conditions showed enhanced gratitude compared to individuals in the control condition, supporting the theory that becoming aware of one's mortal limitations enhances gratitude for the life that what one has.  相似文献   

This study examined quality of attachment to the mother and child-mother communication in adolescents' adjustment to the death of a father. Forty-eight Cambodian adolescents whose father had died within the previous 3 years completed a set of measures that included attachment, communication, grief, and self-esteem. Results showed that quality of attachment to the mother and whether the adolescent communicated with the mother about the father and found this to be helpful were positively related to adaptive grief and self-esteem. Moreover, support was shown for an indirect effect of quality of attachment to the mother on adaptive grief as mediated by communication. Implications of the findings for quality of attachment in adjustment to bereavement in a non-Western cultural context are discussed.  相似文献   

生命意义感对大学新生日常烦心事和心理适应的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为验证日常烦心事对个体心理适应的作用过程,并探讨生命意义感是否在烦心事知觉与心理适应之间起调节作用。研究采用纵向追踪方式对153名大学新生进行新近生活经历问卷、压力知觉量表、生命意义感量表和心理适应的测量。结果显示压力知觉在日常烦心事与心理适应之间起完全中介作用;拥有意义在烦心事知觉与心理适应之间起调节作用,但追求意义的调节作用不显著。这说明日常烦心事会通过压力知觉影响个体心理适应,拥有意义对个体心理适应具有调节作用。  相似文献   

为了解决临终关怀发展的尴尬处境, 诸如临终关怀机构困境、“供给-需求”冲突、意义世界的冲突等问题, 以及传统生死观和孝道观影响下的老年临终关怀问题和生死孝道教育问题, 必须深入反思传统生死观和孝道观。因此, 试图通过生命教育、伦理环境改善、养老模式变革等方式, 树立新的生死观和孝道观, 以推进老年临终关怀发展, 从而提高老年患者生活质量、生命质量和生命尊严;并结合比较方法、价值分析方法对传统生死观、孝道观与老年临终关怀进行研究。  相似文献   

The Journal of Ethics - I offer an overview of the book, Death, Immortality, and Meaning in Life, summarizing the main issues, arguments, and conclusions (Fischer 2020). I also present some new...  相似文献   

An existential psychodynamic theory is presented based on Ernest Becker's claim that self-esteem and cultural worldviews function to ameliorate the anxiety associated with the uniquely human awareness of vulnerability and mortality. Psychological equanimity is hypothesized to require (1) a shared set of beliefs about reality that imbues the universe with stability, meaning, and permanence; (2) standards by which individuals can judge themselves to be of value; and (3) promises of safety and the transcendence of death to those who meet the standards of value. An empirical research program in support of this theory is then described, and the personal and interpersonal implications of these ideas are briefly considered.  相似文献   

我国已成为老龄化社会,老年临终关怀日益显示出其重要性。随着全优生命质量系统工程概念的提出,尊严死与安详死也已成为衡量现代临终关怀质量的核心指标。从生命的尊严、生活的质量、家庭的慰藉、社会的支持等方面对国内外研究进行综述,提出在我国老年临终关怀中应体现优逝理念,注意维护老年人的人格尊严、减轻其痛苦、并通过合适的死亡教育方法帮助老年人及其家属接受死亡、规划死亡和迎接死亡,使我国老年人也能真正获得尊严而安详的死亡。  相似文献   

亲子沟通类型与青少年社会适应的关系   总被引:17,自引:2,他引:17       下载免费PDF全文
从北京市一所普通中学和济南市一所重点中学选取初一至高三六个年级720名学生为被试,探讨亲子沟通类型与青少年社会适应的关系。要求被试分别报告亲子沟通、学习成绩、自尊、抑郁、羞怯和问题行为的情况。结果发现:(1)在青少年与父母的沟通中,关系定向的沟通明显多于观念定向的沟通;随着年级的增长,关系定向和观念定向的沟通都有明显的增加;(2)在亲子沟通的类型中,保护型亲子沟通最多,其次为多元型亲子沟通,放任型和一致型亲子沟通最少;四种亲子沟通的年级分布存在明显的差异,初中生的放任型和保护型亲子沟通多于高中生,而高中生的多元型和一致型亲子沟通多于初中生;(3)同一种亲子沟通既可能促进青少年的积极社会适应,同时也可能增加青少年的消极社会适应。  相似文献   

死亡的判定   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
死亡是生命的终结.死亡判定的标准在历史上经历了一个逐步深化的过程.1959年2位法国医学家首先提出了脑死亡的概念.但是什么是脑死亡,以及如何判定脑死亡是一个有争议的问题.1981年美国总统委员会提出了一个脑死亡的判定指标体系,并被一些国家立法接受.回顾了对死亡判定认识的历史过程.  相似文献   

The precocity-longevity hypothesis that those who reach career milestones earlier in life have shorter life spans was tested with the 430 men elected to serve in the House of Representatives for the 71st U.S. Congress in 1929–1930 who were alive throughout 1930. There was no tendency for those first serving at an earlier age to die sooner or those serving first at a later age to die later than expected based on individual life expectancy in 1930. Although age at first serving was correlated with death age, the correlation was not significant when expected death age was controlled. The results cast serious doubt on the contention of the precocity-longevity hypothesis that the developmental aspects of the prerequisites, concomitants, and consequences of early career achievement peaks actively enhance the conditions for an earlier death.  相似文献   

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