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干细胞移植技术离临床治疗应用到底还有多远   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:6  
骨髓细胞移植是一种早期的干细胞移植性治疗方式.干细胞分离纯化技术的革命,尤其是干细胞移植在各种临床疾病治疗中近期疗效的不断报道促成了干细胞移植技术的推广迅猛发展.胚胎干细胞或成体干细胞如何分化形成指定的有恰当功能的组织器官一直是发育生物学家和干细胞移植科学家们关注的重大研究课题.实际上,干细胞移植治疗既存在理论性困惑,又存在技术性问题,因此干细胞移植技术的实际应用前途是光明的,但道路是曲折的.  相似文献   

脑内移植是神经系统疾病的一种新的治疗措施。它适应临床实践的需要而产生,历经脑内组织移植和脑内干细胞移植两个重要发展阶段,其中脑内干细胞移植的研究主要有神经干细胞移植、胚胎干细胞移植、骨髓和脐血间充质干细胞移植。脑内干细胞移植是目前国内外医学研究的热点,具有广阔的临床应用前景,但也存在许多有待解决的问题,还需要经过一个艰难曲折的探索过程,最终使之成为治疗神经系统疾病的有效方法。它的产生和发展遵循着认识论和辩证法的客观规律,体现了科学认识的实践性、深刻性和创造性。  相似文献   

脑内移植是神经系统疾病的一种新的治疗措施.它适应临床实践的需要而产生,历经脑内组织移植和脑内干细胞移植两个重要发展阶段,其中脑内干细胞移植的研究主要有神经干细胞移植、胚胎干细胞移植、骨髓和脐血间充质干细胞移植.脑内干细胞移植是目前国内外医学研究的热点,具有广阔的临床应用前景,但也存在许多有待解决的问题,还需要经过一个艰难曲折的探索过程,最终使之成为治疗神经系统疾病的有效方法.它的产生和发展遵循着认识论和辩证法的客观规律,体现了科学认识的实践性、深刻性和创造性.  相似文献   

脐血干细胞移植中的伦理思考   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
现代干细胞移植技术飞速发展。脐血干细胞移植在伦理学上具有胚胎干细胞和骨髓干细胞移植治疗不可比拟的优势,但是其伦理学上的可接受性并不等于伦理问题的消失。在脐血干细胞移植研究过程中,应该遵循伦理道德观和科学理性的原则,健康发展,造福人类。  相似文献   

现代科学技术的发展已经并正在给人类展现一个相互矛盾的事实:一方面是科学技术推动人类社会的巨大进步,促进社会生活的极大提高。如核能的利用、转基因作物、转基因治疗、动物克隆、干细胞的开发与应用等等,无不让人类充分地享受到现代科技带来的种种利益和好处。另外一方面人类的生存危机前所未有的加深,环境的恶化、水资源的污染、新的疾病和变异的菌种诞生等等。怎样运用哲学的理性的思维和方法来评判现代科技对人类的影响,摆脱其发展对社会所造成的两难困境,是一个必须解决的难题。以干细胞移植研究为例,如何辩证看待干细胞移植热化问题,如何运用哲学思维来看待干细胞移植的有利性和危害性,探究科学技术的可持续发展道路。  相似文献   

现代干细胞移植技术飞速发展.脐血干细胞移植在伦理学上具有胚胎干细胞和骨髓于细胞移植治疗不可比拟的优势,但是其伦理学上的可接受性并不等于伦理问题的消失.在脐血干细胞移植研究过程中,应该遵循伦理道德观和科学理性的原则,健康发展,造福人类.  相似文献   

造血干细胞移植研究中的科学思维湖南医科大学博士生(长沙410078)万伍卿导师徐有恒造血干细胞移植经过多年的发展,技术不断完善。造血干细胞移植的不断发展过程中,充分地体现了辩证科学思维的重要性。一、寻找新的造血干细胞来源中的归纳与演绎白血病、再障及某...  相似文献   

近年来,自体脂肪移植技术的不断进步,使脂肪移植成为比较安全有效的方法。目前,已有很多期刊和会议报道了关于自体脂肪移植的成功案例。然而,对于这种技术方法是否使患者满意,还值得商榷。为了找出自体脂肪移植技术成功或失败的原因,本文对自体脂肪移植相关文献进行了综述,包括对脂肪采集、加工、配送、注射及围手术期护理的技术的讨论。目的是突出现行技术方法的争议,展望脂肪移植技术的未来发展趋势。  相似文献   

骨髓造血干细胞移植治疗自身免疫性疾病的进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
自身免疫疾病发病机制复杂,目前尚缺少有效的治疗方法。近年来发现造血干细胞移植可以通过免疫重建显著缓解甚至治愈自身免疫病。笔者对近年来造血干细胞移植治疗自身免疫病进行了介绍和综述,就其在1型糖尿病这一领域的研究进展进行了述评,探讨造血干细胞移植用于治疗自身免疫病的前景和待解决的问题。  相似文献   

干细胞是指具有自我更新、高度增殖和多向分化潜能的细胞群体,通过胚胎干细胞及视网膜干细胞、骨髓间充质细胞等成体干细胞移植治疗眼底病是近年来研究的热点,并取得了重要进展,为视网膜疾病的治疗开辟了新的途径,但同时也面临着技术的探讨及哲学的思考.本文就干细胞移植治疗视网膜疾病这一问题进行相关哲学思考.  相似文献   

P. Bernays has pointed out that, in order to prove the consistency of classical number theory, it is necessary to extend Hilbert's finitary standpoint by admitting certain abstract concepts in addition to the combinatorial concepts referring to symbols. The abstract concepts that so far have been used for this purpose are those of the constructive theory of ordinals and those of intuitionistic logic. It is shown that the concept of a computable function of finite simple type over the integers can be used instead, where no other procedures of constructing such functions are necessary except simple recursion by an integral variable and substitution of functions in each other (starting with trivial functions).  相似文献   

Peter E. Hodgson 《Zygon》2003,38(2):393-409
Einstein's special theory of relativity has had a wide influence on fields far removed from physics. It has given the impression that physics has shown that there are now no absolute truths, that all beliefs are relative to the observer, and that traditional stable landmarks have been washed away. We each have our own frame of reference that is as good as any other frame, so that there are no absolute standards by which our actions may be judged. The predictions of relativity theory, such as the elimination of simultaneity, the variation of mass with velocity, and the equivalence of mass and energy, are all highly counterintuitive and yet are precisely confirmed by detailed measurements. The clear rocklike mechanical physics of Newton seems to have dissolved into a swirling mist of unintelligible concepts, and familiar certainties seem to have disappeared. A detailed analysis of relativity theory shows, however, a completely different picture. Properly understood, it is a logical extension of Newtonian physics that expresses the relations of space and time in a more exact and elegant way and in the process shows forth more clearly the invariant features of the world. The apparently counterintuitive features appear as natural consequences that extend and refine our classical concepts. The traditional landmarks remain, but God's world is more subtle than we had previously imagined.  相似文献   

本研究探讨脂肪干细胞复合脂肪颗粒对裸鼠皮下血管化的影响。将12只裸鼠身上标记三个点,将三组试剂分别注射,分析结果如下:肉眼观察:取材时,裸鼠背部注射部皮下有一团状组织块,脂肪组织形状不规则,大小不一。微血管密度:A组明显高于B组、C组,且差异有统计学意义(P〈0.01);B组明显高于c组,且差异有统计学意义(P〈0.01)。存活率比较:A组明显高于B组、C组,且差异有统计学意义(P〈0.01);B组明显高于C组,且差异有统计学意义(P〈0.01)。脂肪颗粒作为生物支架可加速脂肪干细胞的促血管化作用,从而促进移植物的存活与生长。  相似文献   

The conceptual spaces approach has recently emerged as a novel account of concepts. Its guiding idea is that concepts can be represented geometrically, by means of metrical spaces. While it is generally recognized that many of our concepts are vague, the question of how to model vagueness in the conceptual spaces approach has not been addressed so far, even though the answer is far from straightforward. The present paper aims to fill this lacuna.  相似文献   

Forensic patients with intellectual disabilities have so far received little attention which is reflected in the comparatively briefly written chapters in the standard textbooks and also the low scientific interest in this patient group. There are only few therapeutic concepts and even less information on their effectiveness. This article presents the Christophorus Clinic in Münster which was the first forensic institution in Germany to specialize in these patients. The institution incorporates 54 treatment places and started operating on 3 June 2011. In addition to the known fact that a therapy concept must (further) develop over the years, during the first year of operation some aspects have arisen which have cristallized as problem areas specific for this patient group, which are discussed.  相似文献   

Because complex organs taken from unequivocally dead people are not suitable for transplantation, human death has been redefined so that it can be certified at some earlier stage in the dying process and thereby make viable organs available without legal problems. Redefinitions based on concepts of "brain death" have underpinned transplant practice for many years although those concepts have never found universal philosophical acceptance. Neither is there consensus about the clinical tests which have been held sufficient to diagnose the irreversible cessation of all brain function – or as much of it as is deemed relevant – while the body remains alive.  相似文献   

Compatibilism and the Notion of Rendering Something False   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
In my paper I am concerned with Peter van Inwagen's Consequence Argument. I focus on its probably best known version. In this form it crucially employs the notion of rendering a proposition false, anotion that has never been made sufficiently clear. The main aim of my paper is to shed light on thisnotion. The explications offered so far in thedebate all are based on modal concepts. Iargue that for sufficient results a ``stronger',hyper-intensional concept is needed, namely theconcept expressed by the word ``because'. I show that my analysis is superior to the prior ones. On the basis of this analysis I further explain why van Inwagen's argument fails.  相似文献   


Regenerative medicine (RM) in Japan lays strong emphasis on a specific trajectory of its development, which deploys human induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells as the primary sources for the technology. The technique to create these stem cells was developed in 2006 by a Japanese stem cell scientist, Shinya Yamanaka, and since its applicability to human cells was established about a year later, this new type of cells has become to be considered as a potential substitute for human embryonic stem cells. While the clinical value of these cells are yet to be confirmed, the Japanese Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology decided to concentrate its support on iPS cells research and turned it into a national project. This decision reflected the state's vision of initiating the transition to a knowledge-based society, which was adopted in the 1990s to tackle the prolonged deflation in the country. As the research became intertwined with this policy vision, however, the Ministry came to see bringing its success as more important than ever, while other trajectories of RM were left underrated and largely unsupported. Industrial actors counteracted this situation and developed an initiative to recognize existing technical capability in the country, but its impact has been so far negligible. This indicates that the nation is locked in the particular trajectory of RM. Hence, this Japanese RM research enterprise presents an interesting case to understand how states' commitment may not only shape the course of scientific research but also reduce flexibility in technological development.  相似文献   

[Christianity] has enriched philosophy with far more definite and purer concepts than it had been able to furnish before; but which, once they are there, are freely assented to by Reason and are assumed as concepts to which it could well have come of itself and which it could and should have introduced…. Even the Holy One of the Gospel must first be compared with our ideal of moral perfection, before we can recognize him as such [Immanuel Kant, Critique of Judgement , tr. Bernard; p. 410n and Foundations of the Metaphysics of Morals , tr. Lewis White Beck; p. 30].  相似文献   

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