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To investigate the communication value of verbal probabilistic phrases, like “possibly,” “probably,” and “perhaps,” three experiments were conducted. Subjects were asked to judge the degree of probability expressed by such phrases in different contexts: in sentences reflecting opinions on current events, in a medical discussion of treatment effectiveness, and in videotaped news reports. Judgments of degree of probability were performed in the first study on a 0–100% probability scale and in the other two on 7-point rating scales. Results indicated that different contexts influence the interpretation of probability terms and in many cases, but not always, lead to higher between-subject variability than when the terms are judged in isolation, presumably because the interpretation of probability terms tends to be correlated with the judges' personal opinions on the topics. Special communication problems arise from the fact that most people are not fully aware of the ambiguity of these phrases and underestimate the variability of such ratings in the general population. Miscommunication between experts and the general public was illustrated by answers to a questionnaire given to general medical practitioners and to parents of small children. The latter preferred numerical probabilities to words, but thinking from an individual-oriented perspective, they often misunderstood the intended statistical meanings.  相似文献   

A. S. Reber's (1992) proposition that the implicit learning system should demonstrate invariance of intellectual level (IQ) was examined by comparing 20 children with intellectual disability (mean mental age [MA] = approximately 5.8 years) with 20 intellectually gifted children (mean MA = approximately 12.4 years) of similar chronological age (CA; approximately 9.5 years). Implicit learning was assessed using a task involving covariation of 2 incidental cues. Explicit learning was assessed using a task of similar logical structure. Contrary to the IQ-invariance proposition, implicit learning as well as explicit learning varied with intellectual level. A secondary aim was to distinguish the contributions of CA, IQ, and MA to implicit learning. This was done by combining the samples of children in the present study with 2 samples of younger and older children of average ability from a study by M. Maybery, M. Taylor, and A. O'Brien-Malone (1995). Analyses showed that MA is critical to implicit learning.  相似文献   


This article offers a reflection on conception, pregnancy, and the first mother–infant relationships of mothers with motoric and sensory disabilities. Based on more than 13 years of experience with women with motoric and sensory disabilities who had a desire for a child, the author analyzes this unusual situation from three different points of view: the medical help to procreate, meeting a partner for the mother, and the link with the initial maternal family, i.e. the mother’s mother. The last part concerns the possibility of the development of a mother–infant relationship when bodily function is lacking.  相似文献   

We presented a new model using the sensory/functional theory of semantic category deficits to explain noun/verb deficits in aphasia. The predictions arising from this model were tested on a small number of patients exhibiting grammatical and/or semantic category specific deficits in picture naming. The results lent support for the theory presented. Shapiro and Caramazza (this issue) raised several objections to this theory (which they call the "extended sensory functional theory," or ESFT). In this article we address their concerns about the validity of the ESFT and conclude that it is indeed a useful model that provides a parsimonious explanation for many diverse patterns of deficits.  相似文献   

Spouses often report that wives provide better social support than husbands. Yet studies observing spouses' supportive interactions challenge this perception, finding no differences between husbands' and wives' supportive behaviors. This article offers reconciliation by suggesting that husbands and wives may differ, not in their skill at providing support, but in their responsiveness to their partners' changing needs over time. Observational and diary data from couples confirmed that, whereas husbands and wives did not differ on average in the support they provided each other, they did differ in the timing of that support. Wives tended to provide better support on days that their husbands experienced greater stress. However, when wives experienced greater stress, their husbands displayed both support and negativity.  相似文献   

The possibility that frames serve to capture lines within them so that they appear on a coplanar surface was investigated, using coherence in direction of rotary motion (Gillam, 1972) as a quantitative measure of the coplanarity of frame and internal lines. It was found that perceptual coherence between a pair of lines was greatly increased by surrounding them with a frame, if the frame was perspectivally consistent with the lines. A second experiment showed that this grouping can be attributed to a global effect of the frame and cannot be accounted for by local grouping of the internal lines with components of the frame.  相似文献   

Previous studies have reported that when subjects are presented with two forms in a same-different task, their reaction times increase with the size ratio. This suggests a "mental scaling" transformation analogous to the "mental rotation" used to compensate for differently oriented forms in similar tasks. However, since the stimuli were presented in isolation, retinal and environmental size ratios were confounded. The present study varied both retinal and environmental size ratios in a same-different simultaneous matching task. In one experiment, random forms were placed at different distances along a textured hallway. A second experiment varied the monocular size information: In one condition the forms were displayed in a textured hallway; a second condition added cast shadows; and a third condition displayed the forms against a frontal wall of indeterminate distance. The results suggest that environmental size is determined prior to mental scaling and form matching.  相似文献   

This study investigated impression management tactic use during structured interviews containing both experience-based and situational questions. Specifically, the authors examined whether applicants' use of impression management tactics depended on question type. Results from 119 structured interviews indicated that almost all of the applicants used some form of impression management. Significantly more assertive than defensive impression management tactics were used, and among assertive tactics, applicants tended to use self-promotion rather than ingratiation. However, different question types prompted the use of different impression management tactics. Ingratiation tactics were used significantly more when applicants answered situational questions, whereas self-promotion tactics were used significantly more when applicants answered experience-based questions. Furthermore, the use of self-promotion and ingratiation tactics was positively related to interviewer evaluations.  相似文献   

There is a consensus among speech-language pathologists that the cause of stuttering is unknown. This lack of understanding is not due to the lack of research effort, but it may be due to asking an unanswerable question. We may already know the causes of many of those behaviors that make up the general concept, stuttering, if we would ask more specific questions.  相似文献   

Framing effects are well established: Listeners’ preferences depend on how outcomes are described to them, or framed. Less well understood is what determines how speakers choose frames. Two experiments revealed that reference points systematically influenced speakers’ choices between logically equivalent frames. For example, speakers tended to describe a 4-ounce cup filled to the 2-ounce line as half full if it was previously empty but described it as half empty if it was previously full. Similar results were found when speakers could describe the outcome of a medical treatment in terms of either mortality or survival (e.g., 25% die vs. 75% survive). Two additional experiments showed that listeners made accurate inferences about speakers’ reference points on the basis of the selected frame (e.g., if a speaker described a cup as half empty, listeners inferred that the cup used to be full). Taken together, the data suggest that frames reliably convey implicit information in addition to their explicit content, which helps explain why framing effects are so robust.  相似文献   


Demonstrations of memory changes in those at risk for Alzheimer's disease by the presence of the APOE e4 allele have been inconsistent to date. The present study went beyond traditional analyses of central tendency (i.e., group differences on mean test scores) and also conducted distribution analyses to search for subtle cognitive differences in subgroups of normal-functioning elderly persons with the APOE e4 genotype. The results of the study revealed that (a) the e4 and non-e4 groups failed to differ in terms of their mean scores on tests of memory and verbal skills; and (b) relative to the non-e4 group, the e4 subjects had significantly greater heterogeneity of variance on the memory measures but not on fundamental verbal skills. Logistic regression analyses indicated that the discrepancy in scores on the memory measures was a significant predictor of genotype group membership (82% correct classification rate). Implications of these findings for the detection of a preclinical phase of AD are discussed.  相似文献   

Verbal and spatial span, articulation and tapping rate, and verbal and spatial speed-of-search tasks were administered to sixty 6- to 12-year-olds. A variance-partitioning procedure was then used to identify age-related and age-invariant components of variance in span. Outcomes were very similar for verbal and spatial span, in particular, (i) most of the age-related variance was shared by the speed-of-search and rate predictors, (ii) articulation rate provided an age-independent contribution, (iii) changing-state versions of predictor tasks did not account for variance over steady-state versions, and (iv) predictors of the same modality as the span task did not outperform predictors of the other modality. We conclude that verbal and spatial short-term memory appear to rely on similar processes when serial recall is required and that developments in span are closely tied to increases in processing speed.  相似文献   

Experiment 1 tested the habituation hypothesis of the Verbal Transformation Effect, an auditory illusion in which a repeating verbal stimulus undergoes perceptual transformation, by varying stimulus dimensions which might be expected to retard habituation. Transformations were found to increase as a function of imagery value and word length, failing to support the habituation hypothesis. Experiment 2, in which transformations were found to vary as a function of number of activated semantic representations of a physically invariant homophone stimulus, provided support for a new dual-process explanation of the Transformation effect, based on spreading activation between cognitive representations.  相似文献   

Teigen KH  Keren G 《Cognition》2003,87(2):55-71
Outcome expectations can be expressed prospectively in terms of probability estimates, and retrospectively in terms of surprise. Surprise ratings and probability estimates differ, however, in some important ways. Surprises are generally created by low-probability outcomes, yet, as shown by several experiments, not all low-probability outcomes are equally surprising. To account for surprise, we propose a contrast hypothesis according to which the level of surprise associated with an outcome is mainly determined by the extent to which it contrasts with the default, expected alternative. Three ways by which contrasts can be established are explored: contrasts due to relative probabilities, where the obtained outcome is less likely than a default alternative; contrasts formed by novelty and change, where a contrast exists between the obtained outcome and the individual's previous experience; and contrasts due to the perceptual or conceptual distance between the expected and the obtained. In all these cases, greater contrast was accompanied by higher ratings of surprise.  相似文献   

Post-retrieval interference with a memory has uncovered a phenomenon known to the field as reconsolidation. In this article, we will review the specific molecular mechanisms that have been implicated in reconsolidation. As a result of numerous studies over the past five years, it can now be said with a fair amount of certainty that reconsolidation is not a recapitulation of the mechanisms underlying consolidation, despite what the term "reconsolidation" may suggest. Therefore, in addition to reviewing the known mechanisms of reconsolidation, we will propose that two experimental approaches involving the targeting of specific molecular mechanisms, and the study of these mechanisms during retrieval, may serve useful to the field as it is now able to advance beyond comparisons between consolidation and reconsolidation.  相似文献   

Verbal probabilities are a common mean for communicating risk and uncertainties in many decision-making settings (e.g., finance, medicine, military). They are considered directional because they elicit a focus on either the outcome occurrence (e.g., there is a chance) or on its non-occurrence (e.g., it is unlikely). According to a quantitative perspective, directionality is dependent on the vague probabilistic meaning conveyed by verbal probabilities—e.g., p(outcome) > .50 = > focus on outcome occurrence. In contrast a more qualitative perspective suggests that directionality depends on contextual factors. The present study tested whether the directionality of verbal probabilities was determined by their vague probabilistic meaning, by contextually manipulated variables (i.e., representativeness and base rate), or by a combination of both. Participants provided their own expressions to describe the guilt of a suspect and then assessed the vague probabilistic meaning and directionality associated with those expressions. Results showed that directionality was mainly determined by the vague probabilistic meaning but also by the base rate of guilt. Although attention focus on the occurrence or the non-occurrence of the target outcome is dependent on vague probabilistic meaning, it cannot be fully accounted for by it.  相似文献   

It is often unclear what comparisons older adults make when evaluating their own memory. If thinking about their memory relative to others, they may assess their own abilities differently than if comparing it to their past capabilities. To test the effect of reference frames on memory assessments and memory performance, we randomly assigned 120 older adults to one of three conditions in which we manipulated frames of reference (control, past-self comparison, or other adults comparison) on a memory self-efficacy questionnaire. Participants also completed general and specific memory predictions and an objective memory test. Participants in the past-self condition reported significantly lower global memory self-efficacy compared with the other adults and control conditions. No condition differences emerged for memory predictions, objective memory, or the likelihood of over- or underpredicting memory performance. These findings suggest that reference frames impact global memory self-efficacy, but do not influence the accuracy of subjective memory judgments.  相似文献   

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