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Individuals suffering from bulimia nervosa share a characteristic pattern of thinking which needs to be understood if effective treatment is to take place. This article presents these beliefs, gathered by clinical experience and a review of the literature, in a format which describes each belief, discusses the common causes for its development, and suggests therapeutic interventions.  相似文献   


The authors investigated the role of academic self-esteem and academic performance in U.S. college students' perceptions of the validity of their grades (overall grade point average [GPA]). A sample of 208 (80 male, 128 female) college students completed a survey that included an academic self-esteem scale and a measure of the perceived validity of grades. The authors assessed academic performance level by the participants' actual overall GPAs. The results of a hierarchical multiple regression analysis supported the weak form of self-enhancement theory (J. S. Shrauger, 1975). Thus, regardless of their self-esteem levels, the students with higher GPAs, compared with those with lower GPAs, tended to see the overall GPA as a more valid indicator of academic ability.  相似文献   


Two experiments examined the inferential consequences of perceived intentionality in self-enhancement (enhancing self-presentation). Participants evaluated a fictitious target who self-enhanced either intentionally or unintentionally. They perceived the target as more immoral and unintelligent, but as equally unfriendly, when the target self-enhanced intentionally (vs. unintentionally). They also perceived the target as more immoral, unintelligent, and unfriendly when the target self-enhanced (either intentionally or unintentionally) rather than self-presented accurately. Intentionality of self-enhancement elicits negative interpersonal evaluations.  相似文献   

The topic of self-enhancement and culture is discussed. The question of the universality of the self-enhancement motive, well-documented in the West, inspired a lively debate, pertaining mainly to the existence of a self-enhancement motive in East-Asian cultures. The present paper presents some major findings that challenge the basic assumption of Markus and Kitayama (1991) and of Heine et al. (1999) that the self-enhancement motive does not exist in East-Asian cultures. These findings relate to the following issues: self-enhancement in East-Asia in culturally accepted domains; the role of modesty in self-enhancement; relevance of anonymity to self-enhancement manifestation; self-enhancement done by significant others; implicit measures of self-esteem; and the relations between well-being and self-enhancement in East-Asia. Some common beliefs, that self-enhancement inhibits self-improvement and that low uniqueness implies low self-enhancement are discussed and questioned. The paper suggests that the controversy regarding the self-enhancement motive may boil down to the question of the degree to which the social norms regarding restrictions on self-success are internalized in a culture.  相似文献   

Narcissism, Self-Esteem, and Defensive Self-Enhancement   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
This study investigates the relationships among narcissism, self-esteem, and defensive self-enhancement in samples of 60, 84, 300, and 57 subjects. Using various self-report indices of these constructs we found that (a) defensive self-enhancement is composed of two orthogonal components: grandiosity and social desirability; (b) grandiosity and social desirability independently predict self-esteem and may represent distinct confounds in the measurement of self-esteem, (c) narcissism is positively related to grandiose self-enhancement (as opposed to social desirability), (d) narcissism is positively associated with both defensive and nondefensive self-esteem, and (e) authority, self-sufficiency, and vanity are the narcissistic elements most indicative of nondefensive self-esteem. The results are consistent with several theories that postulate a two-component model for self-esteem regulation and personality development.  相似文献   

Self-protection and self-enhancement were investigated in a field study of female athletes who were vying for selection in state all-star teams. Participants completed the Athletic Identity Measurement Scale (AIMS; Brewer, Van Raalte, & Linder, 1993 Brewer, B. W., Van Raalte, J. L. and Linder, D. E. 1993. Athletic identity: Hercules' muscles or achilles heel?. International Journal of Sport Psychology, 24: 237254. [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]) on three occasions, and changes over time were compared for players who made the team and players who did not make the team. Findings revealed similar AIMS scores in the two groups prior to selection, no change over time for selected players, and a significant decrease over time for the players who were not selected. These findings are consistent with predictions derived from self-categorization theory, and they suggest that self-protection processes may be related to short-term changes in domain-specific self-concept measures such as athletic identity.  相似文献   

This online study examined whether regulatory focus and culture moderate the links between self-enhancement/self-protection and life satisfaction. The study assessed promotion and prevention foci, manipulated self-enhancement or self-protection, and measured self-reported life satisfaction in both Western participants (127 English-speaking individuals; 73 female, 50 male, 4 unspecified; M age = 29.01, SD age = 10.26) and Chinese participants (141 Zhanjiang Normal University members; 88 females, 53 males; M age = 22.18, SD age = 3.14). Promotion-focused individuals experienced higher life satisfaction when engaging in self-enhancement strivings, whereas prevention-focused individuals experienced equal levels of life satisfaction when engaging in self-protection strivings, in both Western and Chinese participants. Furthermore, Western participants manifested higher levels of life satisfaction when employing self-enhancement strivings independently of regulatory focus. On the other hand, Chinese participants experienced equivalent levels of life satisfaction when engaging in self-enhancement and self-protection strivings. The findings establish regulatory focus and culture as independent moderators of the association between self-enhancement/self-protection and life satisfaction.  相似文献   

This study used a 3-wave longitudinal design to investigate stability and change of egoistic and moralistic self-enhancement. Participants (n = 195) were followed for 6 years, from late adolescence (age 15) to emerging adulthood (age 21). A significant degree of rank-order stability was found that reveals a reasonable continuity in the individuals’ relative standing on measures of egoistic and moralistic self-enhancement. Latent growth curve analysis was used to track the developmental trajectories of the examined constructs. Findings revealed that egoistic self-enhancement is stable from 15 to 21 years, whereas moralistic self-enhancement slightly decreases during the same developmental period. Cross-lagged models were used to examine the reciprocal relations between self-enhancement and the Big Five personality traits. No prospective effects were found between the constructs, which develop independently from late adolescence to young adulthood, showing only synchronous associations. Implications for personality research and assessment are discussed.  相似文献   

We examined the influence of self-esteem on reactions to favorable or unfavorable feedback. We also varied the relevance of this information for participants' self-image—the information was either low or high in self-relevance. When asked how important it was to personally perform well, low self-esteem persons were more likely to engage in self-enhancement in the low than in the high self-relevant context. This finding supports predictions derived from Swann and Schroeder's (1995) analysis. Furthermore, low self-esteem participants engaged in self-enhancement strategies to a greater extent than high self-esteem participants in the low self-relevant condition, whereas an opposite pattern was obtained in the high self-relevant condition. Our analysis bridges the gap between two opposing schools of thought—one that believes that low self-esteem persons will evidence especially strong self-enhancement tendencies and the other that believes that it is high not low self-esteem persons that will demonstrate especially strong self-enhancement tendencies. We discuss the importance of self-relevance for determining when self-enhancement and self-verification will and will not occur.  相似文献   

自我提升的利与弊:理论、实证及应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
自我提升的适应价值问题目前备受心理学家关注。进化与认知神经科学研究者认为自我提升在演化史中具有潜在的适应价值, 它具有生物遗传性; 而社会心理学家发现, 自我提升在现实中的表现是利弊参半的, 主要存在三种理论解释:调节因素论、生态比拟论、多维多功能模型; 临床咨询心理学家在实践中提出的发展适应性自我提升的建议, 有助于趋利避害地将自我提升加以应用。未来的研究将聚焦于测量的改进、文化、发展及内隐研究等领域。  相似文献   

刘肖岑  桑标  窦东徽 《心理学报》2011,43(11):1293-1307
采用结果相互依赖型任务, 通过两项实验考查了人际与非人际比较情境下青少年的外显与内隐自我提升的特点及其发展。结果显示, 在非人际比较情境中, 以自利归因、选择性接受与反驳为代表的外显自我提升在青少年早期达到发展顶峰; 在人际比较情境中, 青少年不会做出自利归因, 他们对自贬归因者的评价更高也更希望与之交往; 以生日数字偏好为代表的内隐自我提升在青少年早中晚期不存在年龄差异。由此推测, 自我提升表现可能具有人际性和隐蔽性特点。  相似文献   

I present a roughly historical overview of the literature bearing on the universality of the self-enhancement motive, which I define as the need to cultivate and maintain a positive self-view. There is considerable evidence indicating that people from prototypically Western cultures demonstrate a strong need to self-enhance, which manifests itself in a number of tendencies involving attending to and elaborating upon positive self-relevant information at the expense of negative information. Recently, a lively debate about the universality of the self-enhancement motive emerged, with some researchers arguing that the motive itself is culture-specific and others contending that the motive is universal but that culture places important constraints on how it is expressed. I provide a review and synthesis of the existing evidence and conclude by discussing research on dialectical self-esteem, which offers another perspective on how culture shapes the expression of self-evaluative processes.  相似文献   

In this paper, we review the recent literature on the debate over the value of self-enhancement. Past studies fall into two distinct sets, each in the context of a different research tradition. The componential approach to self-enhancement integrates these two divergent perspectives and takes seriously the interplay of self-perception and interpersonal perception. Instead of global indices, the componential approach identifies specific components of person perception. By partitioning the components in self-perception, the componential approach allows for better understanding of the dynamic interactive effects of self-enhancement bias and other components in self-perception on adjustment. We conclude the paper by discussing the emerging attempts to advance a componential approach to examine self-perception in terms of components and outcomes.  相似文献   

有关自我增强跨文化普遍性的争论   总被引:6,自引:4,他引:2  
文化自我观点质疑自我增强(self-enhancement)的跨文化普遍性,认为东亚人并非像西方人一样拥有对自我保持积极评价的需要,而是自我提升(self-improvement)。然而,另外一些学者则认为东亚人同样会表现出自我增强,其中“对自我的重要性”被看作是一个重要的中介变量。至此,笔者针对有关自我增强跨文化普遍性的争论做了回顾,并在此基础之上提出从面子角度研究东亚人自尊的建议,以期为澄清此争论提供新的思路与证据  相似文献   

This article presents 2 studies testing Paulhus's (2002) assumption that unconscious self-enhancement and conscious impression management represent separate processes of socially desirable responding (SDR) that can be observed within 2 content domains (egoistic and moralistic bias). In Study 1, we devised egoistic and moralistic SDR scales intended to measure self-enhancement in honest responding and impression management under demands for positive self-presentation. In Study 2, we correlated scores on these scales with external indicators of self-enhancement and impression management. In honest responding, both SDR scales most strongly correlated with self-enhancement indicators, whereas under demands for positive self-presentation they correlated more strongly with external measures of impression management.  相似文献   

马伟军  冯睿 《心理科学》2012,35(6):1398-1403
本研究验证了我国大学生的自我建构的个体间差异对利己归因偏好与自我增强的影响。我国大学生被试首先完成一个虚拟的能力测验,然后对其自我建构等进行测量,最后被试得到成绩反馈并进行归因与课题评价。结果表明被试表现出显著的利己归因偏好,独立型比依存型自我建构者表现出更显著的自我增强,同时独立性对自我增强起着极重要作用。本研究结果支持自我增强的文化普遍论的观点。  相似文献   

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