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彭坚  赵李晶  徐渊  侯楠 《心理科学》2019,(4):928-934
在环境问题日益严峻的当代背景下,社会各界愈发呼吁企业及其领导者履行环境责任。正因如此,绿色变革型领导在近几年逐渐成为一个前沿研究主题。绿色变革型领导是指领导者激励下属实现组织的绿色环保目标,鼓励下属取得超出预期水平的环保绩效。目前,研究发现,绿色变革型领导能够显著提升员工和企业的绿色行为、绿色创新。社会认知、情感事件、自我决定、社会认同和动态能力是解释上述关系的重要理论。最后,文章提出了一些展望供未来研究参考。  相似文献   

Despite calls for counselling to take greater cognizance of the social context in which we live, it remains primarily monadic in its approach, focusing on individual pathology rather than on contextual links. This is explored in a discussion of behavioural, cognitive, and humanistic approaches to counselling which — despite their differences — exhibit remarkably similar features when viewed from a perspective outlining patterns of causality. A systemic approach is presented which attempts to provide a framework for describing human behaviour that acknowledges the interaction between intrapsychic dynamics and patterns of communication. The likely consequences of the traditional and systemic approaches are then discussed within a framework of 'self-fulfilling prophecies' .  相似文献   

MENSTRUAL JOY The Construct and Its Consequences   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Fifty female college students participated in a study of women's health. In a counterbalanced design, half of the participants completed the Menstrual Joy Questionnaire (MJQ) and the Menstrual Attitude Questionnaire (MAQ) in the first testing session. A week later they completed the Menstrual Distress Questionnaire (MDQ) and the Menstrual Attitude Questionnaire. The other participants completed the MDQ and MAQ in the first session and the MJQ and MAQ in the second. A multivariate analysis of variance revealed that those who received the MJQ first reported more positive cyclic changes on the MDQ and more positive attitudes on the MAQ. A follow-up study of 40 college students examined their responses to the MJQ. Participants reported that they were surprised or incredulous; most had not previously considered positive aspects of the menstrual cycle. Thirty percent reported that the MJQ had caused them to look at menstruation in a different way.  相似文献   

Abstract: Among the important themes in Roderick Chisholm's epistemology are his commitment to internalism, his defense of the independence of epistemology from empirical science, and his assumption that we do know most of what we initially think we know. In “Roderick Chisholm and the Shaping of American Epistemology” Hilary Kornblith argues that Chisholm's views lead to a radical divorce between the factors that justify beliefs and the factors that cause beliefs, that Chisholm's views have the consequence that there is no connection between justification and truth, and that Chisholm's kind of epistemology is unable to give epistemic advice. I argue that Chisholm's views do not have these consequences.  相似文献   

《管子》的消费观及其现代阐释   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
《管子》既有节制消费的主张,也有侈靡消费的内容。其节制消费原则是普遍适用的基本准则,而侈靡消费主张则是在特殊情况下为刺激社会生产而提出的,二者因有着相同的服务目标——维护封建统治秩序的稳定而得到了统一。通过对《管子》消费观的辩证分析,可以得出如下结论:在现代生活中,不应简单地判断节俭与侈靡孰重孰轻或绝对地视之为“应当”或“不宜”,如何适时适度地运用节俭与侈靡来调控经济才是最为关键的。  相似文献   

美德在本义上既可属人,也可属于非人事物,既包含伦理美德,也包含非伦理美德。但在赫西俄德传统中,本义上的美德逐渐被伦理化了。这种伦理化有多种表现形式,比如苏格拉底转向,柏拉图论美德是否可教,亚里士多德对美德进行分类,美德的缩容、扩容和嬗变以及合作性美德替代竞争性美德,公正变成美德之一种,美德成为中道或适度等,都显著地体现了美德的伦理化。从后果上来说,美德的伦理化导致了美德的理智化、"最"性的消失、遗忘自然美德、遗忘美德的本义和遗忘荷马。  相似文献   

自我刻板化是指个体自认为某群体的成员时,把伴随此种身份的刻板印象加诸于自己身上的过程。该文首先简要介绍了自我刻板化的理论基础——自我归类理论,然后从自我刻板化的行为效应、态度效应以及影响自我刻板化的因素等方面对以往的相关研究进行了回顾。最后,指出未来的研究还有必要加强对自我刻板化的应用研究等五方面问题的探讨  相似文献   

随着劳动力结构与工作特点的巨大变化,工作-家庭冲突问题日益突出。国内外研究主要从工作、家庭与个体三个层面对工作-家庭冲突的前因变量、后果变量及干预策略进行了深入探讨。前因变量主要包括工作与家庭层面的压力、特点,性别等;后果变量主要涉及个体的工作家庭满意感、组织承诺、离职和心身健康;干预策略涉及家庭友好政策和个体应对方式等。作者认为今后研究可以在工作-家庭冲突积极面、跨文化研究等方面进行突破  相似文献   

This study investigates the impact of subjective changes in the execution of the roles of spouse, worker, and parent on the level and structure of positive and negative affect. According to the self-theory of subjective change, perceived improvement and decline are unsettling because each violate standards of self-conception, but perceived stability satisfies the organismic desire for homeostasis. Therefore individuals who perceive more changes in themselves should report more negative and less positive affect, compared with individuals who feel they have remained the same. The context-dependence theory of affects also argues that the correlation of negative and positive affect is strong when individuals are distressed and modest when they are in homeostasis. Thus, the correlation of positive and negative should approach unity as individuals perceive more change in themselves. Data are from the MIDUS study and sample (N = 3,032) of adults between the ages of 25 and 74. Respondents completed scales of positive and negative affect, and evaluated their current and past (10 years ago) functioning as spouses (or close relationship), in work, and as parents (relationship with their children). The correlation of positive and negative affect approached unity at the highest levels of perceived improvement, r = –.93, and at the highest levels of perceived decline, r = –.90, but was modestly correlated at no change, r = –.52. Moreover, the level of positive affect was lower, and negative affect was higher, among adults who perceived more improvement as well as declines, compared with adults who remained the same. Implications for the study of objective life events as well as health interventions are discussed.an affiliated program of Emory University  相似文献   


Hyrck M. Inner Objects and the Christian Images of God. Int Forum Psychoanal 1997;6:41-43. Stockholm, ISSN 0803-706X.

Religion can be viewed very differently by different individuals. For some people it forms the basis of emotional safety while others regard it as the main obstacle to true humanity. One reason for this wide variance of opinion lies in the different ways that God can be perceived even within the same religious tradition. He can, for example, appear as a cosmic sadist torturing men eternally or as the vicariously suffering Christ sharing and containing the evils of mankins.

These and other images of God are analyzed by a systematic psychoanalytic instrument constructed upon the object relations theory. It describes five inner objects created by different partial drives or aspects of these drives. The inner objects are regarded as unconscious phantasies in the Kleinian sense. Five corresponding analoguous emotional images of God are abstracted from the Christian tradition.  相似文献   

基于概念隐喻理论的视角,大量行为与神经层面上的研究都揭示了温度与社会情感之间的隐喻关联有着更深层次的心理意义.“隐喻一致性效应”与“隐喻补偿效应”被用来阐述温度-社会情感隐喻的作用机制.而个体早期经验的不断“架构”构成了对这一隐喻形成的解释.此外,神经层面的研究也发现,脑岛可能是物理温度向社会情感隐喻映射的神经基础.未来的研究需从完善研究方法、深化作用机制、从发展的角度探索形成机制的研究以及注重温度-社会情感隐喻研究的应用拓展等几个方面着手.  相似文献   

Using a hierarchical personality model approach, the trait of competitiveness was investigated in 3 studies. The results revealed that competitiveness may be positively associated with consumer behaviors occurring in three contexts: (a) besting others directly in contests (e.g., playing sports), (b) besting others indirectly through vicarious experiences (e.g., observing sports as a fan or watching drama‐based movies), and (c) besting others via the conspicuous consumption of material goods (e.g., purchasing innovative electronic products).  相似文献   

In this essay, I investigate the origins of Chinese migrant transnationalism and its personal and social consequences. I propose a theoretical perspective that turns on a synthesis that I shall call “cultural functionalism,” a synthesis that attempts to reconcile functionalism and postmodernism. My argument is that Chinese transmigrants overcome (post)modern alienation through a two-way approach: first, a strong participation in and full commitment to community development and connectivity within the Chinese diaspora; and, second, a religio-cultural renaissance—both being conceived of as constituting a putative “cultural contract” and “social capital” nexus.  相似文献   

浮现理论及其对第二语言获得年龄效应的新解释   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
郭晶晶  陈宝国 《心理科学》2007,30(2):500-503
近年来,来自认知行为实验、认知神经科学的研究结果对第二语言获的关键期假设提出了质疑。浮现理论对第二语言获得的年龄效应提出了新的解释,该理论认为在第二语言获得中并不存在先天决定的关键期,第二语言的获得年龄效应是由双语之间的相互作用、相互影响决定的,即第一语言的防守和第二语言同第一语言间的竞争两种机制决定着第二语言的获得的程度。  相似文献   

Journal of Happiness Studies - The article concentrates on regulatory focus (promotion and prevention) as a factor involved in the relationships between materialism and well-being alongside two...  相似文献   

正义感是有助于人类合作的道德情感,但它并不是一种单一性的概念,而是复合性的,它至少包含了感激、愤恨、负罪与义愤,这些情感具有不同的进化机制,因此,对正义感起源的解释也就并非某种单一的进化论模式可以应付,不同的道德情感可能适用于不同的进化论解释模式,这才是理解正义感起源的科学态度.  相似文献   

The Limits of Explanation and Evaluation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

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