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情境因素会影响人们的说谎行为。本文基于自我概念维持理论的视角,从个体内部状态(自我控制资源、宗教表征/道德观念启动)和外部因素(金钱奖励、人际因素)两方面介绍情境因素对说谎行为的影响,并指出未来研究应关注自我觉察水平这一情境因素以及情境因素影响说谎行为的心理机制和神经机制。  相似文献   

传统经济学家认为,时间就是金钱,而近年来的一些研究却发现了与之不同的结论。后续的研究者主要从损失和受益时的风险偏好和决策依据、沉没成本效应、心理账户和禀赋效应这四个方面对时间和金钱进行比较,但是这方面的研究还处于起步阶段,还有许多问题需要在以后的研究中深入探讨。未来的研究应对时间是否存在损失规避和敏感性递减、时间的沉没成本效应和时间的禀赋效应的形成机制等问题进行探讨。  相似文献   

为什么企业中的不道德行为会屡屡发生?这是一直以来困扰组织管理实践者和学者们的难题,不道德行为的发生与发展机制已经成为心理学研究的一个重要领域。其中,心理学视角下的道德推脱理论为这一难题提供了解释思路。在企业的现实情况中,可以从员工个体和组织领导两方面维度研究各自对应的组织情境因素通过道德推脱机制对不道德行为产生的影响。未来研究的关键在于探讨和实证检验组织情境下道德推脱机制的选择偏好对不道德行为的影响作用,不断丰富和加强道德推脱对员工个体以及领导不道德行为影响机理的研究。  相似文献   

通过2(外在锚类型:高锚VS低锚)×2(内在锚类型:有VS无)被试间设计,考察不同锚定信息来源:由外部世界提供的外在锚与个体自身内部产生的内在锚信息对锚定效应及其加工机制的影响。结果发现:(1)当内在锚不存在时,外在高低锚组的估计值有显著差异,当内在锚存在时此种差异变得不显著;(2)当内在锚存在时,外在高低锚组被试的答题反应时有显著差异,内在锚与外在锚一致时反应时比不一致时更快,当内在锚不存在时,此种差异变得不显著。实验结果表明,当锚定调整机制与选择通达机制同时存在时,前者更占优势;锚定信息一致性会影响不同加工机制的启动,一致的信息会激活选择通达机制,不一致的信息则会激活锚定调整机制。  相似文献   

时间与金钱是影响人们消费行为决策的两种不同的重要资源。消费者在进行产品购买时, 常常会受到商家广告语和购物环境中所隐含的时间或金钱概念的影响, 从而做出不同的决策。具体而言, 时间与金钱概念会对消费者的购前决策、购中决策及购后决策三个方面产生不同的影响。从双加工理论的角度来看, 产生这种不同影响背后的心理机制在于时间与金钱概念启动了个体不同的认知加工方式和思维定势, 进而影响了消费者不同的购买决策。未来的研究方向有:(1)细化时间和金钱概念启动对消费者购买决策的不同影响; (2)考虑时间与金钱的权衡对购买决策的影响; (3)进一步探究时间和金钱概念的激活对购前决策的不同影响; (4)探讨时间概念与金钱概念对购买决策不同影响的神经机制。  相似文献   

郑晓明  刘鑫 《心理学报》2016,(6):693-709
近些年,由于积极心理学的兴起,员工幸福感的研究得到了广泛的关注。本论文从互动公平这一特定的组织公平概念出发,以公平理论为主体,并结合自我决定理论,从心理授权的视角既分析了互动公平影响员工幸福感的内在机制,又探讨了权力距离对整个影响机制的调节作用。通过对国内一家制造业企业的199名员工多时点匹配问卷的调查,结果表明:互动公平与员工幸福感之间呈现正相关关系;心理授权中介了互动公平对员工幸福感的影响作用;权力距离不仅负向调节了互动公平与心理授权之间的关系,而且还负向调节了互动公平—心理授权—员工幸福感这一中介机制。本研究的发现有利于充分了解互动公平影响员工幸福感的内在机制和边界条件,同时能为管理实践提供更好的指导,有效地提高员工幸福感。  相似文献   

时间与金钱是两种重要的资源类型,人们在绿色消费的过程中不可避免地会受到这两种资源对认知思维和决策行为的影响。然而,目前对于资源类型影响绿色消费行为的具体机制仍不明确。本研究将时间与金钱引发的认知差异引入绿色消费,一方面,基于解释水平理论与人类价值观,分析了时间资源如何促进绿色消费,以及金钱资源如何抑制绿色消费。另一方面,分别从个体、企业以及产品层面出发,结合实验法探究时间与金钱资源影响绿色消费的边界条件,并引入情绪响应水平、环保自我担当以及感知产品有效性作为中介变量,构建资源类型影响绿色消费的理论模型。研究结论将有助于发挥时间与金钱资源在促进绿色消费过程中的积极作用,同时也为企业利用资源线索引导绿色消费提供了新的思路。  相似文献   

信息过少容易使人成为井底之蛙, 不利于做出高质量的决策; 那拥有更多信息是否就能做出更高质量、有远见的决策呢?已有研究发现海量信息导致注意资源稀缺, 注意资源对跨期决策至关重要, 但海量信息如何影响跨期决策的内在机制尚不明确。本研究基于注意资源的理论视角提出:海量信息加剧注意资源的稀缺, 一方面当前信息捕获过多注意资源, 导致指向未来的注意资源减少, 造成模拟未来不清晰、预测未来不准确, 意图形成减少; 另一方面增加对时间紧迫性的关注, 减少为长远未来做计划的意愿, 导致在跨期权衡中更偏好近期选项。长期导向的特质可以使个体将注意聚焦于长远收益, 做出更有远见的决策。研究结果将科学地解释海量信息影响跨期决策的内在机制, 并为进一步探讨助推海量信息环境下有远见的跨期决策提供理论与实证依据。  相似文献   

丁瑛  宫秀双 《心理学报》2016,(10):1302-1313
社会排斥的现象在当今社会日益凸显,已成为世界各国探究社会政策和不平等问题的一个重要方向。然而却鲜少有研究从心理机制的角度探讨社会排斥对人们的产品偏好的影响。本文通过1个预实验和4个主实验,系统研究了社会排斥如何影响个体对不同触感产品的偏好,并探讨了其内在影响机制。实验结果发现在经历社会排斥(相较于社会接纳)之后,个体更偏好触感柔软的产品,消极心理体验是其内在驱动机制,并且该作用机制被归属感的重要性所调节。当归属感被认为很重要时,个体在经历社会排斥后对柔软触感产品的偏好以及消极心理体验的中介作用会被强化,而当归属感被认为不重要时,以上效应会被削弱。本文还对研究结论的理论贡献和实践应用进行了深入讨论。  相似文献   

选择盲是指个体不能觉察他们的偏好与决策结果之间的不匹配, 即人们不能发现真实偏好被操纵, 这一现象在行为经济学中普遍存在。记忆表征理论主要从记忆表征编码的角度分析人们为什么不能发现选择的改变, 选择偏好理论则着重分析人们偏好反转的原因。选择盲的影响因素主要包括选项相似性和虚假反馈等。未来的研究需要从选择盲的心理机制与产生根源、影响因素和应用研究等方面进一步探讨。  相似文献   

金钱启动能够提高自我损耗后个体的利他,而金钱功能也可能对损耗后个体利他产生不可忽视的影响。实验让处于自我损耗状态的被试数金钱或白纸,然后测量其利他水平及其对金钱功能的内隐偏好。结果证实了金钱启动的积极效应。此外,在数金钱和数白纸两种条件下,金钱象征性功能偏好对自我损耗后个体利他的效应是相反的。这表明,激活金钱概念与偏好金钱象征性功能都有可能补偿自我损耗后的消极影响,但两者的补偿作用是相互独立的。  相似文献   

Social distance regulations have been widely adopted during the global COVID-19 pandemic. From an evolutionary perspective, social connection and money are interchangeable subsistence resources for human survival. The substitutability principle of human motivation posits that scarcity in one domain (e.g., social connection) could motivate people to acquire or maintain resources in another domain (e.g., money). Two experiments were conducted to test the possibility that COVID-19 social distancing enhances the desire for money. Results showed that compared with controls, participants receiving social distancing primes (via recollection of experiences of social distancing or a Chinese glossary-search task) offered less money in the dictator game, showed lower willingness towards charitable donation (Experiment 1; N = 102), donated less money to a student fund, and rated money as having more importance (Experiment 2; N = 140). Our findings have far-reaching implications for financial decisions, charitable donations, and prosociality during and after the COVID-19 pandemic.  相似文献   

Previous studies examining the relationship between ingroup bias and resource scarcity have produced heterogeneous findings, possibly due to their focus on the allocation of positive resources (e.g. money). This study aims to investigate whether ingroup bias would be amplified or eliminated when perceived survival resources for counteracting negative stimuli are scarce. For this purpose, we exposed the participants and another confederate of the experimenters (ingroup/outgroup member) to a potential threat of unpleasant noise. Participants received some ‘relieving resources’ to counteract noise administration, the amount of which may or may not be enough for them and the confederate in different conditions (i.e. abundance vs. scarcity). First, a behavioural experiment demonstrated that intergroup discrimination manifested only in the scarcity condition; in contrast, the participants allocated similar amounts of resource to ingroup and outgroup members in the abundance condition, indicating a context-dependent allocation strategy. This behavioural pattern was replicated in a follow-up neuroimaging experiment, which further revealed that when contrasting scarcity with abundance, there was higher activation in the anterior cingulate cortex (ACC) as well as stronger functional connectivity of the ACC with the empathy network (including the temporoparietal junction and medial prefrontal cortex) for ingroup compared to outgroup members. We suggest that ACC activation reflects the mentalizing process toward ingroup over outgroup members in the scarcity condition. Finally, the ACC activation level significantly predicted the influence of resource scarcity on ingroup bias in hypothetical real-life situations according to a follow-up examination.  相似文献   

《管子》蕴含有丰富的生态思想,它叙述了植物与海拔、水等生态因子的关系,叙述了各种不同土壤与动植物以及人们健康的关系等;在对待自然资源方面,它要求辩证地遵循自然规律,要求人与自然和谐发展;通过适度索取和"以时禁发"的方式来实现对自然资源的保护,达到永续利用的目的。这些对当今生态文明的建设是不无裨益的。  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to explore the empirical research that focuses on the association between fees and therapy outcomes as well as on therapists’ responses to issues of money. In addition, the authors will discuss implications for training programs surrounding the issue of client fees and offer suggestions for ways training programs might address the issue.  相似文献   

王华 《管子学刊》2010,(1):8-11
《管子》是我国古代著名的一部子书,其中蕴涵着丰富的人才思想。它提出了一整套关于人才的培养、选拔、任用和激励等方面的措施和思想。对其包含的人才思想进行现代解读,对于现代人力资源管理具有积极的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

Past research shows that time and money, although both scarce resources indispensable in modern societies, tend to exert distinct impacts on interpersonal behaviors. Yet, little is known about the effects of these two resources on intrapersonal cognitive processes, including creative thinking. In the present research, we explored whether and how increasing the saliency of time versus money concept would affect creative thinking. Six experiments provide converging evidence that activating time concept leads to superior creative performance than money concept. Specifically, individuals treated to time priming (versus money priming) were more likely to solve insight problems (Experiments 1a and 1b), to expand boundaries of conceptual categories (Experiment 2), and to identify connections among seemingly unrelated stimuli (Experiments 3a, 3b and 4). Theoretical and practical implications of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

王美玲 《管子学刊》2012,(1):108-112
人性论的研究有两条进路,一是从自然的层面上研究人性,另一是从道德形而上学的层面上研究人性。孟子的研究显然属于后者,而告子属于前者。从自然的层面研究人性并不意味着肤浅。例如,虽然告子的人性论思想往往被理解为材质之性,但实际上告子的人性论思想远不仅此,告子的人性论思想是复杂且深刻的。通过阅读卢梭对于人性的理解,我们发现卢梭与告子有许多相似之处。以卢梭的人性论思想为参照来理解告子的人性论思想,不仅可以加深对告子思想的理解,同时,卢梭的一些观点也是对告子思想的一种解释或者补充。  相似文献   

Newborn infants appear to possess an innate bias that guides preferential orienting to and tracking of human faces. There is, however, no clear agreement as to the underlying mechanism supporting such a preference. In particular, two competing theories (known as the ‘structural’ and ‘sensory’ hypotheses) conjecture fundamentally different biasing mechanisms to explain this behavior. The structural hypothesis suggests that a crude ‘3‐dot’ representation of face‐specific geometry is responsible for the exhibited preference. By contrast, the sensory hypothesis suggests that face preference is the product of several generic visual preferences for qualities like dark/light vertical asymmetry, horizontal symmetry, and high contrast. To complement existing empirical results, the current study describes a computational investigation of how well both proposals actually support face detection in cluttered natural scenes. The results demonstrate that both models are capable of locating faces effectively, but that the model suggested by the ‘sensory hypothesis’ is more selective than the model suggested by the ‘structural hypothesis’.  相似文献   

There has been discussion over the extent to which delay discounting – as prototypically shown by a preference for a smaller-sooner sum of money over a larger-later sum – measures the same kind of impulsive preferences that drive non-financial behavior. To address this issue, a dataset was analyzed containing 42,863 participants’ responses to a single delay-discounting choice, along with self-report behaviors that can be considered as impulsive. Choice of a smaller-sooner sum was associated with several demographics: younger age, lower income, and lower education; and impulsive behaviors: earlier age of first sexual activity and recent relationship infidelity, smoking, and higher body mass index. These findings suggest that at least an aspect of delay discounting preference is associated with a general trait influencing other forms of impulsivity, and therefore that high delay discounting is another form of impulsive behavior.  相似文献   

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