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我国企业的经营机制改革和新技术应用,实际上是一场深刻的组织发展与变革。在改革活动中,管理心理学的行动研究技术可以发挥重要的作用。文章通过有关计算机系统开发的行动研究,说明了行动研究的基本步骤和对于企业改革的意义。文章强调了行动研究中的理论指导和策略运用,提出以人员策略、系统策略和参与策略作为组织发展的主要策略。文章分析了策略的性质,把策略作为达到新的管理目标的计划过程和组织行为程序,指出了组织发展策略对于当前经济体制改革的作用。  相似文献   

祖晶   《心理科学进展》1992,10(1):17-21
二十世纪五十年代以来,随着工业大生产的迅猛发展,人们越来越强调经济效益。因此,在工业生产领域,出现了许多以行为主义、心理学、社会学等为基础的现代管理思想,其中美国学者彼德。德鲁先Peter,F.Drucker提出的目标管理理论,就是颇有影响的理论之一。其基本精神是着重于目标的制定、进而认识组织中的个别目标,对于整体目标的贡献。目标管理理论问世后,在企业经营管理中屡见成效,成为工业生产领域中极其引人注目的现代管理思想之一。时至五十年代的教育心理学等学科领域无疑是取得了一定进展、各种学习理论、迁移理论及教学方法等,经过多年的辛勤探索,基本确定,并在教育实践中发挥了积极作用。然而,尽管如此,还是远远满足不了教学第一线教师的需求,人们迫切渴望能有一种新的理论体系早日诞生,促使教育产生根本性的变革,以适应经济高速发展的要求。在这种情况下,受工业领域实施目标管理的感召,教学目标的研究也一哄而起,应运而生。因此,几乎在企业实施目标管理的同时,美国教育界知名学者们也在五十年代开始了大规模的有关教学目标的研究。  相似文献   

中国管理心理学发展的回顾和展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文以 1 980年中国心理学会工业心理学专业委员会成立为标志 ,总结了 1 5年来我国工业心理学的主要成就 ,并从激励、人员测评、领导行为、管理决策和跨文化研究等方面概述了中国管理心理学的发展 ,提出了今后值得研究的若干课题。本文最后指出 ,从我国企业的实际问题着手 ,不断积累资料 ,提出自己的理论 ,同时以我为主 ,借鉴国外的研究成果 ,在企业实际中不断检验和修正理论 ,是我国管理心理学的发展方向。  相似文献   

文化心理学的启示意义及其发展趋势   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
田浩  葛鲁嘉 《心理科学》2005,28(5):1269-1271
心理学的研究对象乃是一种文化现象,是与人类文化互相创生发展的过程。心理学研究对象的独特性质决定着,心理学研究不可能脱离具体的文化背景。文化心理学的兴起适时地满足了当代心理学发展的要求。作为心理学研究的一种重要视角,文化心理学蕴涵着对心理学的研究对象、研究方法、研究目标及学科性质的独特理解。由于文化心理学兴起的时间较短,它必然还要不断吸取各种养分,实现内部取向的不断整合,提出更加明确的研究纲领。  相似文献   

组织心理学的新进展   总被引:20,自引:2,他引:18  
本文在大量的国内外文献的基础上 ,从六个方面系统地介绍了近十年来组织管理心理学的新进展 :激励问题研究、团队研究研究、领导行为研究、管理决策研究、组织文化研究、管理的跨文化研究。从中我们可以看到以下几个特点 :1从个体理论向整体组织理论扩展。 2在理论发展上 ,重视吸收认知心理学的研究成果。3在学科体系方面 ,更强调组织的动力学和人力资源的系统开发。4在研究领域方面 ,组织心理学也突破了传统的框架。工作业绩评估、管理决策、组织气氛和组织文化以及跨文化的比较研究 ,已成为组织心理学中的热门领域 ,共获得了有价值的研究成果。  相似文献   

近年来,面对着全球经济和组织形态的日益变革,一个崭新的心理学研究领域--职业健康心理学(Occupational Health Psychology,OHP)逐渐出现并发展壮大.  相似文献   

管理心理学发展的缺失   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
刘星期 《心理科学》2004,27(3):763-764
管理心理学在我国改革开放以来,经历了引进介绍、结合国情应用、创新研究发展三个阶段。在管理心理学深入研究过程中忽视脑生理机制原理和脑科学成果的应用吸取,不符合管理心理学的研究目的,有碍管理心理学的发展,是该学科的缺失。  相似文献   

由于人们认识到研究组织管理的良好设计和良好实施的重要性,产生了组织管理心理学。在早期,组织管理心理学主要来自两方面的资料:(1)泰勒制的时动研究和工程心理学关于疲劳与物质环境条件的研究;(2)专门机构的社会心理学者们深刻洞察的个案研究。  相似文献   

德鲁克医院管理思想研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
德鲁克医院管理思想主要有:医院管理与企业管理没有多大差异;医疗保健是21世纪增长最快、最需要管理的部门;医疗服务需要合理组织及团队精神;评价医疗服务质量的标准是"最佳";医院要实施目标管理并不断致力于变革,通过"专业化"提高效率和效益;医院管理者与员工之间是伙伴关系;信息技术对医疗服务有深刻的影响;医院应实行"职业化"管理.  相似文献   

人本心理学在20世纪末遭遇了内外两方面的危机。但其形成的社会文化与心理学基础依然存在。主流心理学,特别是积极心理学的发展还为她提供了复兴机遇。在未来,人本心理学家需要重审自身使命,明晰研究主题,完善研究方法,保持开放态度,强化组织管理,以推动人本心理学走上复兴之路。  相似文献   

We report the results of an archival study of group research published in three organizational psychology journals (Journal of Applied Psychology, Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, and Academy of Management Journal) from 1975 through 1994 Moreland, Hogg, and Hains (1994), in a review of three social psychology journals (Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, and Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin), suggested there is an increasing enthusiasm for the social psychological study of groups However, their data relations. We tested the proposal that research traditionally viewed as intragroup (e g, group performance) has been taken up by organizational psychologists. Our data support this contention, as the publication Pattern for intragroup research topics in the three organizational journals was an inverse of that reported by Moreland et al. Results are discussed in terms of historical and interdisciplinary  相似文献   

Defined and examined the personal (material and psychological), organizational, and societal goals of empowerment. This exploration of empowerment was primarily based on 7 months of participant observation in an agricultural cooperative in Nicaragua in 1989. The research focused on the perspectives of the participants, internal program functioning, and relations to local organizations and the national context. This study shows that some factors in the cooperative setting enhanced empowerment at each level, while others impeded its development. The cooperative met immediate needs, and provided social status and a degree of autonomy in society. Its structure allowed for broad participating in decision making and control. “Sense-making” and informal consciousness-raising processes facilitated psychological empowerment. These processes were hidden in apparent disorganization and thus not recognized by local service providers. Fears of speaking in meetings and the reluctance to face crises were intense and influential. Opinions and behavior of outsiders and the environmental context, although seemingly helpful, also had detrimental effects. Parallels are drawn to empowerment theory and findings from other populations. This article is based on the author's unpublished dissertation in Social Psychology at the Claremont Graduate School. The name of the cooperative was not disclosed to protect the members. The author thanks Douglas Perkins for his helpful support and valuable comments on earlier drafts.  相似文献   

This study investigated potential antecedents of the alignment of organizational subunits' processes and goals with the organization's primary goals and therefore with each other. Alignment data of 329 aggregated subunits (7,359 employees), organization‐wide, of a large US manufacturing company were examined. Managerial effectiveness, communication about goals and objectives, and employee enhancement positively related with alignment at a group or subunit level. Alignment, in‐turn, positively related with company satisfaction at an individual level. Moreover, 95% of the variation in satisfaction across subunits could be explained by alignment and its antecedents.  相似文献   


Goal-setting theory and organizational culture research both emphasize that correspondence of individual and organizational goals is important, especially for executives and managerial candidates. The formerly dominating perspective of a passive individual eager to adopt organizational goals has recently been contrasted by a perspective of an active individual trying to pursue his/her own personal work goals in the organization. In a longitudinal study, 904 German academic managerial candidates were surveyed in order to investigate the causes of their identification with organizational goals, their expectations of advancement and their choice of personal work goals. The influence of organizational characteristics, i.e. number of employees, sector, and organizational culture, as well as the influence of individual job orientations were examined. Results show, that on the one hand organizational culture influenced managerial candidates' identification with organizational goals and their expectations of advancement, but had hardly any impact on their personal work goals. On the other hand, job orientations of managerial candidates affect both their identification with the organization and their personal work goals beyond organizational characteristics. Implications for selection and development of managerial candidates are discussed.  相似文献   

The continuing need to deal with technological change and increased economic uncertainty has had an impact on carer development programs in business and industry. The focus of existing career development programs has changed from a shared vision of meeting both individual and organizational goals to an emphasis on fulfilling organizational needs. Although the rationale for implementing these career development programs was to promote both career planning and career management for the individual and the organization, the current programs reflect a new trend. The research on the current economic factors that affect business and industry indicates that the current career development programs tend to stress career management for the organization. This focus on organizational goals leaves the individual employee with a greater responsibility for his or her own career planning. A review of the research results also provides new information and strategies that can assist employees in their career planning.  相似文献   

野心家取向指员工以非绩效取向的方式追求职业生涯发展的倾向。具有野心家取向的个体其生涯目标与组织目标不一致,坚信仅仅依靠绩效很难得到提升,需要运用组织政治行为、印象管理以及欺骗操纵策略获得晋升与高的绩效评定等级。对雇主的信任、感知到的组织公正、对生涯发展机会的感知、个体的交换意识、大五人格特质、马基雅维利主义以及原发性的精神病态等均会影响员工采取野心家取向的生涯发展态度。该取向雇员的工作满意度、生活满意度、内在工作动机、工作卷入度及组织承诺都比较低,而离职意向却很高,这会给组织带来消极后果。未来需从野心家取向的研究方法、变量与生态效度等方面进行深入探讨。  相似文献   

The authors conducted a content analysis of all articles published in the Journal of Applied Psychology and Personnel Psychology from January 1963 to May 2007 (N = 5,780) to identify the relative attention devoted to each of 15 broad topical areas and 50 more specific subareas in the field of industrial and organizational (I-O) psychology. Results revealed that (a) some areas have become more (or less) popular over time, whereas others have not changed much, and (b) there are some lagged relationships between important societal issues that involve people and work settings (i.e., human-capital trends) and I-O psychology research that addresses them. Also, much I-O psychology research does not address human-capital trends. Extrapolating results from the past 45 years to the next decade suggests that the field of I-O psychology is not likely to become more visible or more relevant to society at large or to achieve the lofty goals it has set for itself unless researchers, practitioners, universities, and professional organizations implement significant changes. In the aggregate, the changes address the broad challenge of how to narrow the academic-practitioner divide.  相似文献   

Journal of Business and Psychology - Companies often discuss the importance of organizational pride and what they believe leads to it, yet research on this topic in the organizational sciences has...  相似文献   

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