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The present study investigated perceived acceptability and suppression of negative emotion in participants with anxiety and mood disorders. Sixty participants with these disorders and 30 control participants watched an emotion-provoking film and completed self-report measures of their experience and regulation of emotions. The film elicited similar increases in negative emotion for clinical and nonclinical participants; however, clinical participants judged their resulting emotions as less acceptable and suppressed their emotions to a greater extent. The higher level of suppression in the clinical group was attributable to females in the clinical group suppressing their emotions more than females in the nonclinical group. For all participants, high levels of suppression were associated with increased negative emotion during the film and during a postfilm recovery period. Further analyses showed that appraising emotions as unacceptable mediated the relationship between negative emotion intensity and use of suppression in the clinical group. This study extends the literature on emotion regulation to a clinical sample and suggests that judging emotions as unacceptable and suppressing emotions may be important aspects of the phenomenology of emotional disorders.  相似文献   

Cluster-analytic studies of eating disorders in adult patients have yielded two subtypes (pure dietary and mixed dietary-negative affect). This study aimed to replicate the subtyping in female adolescent psychiatric inpatients with features of eating disorders. Cluster analyses of 137 patients with eating-disordered features revealed a dietary-negative affect subtype (43%) and a pure dietary subtype (57%). The dietary-negative affect subtype was characterized by greater likelihood of binge eating, greater eating-related psychopathology, and greater body image dissatisfaction. The two subtypes did not differ significantly in scores reflective of clinical syndromes (other than the significantly higher depressive affect in the negative affect subtype), but the dietary-negative affect subtype was characterized by greater personality disturbance and higher reported concerns in clinical areas, including suicidality and childhood abuse. The cluster analysis produced different results from an alternative approach to subtyping by vomiting. These findings provide further support for the reliability and validity of this subtyping scheme for eating pathology. Clinically, the findings suggest that the combination of dieting and negative affect signals a more disturbed variant of eating-disorder related psychopathology in female adolescent psychiatric inpatients.  相似文献   

Conceptual similarities between recent models of insomnia and emotional disorders suggest there may be common factors that underlie or maintain these difficulties. Maladaptive cognitive and behavioral processes similar to those described in connection with emotional disorders have been cited as key mechanisms in the maintenance of primary insomnia. Unfortunately, research on this potential overlap is lacking. The present study examined the relationship among anxiety sensitivity (AS), dysfunctional beliefs, fatigue, safety behaviors, and insomnia severity in 59 outpatients with anxiety and mood disorders. Key insomnia processes (dysfunctional beliefs, fatigue, safety behaviors) were all related to insomnia severity in the comorbid sample, although AS was not. However, as hypothesized, AS did moderate the relationship of both dysfunctional beliefs and fatigue with insomnia severity. The relationships between key insomnia processes and insomnia severity was strongest among individuals high in AS. Results support the hypothesis that common mechanisms are involved for insomnia and emotional disorders. AS might function as a mechanism for the maintenance of sleep disturbance in the context of anxiety and mood disorders, suggesting a promising avenue for future research.  相似文献   

Memory recall has been proposed as a common and effective mood regulation strategy. Although several studies have presented results suggesting that recalling valenced memories affects subsequent mood, their designs allow for alternative interpretations of the observed effects. Two such alternatives include the reverse effect (mood effects on memory due to non-experimental assignment to memory recall condition) and demand characteristics of the experiment. We used covert experimental assignment to memory condition, asking subjects (N=314; 56% female) to recall memories that were primarily positive, neutral, or negative. Results showed the expected effect on mood (p<.002), with reported mood worst in the negative memory condition, better in the neutral condition, and best in the positive condition. These results suggest that valenced memory recall does indeed exert an effect on mood, and may do so even without the individual's awareness.  相似文献   

Changes in executive functions have been found in older adults and also in young adults experiencing positive or negative mood states. The current study investigated the hypothesis that older adults would show greater executive function impairment following mood induction than young adults. Ninety-six participants (half aged 19-37, half aged 53-80) completed a neutral, positive, or negative mood induction procedure, followed by the Tower of London planning task. Significant interactions were found between age and mood such that older adults showed greater planning impairment than young adults in both the positive and negative mood conditions. Emotionally salient events occurring before testing may interfere with executive function in older adults.  相似文献   

We evaluated the effects of an enriched environment, based on a paired-choice preference assessment, on both rates of self-injurious behavior (SIB) and percentage of session intervals during which signs of negative affect were displayed by a woman with mental retardation and a mood disorder. Results suggested that SIB and signs of negative affect were highly correlated and that the enriched environment effectively reduced both.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine the co-occurrence of DSM- III-R personality disorders (PDs) with mood, anxiety, and substance use disorders in a young adult population. The members of the Northern Finland 1966 Birth Cohort Project, living in the city of Oulu with an age of 31 years (N = 1,609) were invited to participate in a two-phase field study. The SCID I and II were used as diagnostic instruments. One hundred and seventy-seven out of 321 interviewed subjects met the criteria for mood, anxiety, or substance use disorders. Altogether 72 (41%) of the subjects with an Axis I disorder met the criteria for at least one PD. The weighted co-occurrence rate of any PD varied from 28% for mood disorders to 47% for anxiety disorders. PDs, especially those in Cluster C, are highly associated with Axis I psychiatric disorders in population.  相似文献   

The purposes of this 9-year, prospective longitudinal study were (a) to investigate hypothesized reciprocal growth in negative emotions between parents and adolescents and (b) to examine the influence of this reciprocal process on the development of social relationships during early adulthood. The results showed that both parents' and adolescents' initial levels of negative emotion toward each other predicted the rate of growth and rate of change in growth of expressed negative affect. In addition, the analyses indicated that an adolescent's enmeshment in reciprocal negativity in the family of origin carried over into early adult social relationships. The findings demonstrate the reciprocal nature of negative affect in interactions between parents and adolescents and suggest that family experience with this interactional style may have an adverse influence on the development of early adult social relationships.  相似文献   

We investigated whether different aspects of mood state influence sense of time estimation and movement speed. Mood states were measured on the Multiple Mood Scale for 142 female undergraduate students, who were then asked to estimate the interval of time elapsed between the words "start" and "stop" spoken by a tester. Next, the same subjects were told to draw circles inside 1-cm squares printed on an A4 size sheet of paper in succession at their freely elected comfortable speed. Scores on Concentration (r=-.22, p<.01) and Being Startled (r=-.26, p<.01) each correlated significantly and negatively with time estimation, while scores on Boredom (r =.17, p <.05) had a significant positive correlation with movement speed. These results suggest that different aspects of mood state have some association with time estimation and selected movement speed. Values account for small common variance.  相似文献   

A total of 100 experimental, cross-sectional and longitudinal studies on the association between rumination and negative affects are reviewed. Experimental and cross-sectional studies support a positive association between rumination and sadness-depression whereas longitudinal studies show more diverse results. Longitudinal studies sampling clinical populations and with treatment during the follow-up display more null results. Concerning the relation between rumination and other negative affects there is strongest evidence for a positive association between rumination and anxiety, but more studies are necessary to illuminate the relation between rumination and other negative affects. The functionality of rumination is discussed along with possible explanations for the associations between rumination and different negative affects. The need for further differentiation of rumination is highlighted in order to distinguish the concept from other types of repetitive, negative thoughts.  相似文献   

The purpose was to assess the effectiveness of the adult ADHD Module from the MINI International Neuropsychiatric Interview (MINI) and the Conners' Adult ADHD Rating Scales: Screening Version DSM-IV ADHD Symptoms Total Scale (CAARS-S:SV) in screening for attention-deficit/hyperactivity (ADHD) disorder in patients hospitalized for other psychiatric disorders. Assessment measures were administered to 55 (50%) female and 55 (50%) male adult (>18 yr. old) inpatients. Only six (5%) of the 110 inpatients had been diagnosed with comorbid ADHD according to medical charts. In contrast, 55 (50%) patients met criteria for ADHD according to the MINI, and 39 (36%) patients met criteria on the CAARS-S:SV. The higher rates of prevalence for the MINI and the CAARS-S:SV were attributable to symptom criteria for ADHD being similar to those shared with comorbid disorders.  相似文献   

A 30-day diary study examined personality moderators (neuroticism and extraversion) of the interaction between positive and negative daily events predicting daily negative affect and night-time stress. Multilevel analyses revealed positive daily events buffered the effect of negative daily events on negative affect for individuals low in neuroticism and individuals high in extraversion, but not for individuals high in neuroticism or individuals low in extraversion. Positive daily events also buffered the effect of negative daily events on that night’s stress, but only for participants low in neuroticism. As such, this research linked today’s events to tonight’s stressfulness. This study advances our understanding of how neuroticism and extraversion influence within-person associations between positive and negative events predicting negative affect and stress.  相似文献   

In this study we examined the relationship between gender, age, religion, neuroticism, extraversion, openness to experience, and obsessiveness on one side and the frequency and content of sexual cognitions experienced as being positive/pleasant or negative/unpleasant on the other. The sample was made up of 1,500 individuals (42.8% men and 57.2% women) aged between 18 and 72 years. Results indicated that all the socio-demographic variables as well as the traits neuroticism, openness to experience, and obsessiveness were important in the prediction of the overall frequency of positive sexual cognitions. Age and neuroticism, openness to experience, and obsessiveness were found to be significant in the prediction of the overall frequency of negative sexual cognitions. When considering the content of sexual cognitions (i.e., intimate, exploratory, sadomasochistic, and impersonal), all the socio-demographic variables and the trait openness to experience were found to be significantly related to all types of positive sexual cognitions. Neither socio-demographic variables nor personality traits were significantly associated with the content of negative sexual cognitions. Overall, this study highlights the weakness of the predictive value of personality traits on sexual cognitions, especially those experienced as being negative. We discuss the usefulness of classic personality traits in predicting sexual aspects.  相似文献   

Increasing evidence suggests that emotions affect cognitive processes. Recent approaches have also considered the opposite: that cognitive processes might affect people’s mood. Here we show that performing and, to a lesser degree, preparing for a creative thinking task induce systematic mood swings: Divergent thinking led to a more positive mood, whereas convergent thinking had the opposite effect. This pattern suggests that thought processes and mood are systematically related but the type of relationship is process-specific.  相似文献   

The aim of the current study was to determine the relationship in sexual offenders between conflict, affective states and particular sexual behaviors (fantasies and masturbatory activities while having such fantasies). To this end we developed the “Fantasy Report”, a self-assessment method for recording affective components and sexual behaviors. Thirteen rapists and 9 pedophiles filled out the Fantasy Report every 2 days for a period of 60 days. In rapists, negative mood and the presence of conflicts coincided with both overwhelming deviant sexual fantasies and increased masturbatory activities while having such fantasies. Furthermore, the emotions most frequently reported by rapists following conflicts were loneliness, humiliation, anger and feelings of inadequacy and rejection. Affective components, however, were not associated with nondeviant sexual behaviors. For the pedophiles, the data revealed a significant relationship only between negative moods and deviant sexual fantasies. These data are interpreted to mean that, in sexual offenders, negative affect is a crucial component in the chain that leads to deviant sexual behaviors.  相似文献   

Examined the ability of a self-report measure of attentional and interpersonal characteristics to discriminate between groups of psychiatric patients and normal controls. Seventy-eight psychiatric patients and 30 nonpsychiatric medical inpatients completed the Test of Attentional and Interpersonal Style (TAIS). Discriminant analyses of TAIS scores showed that: (a) psychiatric patients in comparison with normal controls described themselves as more overloaded by external and internal stimuli and as less effective in narrowing their attentional focus to task-relevant stimuli; (b) good premorbid schizophrenics appeared more externally overloaded and less able to narrow attentional focus than poor premorbid schizophrenics; and (c) psychotics and neurotics described themselves as more introverted and less pleasant in social encounters, while individuals diagnosed as character or personality disorders tended to be more extroverted and impulsive. The results were compatible with past experimental work and clinical reports identifying attentional and interpersonal differences among psychiatric subgroups.  相似文献   

Three studies examined the role that attachment style plays in moderating the effects of induced negative affect on memory and judgment. Israeli undergraduates completed an attachment style scale and were exposed to a negative or neutral affect induction. In Study 1, incidental recall of negative and positive information was assessed; in Study 2, the attribution of negative and positive relational events was studied; and in Study 3, findings of Study 1 were replicated using a different affect induction procedure. Whereas securely attached persons reacted to induced negative affect with an affect-incongruent pattern of cognitions (better recall of positive information, more unstable/specific attribution of negative event), anxiously attached persons reacted with an affect-congruent pattern (worse recall of positive information, more stable/global attribution of negative event). Persons scoring high on attachment avoidance showed no significant cognitive effect of negative affect. The discussion emphasizes the role that attachment strategies play in the affect-cognition link.  相似文献   

This study investigated the relationship between subjects' MacAndrew Alcoholism Scale (MAC) elevations and their placement in various codetype classifications. The sample consisted of 1,347 adolescents receiving psychiatric services in Missouri, Virginia, or Texas. The frequency of MAC scores greater than or equal to 24 and greater than or equal to 28 was evaluated, separately by gender, for single-scale and two-point codetypes, containing a minimum of at least 10 subjects. Marked differences occurred in the frequency of MAC scale elevations depending on the adolescent's codetype classification. MAC scores for both genders, for example, were most frequently elevated for the 4-9/9-4 codetype and more rarely elevated for the 2-3/3-2 codetype. Results are discussed in terms of potential measurement overlap which may occur between the MAC scale and several MMPI standard clinical scales, including 4, 6, and 9. It was also noted that the sensitivity and specificity of the MAC scale may vary in relation to subjects' clinical scale profile characteristics.  相似文献   

Examined the effects of incidental sadness and anger on affiliative responses to crossed categorization targets. Affect manipulations included an anger-provoking frustration (Study 1), a sad film clip (Study 2), and autobiographical essays about sad or anger-provoking topics (Studies 3 and 4). By comparison with a neutral mood, anger (Study 1) reduced affiliative tendencies toward persons possessing an out-group membership but not toward those possessing only in-group memberships. Study 2 showed a similar pattern for sadness. Studies 3 and 4 replicated these effects in designs including both types of negative mood. Meta-analytic integration showed the pattern of greater rejection of targets with an out-group membership to be stronger under anger than sadness. Study 4 also showed that despite yielding a consistent pattern for affiliation, sadness and anger differentially elicited aggressive tendencies toward the same targets.  相似文献   

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