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梁超  陈晓晨  常若松 《心理科学》2014,37(4):862-866
驾驶决策是驾驶员对不同交通场景进行判断、选择,并产生驾驶行为的过程。驾驶决策的研究起源于人因工程学,并随着认知心理学的发展而逐渐受到关注。驾驶决策的研究范式主要采用心理测量与实验法;并与年龄、性别、风险感知、情绪以及决策风格相关;为了有效防止交通事故的发生,驾驶决策的改善逐步成为研究的新热点。今后的研究可以从认知与情绪角度综合探讨适合中国国情的驾驶决策的结构与特征,以提高驾驶员的决策能力。  相似文献   

L'année 1955 constitue une date charniére pour la psychologie de la circulation routiére japonaise. Le président, en exercice de I'association japonaise de psychologie appliquée, attira l'attention sur le besoin d'études psycho-logiques en matière d'accident de la circulation. Après plusieurs essais, I'association japonaise de la psychologie de la circulation (JATP) fut organisée en 1975. Cinq directions de recherches sont décrites dans cet article, exemples de récents courants en psychologie de la circulation routière au Japon: (1) Etude des conducteurs, clef de la sécurité routière. (2) Innovation en compréhension des conduites des chauffeurs. (3) Etude expérimentale de la conduite au volant. (4) Autres études importantes, en matière de conclusion. (5) Phare sur les problèmes que les psychologues japonais de la circulation s'attendent à aborder.
The year of 1955 constituted a turning point for Japanese traffic psychology. The then president of the Japan Association of Applied Psychology drew attention to the need for psychological studies of traffic accidents. The Japanese Association of Traffic Psychology (JATP) was finally organised in 1975. Five directions of research are described in this contribution as examples of recent trends in traffic psychology in Japan: (1) studies on drivers as a key to road safety; (2) understanding of driver behaviour; (3) experimental approaches to driving behaviours; (4) some other important studies, and, by way of a conclusion, (5) some problems which Japanese traffic psychologists are expected to tackle are outlined.  相似文献   

Aggressive driving has emerged as one of the most studied behaviors in the traffic psychology context due to its association with odds of motor vehicle crashes (MVCs) and especially fatal ones. Nevertheless, behavioral (aggression) and affective (anger) aspects of aggressive driving have been deeply studied; its cognitive part hasn’t gained much attention; However, its role in understanding the process of aggression and designing interventions couldn’t be neglected. This research investigated the contribution of overconfidence (as the driver’s cognitive bias), aggressive thoughts, driver’s aggression, and risk perception in driver’s performance and the number of self-reported active accidents. The unique contribution of this study is its sample of urban bus drivers that have less been studied to date. Structural equation modeling (SEM), and mediation analysis revealed that overconfidence contributes to aggressive driving through aggressive thoughts behind the wheel. Moreover, overconfidence decreased the risk perception and driving performance of individuals, which were associated with a higher number of driver’s accidents. Besides, aggressive thoughts behind the wheel predicted physically aggressive expression and using the vehicle to express anger, which were associated with a decreased level of driving performance and an increased number of accidents. This study brings further evidence, supporting the importance of cognition in understanding and preventing aggressive driving and its adverse outcomes.  相似文献   

杨文登  叶浩生 《心理学报》2009,41(9):902-910
荆其诚先生是当代中国著名的心理学家, 是改革开放后中国心理学界在国际上的代言人。他视野开阔, 是颇具造诣的实验心理学家, 也是功底深厚的理论心理学家。文章没有涉及他在认知与发展心理学方面所做的贡献, 只从理论方面分析他的国际心理学思想及实践, 找寻他对心理学研究所持的基本态度与价值追求。文章认为荆其诚在宏观把握心理学的发展逻辑后, 以“两个阵营的心理学”来界定心理学的现状, 坚信心理学的未来是一种国际的心理学。为了达成这一学术理想, 荆其诚不仅撰文将国外心理学介绍到中国、将中国心理学推介到国外, 还积极投身于国际心理学组织与实践, 长期担任国际心联的领导职务, 组织并主持召开了2004年第28届国际心理学大会。荆其诚的一生为彰显心理学的国际维度、促进国际心理学交流、将中国心理学推上世界舞台作出了巨大贡献。  相似文献   

和平心理学把提升人的幸福与尊严、促进社会和谐进步、实现世界和平作为终极研究目标。但在研究领域内部,不同流派存在的观点并不一致,也难以统一到同一个理论框架中。关于和平心理学的相关理论,大致可以归结为三类模型:积极和平心理理论模型、和平文化心理理论模型、和平进化心理理论模型。以上三种研究模式都认同回归心理学的和平价值,挖掘个体和平潜能,建立星球公民责任感。未来的和平心理学需要克服现有人性观的片面性,树立全面的人性观; 克服过分强调积极和平的倾向,建立全面的和平心理学研究观; 超越零和思维,深入学习“人类命运共同体”深刻内涵,推动我国和平心理学研究发展。  相似文献   

The proliferation of information systems is enabling drivers to receive en route real-time travel information, often from multiple sources, for making informed routing decisions. A robust understanding of route choice behavior under information provision can be leveraged by traffic operators to design information and its delivery systems for managing network-wide traffic. However, most existing route choice models lack the ability to consider the latent cognitive effects of information on drivers and their implications on route choice decisions. This paper presents a hybrid route choice modeling framework that incorporates the latent cognitive effects of real-time information and the effects of several explanatory variables that can be measured directly (i.e., route characteristics, information characteristics, driver attributes, and situational factors). The latent cognitive effects are estimated by analyzing drivers’ physiological data (i.e., brain electrical activity patterns) measured using an electroencephalogram (EEG). Data was collected for 95 participants in driving simulator experiments designed to elicit realistic route choices using a network-level setup featuring routes with different characteristics (in terms of travel time and driving environment complexity) and dynamic ambient traffic. Averaged EEG band powers in multiple brain regions were used to extract two latent cognitive variables that capture driver’s cognitive effort during and immediately after the information provision, and cognitive inattention before implementing the route choice decision. A Multiple Indicators Multiple Causes model was used to test the effects of several explanatory factors on the latent cognitive variables, and their combined impacts on route choice decisions. The study results highlight the significant effects of driver attributes and information characteristics on latent cognitive effort and of route characteristics on latent cognitive inattention. They also indicate that drivers who are more attentive and exert more cognitive effort are more likely to switch from their current route by complying with the information provided. The study insights can aid traffic operators and information service providers to incorporate human factors and cognitive aspects while devising strategies for designing and disseminating real-time travel information to influence drivers’ route choices.  相似文献   

On souligne, dans I'introduction du numéro spécial d' Applied Psychology: An International Review sur la Psychologie Politique, qu'il existe deux courants parmi les contributions au champ de la psychologie politique. L'un traite des implications politiques en jeu quand la politique est utilisée pour illustrer des problématiques psychologiques. L'autre est une « Psychologie Politique politique >> où les orientations des Sciences Politiques définissent les problématiques. La seconde partie de l'introduction montre que cette discipline emprunte largement à trois grandes théories de la psychologie (la théorie cognitive, la théorie de I'apprentissage et la psychanalyse) et que la plupart des publications abordent des thèmes en rapport avec les psychologies sociale, clinique, de la personnalité et du développement. Enfin, les sept contributions émanant d'auteurs de quatre continents sont brièvement introduites.
The introduction to Applied Psychology: An International Review's special issue on Political Psychology argues that there are two streams of contributions to the field of political psychology. One is work with political implications where politics are used to illustrate psychological research questions. The other is a "political Political Psychology" where the agenda of political science defines the research questions. A second part of the introduction shows that the discipline draws most heavily on three grand theories of psychology, namely cognitive theory, psychoanalysis, and learning theory with most publications working on questions related to social psychology, personality, clinical, and developmental psychology. Finally the seven contributions by authors from four continents are briefly introduced.  相似文献   

152 subjects reported affective and cognitive reactions at several stages of pursuing a hypothetical goal related to the taking of a classroom test, then gave Anxious Overconcern and High Self-expectations ratings from Jones' Irrational Belief Test. Subject groups differed in kinds of goals set; e.g., easy vs. difficult. Affective and attributional correlates of the irrational beliefs appeared maladaptive, but differed as a function of difficulty and phase of pursuit of the hypothetical goal. These results supported a contextual model in which irrational beliefs are general cognitive structures which interact with other internal and/or external factors to influence reactions in particular situations. Motivational variables-such as type of goal pursued and number of steps taken in pursuit of it-appear to be important among such factors. The study thus points to growing complexity in our knowledge of how B functions in the ABC paradigm.Frank W. Wicker is Professor of Educational Psychology in the Department of Educational Psychology, The University of Texas at Austin. His research interests are focused on the cognitive bases of motivation and emotion.Gail Brown is a graduate student in the program in Cognition, Learning, and Instruction in the Department of Educational Psychology, University of Texas at Austin. Her primary research interests relate to theoretical explorations of motivation and emotion.Anastasia S. Hagen is a graduate student in the program in Cognition, Learning, and Instruction. She is especially interested in motivation as it pertains to learning and instruction.Wayne Boring is a graduate student in the program in Cognition, Learning, and Instruction. He is interested in cognitive approaches to the understanding of animal behaviors.James A. Wiehe is also a graduate student in the program in Cognition, Learning, and Instruction. He combines interests in cognitive, motivation, and the psychology of music.  相似文献   

自主创新的心理实质   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
崔立中  杨竞  郑凯 《心理科学》2006,29(3):744-746
如果不局限于哲学反映论来认识心理的实质可以看到,心理是人在不断适应与促进环境和自身发展变化的过程中人脑对现实的主观反映与创新。人的心理表现为适应心理、反映心理和创新心理三者的相互作用与协调统一。创新心理的实质是人脑为适应现实的发展变化,以反映心理为基础而进行的新颖、独特的认知结构的重组与外化。自主创新本质上属于积极适应创新。  相似文献   

In this invited address to the International Congress of Applied Psychology, it is argued that traffic psychology has not had a major impact on accident prevention. The factors that have determined this are discussed. A review of the theories and models pertinent to drivers’ risk taking and road user behaviour in general is presented. It is argued that both risk-homeostasis theories and task capability model are not sufficiently precise to be used as a basis for preventive measures. Attitude–behaviour models derived from social psychology have proved to be powerful in identifying motivational factors influencing road user behaviour, but the majority of empirical evidence is based on self-reported rather than observed behaviour. It is argued that individual differences can provide a basis for accident prevention, in particular driver training.  相似文献   

This paper discusses a role for psychology in the development of information technology. Because of the popularity of psychology as an undergraduate major, psychology’s expertise in measurement, and the assertion of some that cognitive science provides the scientific basis for advancements in information technologies, psychology has a responsibility as a discipline to advance information technology and to educate students about this technology. Studies suggest that higher education in psychology can facilitate reasoning about general issues. A process-oriented course in psychology and computers is suggested as a way of incorporating computer literacy into the psychology curriculum. The role of the Society for Computers in Psychology is also discussed.  相似文献   

Appropriate visual behaviour is necessary for safe driving. Many previous studies have found that when performing non-visual cognitive tasks, drivers typically display an increased amount of on-path glances, along with a deteriorated visual scanning pattern towards potential hazards at locations outside their future travel path (off-path locations). This is often referred to as a gaze concentration effect. However, what has not been explored is more precisely how and when gaze concentration arises in relation to the cognitive task, and to what extent the timing of glances towards traffic-situation relevant off-path locations is affected. To investigate these specific topics, a driving simulator study was carried out. Car drivers’ visual behaviour during execution of a cognitive task (n-back) was studied during two traffic scenarios; one when driving through an intersection and one when passing a hidden exit. Aside from the expected gaze concentration effect, several novel findings that may explain this effect were observed. It was found that gaze shifts from an on-path to an off-path location were inhibited during increased cognitive load. However, gaze shifts in the other direction, that is, from an off-path to an on-path location, remained unaffected. This resulted in on-path glances increasing in duration, while off-path glances decreased in number. Furthermore, the inhibited off-path glances were typically not compensated for later. That is, off-path glances were cancelled, not delayed. This was the case both in relation to the cognitive task (near-term) and the traffic environment (far-term). There was thus a general reduction in the number of glances towards situationally relevant off-path locations, but the timing of the remaining glances was unaffected. These findings provide a deeper understanding of the mechanism behind gaze concentration and can contribute to both understanding and prediction of safety relevant effects of cognitive load in car drivers.  相似文献   

Many facets of contemporary global problems posed by poverty pertain to the deprivation of consumption capability and are within the consumer psychologist's expertise domain. This article (based on my 2004 Presidential Address to the Society for Consumer Psychology [SCP]) outlines how consumer psychology research can contribute an understanding of the cognitive, motivational, and sociocultural dimensions of poverty, and how poverty depletes and alters the human need and capacity to consume. Consumer psychology research can also help suggest the nature and function of material and psychological interventions that can help ameliorate these conditions, focusing their design and monitoring their effects. These are important research priorities for consumer psychologists and deserve more and sustained attention from our community. Apart from garnering voice in policy conversations in government, industry, and academe, such research eventually will enhance our field's substantive contribution to improving the contemporary human condition.  相似文献   

陈安娜  陈巍 《心理科学》2013,36(1):251-255
伴随第二代认知科学的兴起,大量研究者开始在具身认知这一主张上达成共识,即有机体的身体运动以及与身体运动相关的特征和感觉经验(或称身体经验)在认知过程中扮演重要角色,而有机体的身体又嵌入到其所处的动态环境之中,从而形成一个不可分割的整体。杜威在《心理学中的反射弧概念》一文中的论证蕴含了上述具身认知思想的雏形,主要体现在:(1)身体运动协调构成了感觉运动回路。(2)在身体运动协调基础上形成的身体经验在感觉运动回路中具有连续性。(3)感觉运动回路中的身体运动与经验以环境为背景,最终目的是为了适应环境。未来的具身认知研究可以借鉴杜威所论证的反射弧概念,对上述三个方面作出进一步探索。  相似文献   

方双虎 《心理科学》2011,34(5):1242-1246
威廉?詹姆斯(William James, 1842-1910)被誉为“美国心理学之父”,他强烈反对当时学院派实验心理学家的小心理学观,在心理学史上第一次对他以前的心理学思想进行了整合,建构了一种整合的心理学科学观。他认为心理学既具有自然科学的性质,又具有人文科学的性质,这种科学观坚持心理学的人学性质,是一种“大心理学观”。詹姆斯的心理学科学观是解决当前心理学问题不可或缺的思想资源,对当前心理学研究工作具有重要的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

Randall C. O'Reilly is an assistant professor in the Department of Psychology and Institute of Cognitive Science at the University of Colorado at Boulder. In 1996, he received his Ph.D. in psychology from Carnegie Mellon University under the supervision of Professor James L. McClelland. From 1996 to 1997, Randall O'Reilly was awarded a McDonnell-Pew Cognitive Neuroscience Postdoctoral Fellowship to study at the Department of Brain and Cognitive Sciences at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He has served on several National Institutes of Health grant peer review panels and is currently an associate editor of the journal Cognitive Science. Professor O'Reilly's primary research interests are concerned with understanding the biological basis of cognitive processes through a variety of methodologies including computational and formal models of the biological bases of cognition.Yuko Munakata is an associate professor in the Department of Psychology at the University of Denver. In 1996, she received her Ph.D. in psychology from Carnegie Mellon University under the supervision of Professor James L. McClelland. Professor Munakata is a panel member of the NIH Biobehavioral and Behavioral Processes Study Section, a recent recipient of the Boyd R. McCandless Young Scientist Award (American Psychological Association), and Co-Editor (with M. Johnson and R. O. Gilmore) of the book Brain Development and Cognition: A Reader (2nd ed.). From 1996 to 1997, Yuko Munakata was awarded a McDonnell-Pew Cognitive Neuroscience Postdoctoral Fellowship to study at the Department of Brain and Cognitive Sciences at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Professor Munakata's primary research interests are concerned with the development and evaluation of neural network models and other representational systems for the purposes of understanding human cognitive development.Richard M. Golden is associate professor of psychology, cognitive science, and electrical engineering at the University of Texas at Dallas. Professor Golden is currently a member of the editorial boards of the journals Neural Networks, Neural Processing Letters, and the Journal of Mathematical Psychology, which focus upon computational and mathematical analyses of neurally inspired mathematical models. He is also a member of the Governing Board of the Society for Text and Discourse and the author of the book Mathematical Methods for Neural Network Analysis and Design. Professor Golden's primary research interests are concerned with the development and evaluation of formal models of higher level cognitive processes through a variety of methodologies from fields such as dynamical systems theory, optimization theory, statistical pattern recognition, and computational cognitive neuroscience.  相似文献   

跨文化行为心理学——文化取向心理学第四方向   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
首先简要回顾比较了文化取向心理学的四个不同的方向:文化心理学、本土心理学、跨文化心理学,以及新的发展方向——跨文化行为心理学;重点介绍了跨文化行为心理学与文化碰撞情境概念的提出以及一个跨文化行为模型;其次提出了该学科在跨文化协同增效方面的重要应用;最后做出了在中国文化背景下开展相应研究的展望。  相似文献   

彭运石  李璜 《心理科学》2016,39(5):1275-1279
说明心理学以心理、行为现象背后的本质、规律、发生机制的说明为己任,其发展先后呈现出心理-心物关系的说明、刺激-反应关系的说明、认知心理-神经机制的说明、进化心理机制的说明等形态,在方法论上则带有鲜明的科学主义特征。它致力于人的自然本性的研究,构筑了作为自然科学的心理学样态,与理解心理学一道推动了心理学的独立、成熟。未来心理学还需摒弃蕴含于说明心理学与理解心理学之中的非此即彼的思维方式,确立心理学的整合视野。  相似文献   

The article introduces the special issues addressing Eric Johnson's account of Form Psychology, which provides a conceptual method to scientifically study the whole person. Form Psychology is presented as a theoretically significant proposal that integrates multiple conceptualizations of the whole person. The pedagogical value of such an understanding is also emphasized as undergraduate psychology students hold strong intuitions that the person is an integrated whole rather than a set of distinct systems.  相似文献   

Reducing the number of traffic accidents due to human errors is an urgent need in several countries around the world. In this scenario, the use of human-robot interaction (HRI) strategies has recently shown to be a feasible solution to compensate human limitations while driving. In this work we propose a HRI system which uses the driver’s cognitive factors and driving style information to improve safety. To achieve this, deep neural networks based approaches are used to detect human cognitive parameters such as sleepiness, driver’s age and head posture. Additionally, driving style information is also obtained through speed analysis and external traffic information. Finally, a fuzzy-based decision-making stage is proposed to manage both human cognitive information and driving style, and then limit the maximum allowed speed of a vehicle. The results showed that we were able to detect human cognitive parameters such as sleepiness –63% to 88% accuracy–, driver’s age –80% accuracy– and head posture –90.42% to 97.86% accuracy– as well as driving style –87.8% average accuracy. Based on such results, the fuzzy-based architecture was able to limit the maximum allowed speed for different scenarios, reducing it from 50 km/h to 17 km/h. Moreover, the fuzzy-based method showed to be more sensitive with respect to inputs changes than a previous published weighted-based inference method.  相似文献   

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