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The verbal helping skills of human service paraprofessionals in a youth service agency were studied. Workers who had previously completed a 10-week systematic training program in basic helping skills were compared to untrained volunteer staff. Using simulated helping interviews, it was found that training made a significant impact on trainees' verbal helping responses. Skill level was maintained at a 2-month follow-up for certain responses whereas others returned to pretraining levels. Trainees were found to use significantly more "helpful" responses than volunteers. The need for training even carefully selected paraprofessionals is discussed.  相似文献   

Rummage search is the visual and haptic search of complex environments for targets. In this study, rummage search was explored using a novel analytic framework with expert dyads and novice dyads, as well as novice individuals. Participants sought an unknown number of targets placed in four rooms of a residential house. Some targets were plainly visible whereas others were hidden and could only be found through haptic examination. Expert dyads were very good at the task, conducting a slowed, double-checking exhaustive search, while novices both failed to fixate potential target locations and failed to carry out the appropriate action required to search those locations exhaustively. The novice dyads examined more than the novice individuals, but became more superficial in their search. We conclude that effective rummage searching is a skill enhanced by training.  相似文献   

Cardiovascular reactivity to video game and mental arithmetic stressors was compared among three groups of men: aerobically trained mild hypertensives, untrained mild hypertensives, and a comparison group of untrained normotensives. Relative to the untrained hypertensives, the trained hypertensives reacted to the video game with marginally smaller systolic blood pressure and diastolic blood pressure, but there were no significant differences between these groups in reactivity during the mental arithmetic task. Comparisons between each hypertensive group and the normotensive group showed that blood pressure (BP) reactivity of normotensives during the video game was generally similar to that of trained hypertensives but smaller than that of untrained hypertensives. These results indicate that aerobic training, which has been found to reduce resting BP in mild hypertensives, may also exert a favorable impact in reducing cardiovascular reactivity of hypertensives during some stressful situations.  相似文献   

Strength and rehabilitation professionals strive to emphasize certain muscles used during an exercise and it may be possible to alter muscle recruitment strategies with varying instructions. This study aimed to determine whether resistance trained and untrained males could selectively activate the pectoralis major or triceps brachii during the bench press according to various instructions. This study included 13 trained males (21.5 ± 2.9 years old, 178.7 ± 7.0 cm, 85.7 ± 10.7 kg) and 12 untrained males (20.3 ± 1.6 years old, 178.8 ± 9.4 cm, 74.6 ± 17.3 kg). Participants performed a bench press one-repetition maximum (1-RM) test, 3 uninstructed repetitions at 80% 1-RM and two more sets of three repetitions with instructions to isolate the chest or arm muscles. Electromyography (EMG) was obtained from the pectoralis major, anterior deltoid, and the long head and short head of the triceps brachii. Maximum EMG activity normalized to 1-RM for each muscle was averaged over the three repetitions for each set and compared between the uninstructed, chest-instructed and arm-instructed conditions among the groups. The trained participants had a greater 1-RM (126.2 ± 30.6 kg) than the untrained participants (61.6 ± 14.8 kg) (P < 0.01). EMG activity was not different between the groups for any of the instructions (P > 0.05). When the group data was combined, short head of the triceps activity was significantly lower in the chest instruction (80.1 ± 19.3%) when compared to the uninstructed (85.6 ± 23.3%; P = 0.01) and arm-instructed (86.0 ± 23.2; P = 0.01) conditions. It can be concluded that instructions can affect muscle activation during the bench press, and this is not dependent on training status.  相似文献   

We examined how the performance of a visual search task while studying a list of to-be-remembered words affects subsequent memory for those words by humans. Previous research had suggested that episodic context encoding is facilitated when the study phase of a memory experiment requires, or otherwise encourages, a visual search for the to-be-remembered stimuli, and theta-band oscillations are more robust when animals are searching their environment. Moreover, hippocampal theta oscillations are positively correlated with learning in animals. We assumed that a visual search task performed during the encoding of words for a subsequent memory test would induce an exploratory state that would mimic the one that is induced in animals when performing exploratory activities in their environment, and that the encoding of episodic traces would be improved as a result. The results of several experiments indicated that the performance of the search task improved free recall, but the results did not extend to yes–no or forced choice recognition memory testing. We propose that visual search tasks enhance the encoding of episodic context information but do not enhance the encoding of to-be-remembered words.  相似文献   

An over-proportionally large number of car crashes is caused by novice drivers. In a field experiment, we investigated whether and how car drivers who had recently obtained their driving license reacted to app-based feedback on their safety-relevant driving behavior (speeding, phone usage, cornering, acceleration and braking). Participants went through a pre-measurement phase during which they did not receive app-based feedback but driving behavior was recorded, a treatment phase during which they received app-based feedback, and a post-measurement phase during which they did not receive app-based feedback but driving behavior was recorded. Before the start of the treatment phase, we randomly assigned participants to two possible treatment groups. In addition to receiving app-based feedback, the participants of one group received monetary incentives to improve their safety-relevant driving behavior, while the participants of the other group did not. At the beginning and at the end of experiment, each participant had to fill out a questionnaire to elicit socio-economic and attitudinal information.We conducted regression analyses to identify socio-economic, attitudinal, and driving-behavior-related variables that explain safety-relevant driving behavior during the pre-measurement phase and the self-chosen intensity of app usage during the treatment phase. For the main objective of our study, we applied regression analyses to identify those variables that explain the potential effect of providing app-based feedback during the treatment phase on safety-relevant driving behavior. Last, we applied statistical tests of differences to identify self-selection and attrition biases in our field experiment.For a sample of 130 novice Austrian drivers, we found moderate improvements in safety-relevant driving skills due to app-based feedback. The improvements were more pronounced under the treatment with monetary incentives, and for participants choosing higher feedback intensities. Moreover, drivers who drove relatively safer before receiving app-based feedback used the app more intensely and, ceteris paribus, higher app use intensity led to improvements in safety-related driving skills. Last, we provide empirical evidence for both self-selection and attrition biases.  相似文献   

This study investigates whether training changes the capacity of visual working memory (VWM). We compared change detection performance for novel and trained polygons. During training, subjects developed familiarity with 8 random polygons. Specifically, 4 polygons from a set of 8 were presented on each trial. After a brief retention interval, one of the polygons changed and subjects judged which one had changed (Exps. 1–2) or whether there was a change (Exp. 3). After 320 training trials, subjects could recognize the trained polygons with high accuracy. In the testing phase, subjects carried out the same task again, only this time each trial might contain all familiar polygons, all novel polygons, or a mixture of familiar and novel polygons. We found that change detection performance improved during training, but the improvement was not limited to trained polygons. We suggest that familiarity of non-nameable shapes plays a limited role in modulating the capacity of VWM.  相似文献   

It has been argued that visual search is a valid model for human foraging. However, the two tasks differ greatly in terms of the coding of space and the effort required to search. Here we describe a direct comparison between visually guided searches (as studied in visual search tasks) and foraging that is not based upon a visually distinct target, within the same context. The experiment was conducted in a novel apparatus, where search locations were indicated by an array of lights embedded in the floor. In visually guided conditions participants searched for a target defined by the presence of a feature (red target amongst green distractors) or the absence of a feature (green target amongst red and green distractors). Despite the expanded search scale and the different response requirements, these conditions followed the pattern found in conventional visual search paradigms: feature-present search latencies were not linearly related to display size, whereas feature-absent searches were longer as the number of distractors increased. In a non-visually guided foraging condition, participants searched for a target that was only visible once the switch was activated. This resulted in far longer latencies that rose markedly with display size. Compared to eye-movements in previous visual search studies, there were few revisit errors to previously inspected locations in this condition. This demonstrates the important distinction between visually guided and non-visually guided foraging processes, and shows that the visual search paradigm is an equivocal model for general search in any context. We suggest a comprehensive model of human spatial search behaviour needs to include search at a small and large scale as well as visually guided and non-visually guided search.  相似文献   

The extent to which questionnaire based measures of driving risk, driving ability and accident likelihood are associated with response latency based measures obtained on a hazard perception test was examined. In Experiment 1 questionnaire evaluations of driving in general were obtained and correlated with hazard perception performance. In Experiment 2 questionnaire evaluations and hazard perception performance were obtained when drivers viewed the same driving scenes. In neither experiment did questionnaire responses correlate significantly with hazard perception performance. Additionally while in both experiments no difference in hazard perception performance arose between males and females, females rated driving as more risky and their ability to be lower than males. The results indicate independence between questionnaire and response latency measures of hazard perception. However the possibility that both approaches should be adopted within a single framework is raised.  相似文献   

Pigeons received an odd-item search task that involved an array of 12 patterns containing 11 similar distractors and a single target. Pecks to the target resulted in the delivery of food. Accuracy was greater on trials when a distinctive feature was located in the target but not in the distractors, rather than when the feature was in the distractors but not in the target. This search asymmetry was influenced by the similarity of the target to the distractors. The results are similar to those obtained with humans.  相似文献   

Visual search and stimulus similarity   总被引:50,自引:0,他引:50  

This study examined phonatory-articulatory timing during sung productions by trained and untrained female singers with and without singing talent. 31 untrained female singers were divided into two groups (talented or untalented) based on the perceptual judgments of singing talent by two experienced vocal instructors. In addition to the untrained singers, 24 trained female singers were recorded singing America the Beautiful, and voice onset time was measured for selected words containing /p, b, g, k/. Univariate analyses of variance indicated that phonatory-articulatory timing, as measured with voice onset time, was different among the three groups for /g/, with the untrained-untalented singers displaying longer voice onset time than the trained singers. No other significant differences were observed across the other phonemes. Despite a significant difference observed, relatively small effect sizes and statistical power make it difficult to draw any conclusions regarding the usefulness of voice onset time as an indicator of singing talent.  相似文献   

This study tested the hypothesis that seatbelt use reflects a person's driving style or attitude towards safety, and that novice drivers' attitudes become inappropriate temporarily after licensing, and go back to being appropriate when more experience has been gained. We examined seatbelt use by university students (N=387) at a university parking lot for 19 days between April and November. Personal information about the participants was obtained from parking stickers and supplementary questionnaires asking about their driving history and attitudinal variables, such as self-assessed skill and safety. A longitudinal study indicated that seatbelt use decreased among novice drivers, but remained the same for more experienced drivers. Cross-sectional studies revealed a U curve change in seatbelt use after licensing. Regression analysis showed that overconfidence about driving skills accounted for the novice drivers' tendency to avoid using seatbelts. These results supported the hypothesis, especially for male novice drivers. The reason and implications of the changing attitude of novice drivers towards safety are discussed in terms of driver development.  相似文献   

Visual search has memory   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
By monitoring subjects' eye movements during a visual search task, we examined the possibility that the mechanism responsible for guiding attention during visual search has no memory for which locations have already been examined. Subjects did reexamine some items during their search, but the pattern of revisitations did not fit the predictions of the memoryless search model. In addition, a large proportion of the refixations were directed at the target, suggesting that the revisitations were due to subjects' remembering which items had not been adequately identified. We also examined the patterns of fixations and compared them with the predictions of a memoryless search model. Subjects' fixation patterns showed an increasing hazard function, whereas the memoryless model predicts a flat function. Lastly, we found no evidence suggesting that fixations were guided by amnesic covert scans that scouted the environment for new items during fixations. Results do not support the claims of the memoryless search model, and instead suggest that visual search does have memory.  相似文献   

Free recall tasks with semantically categorizable stimuli were given to 60 deaf and 60 hearing children, divided equally among Grades 3, 5, and 7 (ages 9, 11, and 13 years, respectively). Half the children were trained to use semantic categorization as a memory aid after the first study-test trial. All subjects were told category labels and sizes on the third recall trial. As hypothesized, older children showed more spontaneous semantic clustering and higher recall scores than younger children. Training increased clustering in all groups, while the provision of category information at retrieval increased clustering regardless of training condition. Contrary to expectations, deaf children used semantic clustering as much as hearing children. Deaf children's recall scores, however, were significantly lower than hearing children's. The specific contrasts observed between deaf and hearing children's performance suggest that deaf children's recall deficiencies probably reflect either inadequate knowledge of category membership or inflexibility in reclassifying individual items, rather than a general inability to recognize and use the categorical nature of a list as a mnemonic aid.  相似文献   

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