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Resilience has received increasing attention in organisational research; however, it has remained understudied in the context of acquisitions. This is surprising given acquisitions involve challenging events that would benefit from a consideration of organisational resilience. We outline how flexibility and redundancy, as dimensions of organisational resilience, influence acquisition outcomes. We find flexibility can lower negative impacts of competitor retaliation and employee resistance during acquisition integration, but this depends on a decentralised approach to managing integration. Additionally, it appears developing organisational resilience depends on acquisition experience.  相似文献   

This article describes a study conducted to identify the range of potential influences that a computer-assisted careers guidance system (PROSPECT (HE)) had on the functioning of organisations (careers services in higher education). Data from six institutions indicated that use of PROSPECT (HE) was associated with important and varied change within the organisations. It appears that when a careers service seeks opportunities for change, CACG systems can be an important catalyst for change in two respects: by providing a focal point for achieving previously established goals; or, as a consequence of system use, by making staff aware of the potential for new organisational goals.  相似文献   

Cervone, Shadel, Smith, and Fiori (2006 ) outline an approach to the study of self-regulation that is consistent with but extends research on self-regulation and motivation within organisational psychology. At the same time, their model represents a new perspective for the study of personality processes within organisations and one that conflicts with the existing personality research programmes focused on the five factor model (FFM). We outline the points of differentiation between the two approaches and suggest strategies that we believe will allow personality researchers to build the personality architectures for the trait behaviours derived from the FFM. We also categorise the mediating mechanisms studied in organisational psychology in the KAPA model of Cervone et al. and highlight the need for related frameworks covering affective units and personal competencies in personality architecture.  相似文献   

On a développé un modèle intégrateur de la relation existant entre la participation à la prise de décision à 1'occasion d'un changement dans 1'organisation et les attitudes professionnelles (implication, satisfaction et sentiment d'efficacité). Le modèle présente une variable indépendante, la décision, stratégique ou tactique, concernant le changement et deux variables intermédiaires, la somme des contrôles exercés dans 1'organisation et 1'acceptation du changement. Grâce à un échantillon de 232 fonctionnaires, on a pu montrer que le modèle "Participation à la prise de décision tactique somme des contrôles acceptation du changement attitudes professionnelles" rendait mieux compte des données que les modèles concurrents. Diverses questions théoriques et pratiques sont discutées et les limites de la recherche soulignées.
An integrative model of the relationship between participation in decision making (PDM) during an organisational change and work attitudes (organisational commitment, job satisfaction, and sense of effectiveness) was developed. The model contains one antecedent variable, type of change decision (i. e. strategic or tactical), and two mediators, total organisational control and change acceptance. A sample of 232 government workers provided evidence that the proposed model, PDM in tactical decisions total control → change acceptance → work attitudes, fits the data better than competing models. Theoretical and practical considerations are discussed and limitations for the study outlined.  相似文献   

Self reflection is an important factor in the relationship between individual and organisational development, but until recently, it has gone unnoticed. Reviewing the significance of self reflection through analysis of three vital areas of organisational development—leadership, women-in-management, and organisational survival—it is argued that there is a vital case to be made for the development of counselling strategies aimed at encouraging and assisting self-reflective practice among organisational participants. Reflecting upon the authors' own practice among managers, a number of strategies and potential strategies for reaching people in the work-place are outlined.  相似文献   

This paper examines the role of perceived organisational support as a mediator of the relationship between perceived situational factors and affective organisational commitment. Perceived situational factors examined were: procedural justice, distributive justice, communication satisfaction with supervisor, and labor–management relationship climate. Analysis of data from a sample of 185 pharmaceutical sales representatives from India indicated that perceived organisational support fully mediates the relationship between each of these perceived situational variables and affective commitment to the organisation.  相似文献   

La littérature portant sur la culture des organisations souffre d'un manque manifeste d'enquêtes extensives débouchant sur des études comparatives. Afin de rendre plus comparables les cultures organisationnelles, nous proposons une définition et une série de dimensions. La culture organisationnelle renverrait aux perceptions communes des pratiques de travail dans le cadre des unités constitutives des organisations. A l'examen d'études empiriques, les cinq dimensions suivantes nous sont apparues: autonomie, orientation externe, coordination interdépartementale, orientation vers les ressources humaines et orientation vers le développement. L'utilisation de cette définition et de ces dimensions générales devrait faciliter la comparaison des cultures organisationnelles et l'accumulation de résultats.
Within the body of organisation culture literature, there is a conspicuous absence of large-scale studies reporting on comparative studies. In order to increase comparability of organisational cultures we propose a definition and a set of dimensions. Organisational culture is defined as shared perceptions of organisational work practices within organisational units. On the basis of empirical studies we discerned the following five dimensions: autonomy, external orientation, interdepartmental coordination, human resource orientation, and improvement orientation. Use of this definition and a set of such generic dimensions would facilitate the comparison of organisational cultures and the accumulation of research findings.  相似文献   

Cet article propose un cadre conceptuel pour appréhender les dynamiques de pouvoir lors de changements organisationnels. Weick et Quinn (1999) établissent une distinction entre le changement épisodique, discontinu et intermittent, et le changement continu, évolutif et progressif. Après avoir discuté cette distinction, nous analysons comment les processus de l'influence et du pouvoir social peuvent constituer la base du changement continu. Les bases du pouvoir des agents du changement sont ensuite décrites. Puis nous portons notre attention sur les relations de pouvoir dynamiques entre les agents du changement et les cibles, ainsi que sur les processus sociaux qui facilitent le changement continu. L'article se termine par un survol des contributions à cette édition spéciale.
This article offers a framework for understanding power dynamics in organisational change. Weick and Quinn (1999) make a distinction between change that is episodic, discontinuous, and intermittent, and change that is continuous, evolving, and incremental. After discussing this distinction, we analyse how processes of social power and influence can form the basis for continuous change. Subsequently, the power bases of change agents are described. Then we pay attention to the dynamic power relationships between change agents and targets as well as to the social processes that facilitate continuous change. The article ends with an overview of the contributions to this special issue.  相似文献   

Avec Ie rapide développement des quatre modernisations en Chine, la psychologie des organisations voit son importance croître. Des programmes d'enseignement et de courtes formations en psychologie des organisations sont proposés à travers tout le pays. En plus de la Commission de Psychologie Industrielle de la Société Chinoise de Psychologie, la Société Chinoise des Sciences du Comportement tisse son réseau de recherches et d'applications en psychologie des organisations grace à ses antennes dans beaucoup de provinces de Chine. Des recherches Chinoises récentes en psychologie des organisations ont porté sur des domaines tels que les besoins et la motivation au travail, l'efficacité du groupe, l'émergence et l'évaluation du leadership, le développement des organisations et la prise de décision dans les organisations. La psychologie des organisations est désormais plus étroitement reliée à la mise en oeuvre des réformes économiques en Chine.
With the rapid development of the four modernisations in China, organisational psychology has become an important subject. Teaching programmes and short training courses in organisational psychology are offered throughout the country. In addition to the Industrial Psychology Commission of the Chinese Psychological Society, the Chinese Behavioural Sciences Society establishes its own network of research and applications for organisational psychology through its local societies in the many provinces of China. Recent research into organisational psychology in China has focused upon such areas as work motivation and needs, group efficiency, leadership assessment and selection, organisational decision making and organisational development. Organisational psychology is now more closely linked to the practice of economic reforms in China.  相似文献   

Cet article examine la relation entre les styles de leadership, l’implication et la perception des cultures et subcultures organisationnelles. L’impact de la culture et du style de leadership sur l’implication a déjàété envisagé, mais on manque d’informations sur les relations que les différents types de culture et de styles de leadership entretiennent avec l’implication. L’article est centré sur la notion de subculture organisationnelle et la façon dont la perception de ces cultures rejaillit sur l’implication, la subculture étant une variable négligée dans la littérature sur l’implication. Cette question fut abordée dans une enquête portant sur 258 infirmières relevant de divers secteurs hospitaliers de l’agglomération de Sydney. Les résultats indiquent que la subculture organisationnelle perçue est forcement reliée à l’implication. On précise en outre la force du lien existant entre l’implication et les différents types de leadership et de subculture. Les subcultures innovantes et centrées sur les personnes bénéficient d’une relation nettement positive tandis que les subcultures bureaucratiques souffrent d’une relation négative. Pour ce qui est des styles de leadership, un style centré sur les relations présente un lien plus fort avec l’implication qu’un style centré sur la tâche. Une analyse de régression a permis d’étudier l’éventuel rôle médiateur de la subculture dans l’influence du leadership sur l’implication. Le leadership a des effets à la fois directs et indirects sur l’implication. On traite finalement des retombées sur la pratique et les recherches à venir. This paper investigates the relationship between perceptions of organisational culture, organisational subculture, leadership style, and commitment. The impact of culture and leadership style on commitment has been previously noted, but there is a lack of detail regarding how different types of culture and leadership styles relate to commitment. The paper particularly addresses the notion of organisational subcultures and how the perception of those cultures relates to commitment, subculture being a neglected variable in the commitment literature. These issues were addressed in a survey of 258 nurses drawn from a range of hospital settings and wards within the Sydney metropolitan region. Results indicate that perceived organisational subculture has a strong relationship with commitment. Furthermore, the results identify the relative strength of specific types of leadership style and specific types of subculture with commitment. Both innovative and supportive subcultures have a clear positive relationship, while bureaucratic subcultures have a negative relationship. In terms of leadership style, a consideration style had a stronger relationship with commitment than a structuring style. Regression analysis was used to investigate the possible role of subculture as a mediator for the influence of leadership on commitment. Both direct and indirect effects of leadership on commitment were found. Implications for practice and for further research are discussed.  相似文献   

The study examined the moderating role of self-efficacy in the relationship between perceived job insecurity and organisational commitment of survivors of retrenchment among Nigerian public workers. Using a cross-sectional survey, data was collected from 186 survivors. Hierarchical multiple regression analysis revealed that organisational commitment was inversely related to job insecurity and positively related to the interaction factor for self-efficacy and job insecurity. However, the relationship between job insecurity and organisational commitment was moderated by self-efficacy such that as perceived job insecurity increased, survivors with moderate to high levels of self-efficacy showed greater levels of organisational commitment than those with low self-efficacy. The findings of this study suggest that as perceived job insecurity increased survivors' organisational commitment decreased. The theoretical and practical implications of the present findings and suggestions for enhancing the self-efficacy of survivors were discussed.  相似文献   

The Stress of Organisational Change: A Dynamic Process Model   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Plongées dans un marché mondial, les organisations ne cessent de subir de profonds changements. Encore que la plupart de ces changements soient nécessaires et souvent retardés, ils présentent comme inconvénient le risque de coûts élevés en terme d'accroissement des dépenses de santé, de pertes de productivité, de baisse de la satisfaction professionnelle et de chute du moral. Ces coûts peuvent être directement imputés à la détresse qui frappe les salariés d'une organisation confrontée à des changement permanents. Cet article propose un modèle dynamique permettant d'aborder les articulations complexes entre le changement organisationnel et le stress subi par les individus. A partir de ce modèle, des interventions prenant en compte tous les aspects du problème pourront être conçues pour aider les salariés à gérer le stress provoqué par les mutations des organisations.
Organisations in the global marketplace continue to experience tremendous change. Although most of these changes are necessary and long overdue, the downside includes the risk of huge costs in terms of increased health care expenses, lost productivity, lower levels of job satisfaction, and low morale. These costs may be directly attributed to the distress that is created when an organisation's employees encounter constant changes. This paper establishes a dynamic framework from which we can begin to understand the complex interplay between change at the organisational level and stress at the individual level. Using this framework, comprehensive interventions can ultimately be developed to help employees manage the stress of organisational transitions.  相似文献   

Research investigating predictors of stress perceptions in organisational settings has been extensive. Value incongruence between employees and the organisation as well as organisational justice (distributive, procedural, informational, and interpersonal) are thought to be significant predictors of organisational outcomes. The current study investigated value incongruence and organisational justice as predictors of perceived stress in a sample of 362 organisational employees in Beirut, Lebanon. Results indicated that incongruence on value types of benevolence, power, and self‐direction are weakly predictive of perceived stress, while perceptions of interpersonal and distributive injustice are strongly predictive of perceived stress in the Lebanese organisational context. Implications of these differential findings for organisational and cross‐cultural research are discussed. Nombreuses ont été les recherches sur les prédicteurs du vécu du stress dans les organisations. La contradiction des valeurs des salariés et de l'organisation ainsi que la justice organisationnelle (distributive, procédurale, informationnelle et interpersonnelle) sont considérées comme étant des prédicteurs efficaces des réalités organisationnelles. Ce travail porte sur l'incohérence des valeurs et la justice organisationnelle en tant que prédicteurs du stress ressenti dans un échantillon de 362 salariés de Beyrouth (Liban). Les résultats montrent que des contradictions sur des valeurs comme la bienveillance, le pouvoir et l'autonomie sont peu prédictives du stress perçu, tandis que la perception des injustices interpersonnelle et distributive est fortement prédictive du stress ressenti dans le contexte organisationnel libanais. On discute des retombées de ces résultats différentiels sur les travaux organisationnels et transculturels.  相似文献   

Although organisational interventions have shown promising results in improving employees' health and wellbeing, reviews of the effectiveness of such interventions conclude results are inconsistent. Realist synthesis is considered an appropriate method of literature review to improve the consistency of empirical evidence by developing generalisable statements of ‘what works for whom in which circumstances’. In this article, to identify and synthesise existing evidence from the empirical studies of organisational interventions, we conducted a realist synthesis according to the RAMESES publication standards. We reviewed 28 articles. Six realist programme theories were developed that explain how different mechanisms of organisational interventions may bring about different outcomes in different contexts. These realist programme theories are based on the process mechanisms of implementation adherence, communication, employees' participation, senior management support, middle management support and external consultants/researchers support. This realist synthesis enhances the understanding of how organisational interventions may improve employees' health and wellbeing, in which contexts, and for which group of employees. As such, it makes an important potential contribution to designing, implementing and evaluating future organisational interventions.  相似文献   

This study set out to investigate how the strength of organisational identification is related to organisational support values and charismatic leadership. The perception of organisational support values by an individual employee is a contextual factor which determines whether (a) organisational attributes similar to the self‐concept become salient leading to cognitive identification, and (b) an affective tie between the individual employee and the work organisation is developed. Charismatic leadership, on the other hand, builds a group identity among followers primarily by emotion‐arousing leadership behavior, and therefore was hypothesised to relate more strongly to affective, rather than cognitive, identification. Two hundred employees from a public organisation filled in a number of questionnaire measures of organisational support values, charismatic leadership, and organisational identification. The findings showed that support values predicted both cognitive and affective identification, whereas charismatic leadership was a predictor of affective identification. There was also a significant interaction effect of organisational support values and charismatic leadership on affective identification; in the condition of low support value orientation, charismatic leadership was shown to be positively associated with affective identification. These findings indicate that organisational values are basic elements of self‐implicating processes in organisational contexts, and their practical implications are discussed.  相似文献   

Our meta-analytic review investigates how employee participation in democratic enterprises is related to psychological outcomes. We gathered 60 studies through a systematic literature search of quantitative field studies (published between January 1970 and May 2017) and extracted 138 effect sizes related to three indicators of organisational democracy (OD) and 15 psychological outcomes. The overall findings suggest that employees’ individually perceived participation in organisational decision making (IPD) had a stronger relation to job satisfaction (ρ = .25), job involvement/work motivation (ρ = .36), prosocial work behaviours (ρ = .24), civic and democratic behaviours (ρ = .21) and perceived supportive climate (ρ = .44) than the other two OD indicators: structurally anchored employee participation (SAEP) and employee participation in collective ownership (EO). This was not the case for value-based commitment: the relations of SAEP (ρ = .40), EO (ρ = .34), and IPD (ρ = .46) with commitment were nearly equal. Mediation analyses indicated that IPD partially mediated most of the effects of SAEP and EO on the outcomes mentioned. The cross-sectional database and a small number of studies for some of the outcomes are the main limitations of this study.  相似文献   

It is argued that all social action serves specific power interests and that the organisational form of social agencies is strongly influenced by the theoretical assumptions and practical aims of those who establish them. The paper presents the case of radical humanism, as an appropriate theory of social action within social democracies in the late-twentieth century, and argues that the team is a highly effective form of social organisation which leads to the establishment of an organisational culture compatible with radical humanist principles.  相似文献   

This study reports the findings on the development and validation of an Organisational Performance Questionnaire (OPQ) based on the Burke-Litwin model. Respondents were 398 employees from various public and private sector organisations in South Africa, consisting of different genders (male = 60.8%, female = 39.2%), different functional groupings (mostly operations, finance, human relations = 37.25%) and mostly middle or senior level managers (62.4%). Data were analysed utilising exploratory factor analysis with promax rotation. Results indicated the OPQ to measure all twelve of the Burke-Litwin elements contained in their model: external environment, mission and strategy, leadership, culture, structure, management practices, systems, work group climate, skills/job match, individual needs and values, motivation, and organisational and individual performance. An OPQ based on the Burke-Litwin model appears valid for assessing organisational performance in the South African setting.  相似文献   

Social power involves the potential to influence others and is important in explaining organisational outcomes. Based on the assumptions posited in Raven's (1992, 1993) power interaction model, we examined a set of potential antecedents and correlates of power sources. Participating in the study were 232 nurses and 32 supervisors from two municipal hospitals. Nurses and supervisors were asked to complete a battery of questionnaires including demographic items, the Interpersonal Power Inventory, job satisfaction, and organisational commitment. Convergent and discriminate validity of the power inventory yielded satisfactory results. Principal component analyses of the power inventory revealed a two‐factor solution (harsh/soft sources) which was then used for comparison with predictors and outcome data. Among the major findings were the fact that compliance to power sources appears to be contingent on objective and subjective indices of professional distance between supervisors and subordinates, supervisor seniority in the department, and the type of promotion (from without or within department). Job satisfaction was found to be positively related to compliance with soft sources and negatively with harsh sources whereas commitment was positively associated with both.  相似文献   

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