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Seven experiments are reported in which subjects were tested for immediate serial recall of mixed-modality lists. On mixed auditory-visual lists, there was an advantage for auditory items at all serial positions. This was due to both a facilitation of auditory items and an inhibition of visual items on mixed lists, as compared with single-modality lists. When presented on a list containing items read silently, recall of items that were silently mouthed by the subject demonstrated patterns similar to those found with auditory items. When presented on a list containing items read aloud, recall of mouthed items showed patterns similar to those found with silently read items. The auditory advantage on mixed lists was found even when the list items were acoustically similar or identical and was not reduced by midlist auditory suffixes. The results suggest that modality differences in recall of mixed-modality lists are based on information different from that responsible for modality differences in recall of single-modality lists.  相似文献   

For pairs of meaningful items (e.g., words), recall accuracy is nearly identical for forward and backward probes. That is, after studying an A-B pair, subjects can recall A given B as well as they can recall B given A (Kahana, 2002). To assess whether this symmetry property is unique to pairs, we investigated the effects of study direction on probed recall of word triples and serial lists. Two experiments revealed a forward-recall advantage in both triples and serial lists. In addition, compound cues produced better recall than did single-item adjacent cues, which, in turn, produced better recall than did remote cues. These findings suggest a discontinuity between the associative processes supporting memory for pairs and those supporting memory for sequences of three or more items.  相似文献   

In serial choice reaction time (RT) tasks, performance in each trial critically depends on the sequence of preceding events. In this study, the authors specifically examined the mechanism underlying RT sequence effects at short response-stimulus intervals (RSIs), in which performance is impaired in the current trial N if events alternate rather than repeat from trial N-2 to trial N-1. Different accounts of this RT pattern in terms of perceptual noise, response-selection monitoring, and response conflict were tested in 4 experiments. Second-order RT costs were caused by the response sequence rather than the stimulus sequence. Manipulation of stimulus contrast, stimulus classification difficulty, and set-level compatibility did not modulate the response-related second-order RT effect, whereas this effect increased when spatially incompatible responses were demanded. These findings support a response conflict account of higher order sequential effects in short-RSI situations.  相似文献   

Pigeons were trained on a series of reversals of a simultaneous visual discrimination and were then shifted to a second series of reversals with different visual discriminanda. Pigeons that were given discrimination reversals with one pair of colours (Group Colour) and then shifted to a second pair of colours made fewer errors with the second pair than the first. In contrast, pigeons that were initially given reversals with a pair of orientations (Group Orientation) and then shifted to colours made as many errors during colour reversals as Group Colour had during initial colour training. When birds in Group Colour were subsequently shifted to orientation discrimination reversals, they performed no better than Group Orientation had during initial orientation training. The present results suggest that positive transfer from one series of discrimination reversals to a second, independent series may be constrained by the nature of the stimulus shift.  相似文献   

The superiority of auditory over visual presentation in short-term serial recall may be due to the fact that typically only temporal cues to order have been provided in the two modalities. Auditory information is usually ordered along a temporal continuum, whereas visual information is ordered spatially, as well. It is therefore possible that recall following visual presentation may benefit from spatial cues to order. Subjects were tested for serial recall of letter-sequences presented visually either with or without explicit spatial cues to order. No effect of any kind was found, a result which suggests (a) that spatial information is not utilized when it is redundant with temporal information and (b) that the auditory-visual difference would not be modified by the presence of explicit spatial cues to order.  相似文献   

This study investigated the development of contextual dependencies for sequential perceptual-motor learning on static features in the learning environment. In three experiments we assessed the effect of manipulating task irrelevant static context features in a serial reaction-time task. Experiment 1 demonstrated impaired performance after simultaneously changing display color, placeholder shape, and placeholder location. Experiment 2 showed that this effect was mainly caused by changing placeholder shape. Finally, Experiment 3 indicated that changing context affected both the application of sequence knowledge and the selection of individual responses. It is proposed either that incidental stimulus features are integrated with a global sequence representation, or that the changed context causes participants to strategically inhibit sequence skills.  相似文献   

Four experiments on serial anticipation learning of lights by college students show that (a) the operations of transposing and taking the mirror image are used, (b) temporal inversion is not used, (c) a sequence made of two contrasting halves may be as easy to learn as a sequence having a single homogeneous hierarchical structure. Data revealed intrasequence confusion errors made by importing an operation from one part of the sequence to another. In homogeneous sequences, subjects appear to lose track of where they are in a sequence, and therefore repeat an operation already performed. The evidence supports the idea of an hierarchical cognitive structure, but shows that learning is not a simple function of that structure. Errors and difficulties arise from structural ambiguities, substrings of events that can be reconciled with more than one possible cognitive structure.  相似文献   

Tones were introduced into a serial reaction time (SRT) task to serve as redundant response effects. Experiment 1 showed that the tones improved serial learning with a 10-element stimulus sequence, but only if the tone effects were mapped onto the responses contingently. Experiment 2 demonstrated that switching to noncontingent response-effect mapping increased SRT only when participants had previously adapted to contingent response-effect mapping. In Experiment 3, the beneficial influence of contingent tone effects on serial learning occurred only when there was sufficient time between the response effects and the next imperative stimuli. The results are discussed in terms of the ideomotor principle. It is claimed that an internal representation of the to-be-produced tone effects develops and gains control over the execution of the response sequence.  相似文献   

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