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This study compared the inconsistent responding validity scales of the Personality Assessment Inventory (PAI) and the Psychopathic Personality Inventory (PPI)/PPI-Revised (PPI-R) in two correctional samples to determine the extent to which they overlap in identifying invalid profiles. Results revealed substantial differences in the way the inconsistent responding validity scales of these measures performed. In particular, the PAI identified far fewer participants as having responded inconsistently compared with the PPI/PPI-R. We discuss the implications of our findings for clinical practice, and potential concerns with the use of a single measure to identify inconsistent responding in clinical practice and research.  相似文献   

Recent studies have demonstrated the intervention of long-term memory processes in verbal STM tasks and several cognitive models have been proposed to explain these effects. A PET study was performed in order to determine whether supplementary cerebral areas are involved when subjects have to execute short-term memory tasks for items having representations in long-term memory (in comparison to items without such representations: words vs non-words). Results indicate that verbal STM for words specifically involves the left middle temporal gyrus (BA 21) and temporo-parietal junction (BA 39). These areas can be associated with lexical and semantic processes. These results are in agreement with cognitive models that postulate the simultaneous influence of lexical and semantic long-term representations on verbal STM processes and/or a lexico-semantic buffer.  相似文献   

Palilalia, a disorder of speech characterized by compulsive repetitions of utterances has been found in various neurological and psychiatric disorders. It has commonly been interpreted as a defect of motor speech. This article describes palilalia and other variants of verbal repetitive behavior, such as monosyllabic iterations and conduite d'approche. The clinical features of palilalia, its prevalence in different language tasks, and the individual patterns of verbal repetitive behavior are illustrated in two patients with a long-standing cerebrovascular disease. An attempt is made to locate the origin of different forms of verbal repetitions in a standard model of speech production (Butterworth, 1980a; Garrett, 1980; Levelt, 1989) by analysis of their morphology and correlation with impairments of lexical or phonological processes. From these observations it is suggested that palilalia results from control malfunctions at the level of the Articulator, whereas other variants of pathological verbal iterations result from an impairment of the Formulator or from malfunctions of both the Articulator and the Formulator.  相似文献   

Accumulating evidence, particularly from research using the disorientation technique, demonstrates early sensitivity to geometric properties of space. However, it is not known whether children can use geometric cues to interpret a map. The current study examined how 3- to 6-year-olds use geometric features of layouts in solving mapping tasks. Children were asked to identify a target location in a layout shaped as an isosceles triangle by using information provided in a picture of that layout. Performance depended on whether the shape was presented explicitly or needed to be inferred. Younger participants performed better when the triangle was formed by continuous connected lines than when it was formed by separate objects. Performance also depended on the type of geometric cues available. Children found it easier to establish mapping for targets located in the unique corner of the triangle than for targets located in equal-sized corners. Overall, the findings reveal both a remarkable early ability to use geometric information in mapping and limits in this ability.  相似文献   

We propose that speech comprehension involves the activation of token representations of the phonological forms of current lexical hypotheses, separately from the ongoing construction of a conceptual interpretation of the current utterance. In a series of cross-modal priming experiments, facilitation of lexical decision responses to visual target words (e.g., time) was found for targets that were semantic associates of auditory prime words (e.g., date) when the primes were isolated words, but not when the same primes appeared in sentence contexts. Identity priming (e.g., faster lexical decisions to visual date after spoken date than after an unrelated prime) appeared, however, both with isolated primes and with primes in prosodically neutral sentences. Associative priming in sentence contexts only emerged when sentence prosody involved contrastive accents, or when sentences were terminated immediately after the prime. Associative priming is therefore not an automatic consequence of speech processing. In no experiment was there associative priming from embedded words (e.g., sedate-time), but there was inhibitory identity priming (e.g., sedate-date) from embedded primes in sentence contexts. Speech comprehension therefore appears to involve separate distinct activation both of token phonological word representations and of conceptual word representations. Furthermore, both of these types of representation are distinct from the long-term memory representations of word form and meaning.  相似文献   

Four-choice reaction tasks with a mixture of compatible and incompatible mappings were used to examine implications of the views that response selection occurs (a) in two stages (selection of the appropriate mapping rule, followed by application of the rule) and (b) by means of a second, direct route when the mappings for all possible stimuli are known to be compatible. All experiments showed, consistent with the two-stage view, that responses were faster and compatibility effects smaller when the mapping distinction corresponded to the left-right or inner-outer locations for the stimulus-response ensemble than when it did not. Moreover, precuing benefits tended to be larger when the cued responses had the same mapping than when they did not. There was an added benefit when both precued responses were compatible, rather than incompatible, consistent with the view that selection between compatible responses can proceed along a direct route. Received: 9 July 1997 / Accepted: 5 February 1998  相似文献   

The authors investigated the impact of response activation on dual-task performance by presenting a subliminal prime before the stimulus in Task 2 (S2) of a psychological refractory period (PRP) task. Congruence between prime and S2 modulated the reaction times in Task 2 at short stimulus onset asynchrony despite a PRP effect. This Task 2 congruence effect was paralleled by a Task 1 congruence effect and emerged exclusively under conditions of cross talk, whereas it did not occur under dual-task conditions preventing cross talk between tasks. This suggests that response activation operates during the PRP in dual tasks and affects the response times in Task 2 via cross talk between common processing elements at prebottleneck stages but not by directly affecting the postbottleneck stages.  相似文献   

The problem of recognizing phonological variations in the speech input has triggered numerous treatments in speech processing models. Two areas of current controversy are the possibility of phonological underspecification in the mental lexicon and the nature of the mapping mechanism from the speech signal to the abstract lexical entry. We present data from cross-modal repetition priming experiments in English designed to test the differing predictions of speech recognition models regarding tolerance of phonological mismatch in speech. The results show effects of underspecification, supporting models using underspecified lexical entries (e.g. Lahiri & Marslen-Wilson, 1991; Reetz & Lahiri, 2001) over those using fully specified lexical entries (e.g., McClelland & Elman, 1986). The results also show no effects of context, thus favoring context-independent mapping, such as that in the three-way matching mechanism of the Lahiri and Reetz FUL model ( Lahiri, 1999; Reetz, 1998 and Reetz, 1999; Reetz & Lahiri, 2001) over context-dependent mapping used in phonological inference rules ( Gaskell and Marslen-Wilson, 1996 and Gaskell and Marslen-Wilson, 1998).  相似文献   

Five dichotic speech experiments were conducted with normal adult listeners in which the signal to one or both ears was degraded by manipulation of intensity, signal-to-noise ratio, or bandwidth parameters. Results suggest that: (1) performance of the ear (or ears) receiving the degraded signal can be predicted from the monaural identifiability of the stimuli, and (2) dichotic performance, at least in stop consonant-vowel tests, reflects an additive central process which combines speech information from the two ears.  相似文献   

The authors examined the cross-task consistency of the ability to inhibit the processing of irrelevant information. They compared interference scores on 2 widely used inhibition tasks and found that color word Stroop interference scores correlated with emotion word Stroop interference scores. An examination of physiological reactivity showed that, in general, the color Stroop was more arousing than was the emotion Stroop, most likely due to increased response conflict.  相似文献   

Signal detection theory (SDT) is tested against a high threshold and a low threshold theory for two kinds of unusual tasks. In the first, the detection of the signal uses the central level of information processing; in the second, the lack of information originates in the stimulus itself rather than in the sensory organs' limitations. The observation is repeated a fixed number of times for the two tasks, and the observed integration of successive information is compared with predictions derived from the SDT and from threshold theories. All results strongly support the SDT which can thus be considered as a general model for risky binary decision-making insofar as these experiments are representative. This would be an argument to replace the classical analysis of the performance in terms of time and number of errors by a new analysis in terms of capability and strategy. The data show how the subjects are more selective for detecting the signal when the task is more difficult, and at the beginning and the end of a series of presentations. The organization of the decision-criteria of the rating-procedure varies with the difficulty of the condition, and with the number of observations in order to allow the subject to discriminate between likelihood ratios which become more precise.  相似文献   

Psychological Research - Previous studies suggest that older adults process positive emotions more efficiently than negative emotions, whereas younger adults show the reverse effect. We examined...  相似文献   

The effect of stimulus repetition was investigated in a speech identification task where intelligibility was lowered not by white noise added to the audio waveform but by ‘structural’ noise added to the spectrum parameters. Several aspects of the results argue for the improvement in intelligibility between one and two presentations being due not to statistical averaging over internal or external noise, but to increased perceptual selectivity under the influence of the first presentation's stimulus properties.  相似文献   

Research on memory has consistently shown that when a subject-performed task (SPT) is compared with a traditional verbal task (VT), enactment at the encoding of verbal materials (i.e., SPT) yields better memory performance than does nonenactment (i.e. VT). There is some controversy regarding the extent to which motor activation per se might be causing this effect, and whether or not SPTs may be influenced by memory strategies. The purpose of this study was to contribute toward a solution of these questions. The effect of SPT encoding was compared with the effect of encoding by means of a sign language task (SLT). The SLT condition is claimed to be a verbal/linguistic task with a major relevant motor component. The motor activation in SLT is in the present study seen to be the main difference between the SLT and the VT, and the main similarity between the SLT and the SPT. Control conditions were tested in order to evaluate possible effects of translation and imagery in the SLT condition. Subjects in the SLT condition performed similarly to subjects in the SPT condition in free recall. Subjects in both these conditions outperformed subjects in the control conditions. The SPT and SLT superiority is suggested to be caused mainly by relevant motor activation.  相似文献   

Purpose: Motor theories indicate that focusing attention on well-practiced movements interferes with skilled performance; however, specific forms of attention (alerting vs. orienting vs. executive control) associated with this effect are not well understood. The present study explored this question in relation to stuttering, and examined whether dual task conditions that engaged sustained attention or working memory (WM) affected speech fluency in different ways. We also considered whether fluency changes were associated with changes in speech rate and language.Methods: Nineteen adults who stutter (AWS) and 20 controls produced spontaneous speech under a baseline condition and two dual task conditions: one involving a sustained attention task, the other involving WM demands.Results: Both groups produced fewer stutter-like disfluencies under dual task relative to baseline conditions and this reduction did not differ between the two dual tasks (attention vs. WM). Speech rate and language variables, which were potentially influenced by attention conditions, were not affected by dual tasks in the same way as disfluencies, and appeared to be unassociated with fluency results.Conclusions: Findings indicate that atypical disfluencies decrease when attention is divided, even when secondary task demands are minimal, as they were in the sustained attention task. For simple secondary tasks, fluency changes do not appear to be a byproduct of slowed rate and are not accompanied by observable changes in language. These results demonstrate that simple manipulations of attention can induce measurable effects on aspects of speech production, and may be a useful tool for facilitating fluency in clinical intervention.  相似文献   

Children often talk themselves through their activities. They produce private speech (PS), which is internalized to form inner speech (silent verbal thought). Twenty-five 8-10-year-olds completed four tasks in a laboratory context (Tower of London, digit span, and two measures of spatial IQ). PS production was recorded. Eleven months later, the same participants completed the Tower of London and academic numeracy tasks, again in a laboratory context, as well as numeracy tasks in a classroom context. Rates of PS production and its level of internalization showed large positive correlations across time, tasks, and contexts. The results are interpreted in terms of the psychometric properties of PS production and are taken as evidence for the development of a domain-general system for verbal self-regulation in childhood.  相似文献   

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