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承诺续扩现象及其心理机制   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
承诺续扩是指决策者在面对失败的结果时,仍然决定向先前的行动持续投入资源的现象。目前,自我申辩理论、前景理论和决策困境理论是承诺续扩解释机制中较有影响的三种理论。以往的相关实证研究所发现的影响承诺续扩的因素可以归为计划因素、心理因素、个体差异因素以及情境因素等四类。今后的研究有必要关注各解释机制的整合、相关变量之间关系体系的构建和因果路径的确定以及承诺续扩对决策者心理与行为可能造成的影响等问题  相似文献   

Two experiments demonstrated that rats could be trained in a negative reinforcement paradigm to display a shock-induced aggressive response on the first shock presented. Later, rats that had been submitted to the negative reinforcement training procedure displayed more shock-induced aggression than did control groups during a test session that was situationally different from the one used during training. A third experiment demonstrated that noxious antecedent events, if presented with sufficient rapidity, can combine to increase the probability of aggressive behavior. The three experiments together suggest that aversive antecedents and reinforcement contingencies could be involved in the escalation of irritable aggression.  相似文献   

研究旨在探讨内隐人格观对承诺升级的影响以及期望在其中的中介作用。研究1比较了个体的实体启动、渐变启动和无启动对照三种条件下,个体的承诺升级倾向是否受不同启动类型的影响。结果发现,被启动渐变论的被试与无启动和实体启动的被试相比,前者表现出更多的承诺升级倾向。研究2使用情景模拟任务,分析了个体不同内隐人格观与承诺升级的关系,并在此基础上探讨了成功期望的中介作用。结果发现:(1)个体越倾向渐变论则更多的产生承诺升级行为;(2)成功期望在内隐人格观与承诺升级的关系中起完全中介作用。  相似文献   

In this study we examined the extent to which compensation method and public disclosure influenced information search strategy and escalation of commitment. A laboratory experiment involving 182 student subjects employed a 3 (compensation: no-pay, salary, and contingent) by 2 (disclosure level: public and private) fully randomized, crossed design. Results show that in light of negative feedback concerning performance results of an investment portfolio, subjects whose initial allocation decisions were announced publicly reduced their search for prospective information, increased the search for retrospective information, and exhibited greater escalation of commitment than subjects who did not announce their initial investment strategy. The search for retrospective information and escalation of commitment was monotonically higher across the no-pay, salary, and contingent pay conditions respectively, while the search for prospective information decreased correspondingly. This study provides evidence that escalation of commitment is positively related to the search for retrospective information and negatively related to the search for prospective information. The results obtained from this experiment complement and extend prior work in the areas of accountability, cognitive dissonance and escalation of commitment. © 1997 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

对703名初中生(平均年龄14.30岁)进行问卷调查, 探讨了青少年歧视知觉、亲子依恋在家庭经济压力与青少年抑郁关系中的中介和调节作用。结果表明:(1)在控制了性别、年级后, 家庭经济压力对青少年抑郁具有显著的正向预测作用;(2)在家庭经济压力对抑郁的正向预测关系中, 歧视知觉起中介作用;(3)家庭经济压力通过歧视知觉对抑郁的中介作用受到亲子依恋的调节, 相对于亲子依恋水平较高的青少年, 中介效应仅在亲子依恋水平较低的青少年中显著。  相似文献   

Griffin and Tversky (1992) explain evidence of individual over- and underconfidence as resulting from attending too much to the strength (i.e., extremity) of information and not enough to the weight (i.e., statistical reliability) of information. We report two experiments that demonstrate how information strength and weight affect confidence, trading, prices, and wealth in laboratory markets. Our results indicate that information strength and weight affect individual over- and underconfidence and that market participants lack sufficient self-insight to avoid trading when they are biased. As a consequence, market prices are biased, and market participants with high-strength, low-weight information systematically transfer wealth to participants with low-strength, high-weight information.  相似文献   

The farm crisis in the United States in the 1980s had profound effects on rural, agricultural regions of the country, but almost no impact on urban and suburban areas. At the same time, the 2007–2008 housing crisis impacted almost all metropolitan areas, but was much more deeply felt in certain states, such as California, Arizona, Nevada, and Florida. I use a difference‐in‐differences methodology and find that religiosity as measured by religious attendance, prayer frequency, and religious intensity increased significantly in areas impacted by the farm crisis for those who worked in agriculture, and by the housing crisis for those who worked in housing‐related industries. Chen describes increased religiosity in Indonesia following the 1998 financial crisis, and this article demonstrates a similar response to severe financial distress in the United States. This increase is not due to a lower opportunity cost of time, as those who are currently employed have higher levels of attendance than those who are not. I hypothesize that the increased religiosity results from religious institutions’ ability to provide public goods, both financial and emotional, in the form of community support.  相似文献   

推理与工作记忆   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
系统地总结了推理与工作记忆的研究进展,具体包括:(1)工作记忆的含义及其在推理中作用的相关研究;(2)推理与工作记忆关系的理论模型;(3)不同类型推理与工作记忆的实验研究;(4)推理与工作记忆的认知神经研究;(5)推理与工作记忆的未来研究展望  相似文献   

The existing literature is inconsistent about how social comparison affects risk attitudes. We propose a framework where the total utility is composed of the social and financial utilities. The financial utility is consistent with prospect theory (i.e., an S‐shaped utility function with a financial reference point), whereas the social utility is affected by both social and financial reference points. Therefore, social risk attitudes are determined by interaction between gains/losses in both social and financial contexts. On the basis of safety‐first principle, we propose that when experiencing financial gains, individuals tend to seek upside potential and take social risks (i.e., a convex social utility function). In contrast, when facing financial losses, people would be more risk seeking in social gains but more risk averse in social losses to maximize security (i.e., an inverse S‐shaped utility function). We also propose that the relative importance of financial and social utilities depends on the saliency of the reference points and size of stakes. Studies 1 and 2 showed that individuals were risk seeking in both social gains and losses with social reference points alone. Studies 3 and 4 demonstrated that when both financial and social reference points were salient, participants were risk averse in both social gains and losses when facing financial gains, but risk seeking in social gains and risk averse in social losses when facing financial losses. The hypotheses derived from the theoretical framework were in general supported by our experiments. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

反馈干预及其影响绩效的内部机制   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
该文首先对反馈干预的定义进行了分析,认为反馈干预是一种由外部动因提供的有意识有目的的外部反馈。接着从反馈干预方式、任务情景、个体差异3个维度说明了反馈干预组合的复杂性。然后探讨了反馈干预作用的内部机制,认为它主要是通过个体的自我效能感、应对策略、内部目标设置等内部调节变量来影响绩效。最后提出了一种反馈干预对绩效施加作用的模型  相似文献   

周仁来  靳宏 《心理科学》2003,26(2):232-235
通道转换是使内隐和外显记忆任务之间产生功能性分离经常操纵的典型变量之一,被看作是内隐记忆主要依赖刺激知觉住处加工的有利语气。该文回顾了近些年通道效应实验和理论研究的有关文献。对产生通道效应的认知机制和神经解剖基础进行了总结和分析,并提出了有待于进一步验证的问题。  相似文献   

句子语境中语义联系效应和句法效应的研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
李俏  张必隐 《心理科学》2003,26(2):289-291
通过对比研究句子语境中句法成分和语义联系对目标词加工的不同影响,来探讨句子语境的作用机制和作用点问题。实验一采用词汇命名任务研究发现,句法违反对词汇命名会产生抑制作用,而语义违反对词汇命名却没有发现抑制作用。实验二利用词汇决定任务发现,句法和语义成分影响词汇决定任务,句法违反和语义违反对词汇决定任务均会产生抑制作用。结果表明,句子语境加工中,对内容词语义整合过程中存在一个句法成分的独立加工水平。  相似文献   

Decisions regarding consumption over the lifespan require some estimate of how long that lifespan is likely to be. Payne et al. (2013) found that respondents' estimates of their own life expectancy are on average 8.6 years shorter when elicited using a die‐by frame than when elicited by a live‐to frame. If decision makers act on these life expectancies, then an arbitrary detail of framing will lead to drastically different choices. We propose that the framing effect is sensitive to the iterative probabilistic elicitation procedure employed by the previous literature. Study 1 compares the framing effect across the iterative probabilistic procedure and a point estimate procedure that simply asks respondents the age they will live to/die by. The iterative probabilistic procedure implies a life expectancy six years shorter in the die‐by frame than in the live‐to frame, replicating the results of Payne et al. (2013). With the point estimate procedure, however, the framing effect reverses: the die‐by frame increases life expectancy by three years. In Study 2, we test for the framing effect using a point estimate procedure on a representative sample of 2000 Britons. Again, and in contrast with the previous literature, we find that the die‐by frame implies longer life. Our results reinforce the previous literature that beliefs around life expectancy are constructed. We recommend caution when attempting to debias life expectancy estimates or using life expectancies in choice architecture. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

文章主题论述长度对文章标记效应的影响   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
探讨文章阅读过程中文章主题论述长度对文章主题信息和从属信息的保持效果。结果表明:文章主题论述长度影响着文章标记的效应,在有文章宏观标记条件下,文章主题论述长短对主题的通达无显著影响;但在无宏观标记条件下,论述长的文章主题的记忆效应显著优于论述短的主题;文章宏观标记对短主题从属信息的保持存在显著的扩散效应。  相似文献   

The present study tested the extent to which perceived economic hardship is associated with psychological distress (suicide ideation and confusion) after controlling for personal characteristics. It also explored whether perceived financial threat (i.e., fearful anxious-uncertainty about the stability and security of one's personal financial situation) mediates the relationship between economic hardship and psychological distress outcomes. The theoretical model was tested in a sample of Canadian students (n = 211) and was validated in a community sample of employed Portuguese adults (n = 161). In both samples, the fit of the model was good. Parameter estimates indicated that greater experience of economic hardship increased with financial threat, which in turn increased with levels of suicide ideation and confusion. We discuss the practical implications of these results, such as for programs aimed at alleviating the burden of financial hardship, in our concluding remarks.  相似文献   

Based on data from the 2004 and 2010 European Social Survey, this multidisciplinary and cross-national comparative study investigates the relationship between financial hardship and subjective well-being among 9,755 self-employed individuals from 31 European countries. It also aims to identify potential mitigating factors in this relationship on both the individual and the country level. Multilevel regression analyses reveal a strong relationship between financial hardship and impaired well-being, explaining about 36% of variance in well-being between conditions (countries and time periods) and 8% of variance between individuals. In other words, economic conditions matter significantly. Additionally, education and social trust act as important buffering factors for individuals, and the relationship between financial hardship and impaired well-being is somewhat weaker for self-employed persons living in countries with a more supportive social policy in the form of unemployment allowance. Entrepreneurs can hence mitigate the consequences of financial hardship by protecting social resources, and policymakers can be advised to invest in education and social security.  相似文献   

杨慧芳 《心理科学》2011,34(4):915-919
采用问卷法对个性心理因素中的人格、决策模式与非理性金融行为的关系进行了研究。研究结果表明:人格、决策模式对非理性金融行为有显著影响,不同人格类型、不同决策模式的个体的非理性金融行为差异显著。研究发现,人格、决策模式对各类非理性金融行为以及各类非理性金融行为总和的预测力皆达显著,并且对不同的非理性金融行为有不同预测力;理智型、即时型、依赖型的决策模式与感觉-直觉人格维度对非理性金融行为总和的预测力显著。  相似文献   

The purpose of these studies was to test the hypothesis that changing perspectives from one's own to another's promotes the engagement of analytic processing and, in turn, reduces the impact of beliefs. In two experiments participants evaluated research vignettes containing belief-consistent and belief-inconsistent conclusions, and indicated whether the data supported a correlation between two variables. Consistent with our hypothesis, the tendency to endorse correlations consistent with prior belief was reduced when participants evaluated the data from the researcher's perspective relative to their own. We also administered the Actively Open Minded Thinking (AOT) scale (Stanovich & West, 2007, 2008), which did not predict belief effects on our task. We did however observe that the AOT was reliably associated with different response strategies: high AOT scorers were more inclined to choose ambiguous response options, such as “no conclusion is warranted”, whereas low scorers evinced a preference for more determinate options (e.g., there is no relationship between the two variables). We interpret our findings in the context of dual process theories of reasoning and from a Bayesian perspective.  相似文献   

王墨耘 《心理学报》2007,39(4):619-628
用大学生被试的两个实验考察人们对两个原因交互作用效应的定性评估和定量评估。实验结果表明,被试的定性评估与交互作用对比的性质相一致,而与因果力的性质不相一致;被试的定量评估随交互作用对比值增加而增加,而不受因果力的影响。实验结果一致支持交互作用对比标准,而不支持因果力标准和交叉乘积比率标准。这不同于以往的有关研究结果  相似文献   

财务收支是社会医疗保险制度运行的物质基础。近年来,财务收支失衡问题已经开始显现于我国社会医疗保险的部分统筹地区。其原因主要有责任主体、人口结构、财务机制、医疗递送等因素。为此,应该在走向全民医疗保险制度、加强医患双方的道德风险规避、扩展个人医疗账户的使用范围、适时建立退休人员的缴费制度等方面进行改革与发展。  相似文献   

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