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Previous research indicates that superficial details can influence judgments about science. The current research investigated whether the content of research influences judgments about whether research is scientific. In Experiment 1, participants judged topics and equipment associated with natural science to be more scientific than topics and equipment associated with behavioral science. Experiment 2 found that natural science topics combined with natural science equipment were rated as more scientific than all other combinations. Experiment 3 replicated these findings and found that research using natural science topics and natural science equipment was also judged to be more important. Thus, although science is defined by its method, the topic being investigated and the equipment being used influence judgments about what is scientific.  相似文献   

Monkeys could either postpone shock by pressing a lever or pull a chain to produce a period of time out from the avoidance procedure. The period of time out proved to be an effective positive reinforcer. Certain features of the animals' behavior were attributed to interactions between the two responses.  相似文献   

This study tested whether the presence of an attractive face would influence individuals' honesty. In 2 experiments, 225 participants were asked to predict the outcome of computerised coin‐flips and to self‐report the accuracy of their predictions. Self‐reports were made in the presence of a facial photo of a female who had been rated before the experiment as high attractive, middle attractive or low attractive by other volunteers. Participants were rewarded based on their self‐reported (not actual) accuracy. The results showed that subjects tended to give more dishonest self‐reports when presented with middle or low attractive facial images than when presented with high attractive images, with self‐reported accuracy being significantly higher than the random level. The results of this study show that presented with an attractive face, subjects tend to engage in behaviours that conform to moral codes.  相似文献   


This paper explores the basics of human science, namely within the understanding of perception, which in fact is about how we as humans are in relationship to the world. There are several philosophical and psychological traditions trying to explain the nature of perception, the perceived, and the role of the perceiver. An idea that we argue against is that perception is about a changing subject perceiving a constant world, which means that there is a sharp dividing line between subject and object. Instead we argue that subject and object make up a dynamic relationship.  相似文献   

The viability of using brief observations of behavior (thin slicing) to identify infidelity in romantic relationships was examined. Two studies supported the hypothesis that observers can accuratelsy identify people who are cheating on their romantic dating partner based on thin slices of observed behavior. In Study 1, raters were able to accurately identify people who were cheating on their romantic dating partner after viewing a short 3‐ to 4‐min video of the couple interacting. Study 2 replicated this finding and identified possible variables that may mediate the relation between coder's ratings and participants' actual reported infidelity. Commitment and trustworthiness were found to be mediators of this relation. These results are discussed in terms of application and future research.  相似文献   

We argue that if we lose the essentially humanistic orientation of early psychology we risk becoming ‘servants of power’. If we focus on technique, we risk becoming technicians. If we ignore the political we risk powerlessness. We maintain our position that applied psychology has immense potential in serving humanity, but wastes energy seeking legitimacy through pursuing an outdated notion of science. Finally, we continue to believe that psychology may be in danger of forgetting pioneering work, with consequent neglect of much that is valuable, not least our values and raison d'etre.  相似文献   

In intuitions concerning semantic coherence participants are able to discriminate above chance whether a word triad has a common remote associate (coherent triad) or not (incoherent triad). These intuitions are driven by increased fluency in processing coherent triads compared to incoherent triads, which in turn triggers a brief and short positive affect. The present work investigates which of these internal cues, fluency or positive affect, is the actual cue underlying coherence intuitions. In Experiment 1, participants liked coherent word triads more than incoherent triads, but did not rate them as being more fluent in processing. In Experiment 2, participants could intuitively detect coherence when they misattributed fluency to an external source, but lost this intuitive ability when they misattributed affect. It is concluded that the coherence-induced fluency by itself is not consciously experienced and not used in the coherence intuitions, but the fluency-triggered affective consequences.  相似文献   

A method of data collection is presented that unites the efficiency of mass testing with the ease of instant electronic data collection that is typical of computer-based experiments run on individual participants. A wireless response system (WRS), originally designed as a teaching tool, is used to replicate three classic and robust effects from the memory literature (effects of false memory, levels of processing, and word frequency). It is shown that for these types of experimental designs, data can be collected more efficiently (in both time and effort) with the WRS method than through traditional mass- and individual-testing methods alone. The advantages and limitations of WRSs for use in mass electronic data collection are discussed.  相似文献   

解释肿瘤发生发展机制的学说很多,归纳起来无外两类,一是基因突变学说,二是细胞外遗传决定学说.突变理论认为肿瘤是细胞遗传物质发生不可逆改变的结果.外遗传决定学说认为肿瘤细胞遗传基因本身没有改变,而只是基因表达异常的结果,在适宜的环境中癌细胞可以再分化.  相似文献   

Ratings of affect words are the most commonly used method to assess pleasant affect (PA) and unpleasant affect (UA). The reliance on self-reports would be problematic if affect ratings were heavily influenced by response styles. Several recent publications have indeed suggested (a) that the influence of response styles on affect ratings is pervasive, (b) that this influence can be controlled by variations of the response format using multitrait-multimethod models, and (c) the discriminant validity of PA and UA is spurious. In this article, we examined the evidence for these claims. We demonstrate that (a) response styles have a negligible effect on affect ratings, (b) multiple response formats produce the same results as a single response format, and (c) the discriminant validity of PA and UA is not a method artifact. Rather, evidence against discriminant validity is due to the use of inappropriate response formats that respondents interpreted as bipolar scales.  相似文献   

This article reviews the practical value of conceptual attempts to specify the circumstances of reinforcement ahead of time. Improvements are traced from the transituational-reinforcer approach of Meehl (1950), through the probability-differential model of Premack (1959, 1965), to the response deprivation and disequilibrium approach (Timberlake, 1980, 1984; Timberlake & Allison, 1974). The application value of each approach is evaluated on the grounds of simplicity, accuracy, and adaptability. The article shows that the disequilibrium approach accounts for and extends current empirically driven techniques of reinforcement control and examines some of its limitations. The disequilibrium approach clarifies how current knowledge can be used to predict more accurately the circumstances of reinforcement and invites the collaboration of applied and basic research in its further development.  相似文献   

This paper critically examines the relationship of psychoanalysis to science and art. Its point of departure is Michael Rustin's theorizing. Specifically, in considering the possibility of a psychoanalyst's having an aesthetic orientation, the author analyses: 1) the difficulty of there being any connection between psychoanalysis and science because science's necessarily presupposed subject‐object dichotomy is incompatible with transference, which, beginning with Freud, is basic to psychoanalysis; 2) the complex relationship between psychoanalysis and aesthetics using Maurice Merleau‐Ponty's philosophical perspective as well as Luigi Pareyson's theory of aesthetics; 3) the Kantian foundations of the psychoanalytic notion of art as the ‘containing form of subjective experience’ 4) intersubjectivity, without which clinical practice would not be possible, especially considering matters of identity, difference, the body, and of sensory experience such as ‘expressive form’; 5) the relationship of psychoanalysis and art, keeping in mind their possible convergence and divergence as well as some psychoanalysts' conceptual commitment to classicism and the need for contact with art in a psychoanalysts's mind set.  相似文献   

This paper aims at analysing decisions which are actually made by watch officers onboard ferries in the Dover Strait. More precisely, it aims at characterizing the generic situations in which several courses of actions are available and identifying the strategy underlying an action choice. Relying on the RPD model of Klein [Klein, G. (1997). The recognition-primed decision (RPD) model: Looking back, looking forward. In C. E. Zsambok & G. Klein (Eds.), Naturalistic decision making (pp. 285–292). Mahwah: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates], it points out the critical cues, the goals of actors and the rules they use.Two sets of data were processed: motions of vessels observed from the vessel traffic system and verbal protocols recorded onboard a ferry with three watch officers.Logistic regression models show that different types of ships do not act in the same way: the slowest vessels tend to keep their course and speed, even if they have to move. The faster cargo ships such as ferries alter their course in compliance with the regulations. In some situations, a ferry may nevertheless follow informal rules. Onboard a ‘give way’ ferry, a watch officer may – in some conditions – alter his course to port rather than to starboard to reduce the course alteration and the loss of time. On board the ‘stand on’ vessel, he may perform an action in order to master the situation, even if the rule requires him to keep his course and speed.  相似文献   

ABSRACT: Although time has been frequently used as a variable or as an implied dimension in creativity research, very few systematic attempts to date have been undertaken to integrate diverse findings and knowledge about the relation of time with creativity. This article proposes a theoretical framework for understanding the various associations between time and creativity in terms of 3 temporal modes: cyclicity, linearity, and timelessness. Cyclical time underlies the periodic and recurring dimensions of creativity, linear time underlies its evolutionary and contextual aspects, and timelessness is related to the deep immersion states of the creative process. This article illustrates the links between creativity and each of the temporal modes with selected findings from the multidisciplinary literature on creativity and discusses implications and further directions for the study of time and creativity.  相似文献   

Ninety-eight female subjects were presented with a statement made by an attractive or an expert source suggesting that people should sleep less than the usual eight hours. For approximately half of the subjects the source gave a simple statement of opinion, for the other half six separate supporting arguments were also presented. As predicted the manipulation of number of arguments provided had more influence on the effectiveness of the expert than the attractive source. Results were interpreted as supporting the hypothesis that quite different dynamics underly the persuasive power of attractive and expert individuals.  相似文献   

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