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杜建政  景卫丽 《心理科学》2014,37(4):993-997
囤积症是指过度获取和不能丢弃那些没有用处或失去价值的物品。这种行为通常会给患者本人及其家庭成员带来感情、躯体、财务、社会甚至法律方面的负面影响。对于囤积症的行为特征、心理特征及相关因素,学界已有大量的研究。近期,囤积症已被纳入DSM-5,这将有助于确定有持续性丢弃困难的个体,并对其予以帮助与干预。  相似文献   

Until recently, compulsive hoarding has been treated as a type of obsessive-compulsive disorder with mixed results. Little research exists on the efficacy of behavioral interventions specifically designed to treat hoarding disorder, and most existing research is limited with regard to the numbers of participants, their ethnic and cultural diversity, and study replication; therefore, the generalizability of findings is limited. This article reviews the prevalence of hoarding disorder, cognitive behavioral therapy treatment approaches, and measurement of symptoms. A systematic review compares the efficacy of various CBT methods, with particular attention to comparing therapy that is traditionally used to treat OCD with those designed specifically to treat hoarding disorder. Only clinical studies using CBT interventions designed to treat hoarding associated with OCD or hoarding disorder were included. Studies included participants of all ages, and articles were published in peer-reviewed journals. Case studies were excluded. After a comprehensive search and removing duplicates from databases and references, 65 articles were reviewed, of which 12 met criteria for review. Preliminary results demonstrate improvement in hoarding symptoms with CBT interventions that are both for OCD and those designed to specifically treat hoarding disorder; however, when compared to each other, the efficacy of these treatments is inconclusive, thus more research is needed.  相似文献   

Aaron T. Beck, M.D., is among the most impactful figures in the entire history of mental health treatment and his ideas have made important contributions to the understanding and treatment of OCD. I am honored to have the opportunity to write this essay in his memory. His legacy of alleviating suffering and improving the lives of people with emotional problems, and taking the time to carefully train others who continue this important work, will live on.  相似文献   

In commemoration of Dr. Aaron T. Beck’s enormous contributions to our field, I comment on the state of our knowledge regarding the role of homework in cognitive behavioral therapy. The available evidence suggests homework is a contributor to positive therapeutic outcomes in cognitive behavioral therapy. Although therapists play an important role in facilitating clients’ engagement with homework as they develop greater facility with CBT skills, little is known about the contributions of specific approaches to promoting homework engagement. I highlight some of these strategies and discuss the need for researchers to empirically evaluate them.  相似文献   

Hoarding disorder (HD) is a newly added mental disorder in the most recent version of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (American Psychiatric Association, 2013). In this article, the symptoms, characteristics, and features of HD are described, along with diagnosis and assessment strategies. The most efficacious treatments for counseling clients diagnosed with HD are also discussed.  相似文献   

Beck initially set out to test the Freudian notion that depression is a consequence of “anger turned inward” (rage directed the introjected parent for not gratifying infantile desires) but soon came to conclude that no such unconscious motivation existed and that instead depressed patients actually believe that they were unlovable or inadequate. He developed a treatment that he named cognitive therapy that is as efficacious as and more enduring than antidepressant medications. It stands as the most often tested and most widely practiced treatment for depression.  相似文献   

In honor of the life and work of Aaron T. Beck, this paper describes the application of cognitive therapy to management of marginalization stress among minoritized communities. Collaborative empiricism, cognitive restructuring, and behavioral interventions are highlighted as being particularly useful in a contemporary multicultural approach for the anxiety, depression, stress, and other sequelae of marginalization due to a stigmatized identity. Although primarily illustrated through recent work with transgender and gender diverse adults, the discussion extends to other groups including racial, ethnic, and sexual minorities and immigrants. This work illustrates the power of Dr. Beck’s approach to address the presenting concerns of contemporary clinical work.  相似文献   

My father, Aaron Beck (“Tim” to those closest to him), would have been proud of this special issue of Cognitive and Behavioral Practice, and so honored. Anyone who knew my father, knew he was a scientist at heart. His curiosity, intelligence, and humility made him a great scientist and a productive researcher. This introduction shares a personal perspective and context for his contributions, including his lifelong commitment to enhancing the evidence for cognitive and behavioral practice.  相似文献   

This special feature in Cognitive and Behavioral Practice is a commemoration to Aaron T. Beck’s contributions to the science and practice of CBT. The fact that so many leading scholars participated, including several Past Presidents of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, speaks volumes about the high regard held for Beck. Included are papers that cover the Beckian model of depression, its refinement and application to obsessions, compulsions, hoarding, as well as how the model addresses interpretational biases in emotional psychopathology and has been adapted for youth. Additionally there are papers conveying how Beck’s phenomenological approach to understanding the client’s perspective is useful in attending to cultural differences, and in mitigating the mental health impact of marginalization and discrimination. Expert commentaries are extended to relational processes (case formulation, therapeutic relationship, collaboration and guided discovery, alliance, rupture repair, homework), change processes (cognitive reappraisal, dialectical thinking, acceptance and defusion, emotional schemas), and to important scientific advances (conceptualizing processes within techniques, data analytic advances that bridge the scientist-practitioner gap, and technology augmentation). Many of the contributions herein also include brief personal stories to help illustrate the enormity of Beck’s contributions.  相似文献   

A central tenet of Beck’s cognitive therapy (or cognitive behavior therapy) of the emotional disorders is that change in negative thought and beliefs is necessary for clinically significant symptom reduction in anxiety, depression, and other psychological conditions. Cognitive restructuring, a uniquely Beckian innovation, is a treatment strategy that directly targets cognitive reappraisal as the change mechanism responsible for symptom reduction. This commentary considers the origins of cognitive reappraisal in Beck’s cognitive therapy through the lens of cognitive restructuring and what treatment process research tells us about the mechanisms of change in cognitive restructuring.  相似文献   

Many psychological disorders are characterized by interpretational processing biases, and Aaron T. Beck's work provided a crucial theoretical foundation for assessing, treating, and researching them. The present commentary aims to sketch a brief historical overview of how this work evolved and developed, and how it has been translated into concrete assessment techniques for use in treatment and led to innovative research lines in clinical research.  相似文献   

This presidential address focuses on the recent history of research and practice on hoarding disorder (HD) as a potential model for coordinating interdisciplinary teams of professionals within and outside mental health fields to advance scientific efforts to understand and resolve mental health problems. To identify, assess, and intervene with clients who have HD, psychologists, social workers, psychiatrists, and other service professionals are needed, including those in public health, housing, medicine, aging and protective services, fire, safety, and animal protection. Research findings and practice methods developed by many of my colleagues highlight the various skills of these diverse disciplines and fields. Of particular interest are multimethod assessments and CBT interventions that span individual, group, and family treatments, delivered in the office, at home and via the web by mental health and other professionals, as well as peers. Outcomes are positive, but there remains much work to do to improve understanding and intervention outcomes.  相似文献   

Aaron T. Beck exemplified the clinical scientist, willing to test his hypotheses, and willing to share his experiences and treatment features with others. Assessment and treatment of emotional disorders have been forever improved through the efforts of Aaron T. Beck. Using the psychological treatment of an emotional disorder in youth (i.e., anxiety), this commemorative reflects on how Aaron T. Beck’s clinical strategies have been impactful well beyond his initial focus. As a world-renowned clinical scientist, Beck’s work has influenced multiple fields addressing mental health. As a friend and colleague, Beck was a gentleman and a scholar.  相似文献   

孙凌  王建平 《心理科学进展》2013,21(6):1041-1047
临床实践与相关研究表明,强迫症的诊断标准已不能满足复杂的临床工作需要。首先,有关患者的自知力以及主观痛苦程度等诊断指标需要进一步修订。其次,就强迫症的核心症状而产生的争议,研究者提出应重新考虑强迫症、焦虑障碍、强迫谱系障碍和囤积障碍这四个概念之间的从属关系和诊断标准。未来研究应考虑从认知神经科学的视角探索强迫症的核心症状和病理机制,为强迫症的诊断标准提供新的依据。  相似文献   

Previous research has indicated that many compulsive buyers also suffer from compulsive hoarding. The present work specifically examined hoarding in a compulsive buying sample. Sixty-six treatment-seeking compulsive buyers were assessed prior to entering a group therapy for compulsive buying using the Compulsive Buying Scale (CBS), the Yale-Brown Obsessive-Compulsive Scale (Y-BOCS)-Shopping Version, the Compulsive Acquisition Scale (CAS), the German-CBS, the Saving Inventory-Revised (SI-R), the Maudsley Obsessive Compulsive Inventory (MOCI), the Barratt Impulsiveness Scale (BIS-11), and the Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV Axis I (SCID). Inclusion criteria were current problems with compulsive buying according to the proposed diagnostic criteria for compulsive buying by McElroy, Keck, Pope, Smith, and Strakowski [(1994). Compulsive buying: A report of 20 cases. Journal of Clinical Psychiatry, 55, 242-248]. Our results support the assumption that many but not all compulsive buyers suffer from compulsive hoarding. A significant association between the SI-R and the compulsive buying measures CBS, Y-BOCS-SV, German-CBS, and the CAS-Buy subscale was found, which is mostly caused by the SI-R subscale acquisition. The SI-R subscales clutter and difficulty discarding were more closely associated with the CAS-Free subscale and with obsessive-compulsive symptoms. Hoarding compulsive buyers reported more severe buying symptoms and obsessive-compulsive symptoms and presented with a higher psychiatric co-morbidity, especially any current affective, anxiety and eating disorder. Specific therapeutic interventions for compulsive buyers who also report compulsive hoarding appear indicated.  相似文献   

The alliance highlights the qualities of coordination, sincerity, and trust that run through the various (CBT) interventions. This commemoration of Dr. Aaron T. Beck’s contribution to the field focuses on the alliance that emerges as one of the best-studied process characteristics in psychotherapy, with hundreds of studies on different orientations, treatment conditions, and mental health services. Overall, there is a robust meta-analytic predictive relation between alliance during therapy and therapy outcome (Cohen's d = .58). However, socio-cultural aspects such as the existence of substance use disorder or ethnic minorities partly moderates this relation. In addition, therapist effects are likely. Clinical implications are discussed based on the excellent meta-analytic empirical evidence.  相似文献   

Collaboration and guided discovery, collectively described as collaborative empiricism, are two primary features of Aaron T. Beck’s Cognitive Therapy (CT) that remained central to his work throughout his long and productive career. This commentary highlights how collaboration and guided discovery were described during the early development of CT. In addition, conversations with Beck are cited that reveal how his own life may have influenced their inclusion and importance in his therapy.  相似文献   

The author discusses how his early exposure to Dr. Beck’s work shaped and directed his development as an emerging psychologist. Focusing on Beck’s assessment of hopelessness, the author discusses how he developed an appreciation for both the multidimensionality and multifunctionality of the construct in his own works focusing on cultural differences. The author argues that Beck’s early strategy to use a phenomenological approach to understanding clinical conditions remains important for appreciating the different functional meanings that cognitions might embody for different individuals.  相似文献   

The augmentation of technology to the delivery of CBT has enormously increased in recent years. This commemoration of Dr. Aaron T. Beck’s contribution to the field focuses on examples such as CBT internet treatments, video treatments, but especially on data-informed CBT, precision mental health and digitally based treatment navigation systems. It ends with an outlook on continuous outcome measurement as the basis for a broader understanding of clinical concepts and data-driven clinical practice in the future.  相似文献   

《Behavior Therapy》2021,52(5):1226-1236
Excessive attachment towards possessions can be maladaptive because it can lead individuals to excessively acquire and save objects. Little is known about how attachment to objects develops and changes over time; however, interpersonal factors have been theorized to play a role. The current study examined whether interpersonal factors, specifically interpersonal attachment style and empathy, moderate changes in object attachment over time. A total of 145 participants with excessive acquiring and discarding difficulties rated their level of attachment to a novel object just after receiving it, and 1 week later. Participants also completed measures of interpersonal anxious attachment and interpersonal functioning. We found that changes in object attachment over time were moderated by interpersonal anxious attachment. Also, our findings suggested that individuals with hoarding problems are likely not impaired in their ability to empathize with others, but rather have difficulty displaying empathy in tense social situations and also have more empathy for fictional characters. Further, greater discomfort in tense social situations and greater empathy for fictional characters interacted to predict greater object attachment. Taken together, these findings indicate that individuals with an interpersonal anxious attachment style may be those at risk of forming greater attachments to objects over time. A learning history that includes inconsistent support from caregivers may result in individuals experiencing more empathy for fictional characters and discomfort in tense social situations, which may produce a vulnerability for becoming excessively attached to objects. Our results are in line with theories of hoarding which propose that individuals use objects to compensate for unmet interpersonal needs and suggest that treatment may need to target interpersonal functioning to reduce hoarding symptoms.  相似文献   

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