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世界三大宗教中包含着大量描写人的生理苦痛、消除人的生理苦痛等承诺、方法,以及在天国、天园和佛世界等理想社会中人所具有的美好生理特征或者对人生理需求的圆满满足,以及在地狱、火狱等世界中更大的生理痛苦,这些内容极大地吸引了对自身生理不满的民众,促进了宗教的传播。人的生理特征构成了宗教存在和发展的重要生理根源。认识和研究宗教的生理根源,对于加深对宗教的认识,建立马克思主义宗教学具有十分重要的意义。  相似文献   

宗教体验是人在宗教活动中的心态或体悟及伴随的情感体验,它是一个过程。其神经生理基础的研究表明,宗教体验过程中大脑的某些特定脑波或区域被激活。这些研究表明宗教体验与认知和情绪有关,在一定程度上与早期有关宗教体验实质的结论吻合,但这并不表明大脑中存在“上帝脑区”。该文简要介绍了宗教体验的概念、冥想以及基督教宗教体验神经生理基础的研究以及跨宗教传统的相关比较研究,并对该领域内的一些问题做出了说明  相似文献   

从世界来看,目前世界人口约60亿,各种宗教信徒就达48亿,占世界人口的4/5左右。从我国情况来看,我国是个多宗教的国家,中国公民的宗教信仰自由权利受到宪法和法律的保护。目前,我国宗教信仰者已经达1亿多。我国有56个民族,其中55个少数民族多有自己的宗教信仰。因此,中国共产党第三代领导核心江泽民同志曾指出:“要了解  相似文献   

本文结合当前宗教的客观性、重要性、排他性等特性,并援引联合国的有关材料和国外一些神学家的看法,说明中国共产党积极引导宗教与社会主义社会相适应是尊重事实的做法;同时对照欧美的宗教实际情况以及欧洲的政策转型倾向,说明中国共产党在积极引导宗教与社会主义相适应方面的实践也足以为其他国家提供有益的借鉴.  相似文献   

本文主要从佛教思想内部寻找宗教多元主义与宗教对话的智慧,以便为当前文明对话提供思想资源。首先,佛教将佛教以外的一切宗教称为"外道",最后以真理观打破自他宗教的界限,充分表现了宗教多元主义的倾向;其次,二谛的思想模式具有终极实在与多元宗教的意义,而且二谛的相即、不二的关系,体现了宗教多元主义的真理观;最后,瑜伽行派的种姓各别与种子熏习思想,表达了宗教对话的必要性与可能性。  相似文献   

王进 《宗教学研究》2016,(3):267-272
党和政府高度重视信教群众正常宗教需求活动及宗教界合法权益问题。而宗教生活质量则是攸关信教群众正常宗教需求及权益的关键论题。宗教生活质量作为一个学术盲点理应受到学界广泛关注和深入探讨。宗教生活质量研究既需要科学而合理的宗教生活质量指标体系,也需要科学而理想的宗教生活质量分类研究。宗教生活质量研究具有重要的学术意义和理论价值。  相似文献   

宗教资本:从布迪厄到斯达克   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
"宗教资本"概念对理性选择理论的发展至关重要,然而,"宗教资本"的诸多定义却常常模糊不清,或脱离于其所源出的知识构架。关于"宗教资本"概念,有两种相互独立发展的理论:其一大致属于欧洲,源自韦伯和布迪厄的研究;其二大致属于美国,源自艾纳孔和斯达克的研究。泰瑞·雷对通过对两种理论的比较研究,进而厘清其理论谱系,仔细考察了宗教资本概念及其衍生概念"灵性资本"的应用和批评,并提出了两个具有独创性的修正概念("制度宗教资本"和"民间宗教资本"),以此解决宗教资本概念在学术著作和文章中所出现的问题。  相似文献   

从个体与宗教神圣、宗教仪式、宗教环境及其宗教体验之视角分析,孟子的宗教生态思想主要包括以下内容:承认宗教神圣的存在及其权威,宗教神圣是人世间重要事情的最终根据;重视宗教仪式、宗教环境和宗教体验,仪式、场所必须保留与传承,个体内在的情感是遵守宗教仪式的根本依据;对自然万物应取之以时、用之有节,遵循自然规律;个体之间应相互尊重,不剥夺他人生命,承认个性选择。"命"虽然是既定的,但个体只要顺应天性,强化个体修养,仍然能够改变。  相似文献   

从温州宗教现状看宗教的世俗化   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文以实地调查材料揭示了新时期温州宗教的发展和重大变化,指出在经济体制急剧改革和社会经济迅速发展的背景下,广大教徒的思想观念、价值取向和生活方式都表现出明显的世俗化倾向;他们更关注物质世界和世俗利益,宗教保守主义和禁欲主义受到了极大的挑战。并指出在市场经济和世俗文化的冲击下,宗教自身水准下降,内涵和灵修削弱,宗教道德滑坡等消极腐败现象。文章还针对温州宗教现状及其走向提出了自己的看法。  相似文献   

Sarah Coakley (ed.), Religion and the Body. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1997, xvii+312 pp., £40, ISBN 0 521 36669 0.  相似文献   

This paper reports data on the complexities of delivering religious/spiritual care in sexual health from a staff perspective. A learning needs analysis, in survey format, was conducted with the nursing staff of a leading London, sexual health clinic. Recruitment took place in May 2011 over a period of 2 weeks. The sample consisted of 25 members of staff which included service support workers and registered nurses. The 25 question survey was conducted and reviewed using Survey Monkey?. The survey was divided into three sections, being population demographics, clinical experience and understanding and education. This article will explore the second section of being clinical experience and understanding. This section used six open-ended questions to investigate participant’s experience of common clinical episodes where religion was an influential part of the patient experience and decision-making. A range of contemporary sexual health and religious issues were extrapolated from the survey findings ranging from homosexuality to termination of pregnancy. Four main areas of complexity identified from participants responses were sexual dysfunction, treatment issues, sexual health knowledge and high-risk behaviour. Findings from the study highlight the diversity of influence of religion has on the sexual health of patients.  相似文献   

Global processes present a challenge for scholarly work on religion, necessitating new concepts, theoretical and analytical models, intellectual sensitivity, and imagination. This calls for focusing on (1) cross‐border interpenetration of religious organizations, beliefs, and practices; (2) variations in the potential for religious beliefs and institutions to be transported; and (3) the use of multiple frames of reference to examine the dispersion of religious cultures and communities. A presidential panel presents the need for generating new research questions, improving measurement tools, and updating methodological techniques so that social scientists of religion accurately and authentically portray the nature and expression of religion in the 21st century.  相似文献   

中国化的马克思主义宗教观是中国共产党把马克思主义宗教观同中国宗教的具体实际相结合而揭示的关于宗教问题的理论观点、方针政策和实践经验的总结。中国化的马克思主义宗教本质观、历史观是对马克思主义宗教基本观点的继承和超越;中国化的马克思主义宗教安全观、适应观是对马克思主义宗教观的发展和创新;中国化的马克思主义宗教和谐观是马克思主义宗教观中国化的最新理论成果。  相似文献   

心肺运动试验是一个重要的人体整体功能学检测方法.让患者运动,连续动态记录以呼吸、循环、代谢和神经体液等多系统的功能活动,由此实现人体整体生理功能状态评价、疾病诊断、病情评估、治疗效果评估和预后转归预测.从心肺运动试验的临床应用出发,需要建立生理学医学的整体整合理论用以指导该技术的正确运用和解读.  相似文献   

Solomon H. Katz 《Zygon》2002,37(1):45-54
This essay addresses a series of eight questions about what religion can do for science. It explores the secular role of religion in contemporary science and the need for greater synthesis between science and religion. It concludes that, for survival in the twenty-first century, religion cannot exist without acknowledging and using the enormous information pool of science, and science can no longer shun or ignore religion. Humankind will always need the large, synthetic explanations that religion provides of why we are here and what we ought to do and believe. The world needs to mark this new millennium with a sense of respect, cooperation, and even synthesis between science and religion.  相似文献   

Three theses are explored, the first two historical and the third philosophical-theological: (1) throughout most of the history ofWestern civilization, science and religion have been closely connected with each other, and each has benefited from the connection; (2) the belief that science and religion have always been in conflict is not based on the actual history of either set of institutions; and (3) structurally a relationship between the two institutions is in the interest of both. By religion here I mean specifically, but not exclusively, Judaism.  相似文献   

This essay aims to review mainstream literature and research perspectives on the sociology of human rights with the further focus on relationship between human rights and religion. We consider the challenges of late engagement of sociology with human rights and current narratives of the relationship of human rights and religion that encompass normativity as the central category of historically oriented sociology. We discuss the contribution of two empirical research mainstreams on human rights and religion and focus on a new field of study—sociology of religious freedom. A detailed new agenda for sociological research on human rights and religion is explored in the final part of our assessment.  相似文献   

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