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The effects of multimedia instructional materials on map learning and subsequent navigation were examined. Participants studied visual and/or verbal driving directions presented simultaneously, sequentially, or exclusively. Memory recall for the studied information was tested, and participants then attempted to navigate the studied routes as well as a novel route in a driving simulator. Dual modality materials with oral narrative directions and a visual map produced significantly superior performance for recall, navigational accuracy, and number of destinations reached than presentation in either modality alone. The presence of a map facilitated route recall but not subsequent ability to navigate routes in the simulator. Map-first dual modality sequential presentation enhanced wayfinding efficiency on the novel route compared to narration-first sequential presentation. Simultaneous presentation of dual modality materials allowed more destinations to be reached compared with sequential presentation. The results demonstrate that multimedia instructional materials can facilitate map learning and driving navigation, extending the applications of multimedia learning theory to this novel domain.  相似文献   

This paper introduces a new cognitive therapy which is evolving from the theoretical background of general semantics theory. This therapy is being tested since 1985 with several samples, the results being favorable and promising. Nevertheless, only its theoretical rational and clinical background will be introduced. Subsequently, the cognitive therapy of evaluation will be defined, and its main therapeutic ingredients described; finally, its differences and similarities with current cognitive therapies will be highlighted.  相似文献   

In two pilot experiments, a new approach for the direct assessment of cognitive load during multimedia learning was tested that uses dual-task methodology. Using this approach, we obtained the same pattern of cognitive load as predicted by cognitive load theory when applied to multimedia learning: The audiovisual presentation of text-based and picture-based learning materials induced less cognitive load than the visual-only presentation of the same material. The findings confirm the utility of dual-task methodology as a promising approach for the assessment of cognitive load induced by complex multimedia learning systems.  相似文献   

Mixture item response theory (IRT) allows one to address situations that involve a mixture of latent subpopulations that are qualitatively different but within which a measurement model based on a continuous latent variable holds. In this modeling framework, one can characterize students by both their location on a continuous latent variable as well as by their latent class membership. For example, in a study of risky youth behavior this approach would make it possible to estimate an individual's propensity to engage in risky youth behavior (i.e., on a continuous scale) and to use these estimates to identify youth who might be at the greatest risk given their class membership. Mixture IRT can be used with binary response data (e.g., true/false, agree/disagree, endorsement/not endorsement, correct/incorrect, presence/absence of a behavior), Likert response scales, partial correct scoring, nominal scales, or rating scales. In the following, we present mixture IRT modeling and two examples of its use. Data needed to reproduce analyses in this article are available as supplemental online materials at http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jsp.2016.01.002.  相似文献   

Careful attention to principles of learning can improve the design of Web-based lessons and tutorials. Tutorials from the Web Interface for Statistics Education (WISE; http://wise.cgu.edu) demonstrate how specific principles can be integrated into Web design to enhance learning in two areas. First, the impact of students’ poor self-regulation abilities on Web-based learning is considered. Second, evidence that specific types of visual presentations improve learning is discussed. Finally, the need for empirical evaluation is emphasized. Specific research and examples from the WISE project are used to illustrate each of these points.  相似文献   

Prior research on cognitive skill learning has shown that algorithmic and direct memory retrieval strategies are not executed in parallel if the algorithm entails a series of long-term memory (LTM) retrieval steps (as in the case, for example, of mental arithmetic). This phenomenon has been hypothesized to reflect a bottleneck in LTM retrieval processes that forces a strategy choice during an early stage of processing. Here, we investigate simple perceptual–motor algorithms that involve no memory retrieval steps, a largely unexplored case in which parallel strategy execution models remain viable. Pronounced strategy interference was again observed, albeit interference that was different in important respects from that observed for LTM retrieval algorithms. It appears that neither parallel nor choice models, as developed to date, are sufficient as a generalized theory of this skill learning phenomenon. Issues central to the development of a more comprehensive theory are discussed.  相似文献   

It is customary in multivariate analysis to search out relational structure by partitioning measures of total variation or overall relatedness into components variously attributable to different sources. Although the multivariate systems most familiar today—notably, linear correlational analysis, analysis of variance, and Information theory—base their decompositions upon very different substantive quantities, they all embody the very same abstract mathematical structure which, moreover, is capable of generating potentially fruitful patterns of data analysis in many other substantive applications as well.  相似文献   

In three studies, eye movements of participants were recorded while they viewed a single-slide multimedia presentation about how car brakes work. Some of the participants saw an integrated presentation in which each segment of words was presented near its corresponding area of the diagram (integrated group, Experiments 1 and 3) or an integrated presentation that also included additional labels identifying each part (integrated-with-labels group, Experiment 2), whereas others saw a separated presentation in which the words were presented as a paragraph below the diagrams (separated group, Experiments 1 and 2) or as a legend below the diagrams (legend group, Experiment 3). On measures of cognitive processing during learning, the integrated groups made significantly more eye-movements from text to diagram and vice versa (integrative transitions; d = 1.65 in Experiment 1, d = 0.85 in Experiment 2, and d = 1.44 in Experiment 3) and significantly more eye-movements from the text to the corresponding part of the diagram (corresponding transitions; d = 2.02 in Experiment 1 and d = 1.35 in Experiment 3) than the separated groups. On measures of learning outcome the integrated groups significantly outperformed the separated groups on transfer test score in Experiment 1(d = .80) and Experiment 2 (d = .73) but not in Experiment 3 (d = .35). Spatial contiguity encourages more attempts to integrate words and pictures and enables more successful integration of words and pictures during learning, which can result in meaningful learning outcomes.  相似文献   

Three experiments were conducted to investigate the effects of including illustrations in beginning reading materials. Experiment 1 compared reading materials consisting solely of simple prose passages with materials consisting of the same passages plus informative illustrations depicting the content of each passage. Reading proficiency improved more under the no illustrations condition. Experiment 2 compared the informative illustrations with uninformative illustrations. Reading proficiency improved more using uninformative illustrations. Experiment 3 compared uninformative illustrations with no illustrations and found no significant differences between conditions. These results were interpreted within a cognitive load theory framework. It was concluded that informative illustrations are redundant and so impose an extraneous working memory load that interferes with learning to read. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. This article was published online on 8th April 2009. An error was subsequently identified. This notice is included in the online and print versions to indicate that both have been corrected [3 July 2009].  相似文献   

Although many nonlinear models of cognition have been proposed in the past 50 years, there has been little consideration of corresponding statistical techniques for their analysis. In analyses with nonlinear models, unmodeled variability from the selection of items or participants may lead to asymptotically biased estimation. This asymptotic bias, in turn, renders inference problematic. We show, for example, that a signal detection analysis of recognition memory data leads to asymptotic underestimation of sensitivity. To eliminate asymptotic bias, we advocate hierarchical models in which participant variability, item variability, and measurement error are modeled simultaneously. By accounting for multiple sources of variability, hierarchical models yield consistent and accurate estimates of participant and item effects in recognition memory. This article is written in tutorial format; we provide an introduction to Bayesian statistics, hierarchical modeling, and Markov chain Monte Carlo computational techniques.  相似文献   

Contemporary cognitive behavioral models of body dysmorphic disorder are reviewed, whereby the first by Neziroglu and colleagues emphasizes conditioning processes and relational frame theory and the latter by Veale emphasizes information processing. A brief review of the existing cognitive behavioral therapy research follows the presentation of the models. The majority of publications on BDD continue to deal with phenomenology and epidemiology, and much more research on cognitive behavioral treatment is needed. Treatment research should be geared towards testing elements of the models explicated in this article, and randomized controlled trials are greatly needed.  相似文献   

Alex Blum 《Philosophia》1988,18(2-3):303-308

Pentecostalism is the result of an interesting amalgamation of different traditions: black and oral cultures, middle‐class and proletarian languages, catholic and evangelical spiritualities. These traditions are contextualized in Western, Latin American, Asian and African contexts which produce a bewildering pluralism. This “post‐modern religion” is not only a challenge to Pentecostal theologians but also to the ecumenical community.  相似文献   

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