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ABSTRACT We review prior evidence—and present data of our own—linking measures of adaptational style to the traits comprising the five-factor model of personality. Neuroticism has been studied most extensively and is consistently associated with passive and ineffective coping mechanisms. Conscientiousness has emerged as an equally powerful predictor of coping; however, it is related to active, problem-focused response strategies. Extraversion is less broadly related to coping but tends to be correlated with social support seeking, positive reappraisal, and problem-focused coping. Openness is largely unrelated to many traditional coping inventories, but appears to reflect a more flexible, imaginative, and intellectually curious approach to problem solving. Finally, Agreeableness is only modestly related to coping. These results demonstrate the value of using well-articulated taxonomic schemes as a framework for trait-based research.  相似文献   

In this article, the author summarizes a study examining the number and pattern of job-search resources used by successful and unsuccessful job seekers.  相似文献   

In a survey of recruiters whose companies hire liberal arts graduates, employers suggested the educational qualities they found most attractive and offered recommendations for the job search.  相似文献   

Job search attitudes and behaviors among college students were studied. Major job-seeking factors were identified and discussed in relation to job search experience.  相似文献   

张淑华  郑久华  时勘 《心理学报》2008,40(5):604-610
对失业人员求职行为影响因素的研究是开展失业人员求职培训的重要依据。本研究对272名失业人员的求职行为的影响因素及作用机制进行了研究。多元回归分析的结果表明,(1)环境变量对求职行为没有显著的预测作用,而经济压力和知觉到的就业机会对求职意向有显著的预测作用。(2)求职自我效能感和就业承诺对求职行为起到了显著的预测作用。求职自我效能感和就业承诺越高,求职行为的频率越高。(3)求职意向对求职行为有显著的正向预测作用。(4)求职意向在求职自我效能感、就业承诺对求职行为的作用过程中中介作用显著;在知觉到的就业机会、经济压力和社会支持对求职行为的作用过程中中介作用不显著  相似文献   

Despite some increased visibility in recent years, the asexual community and asexuality generally remain largely unknown. Aiming to demystify asexuality, this paper discusses the context of anti‐asexual animosity in which the (largely American) asexual community is situated. Specifically, the asexual community constructed itself in response to hostility, including explicit anti‐asexual discrimination, homophobia against asexual people perceived to be lesbian or gay, and the negative impact of (implicit) pathologising low sexual desire. This theoretical paper outlines some of the unique challenges asexual people face negotiating identities and relationships; the collective sense‐making strategies they use (generating language and discourse) to do so; and why these things are central to understanding asexual people's experiences. This is accomplished through a purposeful review of literature and a case study of the Asexual Visibility and Education Network as an asexual community space. Understanding the challenges asexual people face and the resources they invoke to overcome them helps applied psychologists develop the cultural competence they need to work effectively with the asexual people they will encounter. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The role of the search committee in the hiring process is ambiguous and as diverse as the institutions where it is employed. Those institutions using a search committee need to be aware of the expectations, proper functions, and limitations involved. Persons agreeing to serve on such a committee need to be properly educated and informed on specific aspects of the assignment that might present problems as the work progresses. This article attempts to delineate the duties of such a committee and raises questions that need to be considered before the committee is organized.  相似文献   

We investigate factors that skilled immigrants can improve in order to have better job search outcomes, in particular to avoid underemployment. We test an unfolding model which considers barriers faced by skilled immigrants during their job search (language and cultural barriers, and the lack of social support in the receiving country), job search constructs and job search outcomes (including underemployment). We collected data through an online questionnaire and obtained 357 usable responses from skilled immigrants in Canada. The hypotheses were tested with partial least squares (PLS). Language fluency and cultural knowledge were positively related to both job search clarity and job search self‐efficacy. Social support was only related to job search self‐efficacy. Job search clarity was related to job search intensity. Job search intensity was related to the number of interviews, which in turn, was related to the number of job offers. Finally, the number of job offers was negatively related to underemployment. Our paper contributes to the understanding of the job search of skilled immigrants by examining factors that can help them overcome obstacles and obtain better job search outcomes.  相似文献   

Clients with addictive disorders who have an internalized need for perfection benefit from an integration of spirituality into counseling treatment. This article provides a review of the literature, offers a spiritual approach for working with clients who struggle with addiction and perfectionism, and provides a case study to demonstrate the effectiveness of the integration of spirituality and counseling.  相似文献   

This study investigates the relationships among job search self-efficacy beliefs, number of job interviews participated in, and job search outcomes using data collected from graduating college job seekers at multiple points in their respective job searches. Results indicate that job search self-efficacy is positively related to number of total offers and number of offers from a preferred employer. Consistent with our hypothesis, job search self-efficacy beliefs moderate the relationship between number of interviews and number of offers, indicating that highly confident job seekers were more efficient in converting interviews into job offers.  相似文献   

This study examined the impact of social contacts (“It's who you know, not what you know”) on job getting. Workers were interviewed to discover the source of information about their most recent job. Results show that social contacts were the most frequently used resources during the job-getting process and that these personal contacts were used more often in some occupational environments than in others.  相似文献   

《Military psychology》2013,25(2):169-186
This article contrasts 2 research paradigms used in designing and evaluating test batteries and predictor composites for selection and classification in the multiple job context. Selection and classification test batteries such as the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery are designed and evaluated primarily in terms of incremental predictive validity. An alternative research paradigm offered by differential assignment theory (DAT) uses a standardized mean predicted performance measure as the index of efficiency. A review of the DAT research paradigm and studies applying it to U.S. Army test and performance data forms the focus for a comparison between the findings of predictive validity and DAT research. We suggest that the DAT research paradigm is a more appropriate vehicle for evaluating test batteries and predictor composites used for assignment in the military context.  相似文献   

The study investigated the effect of self-ascribed epistemic authority (SAEA) on proclivity to choose information either about job content or about job context. Subjects expressed their attitudes toward a job offer on the basis of information either about job content alone or about job content and job context. It was found that in the process of evaluating a job offer, people with different levels of SAEA tended to focus on different kinds of information-job-content or job-context characteristics. The higher the SAEA, the greater was the effect of job-content characteristics on their evaluation of the job offer. By contrast, when the job-content characteristics were supplemented with attractive job-context characteristics, the relationship between SAEA and job-offer evaluation was low and insignificant. Subjects low on SAEA had relatively low preference for using job-content characteristics as criteria for job-offer evaluation.  相似文献   

Support that helps job seekers maintain confidence might decrease unemployment rates among people with disabilities. In this study, clients described their employment barriers (disability, education, and work history) and then reported their job search confidence 3 times at 6‐month intervals. Their employment support agency provided information about the support (counseling visits, support hours, and financial resources) it delivered. Clients with more disabilities and education barriers experienced declines in job search confidence unless they received intensive levels of employment counseling. Three visits to a counselor maintained client confidence, and confidence improved only after 18 visits. Other service intensity indicators (support hours and financial resources) did not halt confidence declines.  相似文献   

Using the rich data set of the German Socio-Economic Panel (GSOEP) this article analyzes the effects of job characteristics on job satisfaction as well as the conditions under which low job satisfaction leads to job search, and under which job search leads to job changes. Individual fixed effects are included into the analysis in order to hold unobserved heterogeneity constant. According to the empirical results, the strongest determinants of job satisfaction are relations with colleagues and supervisors, task diversity and job security. Furthermore, job satisfaction is an important determinant of the self-reported probability of job search, which in turn effectively predicts actual job changes. The effect of job search on the probability of changing jobs varies with job satisfaction and is strongest at low levels of job satisfaction. The effects of job dissatisfaction on job search and of job search on quits are stronger for workers with lower tenure, better educated workers, workers in the private sector and when the economy and labor market are in a good condition.  相似文献   


In the twenty-first century, diversity and multicultural analysis of race often falls along a Black/White binary paradigm. Therefore, those who are perceived to be White are often left out of the discussion of diversity and multicultural education (DME) in the United States. This absence is particularly true for American Jews of Ashkenazi descent. In academic circles today, the notion of ‘Whiteness’ is often used as a determining factor for overlooking antisemitism while addressing issues of racism aimed at other racial and ethnic groups in the United States. Data show that acts of antisemitism continues to rise in the U.S., especially on college campuses. Due to a lack of acknowledgment in the university classroom, Jews continue to be overlooked in multicultural academic thought, which can have wide-ranging consequences for Jews and non-Jews alike.  相似文献   

The purposes of this investigation were to determine the role of career mobility and perceived career success by Black managers and to describe common career and personal traits among successful Black managers.  相似文献   

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