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Applied Social Psychology   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  

The view of the outgoing editors on applied social psychology and on the past decade of the Journal of Applied Social Psychology is presented. The history of the Journal, conceptualizations of its purpose, assessments of journal quality and evaluation approaches to its achievement are discussed. Finally, questions about the future of applied social psychology and the future of the Journal are raised.  相似文献   

认知与身体:理论心理学的视角   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
叶浩生 《心理学报》2013,45(4):481-488
文章站在理论心理学的立场,从具身的维度,探讨了认知与身体的可能关系。文章指出,自古希腊以来的西方文化中,二元论思想一直占据主导地位。柏拉图是二元论思想的最早代表,笛卡尔从认识论上确证了心、物二元世界的存在。传统认知心理学承袭了身心分离的二元论传统,视心智为独立于身体感觉运动系统的抽象符号信息加工。但是具身认知的兴起对二元论提出了挑战。从具身的维度来看,认知是身体的认知,身体是认知的主体。认知在以下三个方面表现出对身体的依赖性:a.身体限制着认知的特征与范围。有机体的身体结构、身体的活动能力限制了认知表征的性质和内容;b.身体不仅限制着认知加工,而且可以作为认知加工的一个组成部分,在大脑和身体之间分配认知任务,发挥着一种类似于分销商的作用;c.身体调节着认知,影响着思维、判断、情绪和动机等心智过程。上述事实说明,身心并非对立的二元,而是一体,身体与环境的互动造就了心智和认知。心智、身体、环境是一体化过程。  相似文献   

In this paper, we argue that media saturate everyday living, and that people engage with and are engaged by media in diverse and complex ways. We suggest a need for an informed social psychology of media that conceptualises media as social practice, and attends to media practices as they occur. We propose that much media psychology research is limited because it: (i) focuses too strongly on documenting causal, and usually negative, media effects; (ii) continues to apply unsuitable research methodologies and theories to investigating media and ignores advances in media research and theory arising outside the discipline; and (iii) largely ignores the social contexts in which media engagements occur. These arguments are illustrated by studies that take a more social and critical approach to media research and that show possibilities for overcoming these limitations and developing insights into psychological concerns enmeshed in media practices.  相似文献   

权力作为人类社会的基本特征之一, 一直受到社会心理学家的关注, 实证研究成果丰硕, 理论构建也日益完善。首先, 权力从结构变量发展为心理变量, 有外显、内隐之分, 控制感是其核心要素。其次, 社会心理学领域最具代表性的3个权力理论为“接近-抑制理论”、“情境聚焦理论”和“社会距离理论”, 它们的理论基础各异, 关注的现象却存在交集。最后, 未来的权力研究可以从以下3个方向改进:(1)关注文化、动机、自我卷入等因素; (2)区别社会权力和个人权力; (3)融合各领域观点; (4)丰富研究方法, 以促进理论的发展。  相似文献   

This paper examines the crisis in social psychology as a multifaceted process. The epistemological, theoretical, and methodological tensions and controversies that arise in the extensive, reflexive debate on the crisis in social psychology are considered in their interconnections with psychological practice. The paper argues that despite the dominant tendency to return to “business as usual”, the increasing disunity and fragmentation of social psychology only indicate that its crisis has deepened. The paper offers a critical account of the main strategies for the resolution of the crisis in social psychology and suggests a dialectical perspective as a tool for a critical reflection on important theoretical and methodological issues of psychology as a discipline (the relationship between theory and practice, relationship between individual and society, empiricism, etc.)  相似文献   

Research on achievement goals usually defines mastery goals as the desire to acquire knowledge, and performance goals as the desire to outperform (or not to underperform) others. Educational contexts are most of the time social contexts, involving various persons and groups, of various hierarchical positions, and various cultural and ideological contexts. Surprisingly, most research in the achievement goal field has been conducted at an individual level of analysis. In the present paper, we will review the social consequences and antecedents of goal endorsement. This research indicates that goals strongly affect the way one behaves with co‐learners. Moreover, it suggests that more than merely individual dispositions, goals reflect the social relation students have with other persons, institutions, and with the society to which they belong. We conclude this paper by setting an agenda for future achievement goal research.  相似文献   

试论理论心理学及其应用价值   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
理论心理学是近20年来涌现出的新学科。这是一门以理论思维方法对心理学的基本问题和规律进行探索的科学,已逐渐汇成为心理学各分支学科的理论基础。理论心理学在心理学中的地位,就应像理论物理学、理论化学在物理学和化学中一样,是心理学的学科体系中一个极为重要和不可缺少的组成部分。理论心理学并不是抽象的哲学建构,它也十分关注实践应用问题。当前理论心理学在西方已出现了两种比较成熟的行动应用模式。  相似文献   

In this paper, I make two related arguments: that peace psychology and social psychological peace research should give greater attention to discourse, and that critical discursive approaches in social psychology should explore matters of international military conflict, an area which has hitherto been somewhat neglected in this tradition of work. These arguments are developed in relation to debates concerning the nature and status of psychological ‘science’, and the neglect of language in social and peace psychology. To illustrate the possibilities of a critical discursive approach, research on the discursive function of ‘peace’ is discussed. In conclusion, it is suggested that a critical discursive perspective enables analysts to interrogate a range of assumptions underpinning militaristic ideologies.  相似文献   

The potential for contributions by applied social psychology to decision research and theory is explored. Most decisions by groups and individuals are social in origin or impact, suggesting that social psychologists should consider decision making as a relevant topic. Early applied work is considered. Mathematical model approaches are explored. Both are found wanting, especially where we wish to apply our science to complex and multiple uncertain decision problems. Examples of recent relevant research that fit well into an applied social psychological framework are provided, indicating the variety of potential topics for investigations. Finally, the need for encompassing theory is considered. The characteristics of needed theory are discussed.  相似文献   

俭是一种关于生活方式的信念, 它促使个体为实现长远的目标, 主动地约束自己的欲望, 限制自己的获取, 有节制地使用资源。俭的内涵丰富, 可从目标和手段两方面分析, 其下又可细分为生存性目标和生存性手段, 发展性目标和发展性手段。对俭的形成有多种解说; 适应说、驱动说和特质说分别从外在约束、内部需求和个体特质三个不同的方面进行过解释。俭是个体因素和环境因素共同作用的结果, 同时又对个体的知、情、意、行具有引导作用。未来研究可对培养个体和社会层面俭的意识和行为的条件和可能的方式进行理论探讨, 也可对不同类型的俭可能对应的心理、行为或者脑机制进行实证研究。  相似文献   

This paper presents some questions directed to: (1) problematise researchers, practitioners and students, about ideas and practices in Community Psychology (CP), that are becoming naturalized as the perfect o the best models and processes; (2) allowing traditional practices to be sheltered under the name of critical, transforming, participatory and liberating CP. Critical questions about two types of issues are asked: Those related to horizon, limits, and theoretical scope of CP, and those related to the canonization of PC methods and techniques. The distinction between what is radical and what is critical is argued. Reflexive discussion in order to find how a theoretical or methodological conception introduces forms of oppression, or exclusion, as well as deconstruction of ways to ignore values and principles, even in the name of a transforming, liberating, participatory CP, is concluded.  相似文献   

群体性事件作为我国社会转型时期的一个突出问题,近年来受到广泛关注。本文对近十年来从社会心理学角度研究群体性事件的相关文献进行梳理整合,总结归纳出三个重要方面,并对相关研究的不足之处提出了疑问和建议,以期对当前类似事件的应对有所借鉴及对后继研究有所启示。  相似文献   

运用态度理论对服务态度进行解读,分析医患沟通、患者服务期望和感知与服务态度评价的关系.研究发现患者所述服务态度偏离了心理学态度本意,更倾向于服务行为或者服务;提高医生沟通能力对改善患者评价有积极作用;明晰医患不同视角服务态度内涵及差异具有理论和实践意义.  相似文献   

On souligne, dans I'introduction du numéro spécial d' Applied Psychology: An International Review sur la Psychologie Politique, qu'il existe deux courants parmi les contributions au champ de la psychologie politique. L'un traite des implications politiques en jeu quand la politique est utilisée pour illustrer des problématiques psychologiques. L'autre est une « Psychologie Politique politique >> où les orientations des Sciences Politiques définissent les problématiques. La seconde partie de l'introduction montre que cette discipline emprunte largement à trois grandes théories de la psychologie (la théorie cognitive, la théorie de I'apprentissage et la psychanalyse) et que la plupart des publications abordent des thèmes en rapport avec les psychologies sociale, clinique, de la personnalité et du développement. Enfin, les sept contributions émanant d'auteurs de quatre continents sont brièvement introduites.
The introduction to Applied Psychology: An International Review's special issue on Political Psychology argues that there are two streams of contributions to the field of political psychology. One is work with political implications where politics are used to illustrate psychological research questions. The other is a "political Political Psychology" where the agenda of political science defines the research questions. A second part of the introduction shows that the discipline draws most heavily on three grand theories of psychology, namely cognitive theory, psychoanalysis, and learning theory with most publications working on questions related to social psychology, personality, clinical, and developmental psychology. Finally the seven contributions by authors from four continents are briefly introduced.  相似文献   

有关具身认知思潮的理论心理学思考   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:10  
叶浩生 《心理学报》2011,43(5):589-598
具身认知强调了心智或认知对身体及其感觉运动系统的依赖性。与传统认知心理学的符号加工模式不同的是, 它认为身体的构造和状态、身体的物理属性及其大脑与身体的特殊感觉—运动通道对认知具有塑造作用。认知既是具身的, 也是嵌入的, 大脑嵌入身体、身体嵌入环境, 构成了一体的认知系统。最初, 具身认知仅仅是一种反对笛卡尔身心二元论的哲学思潮, 经由认知科学哲学和理论心理学而逐渐进入了实验领域。具身认知研究充分利用了神经科学的方法和技术、数据和结论, 但是它并不主张把心理还原为生理或物理, 同时, 具身认知的神经科学取向仅仅给传统心理研究提供一个认识心智的新视角, 其目标并非取消行为水平的心理研究, 因此不会损害心理学的独立地位。  相似文献   

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