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Suicide ideation among the homeless is 10 times more common than in the general population. Cognitive theories of depression and hopelessness propose to explain suicidality; however, as yet, none of these fully account for the phenomenon. Shneidman has suggested a theory of psychache or unbearable psychological pain to explain suicidality. This theory has found support among low-risk populations but has not been extensively tested within a high-risk population. The current research assessed the utility of psychache among men who are homeless (N = 97). In support of Shneidman's theory, analyses revealed that psychache was a stronger predictor of suicide ideation than was depression, hopelessness, or life meaning.  相似文献   

The role of neighborhood factors in predicting hopelessness among adolescent suicide attempters was examined in this study. Forty-eight adolescents who attempted suicide were administered measures of hopelessness and depression. Family socioeconomic status (SES) was calculated based on family demographics and characteristics of neighborhood context were examined using a geocoding software package. Adolescents who lived in neighborhoods with weak social networks reported higher levels of hopelessness, even after controlling for SES and depression. These preliminary findings suggest that environmental context may play a role in the emotional status of adolescents who attempt suicide.  相似文献   

Recent cognitive accounts of psychotic symptoms have suggested that processes involved in the maintenance of emotional disorders may also be implicated in the maintenance of hallucinations and delusions, and particularly emphasise the appraisals of such symptoms as important. Imaginal appraisals have been identified in emotional disorders, and many studies have reported spontaneously occurring images in patients with anxiety disorders. Such images appear to be linked to affect, beliefs and memories. This study examined the occurrence of imagery, using a semi-structured interview, in 35 patients who were experiencing hallucinations and/or delusions and receiving cognitive therapy. The majority of patients (74.3%) reported images, and most of these were recurrent and associated with affect, beliefs and memories. Common themes included images about feared catastrophes associated with paranoia, traumatic memories, and images about the perceived source or content of voices. The theoretical and clinical implications of these findings are discussed and directions for further research considered.  相似文献   

Mothers of 212 children aged 2 to 12 yr. responded to a problem checklist. Significantly more children reported as maltreated were said to have learning difficulties than comparison children; language delays and poor motor coordination were also noted. Such children would benefit from the formal assessment and remediation of problems in motor development.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate the coincident timing accuracy of the preferred and nonpreferred limbs in a ballistic striking task. A secondary purpose was to examine subjects' perception of their performance proficiency with each limb. 30 right-hand preferred subjects performed a 60-cm horizontal arm motion to displace a wooden barrier in coincidence with the final light in a series that traveled down a runway. Interestingly, while both the preferred and nonpreferred limbs were equally proficient in temporal accuracy, 80% of subjects perceived a bilateral asymmetry in performance. The influence of this perception on bilateral skill performance and acquisition remains in question.  相似文献   

The adaptive calibration model (ACM) is an evolutionary-developmental theory of individual differences in stress responsivity. In this article, we tested some key predictions of the ACM in a middle childhood sample (N = 256). Measures of autonomic nervous system activity across the sympathetic and parasympathetic branches validated the 4-pattern taxonomy of the ACM via finite mixture modeling. Moreover, the 4 patterns of responsivity showed the predicted associations with family stress levels but no association with measures of ecological stress. Our hypotheses concerning sex differences in responsivity were only partly confirmed. This preliminary study provides initial support for the key predictions of the ACM and highlights some of the methodological challenges that will need to be considered in future research on this topic.  相似文献   

The aim of the study was to compare African American and Caucasian substance dependent suicide attempters for risk factors for suicidal behavior. One hundred and fifty-eight African American and 95 Caucasian substance dependent patients who had attempted suicide were interviewed and their family history of suicidal behavior recorded. Patients completed the Childhood Trauma Questionnaire, the Eysenck Personality Questionnaire, and the Foulds Hostility and Direction of Hostility Questionnaire. The results revealed that there were no significant differences between the African American and Caucasian suicide attempters for marital status, age, childhood abuse, or for personality scores for neuroticism, extraversion, psychoticism, or hostility. However, the African American attempters had significantly lower childhood emotional neglect scores. Also, significantly more of the Caucasian attempters had a family history of suicide and current legal problems. Further studies seem warranted examining for differences between African Americans and Caucasians for risk factors for suicidal behavior.  相似文献   

Research is burgeoning regarding the beneficial association of forgiveness with numerous health-related outcomes; however, its particular relationship to suicidal behavior has received relatively little attention. Both cynicism and psychache, or agonizing psychological pain, have displayed deleterious associations with suicidal behavior, but have rarely been incorporated into more comprehensive models of suicidal behavior. Consistent with the recent development of a theoretical model regarding the forgiveness–suicidal behavior association, the present study utilized an undergraduate sample of college students (N = 312) to test a mediation-based model of the cross-sectional association of forgiveness with suicidal behavior, as serially mediated by cynicism and psychache. Dispositional forgiveness of self and forgiveness of uncontrollable situations were each indirectly associated with less suicidal behavior via less psychache. Also, dispositional forgiveness of others was indirectly associated with less suicidal behavior via less cynicism and less psychache, in a serial fashion. The present results are consistent with the extent literature on the forgiveness–suicidal behavior association, cynicism, and psychache, and pending future studies, may be utilized to inform further treatment efforts for individuals at a high risk of attempting suicide.  相似文献   

Prior work suggests that variations in self-imagery can influence the emotional interpretations people make about social situations. The current experiment investigated the converse possibility: that inducing an inferential bias can change the content of self-related images. The effects of repeated practice in accessing either negative or positive social outcomes was tested by having participants report on self-images generated during subsequent experience with ambiguous social situations. Participants and independent judges rated the content of participants’ self-images as being more negative after prior practice in accessing negative rather than positive social outcomes. Furthermore, participants who practiced accessing negative outcomes rated their anticipated anxiety in an imagined stressful social situation as being greater, and their expected social performance as poorer than participants in the positive outcome group. Groups did not differ in state anxiety levels when making their ratings, so it is unlikely that any observed differences between groups can be attributed to mood effects. We suggest that this finding is consistent with the hypothesis that inferential biases and content of self-images can interact with each other and may together serve to maintain social anxiety.  相似文献   

A qualitative approach to the evaluation of disordered locomotion is introduced within the framework of dynamical systems theory. Exemplar phase plane and angle-angle plots of knee and ankle movements were constructed from limb trajectories of neurologically impaired individuals and qualitatively compared with similar plots, reflecting normal locomotion. In phase plane trajectories of normal locomotion, characteristics of spring-like dynamics dominated the loading and unloading phases whereas those of ballistic pendular dynamics were seen during swing. The overall squareness of the normal phase plane trajectories suggested precisely timed and narrowly focused controls. in contrast, phase plane records from hemiparetic subjects had markedly reduced segmental velocities, pronounced velocity reversals in both stance and swing, and a loss of overall squareness. Knee-ankle plots of normal locomotion revealed important features of intersegmental coordination such as coupled out-of-phase coordination in loading and unloading, a decoupled phase offset in early swing, and a kind of active partitioning in late swing in which one segment moved while the other remained constant. These intersegmental relations were absent or distorted in the hemiparetic angle-angle plots. It is suggested that this qualitative approach, together with electromyography and force dynamics, may allow the characterization of the movement disorders associated with given neuropathologies.  相似文献   

The heritability of personality disorder features was investigated in 112 child (ages 4-15 years) twin pairs (70 monozygotic and 42 dizygotic pairs). Parents assessed personality disorder features using the Coolidge Personality and Neuropsychological Inventory for Children (CPNI; Coolidge, 1998) that measures 12 personality disorders according to the criteria in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-IV) (American Psychiatric Association, 1994). Structural equation model-fitting methods indicated that the median heritability coefficient for the 12 scales was .75 (ranging from .81 for the Dependent and Schizotypal Personality Disorder scales to .50 for the Paranoid and Passive-Aggressive Personality Disorder scales). These results suggest that childhood personality disorders have a substantial genetic component and that they are similar to heritability estimates of personality disorder traits in adults and counter hypotheses that only temperaments and higher-order personality disorder traits have significant genetic components (Paris, 1997).  相似文献   

The prevention of chronic pain and disability: a preliminary investigation.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A preliminary investigation was undertaken on 117 acute back pain cases, to assess the utility of counseling at the acute stage upon the course of recovery over the subsequent 6 months. In addition, the extent to which psychological reactions to acute injury would allow the 'tagging' of individuals at risk for chronic pain problems, was studied. The minimal rehabilitation counseling proved inadequate to effect the course of recovery, but remarkably accurate predictions were possible at the sub-chronic point (3 months) as to who would make complete recoveries.  相似文献   

Impulsivity and hostility are often thought to be interrelated among depressed patients with suicidal behavior, but few studies have examined this relationship empirically. In this study, we assessed trait impulsivity and hostility among 52 DSM-IV bipolar subjects with and without histories of suicide attempts. Impulsivity and hostility were correlated among attempters (r = .41, p = .03) but not non-attempters (r = .22, p = .28). As compared to non-attempters, attempters had significantly higher levels of overall hostility, more extensive subcomponents of hostility, and a trend toward higher overall impulsivity. Associations between lifetime suicide attempts and overall hostility were significant while controlling for current depression severity and lifetime illness duration. Aggression and impulsivity appear linked among bipolar patients with lifetime suicide attempts but may be independent constructs among non-attempters. The presence of both factors may elevate risk for suicidal behavior.  相似文献   

The relationship between both the quantity and perceived quality of social support and suicidal risk was examined in a sample of 50 adolescents whose ages ranged from 16 to 20 years. A multiple regression analysis was performed, using scores from Cull and Gill's 1983 Suicide Probability Scale as the criterion measure along with the predictor variables of quantity and quality of experienced social support as measured by the 1983 Social Support Questionnaire of Sarason, Levine, Basham, and Sarason. Analysis showed the social support variables accounted for over 52% of the variance in suicide potential. The greatest proportion of the variance in suicide risk was attributable to the quality of the perceived social support. Adolescents at greater risk for suicide were significantly less satisfied with the quality of their social support.  相似文献   

Previous research suggests that formerly dysphoric individuals engage in effortful strategies (e.g., thought suppression) that may mask underlying depressive thinking. The addition of a cognitive load, such as recalling a 6-digit number, which interferes with effortful mental control, reveals depressive thinking in formerly dysphoric individuals. This preliminary study tested whether this effect of cognitive load on revealing negative thinking generalizes to formerly clinically depressed patients. Currently depressed patients, recovered depressed patients and never-depressed patients unscrambled sentences that could form either positive or negative statements, after random allocation to either cognitive load or no cognitive load conditions. The number of negative statements unscrambled was used as an index of negative thinking. Without a load, recovered depressed patients did not differ from never-depressed controls: both groups completed fewer negative statements than currently depressed patients. However, the cognitive load increased negative statements in the recovered depressed group, making them resemble the currently depressed group more than the never-depressed group. These preliminary findings extend previous demonstrations of cognitive load unmasking negative thinking in dysphoric students to a clinical population, suggesting that formerly depressed patients utilize effortful strategies to minimize the report of negative thinking, which is undermined by the addition of a cognitive load.  相似文献   

Abstinent alcoholics were compared to a non-alcoholic control group on a modified Stroop color-naming task. Alcoholics took significantly longer to name the color of the word "alcohol" than to name the color of non-alcohol words (i.e., they showed an interference effect) after they had first tried to suppress thoughts of alcohol. Alcoholics who had freely expressed thoughts about alcohol prior to the Stroop did not show such interference. Control participants who had suppressed thoughts of alcohol showed no interference effect. The results overall suggest that when alcoholics try to suppress thoughts of alcohol, these thoughts may become hyperaccessible immediately afterward.  相似文献   


The purpose of this exploratory study was to investigate the relationship between participation in Marriage Encounter, the largest marriage enrichment program in the world, and subsequent marital or family distress. Analyzing 13 case reports from seven marital therapists, the authors suggest that Marriage Encounter weekends can cause marital or family deterioration for some couples through increased marital conflict, avoidance of constructive problem solving, or marital enmeshment at the expense of children. It appears that the most harmful aspect of the Marriage Encounter experience is its induction of intense couple-centered communication, leading to emotional overload in some couples. The authors offer several recommendations intended to lower the risks associated with participation in Marriage Encounter.  相似文献   

The present study examined the nature of generalized anxiety, which was defined as the constellation of symptoms listed as diagnostic criteria for generalized anxiety disorder in DSM-III-R. Generalized anxiety was assessed by means of a questionnaire that was especially constructed for this study. Although multidimensional scaling of symptoms reported by a clinically anxious sample produced orthogonal anxiety and panic dimensions, many symptoms were common to both dimensions. Whereas worry was found to be the cardinal feature of generalized anxiety, respiratory symptoms were found to associate closely with panic. These dimensions were replicated in a student sample. It is argued that while generalized anxiety symptoms constitute a unique dimension in the field of anxiety disorders, both panic and generalized anxiety may be linked with a basic anxiety response system. The findings also indicated that worry associated more closely with generalized anxiety than did apprehensive expectations. The heuristic value of the findings are discussed in light of the issue relating to an anxiety-panic continuum.  相似文献   

Earliest childhood memories (EMs) have been utilized as expressions of relationship paradigms, but few empirical studies have been conducted. This study outlines the construction and development of an EM relationship scoring system and scale utilizing nonclinical and clinical samples. It was hypothesized that relationship episodes could be reliably coded using EMs and that they would demonstrate convergent validity with measures of attachment style (Separation-Individuation Test of Adolescence), mood (Profile of Mood States), and clinical symptomatology (Symptom Checklist 90-revised [SCL-90-R] and the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory [MMPI]). The hypotheses received broad support. Findings indicate that relationship episodes may be reliably coded from EMs. Associations between individual EM variables, the EM relationship scale, and objective measures suggest that the quality of relationships expressed in EMs is associated with degree of general maladjustment. Suggestions for further research are discussed.  相似文献   

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