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Simple reaction time was measured to spectral lights matched photometrically in luminance. When these lights were presented on a dimmer achromatic background, reaction time did not vary as a function of wavelength. Moreover, reaction times to white and chromatic lights were the same. When the luminance of the background was the same as that of the chromatic lights, reaction time increased and showed a strong effect of wavelength. Reaction time in this condition appeared to follow a saturation function. The results are described in terms of the operation of achromatic and chromatic processing channels.  相似文献   

Evidence is still inconclusive regarding the locus of the stimulus intensity effect on information processing in reaction tasks. Miller, Ulrich, and Rinkenauer (1999) addressed this question by assessing the intensity effect on stimulus- and response-locked lateralized readiness potentials (LRPs) as indices of the sensory and motor parts of reaction time (RT). In the case of visual stimuli, they observed that application of brighter stimuli resulted in a shortening of RT and stimulus-locked LRP (S-LRP), but not of response-locked LRP (R-LRP). The results for auditory stimuli, however, were unclear. In spite of a clear RT reduction due to increased loudness, neither S-LRP nor R-LRP onset was affected. A reason for this failure might have been a relatively small range of intensity variation and the type of task. To check for this possibility, we performed three experiments in which broader ranges of stimulus intensities and simple, rather than choice, response tasks were used. Although the intensity effect on the R-LRP was negligible, S-LRP followed RT changes, irrespective of stimulus modality. These findings support the conclusion that stimulus intensity exerts its effect before the start of motoric processes. Finally, S-LRP and R-LRP findings are discussed within a broader information-processing perspective to check the validity of the claim that S-LRP and R-LRP can, indeed, be considered as pure estimates of the duration of sensory and motor processes.  相似文献   

A longstanding issue is whether perception and mental imagery share similar cognitive and neural mechanisms. To cast further light on this problem, we compared the effects of real and mentally generated visual stimuli on simple reaction time (RT). In five experiments, we tested the effects of difference in luminance, contrast, spatial frequency, motion, and orientation. With the intriguing exception of spatial frequency, in all other tasks perception and imagery showed qualitatively similar effects. An increase in luminance, contrast, and visual motion yielded a decrease in RT for both visually presented and imagined stimuli. In contrast, gratings of low spatial frequency were responded to more quickly than those of higher spatial frequency only for visually presented stimuli. Thus, the present study shows that basic dependent variables exert similar effects on visual RT either when retinally presented or when imagined. Of course, this evidence does not necessarily imply analogous mechanisms for perception and imagery, and a note of caution in such respect is suggested by the large difference in RT between the two operations. However, the present results undoubtedly provide support for some overlap between the structural representation of perception and imagery.  相似文献   

A longstanding issue is whether perception and mental imagery share similar cognitive and neural mechanisms. To cast further light on this problem, we compared the effects of real and mentally generated visual stimuli on simple reaction time (RT). In five experiments, we tested the effects of difference in luminance, contrast, spatial frequency, motion, and orientation. With the intriguing exception of spatial frequency, in all other tasks perception and imagery showed qualitatively similar effects. An increase in luminance, contrast, and visual motion yielded a decrease in RT for both visually presented and imagined stimuli. In contrast, gratings of low spatial frequency were responded to more quickly than those of higher spatial frequency only for visually presented stimuli. Thus, the present study shows that basic dependent variables exert similar effects on visual RT either when retinally presented or when imagined. Of course, this evidence does not necessarily imply analogous mechanisms for perception and imagery, and a note of caution in such respect is suggested by the large difference in RT between the two operations. However, the present results undoubtedly provide support for some overlap between the structural representation of perception and imagery.  相似文献   

The effects of preparatory weak muscular contraction (pre-tension) have been investigated in a number of previous studies using tasks with either simple or choice responses to measure the reaction time (RT). These studies suggested that optimal pre-tension performed prior to a motor response tends to shorten the RTs. Using a simple RT task in which participants performed a grip response to a visual stimulus, the present study compared the RTs between two pre-tension conditions (self-selection and constraint) to investigate the effects of different instructions for pre-tension. Under the self-selection condition, participants were asked to determine their optimal pre-tension levels while attempting to give responses as fast as possible. Under the constraint condition, the participants developed a pre-tension at a target force determined by the experimenter. The target force was set at the same level as the pre-tension level maintained under the self-selection. Despite the fact that the pre-tension level manipulated was the same for both conditions, the RTs were significantly shorter under self-selection than under constraint. Moreover, the present study showed a positive correlation coefficient between the proportion of shortening in RT and the variation of pre-tension level. This indicated a performance trade-off between the stability of pre-tension and RTs. The result suggests that shorter RTs that occur under self-selection are primarily mediated by mental factors, such as attention allocation, rather than by the effects of peripheral muscular preparation.  相似文献   

Using light onset as the stimulus in simple reaction time (SRT), the effect of stimulus intensity was studied in both between-subjects and within-subjects experimental designs. There was a strong intensity effect in both conditions but no significant interaction between the effect of stimulus intensity and the type of design. This differs from previous results with auditory stimuli where such an interaction has been demonstrated. When the criterion parameters of variable criterion theory were evaluated directly, the only significant effect was greater criterion variability in the between-subjects condition. Theoretical functions describing the growth of sensory strength for each intensity had different starting points and were largely parallel, showing only late temporal divergence. This provides an explanation of the rarity, in the SRT literature, of interactions between visual intensity and criterion variables. Correlations illustrating the relations between reaction time (RT) measures and theoretical criterion parameters are presented. Absence of the predicted relation between intensity and RT variability is evidence against theories relating RT to impulse rate treated as a Poisson process.  相似文献   

Two experiments investigated the memory drum theory's prediction (Henry & Rogers, 1960) that simple reaction time (SRT) increased with the complexity of the response to be initiated. Experiment 1 (N = 9) matched the Experiment 1, Group 1, SRT condition described by Henry and Rogers. Results of Experiment 1 replicated those of Henry and Rogers and indicated that the memory drum theory's prediction of increased SRT as a function of increased complexity of response was tenable. Experiment 2 (N = 11) tested the effects of anatomical unit, extent and target size on SRT, premotor time, and motor time. The results supported the contention that alternative explanations for SRT were possible. With complexity constant, increases in anatomical unit lead to increases in SRT, but only in the motor time component which indicated electromechanical rather than neuromotor program delays. It is proposed that the increased motor time could be explained by peripheral events such as the duration maximum torque must be applied by the agonist muscle(s) to generate the angular acceleration required to initiate rapid movement. SRT, premotor time, and motor time increased when target size was reduced from 6.35 cm to 79 cm. The increased premotor time could be a function of the determining of new equilibrium points for the elbow joint during response initiation. No effects on SRT were observed for extent.  相似文献   

In this paper evidence is presented that the variability of the motor system does not play an important role in the variability of simple reaction time. Many studies refer to this fact which, however, seems contradictory to electrophysiological data. A model is proposed for the operation of the motor system in simple reaction time experiments which consistently links single cell neuronal activity with electromyographic activity and with response time. It appears that the motor system subserving simple reactions consists of many elements which once triggered produce a mechanical response well defined in time despite the fact that the elements themselves show a rather large time jitter.  相似文献   

This study explored whether a small dose of alcohol (0.67 ml/kg) would affect simple auditory RT as developed with time on task in a vigilance setting. Analysis indicated that absolute levels were not affected and no interaction with time on task was evident. Alcohol did, however, increase both number and mean duration of the extreme long reactions but this effect was not related to time on task. It was concluded that in many applied situations this effect of small alcohol doses may be critical.  相似文献   

The effects of small doses of alcohol were tested in a vigilance setting. Subjects were repeatedly tested during three 30-min. sessions. The stimulus event was a visual light located in front of subjects. The average intersignal interval was 3.75 sec., and the dependent measure was simple reaction time. Analysis indicates that alcohol produced a skewness in the RT-distribution with time on task; the longer reactions increased more than the shorter ones. Especially the extremely long reactions (blockings) increased markedly with time on task under alcohol. Results were discussed in relation to other studies reporting divergent results in similar test situations.  相似文献   

The major purpose of the present investigation was to examine the combined influence of variations in foreperiod length (1.0, 5.0 sec) and catch trial frequency (0.0, 0.1, 0.2) on simple reaction time (RT) magnitude when verbal mediation was permitted and when it was not. A significant foreperiod length, catch trial frequency, mediation type interaction was obtained supporting the notion that all three factors influence a common process (i.e. Sternberg 1969), here called ‘preparation’. More specifically, for the non-mediation group, foreperiod length and catch trial frequency had both additive (0.0 vs 0.1) and interactive (0.1 vs 0.2) effects on mean simple RT while only catch trial frequency significantly altered simple RT for the mediating group. In all instances, mean simple RT increased significantly when some catch trials were employed as opposed to when none were used, a finding which was interpreted as reflecting an induced preparation decrement upon the introduction of catch trials.  相似文献   

In the between-S design, 20 Ss had a visual ready signal presented on each trial; for another 20 Ss, the ready signal was always absent. The within-S design consisted of 40 Ss that experienced both ready-signal conditions in semirandom order. Two intensities of a 1,000-Hz tone were used as the response signals Ready-signal manipulation had pronounced effects under the within-S but not the between-S design irrespective of response-signal intensity  相似文献   

Simple motor reaction times (right-handed) to tape-recorded consonant-vowel syllables were obtained from 12 subjects under two conditions of monotic stimulation: “expected” presentation (subject informed as to ear of presentation) and “random” presentation (ear of presentation varied randomly). Significantly faster left ear reaction times were obtained in the “expected” condition. The rank order of subjects' standard dichotic listening task scores correlated negatively with reaction time ear differences in the “expected” presentation condition. Results are discussed in terms of existing theories of response lateralization in simple reaction time tasks, and an expanded hypothesis is offered. Specifically, it is suggested that two or more distinct but potentially overlapping mechanisms may be responsible for observed asymmetries in monotic auditory perception. Both an attentional or lateralized motor response bias and an inherent lateralization of function may operate side by side, differentially activated by task demands, mode of stimulus presentation, and nature of stimuli.  相似文献   

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