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《Quarterly journal of experimental psychology (2006)》2013,66(7):1331-1355
There are two main classes of model of interference effects in recognition memory: item-noise and context-noise. Item-noise models predict that a loss of memory discriminability will occur with an increase in the number of studied items from the same taxonomic category (category length, CL) and that forced-choice recognition performance will be higher when the target and lure are related rather than unrelated. Context-noise models, however, predict null effects for both of these manipulations. Although results from some recent experiments suggest that CL and target–lure relatedness have a trivial or no effect on memory discriminability when the related items from the same taxonomic category are “not back to back in the study list but are separated (spaced) by interleaving items from other semantic categories,” these experiments have methodological limitations that were eliminated in the present experiment in which exemplars representing category lengths of 2, 8, or 14 were presented spaced apart within the same study list. Recognition was tested using a yes/no recognition test or a two-alternative forced-choice recognition test in which the target and lure were either related or unrelated. In yes/no recognition, d′ decreased as CL increased, replicating prior research. However, when the slope of the z-ROC function is less than 1.0, as is typically so and was so in the present results, d′ differences can arise due to criterion shifts and are not necessarily due to memory discriminability differences. When the more appropriate measure of memory discriminability, d a , was computed, CL had no effect in yes/no recognition, nor did it have an effect in forced-choice recognition, which also was not affected by target–lure relatedness. Thus, the present results are congruent with context-noise models and pose a challenge for item-noise models. 相似文献
Vicki M. Soukup Alfredo Bimbela Mya C. Schiess 《Journal of clinical psychology in medical settings》1999,6(3):287-293
In response to critiques regarding the psychometric limitations of the Warrington Recognition Memory Test for faces (RMT-F), the current study was conducted to examine the test-retest reliability and validity of the measure in a neurological sample. Forty adult outpatients, ages 35–81, were administered the RMT-F as part of their diagnostic exam. A second evaluation was conducted after an average interval of 7 months (range = 2–20 months). Results yielded a Pearson reliability coefficient of 0.81 (p < .001), indicating a clinically satisfactory index of stability. Correlations with other measures were conducted to examine convergent and divergent validity. Results indicate that the facial component of the RMT has adequate reliability for patients with established neurological disease, shows moderate correlations with other measures of complex visuospatial function, and shows no significant correlation with measures of verbal reasoning, visual problem-solving, or verbal fluency. These findings provide additional support for the clinical efficacy of this instrument for use in a diverse neurological patient sample. 相似文献
《Quarterly journal of experimental psychology (2006)》2013,66(6):1141-1172
Four experiments used signal detection analyses to assess recognition memory for lists of words consisting of differing numbers of exemplars from different semantic categories. The results showed that recognition memory performance, measured by d a , (a) increased as category length (CL, the number of study-list items selected from the same semantic category) increased from 1 to 8 but then decreased as CL further increased from 8 to 14, (b) was greater when 2 studied items from the same category occurred back to back, rather than being separated by 5–11 items from other categories, and (c) was greater for the first studied 2 exemplars than for the last studied 2 exemplars from blocked categories with CLs of 8 or 14. For all CLs, all z-coordinate receiver operating characteristic (z-ROC) functions were linear with slopes significantly less than 1.0, and none had a significant quadratic component. These results pose a challenge for three major classes of recognition memory models: item-noise, context-noise, and dual-process models. 相似文献
Swets, Tanner Jr., and Birdsall (1961) proposed a 4-alternative forced-choice task with two choices (4AFC-2R) for distinguishing between the Equal-Variance Signal Detection model and the One-High Threshold model. This task was recently implemented in the field of recognition memory (Parks & Yonelinas, 2009), a field in which several candidate models have been proposed. One advantage of the 4AFC-2R task is that it permits parameter estimation and goodness of fit testing, something which so far was only possible through the use of Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) functions for the more complex candidate models. The present article provides a thorough characterization and comparison of the main recognition memory models in the context of this task. Results are illustrated by a reanalysis of Parks and Yonelinas’ original data, revealing a preference for hybrid approaches to recognition memory, more specifically for the dual-process model (Yonelinas, 1997), whereas pure signal detection models performed poorly. The present analysis provides an assessment of the merits and limitations of this task, highlighting future research applications. 相似文献
ERLAND HJELMQUIST 《Scandinavian journal of psychology》1989,30(3):168-176
This study reports an experiment on incidental recognition memory for conversation. A number of people listened to a dyadic conversation and were tested immediately afterwards or four days later. The two people in the tape-recorded conversation did not know each other, nor did the audience know the two speaker-listeners on the tape. This design was used to further clarify the role of familiarity and personal participation for memory of conversational discourse. Gist memory was high in both conditions, with lower performance after four days. Surface memory could be verified, and the level of the variables used to index surface memory was about the same in both the immediate and delayed condition. With this study we have taken a step towards better understanding of the role of familiarity and participation in communicative events for memory of these events. Even in this "minimum" participation and familiarity study, we found some indications of verbatim memory. 相似文献
Recognition memory is commonly modeled as either a single, continuous process within the theory of signal detection, or with two-process models such as Yonelinas’ dual-process model. Previous attempts to determine which model provides a better account of the data have relied on fitting the models to data that are averaged over items. Because such averaging distorts conclusions, we develop and compare hierarchical versions of competing single and dual-process models that account for item variability. The dual-process model provides a superior account of a typical data set when models are compared with the deviance information criterion. Parameters of the dual-process model are highly correlated, however, suggesting that a single-process model may exist that can provide a better account of the data. 相似文献
《Quarterly journal of experimental psychology (2006)》2013,66(8):1449-1474
This article reviews recent work aimed at developing a new framework, based on signal detection theory, for understanding the relationship between explicit (e.g., recognition) and implicit (e.g., priming) memory. Within this framework, different assumptions about sources of memorial evidence can be framed. Application to experimental results provides robust evidence for a single-system model in preference to multiple-systems models. This evidence comes from several sources including studies of the effects of amnesia and ageing on explicit and implicit memory. The framework allows a range of concepts in current memory research, such as familiarity, recollection, fluency, and source memory, to be linked to implicit memory. More generally, this work emphasizes the value of modern computational modelling techniques in the study of learning and memory. 相似文献
Corey N. White Aycan Kapucu Davide Bruno Caren M. Rotello Roger Ratcliff 《Cognition & emotion》2013,27(5):867-880
Recognition memory studies often find that emotional items are more likely than neutral items to be labelled as studied. Previous work suggests this bias is driven by increased memory strength/familiarity for emotional items. We explored strength and bias interpretations of this effect with the conjecture that emotional stimuli might seem more familiar because they share features with studied items from the same category. Categorical effects were manipulated in a recognition task by presenting lists with a small, medium or large proportion of emotional words. The liberal memory bias for emotional words was only observed when a medium or large proportion of categorised words were presented in the lists. Similar, though weaker, effects were observed with categorised words that were not emotional (animal names). These results suggest that liberal memory bias for emotional items may be largely driven by effects of category membership. 相似文献
Are logistic regression slopes suitable to quantify metacognitive sensitivity, i.e. the efficiency with which subjective reports differentiate between correct and incorrect task responses? We analytically show that logistic regression slopes are independent from rating criteria in one specific model of metacognition, which assumes (i) that rating decisions are based on sensory evidence generated independently of the sensory evidence used for primary task responses and (ii) that the distributions of evidence are logistic. Given a hierarchical model of metacognition, logistic regression slopes depend on rating criteria. According to all considered models, regression slopes depend on the primary task criterion. A reanalysis of previous data revealed that massive numbers of trials are required to distinguish between hierarchical and independent models with tolerable accuracy. It is argued that researchers who wish to use logistic regression as measure of metacognitive sensitivity need to control the primary task criterion and rating criteria. 相似文献
Jou J 《Consciousness and cognition》2011,20(3):828-839
When subjects give higher confidence or memory ratings to a test word in a recognition test, do they simply raise their criterion without making better discrimination, or do they raise both criterion and true discrimination between the studied words (SW) and the lures? Given that previous studies found subjects’ false alarm responses to lures slower than to SW, and recognition latency inversely correlated with the confidence rating, can the latency difference between the lures and SW be accounted for by confidence or memory ratings? The present results showed that when subjects gave higher confidence or memory ratings, both their bias and sensitivity were raised, indicating that they could consciously distinguish the lures from the SW. However, a latency difference between true and false recognitions persisted after confidence and memory ratings were held constant, suggesting an unconscious source of discrimination between the two types of memory. 相似文献
视觉感觉记忆信息在模式识别中的作用 总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7
该研究设计了新的实验方法进行了两项全部报告实验和两项抽样模式识别实验,考察视觉感觉记忆(visual sensorymemory,VSM)信息在模式识别中的作用。结果发现,在限定利用短时记忆(shor-term memory,STM)信息的抽样模式识别作业中,识别出的模式与转换到短时记忆的模式在数量上无显著性差别,而在短时记忆和感觉记忆信息都可能利用的识别作业中,虽然转换到短时记忆的模式数量并未增加,但识别出的模式比转换到短时记忆的模式数量增加了1倍(P<0.001)。这表明,未能转换到短时记忆的感觉记忆信息可被直接用于模式识别。 相似文献
Recent research has demonstrated that a more liberal response criterion is used when people make judgments about bizarre items than about common items in old-new tests of recognition. The present study was designed to test 2 possible explanations of the bizarre response bias. The bizarre-relations explanation suggests that the bizarre response bias is triggered by the bizarre relations depicted in test items. The target-constituent explanation suggests that the bizarre response bias is the result of a sense of familiarity with constituents of bizarre test items. These explanations were tested by examining the influence of lure manipulations on memory discrimination and response bias for common and bizarre hand-drawn pictures. The results indicated support for the target-constituent explanation by reversing the response bias (obtaining a common response bias) in a recognition test that used common lures containing constituents from bizarre target items and bizarre lures containing constituents from common target items. The results also indicated that increased verbal elaboration enhanced memory discrimination and reduced response bias for both common and bizarre stimuli. The implications of these results are discussed with regard to the false memory controversy. 相似文献
Several lines of research on adult subjects demonstrate a visual/spatial fractionation of nonverbal working memory (WM), while behavioral studies on normal children support the idea of a static/dynamic distinction. In the present paper, we report a child (Z.M.) who failed on nonverbal WM tasks. To verify the nature of his defect, we carried out two experiments: in Experiment 1, Z.M. failed on spatial WM tasks but not on visual WM tasks and was not affected by the static/dynamic format of stimulus presentation; in Experiment 2, this visual/spatial dissociation was extended to the imagery domain. These results are best accounted for within the visual/spatial fractionation of WM and confirmed the role of WM in mental imagery. Clinical and rehabilitative implications of the present findings are also discussed. 相似文献
Ilana Blatt-Eisengart Margie E. Lachman 《Neuropsychology, development, and cognition. Section B, Aging, neuropsychology and cognition》2013,20(1):68-79
We examined age differences in attributions to internal (controllable and uncontrollable), external (uncontrollable), and unstable factors for performance on a free recall memory task in 149 young, middle-aged, and older adults. Attributions varied by age and by level of memory performance. Middle-aged and older adults rated internal, uncontrollable factors (ability and genes) as more influential for high performance than for low performance, and they were less likely than young adults to attribute low performance to these factors. Within age groups, only the older adults rated memory ability as more influential than strategy use, even though they were as likely as the other age groups to use a categorization strategy. Attributions to both internal controllable (strategy use) and uncontrollable (ability) factors as well as to health were associated with better memory performance. These attributions partially mediated the relationship between age and memory performance. Thus, attributions may provide some insight into sources of age differences in memory performance. 相似文献
Richard A. Chechile 《Journal of mathematical psychology》2013,57(5):196-214
A general comparison is made between the multinomial processing tree (MPT) approach and a strength-based approach for modeling recognition memory measurement. Strength models include the signal-detection model and the dual-process model. Existing MPT models for recognition memory and a new generic MPT model, called the Multistate (MS) model, are contrasted with the strength models. Although the ROC curves for the MS model and strength model are similar, there is a critical difference between existing strength models and MPT models that goes beyond the assessment of the ROC. This difference concerns the question of stochastic mixtures for foil test trials. The hazard function and the reverse hazard function are powerful methods for detecting the presence of a probabilistic mixture. Several new theorems establish a novel method for obtaining information about the hazard function and reverse hazard function for the latent continuous distributions that are assumed in the strength approach to recognition memory. Evidence is provided that foil test trials involve a stochastic mixture. This finding occurred for both short-term memory procedures, such as the Brown–Peterson task, and long-term list-learning procedures, such as the paired-associate task. The effect of mixtures on foil trials is problematic for existing strength models but can be readily handled by MPT models such as the MS model. Other phenomena, such as the mirror effect and the effect of target-foil similarity, are also predicted accurately by the MPT modeling framework. 相似文献