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Three disadvantages of the usual projection tachistoscope are discussed. Because of low mechanical precision, stimulus alignment is difficult. Because of rather low focal distances of the projection lenses, the stimuli provide visual angles that are often larger than desired, and the photographic shutters are noisy, are relatively inert, and have a limited service life. A new construction is described that avoids these disadvantages with a modified configuration of commercial elements: stable and precise mounting of the single channels, a double-lens projection system, and a noiseless, fast mechanical shutter based on a limited-rotation motor.  相似文献   

This report describes the hardware and software developed to implement an Apple II (48 KB) as a real-time control device for operant experiments. The hardware has a straightforward design, so that it is readily understandable and can be built by individuals with only minimal experience in the use of integrated circuits and other electronic components. The software routines listed below represent an approach to controlling and handling the data generated by an operant experiment. Using these routines, we are able to record each response and experimental event, the time of the occurrence, and the conditions at that time.  相似文献   

To date, applications of automated assessment techniques in personality testing have largely been limited to objective personality instruments with text stimuli; few assessment applications have involved graphic stimuli. Although projective personality instruments generally include ambiguous graphic or pictorial stimuli, computer applications with these procedures have been limited to automated scoring and interpretation, administration of sentence completion devices employing text stimuli, and the use of mechanical methods rather than computer graphics to display visual stimuli. In the present report, we describe a Macintosh HyperCard application for administering an objective personality test with visual stimuli, the Barron-Welsh Revised Art Scale of the Welsh Figure Preference Test. This test consists of a series of figural stimuli and a binary “like”/“dislike” response format, and it thus represents an administration procedure between standard objective self-report inventories involving text stimuli and a “true”/“false” response or variant, and tests such as the Rorschach or TAT that are both figural and free-response. The HyperCard language provides a variety of promising techniques useful for microcomputer test administration.  相似文献   

Modifications and corrections to Rayfield’s (1982) assembly language routines for data acquisition and experimental control using the Apple II computer are described. The modified routines, together with an optoisolated hardware interface, provide a reliable, accurate, and easy to use microcomputer system for experimental control and data acquisition.  相似文献   

To detect position on a video tape recorder (VTR) monitor screen, two different types of apparatus were developed. One was a light pen, and the other was an instrument similar to an X-Y tracker. These were designed to work with the Apple II computer. Their circuit diagrams are presented.  相似文献   

An Apple II/FIRST system has been developed to control classical conditioning experiments, collect analog data, and extract dependent variable measures of conditioning from uniphasic (Scandrett & Gormezano, 1980) and multiphasic (Johnson, 1981) response signals. The present paper details the development of an electrical brain stimulation system as a peripheral device to the Apple II/FIRST system. In addition, data are presented that document the capabilities of the EBS system to concurrently stimulate up to eight animals while values along the dimension of each of four stimulation parameters are manipulated by a program written in FIRST. In our judgment, the EBS system has a number of advantages over currently available commercial stimulators, including cost, number of sites that can be independently stimulated, and availability of complete software control.  相似文献   

An inexpensive remote radio control system for slide projection has been developed. It consists of an electronic receiver/decoder designed for attachment to commercially available slide projectors and a self-contained, portable FM transmitter with a foldable (collapsible) antenna/pointer. The system allows remote lens focusing (forward and backward) and slide change (forward and reverse) to be accomplished over a 100-ft range. It offers desirable freedom of movement to the lecturer or behavioral researcher, by eliminating locational restraints imposed by the extension cord.  相似文献   

Several resources are available to the person seeking to develop a laboratory course that utilizes microprocessors. Several roles for such equipment are envisioned, and some of the issues regarding types of equipment and programming languages are addressed.  相似文献   

Microcomputers may be used to simulate traditional equipment in the psychology laboratory, such as tachistoscopes, memory drums, and reaction timers. With the diminishing price of microcomputers, such simulation is especially attractive, since it is considerably less expensive than the original special-purpose equipment, and also allows greater versatility. The undergraduate laboratory described here requires only inexpensive microcomputers, simple experimental control programs, and little or no additional peripheral equipment.  相似文献   

A design for an Apple II interface that senses relative rotary position and/or motion via a digital potentiometer is presented. A thorough discussion of the circuit’s theory of operation and a fully commented BASIC software listing are included. Suggested applications include an infinite-turn rotary device for psychophysical methods of adjustment, the sensing of rotary translations of a steering wheel in a driving simulator, and a digital tachometer/odometer for tracking performance on stationary exercise bicycles and treadmills.  相似文献   

This paper describes a simple infrared photocell circuit that is inexpensive and easy to construct. The light source and detector are housed inexpensively and are focused so the light and detector may be separated over significant distances. The circuit may be used in a variety of conditions, including total darkness and bright fluorescent lighting, without having to readjust or recalibrate the circuitry. Output from the circuit may be used to drive other transistors or electromechanical relays. With minimal additional circuitry and hardware the signal may be interfaced with an Apple computer.  相似文献   

A “jiffy clock” is presented for the Apple lIc or other Apple II having Apple’s mouse card. The clock allows timing of events to tenths of a second, and is read from BASIC. A convenient elapsed timer function is provided as well.  相似文献   

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