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Humility predicts relationship satisfaction, partially mediated by commitment, in college students. The present study tested this mediation in a non-college sample of participants who have been in exclusive relationships for at least three months (N = 349). We supported a partial mediation model in predicting relationship satisfaction (Hypothesis 1). After controlling for commitment, accurate view of self was the most important factor in predicting relational satisfaction (Hypothesis 2). A simultaneous meditational analysis revealed that perceived humility predicted relationship satisfaction, mediated by gratitude in relationships (Hypothesis 3). A multiple regression analysis revealed that after controlling for personal virtues, perceiving humility in one’s partner predicted additional variance in relational satisfaction (Hypothesis 4). Our study provided support for a mediational model, but do not allow causal inferences because of cross-sectional design. Thus, we recommend that future studies include longitudinal studies to investigate the meditational models we observed.  相似文献   

Little research has directly addressed the role of gender in perceptions of self vs. partner's contributions to a relationship, despite the fact that partners in heterosexual relationships often disagree about whether their relative contributions result in an equitable relationship [N. W. VanYperen and B. P. Buunk (1990), A Longitudinal Study of Equity and Satisfaction in Intimate Relationships, European Journal of Social Psychology,Vol. 20, pp. 287–309]. The primary purpose of this investigation was to systematically examine the association between gender and the perceived value of several different types of contributions made by each partner to a committed relationship. We considered both the gender of the perceiver and the source of the contributions (self vs. partner). A sample of 212 men and 348 women (most of whom were college students; 87% white) were asked to judge the value of their own and their partner's hypothetical contributions to a marital or long-term cohabiting relationship. The results indicated that men and women generally agreed about the value of the contributions made by themselves and their partners. However, gender differences in the perceived value of many contributions depended on whether the contribution was made by self or partner (e.g., men attributed more worth to their partner's sexual faithfulness than to their own, whereas women believed that both partners should receive equal value for this contribution). These perceptual differences suggest that at times it may be difficult for partners to agree about the equity of their ongoing relationships. Special gratitude goes to Pepper Schwartz for her contributions to an earlier draft of the paper. The authors also wish to thank Elaine Hatfield and Alicia Thompson for their comments on an earlier draft of the paper and Dennis Johnson who contributed to the idea for the study.  相似文献   

The associations among n Power, n Affiliation, inhibition, stressful life events, and infliction and receipt of psychological and physical abuse in intimate relationships were investigated in a sample of 48 male and 107 female college undergraduates. Results indicated that life events that were perceived as being negative were associated with both the infliction and the receipt of abuse for women but not for men. Individual personality characteristics determined the tactics used in resolving intimate interpersonal conflicts. High n Power was significantly associated with the infliction of physical abuse on their partners by men, but not by women. For women, n Affiliation and activity inhibition moderated the effect that stress has on the infliction of abuse. Highly stressed women with high n Affiliation and low activity inhibition were the most likely to inflict abuse. Length and status of relationship were also found to be related to abuse, with abuse occurring most often between more committed couples. Sex differences were found for the relation between infliction and receipt of abuse. That is, receipt of abuse was highly correlated with infliction of abuse for women but not for men, suggesting that when women strike out they are struck in return.  相似文献   

Two studies were conducted to examine the relations between both partners' personality and marital quality in married or cohabiting heterosexual couples. In Study 1 (N = 1380, or 690 couples), personality was assessed by means of the Dutch Personality Questionnaire, whereas in Study 2 (N = 564, or 282 couples) personality was assessed by means of the Five‐Factor Personality Inventory. We expected neuroticism to relate negatively, and extraversion positively, to marital quality. Furthermore, we expected that spouses would only marginally resemble each other with regard to personality, and that differences in personality would not affect marital quality, when controlling for the individual's levels of personality. All expectations were confirmed. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Drawing from the intimacy process model and data from 5,042 individuals who remained partnered across Waves 1 and 2 of the German Panel Analysis of Intimate Relationships and Family Dynamics (pairfam), this study examined the contributions of traditional gender role attitudes and relationship efficacy in predicting levels of self-disclosure within an intimate relationship. Independent samples t-tests demonstrated females scored higher than males on self-disclosure and relationship efficacy measures but lower on traditional gender role attitudes. An ordinary least squares regression analysis revealed relationship efficacy was a stronger predictor of self-disclosure compared to traditional gender role attitudes, which were not associated with self-disclosure. The findings suggest attitudes with an interpersonal motivational system may be especially important for setting the intimacy process into motion within an intimate union.  相似文献   

Meta-awareness of bias in intimate partner judgments was investigated in 3 studies. In Study 1, participants rated fictional partners in happier relationships as more positively biased in their partner perceptions. In Study 2, participants thought their judgments of their own current partners were positively biased and that they were judged by their partners in a positively biased fashion. Using a sample of couples, Study 3 showed that metaperceptions of bias were anchored to actual levels of bias at the individual and relationship levels. In addition, positive bias was accentuated for traits that were more relevant to mate evaluation. These findings (as expected) suggest that positive bias in partner judgments can be a normative and consciously accessible feature of intimate relationships.  相似文献   

Situational and personality variables influencing the accurate understanding of partners' communications in intimate couples were studied. The situation was varied by inducing either partner-focused or self-focused attention. The personality variables were gender-role attitudes, control orientation, and empathy. Thirty couples who had been living together for at least 12 months discussed an issue which was important to both partners. Afterwards, each selected their partner's most ‘important’ statement from their videotaped discussion. The two statements were then rated by each of the partners in respect of their own and their partner's emotional reaction to them (intentionally sent and actually experienced emotions). Analyses of variance with correctness of decoding as a dependent variable demonstrated strong effects of other-focused attention and gender as independent variables. Femininity and secondary control correlated positively with correct decoding. These results are interpreted in a theoretical framework of empathy and communication.  相似文献   

Whereas supportive interactions are usually studied from the perspective of recipients alone, the authors used a dyadic design to incorporate the perspectives of both provider and recipient. In 2 daily diary studies, the authors modeled provider reports of support provision in intimate dyads over several weeks. The 1st involved couples experiencing daily stressors (n = 79); the 2nd involved couples experiencing a major professional stressor (n = 196). The authors hypothesized that factors relating to (a) recipients (their requests for support, moods, and stressful events), (b) providers (their moods and stressful events), (c) the relationship (relationship emotions and history of support exchanges), and (d) the stressor (daily vs. major stressors) would each predict daily support provision. Across both studies, characteristics of providers, recipients, and their relationship emerged as key predictors. Implications for theoretical models of dyadic support processes are discussed.  相似文献   

Perceptual relationships between four-voice harmonic sequences and single voices were examined in three experiments. In Experiment 1, listeners rated the extent to which single voices were musically consistent with harmonic sequences. When harmonic sequences did not change key, judgments were influenced by three sources of congruency: melody (whether the single voice was the same as the soprano voice of the harmonic sequence), chord progression (whether the single voice could be harmonized to give rise to the chord progression of the harmonic sequence), and key structure (whether or not the single voice implied modulation). When key changes occurred, sensitivity to sources of congruency was reduced. In Experiment 2, another interpretation of the results was examined: that consistency ratings were based on congruency in well-formedness. Listeners provided well-formedness ratings of the single voices and harmonic sequences. A multiple regression analysis suggested that consistency ratings were based not merely on well-formedness but on congruency in melody, chord progression, and key structure. In Experiment 3, listeners rated the extent of modulation in harmonic sequences and in each voice of the sequences. Discrimination between modulation conditions was greater for single voices than for harmonic sequences, suggesting that abstraction of key from melody may occur without reference to implied harmony. A partially hierarchical system for processing melody, harmony, and key is proposed.  相似文献   

Assumed similarity is the tendency to assume that another person is similar to oneself. The present studies examined assumed similarity in intimate relationships regarding the HEXACO personality traits in Denmark (N = 93) and China (N = 236). Specifically, these studies hypothesized that people assume higher similarity with their intimate partners in Honesty‐Humility and Openness to Experience compared to the other four HEXACO traits (Emotionality, Extraversion, Agreeableness, and Conscientiousness). Results from both studies indicate that assumed similarity was higher in Honesty‐Humility compared to Emotionality, Extraversion, Agreeableness, and Conscientiousness. However, assumed similarity in Openness was higher compared to Emotionality and Conscientiousness only. Supplementary analyses indicate no cultural differences between Denmark and China in assumed similarity in Honesty‐Humility and Openness.  相似文献   

亲密关系中的正念, 是指个体有意识地关注可能影响关系的感觉或想法。由于其有助于提高关系满意度并缓解关系冲突, 因而逐渐在理论和应用上受到关注。二元互动过程理论有助于在二元框架下理解正念影响亲密关系的过程和结果, 研究者通常采用测量法、实验诱导法和正念干预探究正念对亲密关系的影响。鉴于正念干预对亲密关系具有防护和补救功能,因此被应用于相对幸福、面临挑战和陷入危机等不同关系状态。未来的研究可根据关系的阶段特征和可能的反向作用建构理论; 根据亲密关系的二元互动和阶段特点, 从多维、动态发展的视角界定概念, 通过互评法和观察编码法进行测量; 采用更严谨的设计明确干预效果; 并且关注潜在的消极影响。  相似文献   

The authors surveyed full-time retail employees and their supervisors to investigate relationships of supervisors' perceived organizational support (POS) with subordinates' perceptions of support from their supervisors (perceived supervisor support [PSS]), POS, and in-role and extra-role performance. The authors found that supervisors' POS was positively related to their subordinates' perceptions of supervisor support. Subordinates' PSS, in turn, was positively associated with their POS, in-role performance, and extra-role performance. Beyond these bivariate relationships, subordinates' perceptions of support from the supervisor mediated positive relationships of the supervisors' POS with the subordinates' POS and performance. These findings suggest that supervisors who feel supported by the organization reciprocate with more supportive treatment for subordinates.  相似文献   

Friendship-based Love (FBL) in intimate relationships may be defined as a comfortable, affectionate, trusting love for a likable partner, based on a deep sense of friendship and involving companionship and the enjoyment of common activities, mutual interests, and shared laughter. Theoretical derivation of the FBL concept is described, along with two versions of a new scale for its measurement. Two studies of the characteristics of Friendship-based Love with middle-aged married adults (N = 622) and dating young adults (N = 201) indicated that this type of love characterized the intimate relationships of both samples and was significantly and positively related to relationship satisfaction and to a variety of relationship characteristics. Discriminating comparisons of the FBL scale (both versions) with a revised measure of erotic love, with a revised measure of ludic or game-playing love with a variety of partners, and with Passionate Love also were conducted. Both versions of the Friendship-based Love scale showed substantial convergent and discriminant validity on the basis of correlational evidence (Studies 1 and 2), on multitrait-monomethod validity criteria (Study l), and via the method of contrasted groups (Studies 1 and 2).  相似文献   

This study investigated forgiveness by examining couples’ recollections and perceptions of specific incidents of transgressions in their relationships. The results replicated previous research but also produced some novel findings. Results showed that more positive attributions and relationship quality independently predicted higher internal forgiveness, whereas expressed forgiveness was related only to relationship quality. Overall, the sample was negatively biased in their perceptions of their partner's forgiveness, but those participants who tended toward a positive bias were happier with their relationships as were their partners. Results are discussed in terms of prior research and theories of forgiveness and related social judgments in intimate relationships.  相似文献   

Attitudes toward intimate partner violence in dating relationships   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Prevention of intimate partner violence on college campuses includes programs designed to change attitudes, and hence, a scale that assesses such attitudes is needed. Study 1 (N = 859) cross validates the factor structure of the Intimate Partner Violence Attitude Scale-Revised using exploratory factor analysis and presents initial validity data on the scale. In Study 2 (N = 687), the obtained three-factor structure (Abuse, Control, Violence) is tested using confirmatory factor analysis, and it is shown to be concurrently related to assault in romantic relationships and to predict psychological aggression 14 weeks later. The findings are discussed in the context of how understanding and modifying attitudes assessed by the Intimate Partner Violence Attitude Scale-Revised may improve interventions aimed at reducing intimate partner violence.  相似文献   

E L Paul  K M White 《Adolescence》1990,25(98):375-400
Adolescence is a time of burgeoning social relationships. Further, adolescents begin to develop the capacity to be intimate. Yet, little attention has been paid to the development of intimacy in adolescence. In this paper, relationship maturity, a developmental conception of intimacy, is presented as a unifying conceptual framework for understanding these intimate involvements as part of a major developmental process. Relevant empirical literature is reviewed. Issues addressed include: specific contexts of intimacy in adolescence, the role of gender in intimacy development, the interplay of identity and intimacy development, and the effects of social issues on this process.  相似文献   

This study among 267 Greek teachers and their partners tested and expanded the recently proposed Spillover-Crossover model (SCM) of well-being. Accordingly, experiences built up at work spill over to the home domain, and then influence the partner. The authors integrated equity theory in the model by formulating hypotheses about exchange in interpersonal relationships. Structural equation modeling analyses supported the spillover hypothesis that teachers who lose their work engagement as a result of an inequitable relationship with their students invest less in the relationship with their partner. In addition, the results supported the crossover hypothesis that teachers' relationship investments, in turn, show a negative relationship with inequity in the intimate relationship as perceived by the partner; and inequity in the intimate relationship contributed to partner depression. The findings are discussed in light of the SCM of well-being.  相似文献   

Two studies examined the link between working models of attachment and social construal processes in romantic relationships. In Study 1, individuals high in attachment-related anxiety responded to hypothetical partner transgressions by endorsing relationship-threatening attributions, experiencing emotional distress, and endorsing behavioral intentions that were likely to result in conflict. These effects emerged after controlling for pessimistic explanatory style, depressed mood, and self-esteem. In addition, the association between anxiety and emotional distress was mediated by attributions and attachment-related needs. In Study 2, anxious individuals endorsed relationship-threatening attributions for their partner's transgressions but less so for their partner's positive behaviors, and these effects occurred primarily among those in unhappy relationships. In contrast, avoidant individuals endorsed pessimistic attributions for their partner's positive behavior but less so for their partner's transgressions, and these effects occurred regardless of their level of relationship satisfaction.  相似文献   

依恋——早期亲密关系的持续影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
依恋形成于婴幼时期,并贯穿人的一生。自从英国精神病学家J.Bowlby最早提出了依恋这一概念以来,依恋一直是发展心理学乃至整个心理学领域的研究重点,文章从不同理论学派对依恋如何形成所持的观点开始,从时间纬度分别介绍了"依恋"研究在幼儿期、青少年期以至成年期的主要理论以及与依恋行为有关的研究发现。  相似文献   

Kim S 《Integrative psychological & behavioral science》2007,41(3-4):303-7; discussion 326-34
There are links between the theoretical construct of gatekeeping and Madureira's conceptualization of homophobia as a boundary phenomenon. The gatekeeping phenomenon exposes the process through which borders and boundaries of social conduct are regulated and maintained. Hence a focus on gatekeeping practices reveals how conduct becomes scrutinized and restricted in crucial gated sites. Following Madureira's model, these gated areas can be identified and analyzed at macro-social, interpersonal, and intrapsychological levels.  相似文献   

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