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以人为本的人本主义经济学,其学术立论的基础在于经济的主体性这一命题。经济的主体性是指在生产力中起决定作用的人的因素的存在,即具有能动性、创造性和自主性的人是经济活动的主体。人本主义导向的中国现代经济学的发展,必须从个人的主体性、企业家的主体性、制度变...  相似文献   

陈先达:关于主体和主体性问题 在哲学领域里,主体是个热门课题。国内外不少学者在这方面做了有益的探索。它拓宽了哲学研究领域,展示了新的哲学视角。但不可否认的是,自恩格斯逝世,特别是从本世纪20年代开始,主体这个哲学问题变成了一些人手中掷向马克思主义哲学的“砖头”。在西方人本主义思潮中,以人为出发点和归宿的人本主义,与他们在主体问题上倡导的以主体为出发点和归宿的唯主体主义是一刀两刃。这种思潮对我国是有影响的。我们同样经历了从以人为出发点和归宿的明显的人本主义,转向以主体为出发点和归宿的隐蔽的人本主义。有些人还给主体性问题以明显的政治涵义。这说明主体和主体性问题确实存在理论甚至政治分歧。  相似文献   

本文对阿尔都塞在理论逻辑意义上拒斥人本主义和历史主义,以及把“主体”视为意识形态的建构并应以“过程”概念取代之等极易引发误解的观点进行深层解读,澄清了阿尔都塞关于反人本主义、反历史主义和反对一切主体哲学作为马克思主义哲学基本原则的内涵,并作出自己的批判性分析。  相似文献   

熟悉心理学史的人都知道,心理学同医学有着密切的联系。其表现之一是,许多学派的心理学家都论述了某些医学问题,这些理论与方法已被用于医学。例如,精神分析、行为矫正和生物反馈心理治疗就是精神分析心理学和行为主义心理学对医学的应用的产物。人本主义心理学也不例外;至于人本主义心理学的观点,国内已有较多评论,本文仅简介它的医学应用——“罗杰斯治疗”。罗杰斯治疗(Rogerian Therapy)是人本主义心理学的倡导者C、罗杰斯(CarlRogers)所提出的一种心理治疗,它属于经验主义(存在主义——现象学——人本主义)的心理治疗流派。这一流派的心理治疗家们认为,只有联系到通过自我调整而现实化了的  相似文献   

包慧 《四川心理科学》2014,(15):142-142
自主学习,是指学生个体在学习过程中一种主动而积极自觉的学习行为,是学生个体非智力因素作用于智力活动的一种状态显示。它表现为学生在教育活动过程中强烈的求知欲、主动参与的精神与积极思考的行为。学习的目的不是为了分数和通过考试,不是为了应付家长和老师,而是为了获取知识、技能和锻炼培养能力。英语的掌握是一个听说读写全面推进的过程,归根到底是一个学生主体全面参与的过程。  相似文献   

近代人本主义无神论实现了人在传统神学网络中的客体边缘向主体中心的反转,而在其将上帝颠倒为主体意识的对象化客体之时,也在进行着主体意识的自我神格化。这种简单倒置的直接后果就是上帝之死和信仰的衰微。在马克·泰勒看来,要摆脱这种简单倒置导致的现代神学困境,神学必须借助解构思想的策略和资源将近代人本主义无神论所完成的简单倒置转变为一种辩证倒置。  相似文献   

本研究应用人格形容词评定法和心理传记取向的研究方法,对三国人物荀的人格特质及其形成与发展进行了初步探索。研究由两部分构成,第一部分是应用人格形容词检测表对荀人格的定量估计,第二部分辅以人本主义与精神分析理论的定性分析。因素分析揭示了荀的无私、忠诚、尽职等人格特征。依据人本主义观点可以推论,荀强烈的自我实现的需要,对他的人格形成和发展产生了深刻影响。同时,其人格的形成与发展还是多种因素的交互作用的结果。荀氏的人格特可以作为解释他所参与的特定历史事件的基础性证据。  相似文献   

物象美学是20世纪美学逻辑进程的必然结果。19世纪末尼采关于上帝之死的宣谕,标志着神本主义美学的最后消亡,并预示着绝对主体主义或人本主义将成为20世纪西方美学的重要话题。20世纪中期,福柯进一步提出了“人之死”的哲学命题,既意味着人本主义因其强烈的人类自我中心倾向而走向了尽头,也为重建人与自然的新型审美关系提供了契机。物象美学正是在这种背景下被提出,试图在对传统人本主义和自然主义的双重还原中为当代美学确立新的根基。  相似文献   

高三由于其“重中之重”的特殊地位,一般都享有学校为其创造的最好的客观条件(如学习环境、师资配备、后勤服务等)。因此,对高三学生的学习指导一般都放在高三学生主体身上。就高三学生主体而言,决定其学习效率的一方面是认知活动水平,另一方面是主体学习心理氛围。笔者认为对高三学生的学习指导重点应放在主体学习心理氛围的营造和维护上。笔者进行了十余年的探索、实践,还完成了重庆市教育规划课题“高中生良好主体学习心理氛围的营造策略研究”的研究,对主体学习心理氛围的含义、作用、表现及营造策略有一定的认识。  相似文献   

鉴于现代西方哲学发展中呈现的唯心主义的科学主义与非理性的人本主义两大对峙的潮流和派别,特别是鉴于在理解、解释和发挥马克思哲学方面所产生的类似科学主义与人本主义的两种截然不同的立场和倾向,以及这种理论上的对立在社会实践中的表现,最后,鉴于上述诸种对立与矛盾在当今的发展及其历史趋势,有必要从主,客体关系的理解的角度来重  相似文献   

For more than two decades, researchers have contrasted the relative merits of associative and statistical theories as accounts of human contingency learning. This debate, still far from resolution, has led to further refinement of models within each family of theories. More recently, a third theoretical view has joined the debate: the inferential reasoning account. The explanations of these three accounts differ critically in many aspects, such as level of analysis and their emphasis on different steps within the information-processing sequence. Also, each account has important advantages (as well as critical flaws) and emphasizes experimental evidence that poses problems to the others. Some hybrid models of human contingency learning have attempted to reconcile certain features of these accounts, thereby benefiting from some of the unique advantages of different families of accounts. A comparison of these families of accounts will help us appreciate the challenges that research on human contingency learning will face over the coming years.  相似文献   

对于《周易》的研究,当代学者已从人文、象数、哲学乃至科学等角度进行解读,并取得了丰硕的成果。事实上,作为"天人之学"的《周易》蕴含了丰富的生态思想,其对生命的重视,对人与自然关系的认定乃至"与天与一"的宇宙观皆凸显了深层的生态关怀。无疑,在环境日益恶化的当下,回归经典寻求智慧不失为一种有益的探索。  相似文献   

Each type of learning is proposed as being a three-stage process, composed of: (i) recognition of a perceptual situation and performance of an action corresponding thereto; (ii) observation of a deviation of the action result from an expected outcome; (iii) re-arrangement of the conceptual framework of reasoning to meaningfully assimilate the observed deviation. In order to evaluate a general, systemic significance of the concept of learning proposed hereby, the latter is assessed from perspectives that correspond to diverse levels of organizational complexity of Nature. Thermodynamic concepts, constructivist and autopoietic frameworks of analysis of cognitive phenomena, and the aspects of social sciences are intertwined so as to support the all-encompassing meaning of the general pathways of learning proposed herein. Numerous ethical consequences, with a particular emphasis on educational approaches, are derived from accepting such a general nature of learning and development. Naturally implied dialectical form of evolution, according to which prosperous and favorable features of human creativity arise solely from problem-solving situations, is further discussed.  相似文献   

学习技能形成中的脑加工   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
崔淑范 《心理科学》2006,29(6):1496-1497,1483
对运动学习,视知觉学习,镜像阅读,语法学习和动词产生学习的脑实验研究,主要有单通路调节加工模型和双通路转换加工模型,实验侧重研究学习的时间进程。  相似文献   

The empirical results of Saariluoma and Laine are discussed and their computer simulations are compared with CHREST, a computational model of perception, memory and learning in chess. Mathematical functions such as power functions and logarithmic functions account for Saariluoma and Laine's correlation heuristic and for CHREST very well. However, these functions fit human data well only with game positions, not with random positions. As CHREST, which learns using spatial proximity, accounts for the human data as well as Saariluoma and Laine's correlation heuristic, their conclusion that frequency-based heuristics match the data better than proximity-based heuristics is questioned. The idea of flat chunk organisation and its relation to retrieval structures is discussed. In the conclusion, emphasis is given to the need for detailed empirical data, including information about chunk structure and types of errors, for discriminating between various learning algorithms.  相似文献   

This article explores some of the tensions that are created from the entanglement of religion and human rights and offers a possible response to these tensions in the context of religious education in conflict-troubled societies. It is suggested that a historicised and politicised approach in religious education in conjunction with human rights education perspectives can promote three important aims: taking power relations between peoples, societies and cultures as sources of problematising the meaning(s) and consequences of both religion and human rights; developing a teaching and learning process in and through which the emphasis is not on identification with religious or cultural identity, but rather a process through which new and productive ways of relationality with the ‘other’ are developed; and, encouraging students to interrogate moralistic discourses of religion or human rights that often prevent the enactment of friendship, compassion and shared fate.  相似文献   

Chun-chieh Huang 《Dao》2013,12(1):1-10
This article discusses the 17th century Japanese Confucian I Jinsai’s interpretation of Mencius. It is argued that I Jinsai grinds the Mencius with an axe of Japanese “practical learning.” In his representation of Mencius, the government of “Kindly Way” is upheld as the core value in Mencius’ thought. Although there is a clear spirituality in his own philosophy, he stressed the political aspect of Mencius’ thought at the expense of the transcendental aspect of his theory of human mind and nature.  相似文献   

孔子既强调感知对于学习的作用,也重视思维对于学习的价值,并极力主张学习过程中感知与思维的辩证统一。然而,艾特金森一习福林(1968)记忆模型只强调感知对于学习过程的重要作用,根本忽略了思维在学习过程中的决定作用;加工水平说则刚好相反,它们只强调思维对于学习过程的作用,完全忽略了感知对于学习过程的不可替代性。  相似文献   

Research into social learning (learning from others) has expanded significantly in recent years, not least because of productive interactions between theoretical and empirical approaches. This has been coupled with a new emphasis on learning strategies, which places social learning within a cognitive decision-making framework. Understanding when, how and why individuals learn from others is a significant challenge, but one that is critical to numerous fields in multiple academic disciplines, including the study of social cognition.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT— Despite their interest in why people do what they do, psychologists typically overlook interest itself as a facet of human motivation and emotion. In recent years, however, researchers from diverse areas of psychology have turned their attention to the role of interest in learning, motivation, and development. This article reviews the emerging body of work on the psychology of interest, with an emphasis on what contemporary emotion research has learned about the subject. After considering four central questions—Is interest like other emotions? What functions does interest serve? What makes something interesting? Is interest merely another label for happiness?—the article considers unanswered questions and fruitful applications. Given interest's central role in cultivating knowledge and expertise, psychologists should apply research on interest to practical problems of learning, education, and motivation.  相似文献   

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