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中医药的专利权保护   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中医药为中华民族和世界人民的健康做出了重要贡献,但是由于我国对中医药知识产权保护的落后,我国中医药的珍贵知识财富正为外国大公司无偿地攫取。根据中医药自身的特性,对专利保护的适用、调整、改进及补充作了大胆设想,为我国进一步完善中医药的专利法保护提出了建议。  相似文献   

知识产权共有问题研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国学界通常以物权共有理论来诠释知识产权共有.这种学理认识与我国现行相关立法相矛盾.知识产权共有的价值在于保证最大限度地利用已有的智力成果创造经济效益,不能简单地将物权共有理论直接适用于知识产权共有领域,意思自治原则应当和效率原则是规制知识产权共有的基本原则.在商标权共有领域内适用效率原则应当比在其他类型知识产权共有领域内适用效率原则更为严格.  相似文献   

中医药为中华民族和世界人民的健康做出了重要贡献,但是由于我国对中医药知识产权保护的落后,我国中医药的珍贵知识财富正为外国大公司无偿地攫取.根据中医药自身的特性,对专利保护的适用、调整、改进及补充作了大胆设想,为我国进一步完善中医药的专利法保护提出了建议.  相似文献   

In debates about the moral foundations of intellectual property, one very popular strand concerns the role of labor as a moral basis for intellectual property rights. This idea has a great deal of intuitive plausibility; but is there a way to make it philosophically precise? That is, does labor provide strong reasons to grant intellectual property rights to intellectual laborers? In this paper, I argue that the answer to that question is “yes”. I offer a new view, different from existing labor theories of intellectual property, which I call the productive capacities view. This view gives us a way to make sense of the idea of labor as the basis for intellectual property rights, as well as a tool for critically evaluating existing intellectual property institutions.  相似文献   

作者享有知识产权的合法性   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
“知识产权不啻趁火打劫”,[1]这种观点在某些氛围下日益萌生。随着企业集中化为多媒体集团,作品的非物质化,专为某一种大众传媒文化而进行创作,以及交流的全球化等一系列现象的出现,创作者的文学艺术产权的合法性又一次受到质疑。但就其起源而言,著作权或曰版权主要是旨在保障作者生存条件的法律所确立的保护规则。文学艺术产权的这种法律制度,能够永远确保创作者的作品一旦在公众中被复制、改编或者传播,就将获得收益。此外,著作权提供了精神权利存在的另一个空间,亦即确立了作者个人与其作品的联系。有时被视为经济发展障碍的这种精神权…  相似文献   

加入WTO以后,中国市场进一步开放,这对我国中医药产业带来巨大冲击.在此背景下,加强中医药知识产权保护战略,是解决问题的关键.我国中医药企业应当实施以专利权、商标权和商业秘密保护为主要内容的知识产权战略.  相似文献   

加入WTO以后,中国市场进一步开放,这对我国中医药产业带来巨大冲击。在此背景下,加强中医药知识产权保护战略,是解决问题的关键。我国中医药企业应当实施以专利权、商标权和商业秘密保护为主要内容的知识产权战略。  相似文献   

知识产权与人权的价值冲突,在本质上反映了现行知识产权制度中手段性价值与目的性价值之间的矛盾关系。确保现行知识产权制度中手段性价值服务于目的性价值、一般目的性价值服从于最高目的性价值,并据以平衡知识产权与人权的价值冲突,乃是改善现行国际知识产权秩序的现实需要。  相似文献   

知识产权规则的建立,可以起到保护智力劳动成果,激励创作和创新的作用。纵观知识产权法的发展及其对社会秩序的作用过程,可以看出该法的价值,不仅在于对个体方面的激励,更在于其对公共利益的维护。对于个体知识产权利益的维护并不能最终实现知识的长远发展与进步,只有从私权保护基础上更高层次之公共利益角度来对待公共领域的保留,方可实现知识产权法的最终价值。为了维护公共领域视角下的公共利益价值,有必要从官方权威构建、社会自治构建、国际协商构建三个层面的协同构建实现知识产权的公共利益价值的综合体系。  相似文献   


Intellectual property is one of the highly divisive issues in contemporary philosophical and political debates. The main objective of this paper is to explore some sources of tension between the formal rules of intellectual property (particularly copyright and patents) and the emerging informal norms of file sharing and open access in online environments. We look into the file sharing phenomena not only to illustrate the deepening gap between the two sets of norms, but to cast some doubt on the current regime of intellectual property as an adequate frame for the new type of interactions in online environments. Revisiting the classic Arrow–Demsetz debate about intellectual property and the epistemological issues involved in assessing institutions, we suggest that seeking out new institutional arrangements aligned with the norms-in-use seems to be a more promising strategy in the new technological setting than attempting to reinforce the current legal framework. Moreover, such a strategy is less prone to committing the so-called ‘Nirvana fallacies’. As a secondary task, we try to cast some doubt on the two most common moral justifications of intellectual property as being able to ground the full extent of the current intellectual property regime.


Proponents of the subset account of property realization commonly make the assumption that the summing of properties entails the summing of their forward-looking causal features. This paper seeks to establish that this assumption is false. Moreover, it aims to demonstrate that without this assumption the fact that the subset account captures an entailment relation—which it must if it is to be of any use to non-reductive physicalism—becomes questionable.  相似文献   

In this paper we begin with a reference to the work of Hernando de Soto The Mystery of Capital: Why Capitalism Triumphs in the West and Fails Everywhere Else, and his characterization of the Western institution of formal property . We note the linkages that he sees between the institution and successful capitalist enterprise. Therefore, given the appropriateness of his analysis, it would appear to be worthwhile for developing and less developed countries to adjust their systems of ownership to conform more closely to the Western system of formal property. However, we go on to point out that property relationships within the Western system have become subject to redefinition through the expansion of Intellectual Property (IP) rights in ways that ultimately work to the disadvantage of the developing and less developed countries. We point out that this restructuring has been given global application through the implementation of the TRIPS agreement by the WTO. In the final section of the paper I suggest ways in which IP rights and relevant institutions can be reformed in order to avoid the disadvantages to the developing and less developed countries.
David LeaEmail:

The present study examines the extent to which athletes in selected contact and semicontact sports report agreement or disagreement with the use of intentional acts of aggression during competition. Eighty-five male athletes responded to the Bredemeier Athietic Aggression Inventory-Short Form and the Mintah Huddleston Aggression Justification Inventory. Overall results revealed no significant differences between subjects' use of hostile and instrumental aggression in sport and between the hostile and instrumental justifications provided for such behavior. Results indicated that contact-sport participants disagree more with the use of instrumental aggression than semicontact-sport participants.  相似文献   

以专利制度为首的现行知识产权体系无法全面保护中医药知识产权,尤其是中医药传统知识产权,根本原因在于其宗旨与中医药的传承性相悖.印度等国确立了传统知识产权保护模式并取得了一定成就.我国应当参考借鉴,探索一套传统知识产权保护体系,制定并完善中医药传统知识产权登记制度、来源披露制度和许可使用制度,全面保障中医药知识产权.  相似文献   

知识产权制度体现了对自由与平等的价值追求与维护.然而,自由与平等本身有着不同的内涵和目标,分别代表着理性主义的不同方面,反映了不同的价值取向.知识产权中自由与平等的价值追求内在地相互冲突.在现实生活中,知识产权中自由与平等的冲突主要表现为知识专有与平等接近的冲突、知识垄断与平等竞争的冲突、财产自由与财产平等的冲突.知识产权中自由与平等的冲突是无法避免的,也是无法消除的.知识产权只有根据社会实践发展的需要,努力寻找自由与平等的最佳平衡点,在最大程度上实现自由与平等.  相似文献   

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