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This article includes Pentecostal mission strategies and missionary approaches. The author has consciously brought out Asian or non‐Western experiences and perspectives. It touches on some new opportunities and challenges for global Pentecostalism or charismatic Christianity in fulfilling the missionary mandate of the church. Finally, the article evaluates how Pentecostal missions add dimensions to global Christianity.  相似文献   

The purpose of this essay is to seek to discern as accurately as possible some key theological resources and impulses that stand behind global Pentecostal mission, whose tremendous growth has caught the attention of scholars and practitioners alike. After outlining a profile of key factors believed to be behind missionary enthusiasm and discerning the current state of the emerging Pentecostal missiological scholarship, the essay seeks to provide a fairly comprehensive theological analysis of leading motifs. The essay suggests that the following theological themes undergird Pentecostal missiology, namely a keen eschatological expectation, the pursuit of a distinctively Pentecostal “Full Gospel,” the vision of a holistic salvation, and the reliance on the power and energies of the Holy Spirit. Since Pentecostal theological analysis is still in the making, the current writing should be considered as an interim report.  相似文献   

Abstract : The search for something alternative characterizes the practice of worship in many contemporary Christian assemblies. Although “alternative” is often set in opposition to “traditional,” it is better understood in response to “conventional” worship. Five such alternative movements are described here: liturgical movement, contemporary worship movement, liberation perspectives, Pentecostalism, and postmodern approaches. The alternative impulse in all of these perspectives has to do with a fuller realization of the Christian assembly in relation to God's mission.  相似文献   

Julie Ma 《Dialog》2015,54(2):171-179
God initiated mission and intends to achieve it by work of the Holy Spirit. Thus, mission—which God commands his church to accomplish—belongs to God, not to human agency. Prior to ascending to heaven, Jesus promised the Holy Spirit to his disciples, and asked them to wait in Jerusalem. This Holy Spirit is given to enable them to be witnesses of Jesus from Jerusalem to the end of the world. This implies that the church has to partner with the Holy Spirit to fulfil this mission. Missionaries need to consciously work together with Spirit and be directed and guided by the Spirit.  相似文献   

The COVID-19 pandemic offers the opportunity for theological meditation on several themes: life, death, illness, loneliness, fear, human relations, suffering, and social responsibility. This article addresses these themes only briefly, aiming not to build a systematic theological reflection but to share honest thoughts and concerns. Perhaps in our postmodern times we need, not so much theological certainties, but a theology that accompanies human life. Life and death are the only certainties, regardless of our worldview, perceptions, and theological convictions. The current global crisis has illuminated our shortcomings, failures, and disbeliefs on different levels. As Christians, we are united today also around our weakness, grief, and the loss of “normality.” We are challenged, together with the rest of humanity. Could this be a God-given opportunity for renewal in our theology and church life?  相似文献   

The moratorium on Western missionary labour and financial resources has been a matter of lively interest over the past five decades. Postcolonial theologians and missiologists have blamed Western missionaries for introducing Christianity without paying attention to existing cultures of local people. Despite this, the work of Western missionaries has undeniably contributed to evangelization and the advancing of Western civilization in Africa. In this context, this paper considers Colin Morris’s views on the moratorium to prevent sending missionaries and financial resources from the West. Based on an examination of his views, it analyzes two elements that shape the discourse on the moratorium in the post-missionary era: the impact of the moratorium on Christian mission and the need for reconciliation and partnership between the churches in the global North and the global South. This paper concludes that we must promote the interdependence and mutuality of churches in the global North and the global South if the Christian imperative of making disciples of all nations is to be fulfilled.  相似文献   

Missionaries from Europe came to India starting in the 15th century to preach the gospel. Their mission works have both intended and unintended consequences that affect people even today. Missionaries brought modern education to India and gave Western education to Dalits, leading to the social uplifting of Dalits, who were denied education by the oppressive caste system. Some missionaries also spoke against the social evils during their time. On the other hand, some missionaries’ work at times highlighted the Brahmanic religion as a pan-India religion which placed popular religions in a disadvantaged position. Furthermore, their work also helped the British colonial government to maintain control and become powerful. The translation work of the missionaries and the educational institutions helped the colonial government to strengthen its control over the local population. This article discusses the mission work of Robert de Nobili, Bartholomew Ziegenbalg, and William Carey and evaluates their mission works from Dalit and decolonial perspectives.  相似文献   

One of the critical issues emphasized at the Holy and Great Council of the Orthodox Church in Crete in 2016 was that of the witness of Orthodoxy in the modern world, as expressed in the Message and Encyclical of the council, and in the council document on the Mission of the Orthodox Church. This paper traces the revival of foreign mission and witness within the Orthodox Church since the late 1950s and how it came to fruition at the council in Crete.  相似文献   

社会关系模型在20世纪80年代被引入至家庭研究领域,并在多种家庭关系的研究中加以应用和拓展.在该领域中,社会关系模型主要采用循环设计,将变异分解为个体水平、关系水平和家庭水平的效应,也可以分析个体水平和关系水平的互惠效应,代际内部和代际之间的互惠效应,以及家庭成员的相似性等问题;其数据分析的方法主要有单个家庭效应值的计算以及结构方程模型的分析方法两种.今后的研究可以在体现家庭关系的复杂性、三人家庭数据的处理、各效应的外部效度指标以及缺失值的处理等方面进行拓展.  相似文献   

This article discusses the place of mission in the Orthodox Church. The document “The Mission of the Orthodox Church in Today's World,” which was approved by the Holy and Great Council of the Orthodox Church held in Crete in 2016, is still in the process of reception, as are the other documents, but it constitutes, without doubt, a new era in Orthodox missiology – as indeed the Great and Holy Council in Crete represents a new era in Orthodoxy. The interrelatedness of unity and mission is not a question of methodology or strategy. It is an ontological one: it is related to the very essence of koinonia as fellowship in the triune God, and to the specific aspect of κοινονια as participation in God's economy in and for the world. Mission is commitment to the work of the triune God incarnated in Jesus Christ. Both are God’s gift and command. It is only in unity with the Holy Trinity that the church is able to fulfil its vocation.  相似文献   

社会关系模型(SRM)将个体在双方关系中的行为和人际知觉的变异分解为个体和关系两个层次, 适用于研究行为和社会知觉的复杂性和多重性问题, 弥补传统心理学研究中缺乏生态效度的缺陷。SRM的研究设计包括循环设计和区组设计, 多种数据分析方法及相应软件可供研究者在处理成对互动关系数据时选择, SRM在心理学各分支领域有各自的应用特点、优点及问题。未来的研究应拓展SRM区组设计的应用、参数估计方法的进一步比较以及向多变量SRM分析转变。  相似文献   

在综合考虑经济欠发达地区的经济、社会、文化等因素基础上,基于现代医学模式理论和全人照顾理论,建构了医务社会工作学校、医院与社会合作模式。该模式能整合高校、医院和社会的力量,为患者及其家属提供良好的医务社会工作服务。在新模式实践基础上,总结了新模式的组织体系、专业责任划分、服务内容、模式的运作、模式评估。最后,在政策、制度、教育、宣传、资金等方面提出发展和推广新模式的建议。研究结论为医务社会工作学校、医院与社会合作模式是经济欠发达地区初步发展医务社会工作的较佳模式。  相似文献   

In many countries of the world, people are drinking a dangerous cocktail of poisonous ingredients all starting with the letter P: polarization, populism, protectionism, post‐truth, and patriarchy. As Christians, we cannot do other than work against this. In order to do so, we need to make use of the resources we have in spirituality and theology. This article reflects on these resources in the Lutheran tradition, asking how we, together, are church in this world.  相似文献   

This article proposes the implementation of the occupational therapy Kawa (Japanese for river) model to promote “culturally relevant” client-centered care for combat and operational stress control services provided in the military context. Currently, the occupational therapy literature lacks a culturally sensitive approach to address the military service members’ experiences with combat and operational stress. A review of the Kawa model features are provided within a case study for a military service member affected by combat and operational stress. This theoretical article offers a pragmatic method for infusing occupational therapy theory to address the cultural aspects of military service members in recovery.  相似文献   

The Social Ecological Model and Physical Activity in African American Women   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Little is known about the social and contextual correlates (e.g., social norms, environment, social networks, and organizational support) influencing the adoption and maintenance of regular physical activity among minority and underserved populations. The purpose of this review was to apply the social ecological model to better understand physical activity among African American women. A review of the literature pertaining to correlates of physical activity among African American women was conducted and applied to a social ecological perspective. Understanding and addressing social and contextual correlates of physical activity behavior among African American women are necessary to establish comprehensive programs, particularly within community settings. The social ecological model provides a strong theoretical basis to guide physical activity intervention in this population.  相似文献   

Social justice supervision honors the identities of the supervisee and the client, teaches social justice skills to the supervisee, and prioritizes social justice counseling outcomes in the supervisee's counseling work. The purpose of this article is to describe a comprehensive model for social justice supervision that mandates supervisor self‐evaluation, explores supervisees' identities and strengths, emphasizes the social justice needs of clients, and uses social justice outcomes for clients as a measure of counseling success. Implications are explored.  相似文献   

生态危机给人类健康带来的严重后果已引起医学界的高度关注,新发传染病的流行和原有传染病的再度流行为生态医学模式的建立提供了直接依据。医学必须直面影响人类健康的生态因素,以生态医学模式为指导,研究解决人的生命、健康和疾病问题。生态医学模式既是社会发展对医学提出的新要求,也是医学实现科学发展的必然逻辑。  相似文献   

In 2 experiments, dynamic systems theory predictions concerning intrinsic dynamics and variability of bimanual coordination were examined at different developmental stages. In Experiment 1, ten 4-, 6-, 7-, 8-, and 10-year-old children and adults performed unimanual dominant, unimanual nondominant, and bimanual continuous circle drawing. All tasks were performed at the participants' preferred rate, size, and mode of coordination. The 4-, 6-, and 7-year-old children produced larger circles with longer durations than those of the 8- and 10-year-olds and the adults. That finding demonstrates that younger children display different intrinsic dynamics than older children and adults. The 4-, 6-, and 7-year-old children also displayed more variability in bimanual coordination (more time in less stable patterns of coordination, higher standard deviation in relative phase) and produced more transitions between coordination patterns than the 8- and 10-year-olds and the adults. In Experiment 2, the same participants performed bimanual circles at increasing rates. Consistent with predictions of the HKB model (H. Haken, J. A. S. Kelso, & H. Bunz, 1985), the number of transitions decreased as speed increased. Some support was found for the notion that age-related variables of attention and rate contribute to the increased variability in young children's bimanual coordination.  相似文献   

近10年来,对亲环境行为前因变量的研究逐渐从行为主体的个体内部因素转向行为相关的社会外部因素。本文对影响亲环境行为的个体、群体以及社会层面的相关变量之间的影响机制进行了系统的梳理,在此基础上提出包含微观(个体内部因素)、中观及宏观(外部情境因素)不同层次的前因变量,并对亲环境意愿与行为加以区分的系统整合模型。根据该模型的理论框架,指出未来对亲环境行为研究的具体方向及对我国环保工作的启示。  相似文献   

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