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当代中国大众文化商品化、世俗化、生活化和符号化的表象之下,蕴涵着资本逻辑悖论、物化逻辑悖论、快感逻辑悖论和消费逻辑悖论的深层本质。面对我国大众文化的种种逻辑悖论和价值失范,必须加强对大众文化的政治价值、科学价值、道德价值、审美价值、生态价值的全方位引领。其引领的具体路径:一是高位吸引,提升文化品位;二是底线阻击,阻塞下滑通道;三是化人诉求,彰显教化功能;四是"情感"疏导,开辟认同新径;五是"立体"渗透,确保落地生根。  相似文献   

面对全面阻击新冠肺炎疫情的硬仗大仗,中共深圳市委统战部(市民宗局)作为全市民族宗教系统疫情防控工作专班牵头单位,坚决扛起政治责任,始终坚持以人民为中心,全力带领全市民宗干部和宗教界人士奋力抗击疫情,以紧抓“四到位四确保”,筑牢宗教领域疫情防控“铜墙铁壁”,坚决守住宗教活动场所不发生疫情的底线,全力守护人民群众生命安全和身体健康。紧抓思想认识到位,确保上下一心。  相似文献   

新冠肺炎疫情爆发以来,福建省天主教"两会"积极响应党中央号召,按照省委、省政府的部署,在省委统战部、省民宗厅的领导下,以高度的责任意识、政治意识、信仰意识,采取了系列举措,动员全省天主教界人士勇担社会责任,密切配合,有效阻击,积极投入这场没有硝烟的战争,涌现了许多动人事迹,充分展现了福建天主教人的风采。  相似文献   

目前我国艾滋病疫情形势依然严峻,艾滋病防治工作难度日益增大,面临着前所未有的挑战。除艾滋病本身的性质外,受艾滋病影响人群日益"特殊化"问题也日渐显露,成为制约我国艾滋病防治可持续发展的瓶颈。将艾滋病防治工作融入现行社会体制,是保障艾滋病防治工作可持续发展的关键,据此提出艾滋病防治工作的"常态化"概念以及基层艾滋病防治工作的常态化运行和管理机制。阐述了基层艾滋病防治工作常态化的意义,通过对国外基层艾滋病防治工作常态化成功经验的探讨,为完善我国基层艾滋病防治工作常态化体系提供借鉴。  相似文献   

本刊讯由江苏连云港市人民政府拨款兴建,中国佛协赵朴初会长题字的“云台山爱国僧众抗日纪念碑暨义僧事”,近日在云台山国家级风景区落成,并对外正式开放,接待四众弟子前来参观瞻仰。一九三九年农历七月十四日,入侵日军为清剿云台山地区抗日游击队,集结五百余精锐部队,携带山炮,迫击炮,轻重武器兵分四路围剿云台山,沿途烧杀抢掠。当人任日军至玉皇宫时,遭到云台山海宁禅寺义俗和山民阻击,义增凭借地形地物,以土枪土炮,大刀长矛,手榴弹痛击日寇,激战三天二夜,条日寇不断向山上增援兵力,攻势猛烈,僧众时有伤亡,终因寡不敌…  相似文献   

无论是西医还是中医都力图寻找到最佳肿瘤防治途径。中医肿瘤防治的关键点在哪里?通过什么模式或途径开展中医肿瘤防治的探索是最终取得突破的关键。笔者从事肿瘤防治工作十余年,对中医肿瘤防治有部分思考,共同商榷。  相似文献   

4月29日,全国政协副主席、中央统战部部长刘延东在同全国性宗教团体负责人就防治非典型肺炎工作座谈时说,希望宗教界把思想和行动统一到中央的决策和部署上来,以高度的责任感在防治非典工作中发挥应有的作用。 刘延东对宗教界人士在防治非典工作中所做努力表示感谢。她指出,防治非典工作是当前党和国家一项极端重要的任务。各宗教团体和宗教界人士是党和政府联系信教群众的桥梁和纽带,希望大家按照党和政府的要求,正确引导信教群众,团结合作,和衷共济,积极投身到防治非典的斗争中去,为包括信教群众在内的广大人民群众的身体健康和生命安…  相似文献   

对构建我国艾滋病防治督导与评估预期框架的探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
根据艾滋病防治督导与评估框架具有的功能及构建框架的原则,提出了构建我国艾滋病防治督导与评估预期框架的思路。该预期框架包括总框架和组织管理与协调、指标体系和数据管理三个分框架。通过对构建预期框架的探讨,为制定我国艾滋病防治督导与评估方案提供参考。  相似文献   

冠心病的发病率有着明显的性别差异,大量研究表明内源性雌激素和雄激素与冠心病的发生发展有着密切关系,它对于女性和男性分别有抗动脉粥样硬化作用,这提示人们可以通过恢复机体激素水平达到防治冠心病的作用。因此性激素替代治疗成为了对冠心病的防治研究的热点,本文主要综述性激素替代治疗在冠心病防治中的研究进展。  相似文献   

脂肪细胞因子与2型糖尿病并发症关系密切,随着对胰岛素抵抗(IRS)在2型糖尿病作用的认识,脂肪细胞因子的提出,使2型糖尿病并发症防治观念发生了根本的转变,提出了2型糖尿病并发症关防治新策略:从以降糖治疗为主到全面综合防治。对脂肪细胞因子和脂肪细胞因子与2型糖尿病并发症的关系的认识,体现了循证医学的思想和创新思维的启动。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT— The belief that people are in control of desired outcomes, including those associated with aging, is a hallmark of American culture. Nevertheless, older adults are less likely than the young to believe there are things that can be done to control aging-related declines in areas such as memory. Within age groups, individual differences in control beliefs are related to cognitive performance, health, and well-being. Mechanisms linking perceived control and positive outcomes include adaptive behaviors such as strategy use and physical activity. There is some evidence that control beliefs can be modified in later life, as illustrated in an intervention for fear of falling. Further work is needed to examine the antecedents of perceived control in later life and the implications of control beliefs in other aging-related domains.  相似文献   

卫生政策走向与公共健康及其伦理思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
政府通过决策决定卫生政策,卫生政策对于公共健康具有导向和引领作用。卫生政策走向直接影响公共健康,决定公共健康的发展方向。卫生政策与公共健康的关系是因果关系,前者决定后者。卫生政策需要有伦理学基础和伦理学专家的伦理论证,坚持公正、公平、公益的原则。  相似文献   

Previous studies have reported gender differences in patients’ health behaviours but few studied hypertensive patients. The potential underlying factors that may mediate gender influences on health behaviours is also a more critical area worthy of investigation. This study examined health locus of control (HLC) as a pathway of gender effects on health behaviours of hypertensive patients. The Multidimensional HLC Scale (Form C) and Wellness behaviour subscale of Health Behaviour Checklist were completed by 400 hypertensive outpatients in two Nigerian hospitals: Enugu State University Teaching Hospital, Park Lane, Enugu, and Bishop Shanahan Specialist Hospital, Nsukka. Hierarchical multiple regression results showed that gender significantly predicted health behaviours. Gender also significantly predicted internal HLC, chance HLC, and other people HLC, but did not predict doctor HLC. The association between gender and health behaviours was fully mediated by internal HLC, chance HLC and other people HLC. Understanding the explanatory mechanisms linking socio-demographic factors and health behaviours is considered of great importance for future research and healthcare intervention.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to examine the role of school variables and sense of coherence (SOC) in the explanation of health. For this purpose, data were collected from a representative sample of adolescents, aged 13 to 18 years, selected for the Health Behavior in School‐aged Children survey in Spain. Using Structural Equation Modelling, three nested models were tested that represented different hypothesized models of the relationships among school factors, SOC and health. According to goodness‐of‐fit indices, in the best model, school‐related stress and SOC mediated the influence of support from classmates and teachers on health, and SOC had a direct effect on stress. The results supported the idea that a supportive school climate and SOC are relevant to adolescents' health. Furthermore, SOC was the most influential variable; apart from its direct positive effect on health, SOC seemed to condition the degree to which students perceived school demands to be stressful. Specifically, students with a high SOC were less likely to suffer from high levels of school‐related stress.  相似文献   


Objective: The current study aimed to test whether and how self-control and perceived control play a role in health outcomes and lifestyle differences between disadvantaged and non-disadvantaged neighbourhoods.

Design: Cross-sectional survey data including demographics was collected from 3758 participants. Main outcome measures: With the survey, self-control, perceived control, health status and lifestyle variables were assessed.

Results: Participants in disadvantaged neighbourhoods reported poorer general health, as well as unhealthier lifestyles compared to participants in non-disadvantaged neighbourhoods. Self-control was likewise positively associated with health and lifestyle variables. However, self-control did not differ between participants from different neighbourhoods. Perceived control over the environment mediated between type of neighbourhood and health, with participants from a disadvantaged neighbourhood reporting a lower sense of perceived control, which in turn was associated with poorer self-reported general health and less healthy lifestyle choices.

Conclusion: This reveals that perceived control over one’s life and the environment is more important than self-control when explaining health differences between neighbourhoods.  相似文献   

类伦理与生态问题的国际治理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着时代的发展,全球性问题的普遍出现以及与此相应的人类的全球意识的产生,标志着人类已经进入了"类时代"。在类时代的背景下,与生态危机相关的种种问题日益突现,生态问题面临前所未有的现实难题和伦理困境。因此,需要从人的"类存在"的视角来审视人与自然的关系,从"类伦理"的高度来关照生态问题,从国际治理的层面来解决全球生态问题。  相似文献   

This study investigated the physical and psychological impact of arthritis on people's quality of life. A range of variables were examined in a sample of 375 participants who comprised three groups: people with arthritis receiving a support-based service from the Arthritis Foundation of Victoria, people with arthritis receiving standard treatment, and a group of people from the general population. The results revealed that the two arthritis groups reported a significantly higher level of functional impairment, pain, and negative affectivity, and lowered mood, positive affect, and Sense of Coherence, compared to the general population group. They also reported normal levels of importance, but lower levels of satisfaction on various life domains. After statistically controlling for pain however, group differences were eliminated on all variables except for functional impairment and for all satisfaction domains except health. These data are interpreted as evidence that the combination of low domain satisfaction coupled with high domain importance yields a negative psychological state. This, then suggests the possibility of a therapy based on reducing the perceived importance of health.  相似文献   

公共卫生语境下的政府责任   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来,公共卫生的要求越来越多地进入到中国百姓的生活之中,问题的焦点也从公共卫生本身逐渐转向政府,转向政府所应当承载的责任乃至信用程度上来.政府在公共卫生问题上责任的缺失固然有责任意识的淡漠原因,但责任本身的模糊与混乱也是不容忽视的.只有保障机制与约束机制,特别是问责制,同时发挥效用,才能保证政府责任的有效实现.  相似文献   

控制感是指人们相信自己的选择和行为与相应的结果存在一致性的一种认知状态,对人的身心健康都有重要影响。控制感剥夺之后,人会产生不适症状(如习得性无助和抑郁)。例如,长期剥夺控制感会引起习得性无助,甚至导致抑郁。影响控制感的因素包括社会环境、个性气质、生理基础,甚至可能受到基因的调控作用。深入理解控制感剥夺背后的心理机制能增进对人们自身心理特点的了解,有助于预防或干预一些心理疾病的产生。  相似文献   

The present study examines the psychological impact of severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) by exploring the coping strategies and health behaviors enacted in response to the SARS epidemic. Hierarchical linear regression indicated that the use of wishful thinking in response to the threat of SARS was related to both avoiding public places and avoiding people perceived to be possible carriers of the SARS virus, but was not associated with the use of more adaptive health behaviors, such as using disinfectants and hand washing. Conversely, those who reported engaging in empathic responding in response to the threat of SARS were both less likely to report avoiding people perceived as being at a high risk for SARS and more likely to report engaging in effective health behaviors. Support seeking was not a significant predictor of the health behaviors examined in the present study. Results are discussed in terms of coping with health threats and health promotion.  相似文献   

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