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For individuals with HIV who are current or former injection drug users, depression is a common, distressing condition that can interfere with a critical self-care behavior—adherence to antiretroviral therapy. The present study describes the feasibility and outcome, in a case series approach, of cognitive behavioral therapy to improve adherence and depression (CBT-AD) among individuals with HIV and depression undergoing methadone maintenance treatment for heroin dependence. CBT-AD integrates cognitive behavioral therapy for depression with our intervention for improving adherence to antiretroviral therapy for HIV (Life-Steps; [Safren, S. A., Otto, M. W., Worth, J., Salomon, E., Johnson, W., Mayer, K., et al. (2001). Two strategies to increase adherence to HIV antiretroviral medication: Life-Steps and medication monitoring. Behavioral Research and Therapy, 39, 1151–1162]). Specifically, in CBT-AD, patients first receive a cognitive behavioral intervention focusing on improving skills related to medication adherence. Each of the subsequent CBT modules (activity scheduling, cognitive restructuring, problem-solving training, and relaxation training/diaphragmatic breathing) is designed to address both self-care/adherence behaviors as well as depression. The process and outcome with 4 cases suggest that the treatment was feasible and acceptable and was generally associated with improvements. This case series provides an example of how cognitive behavioral therapists can integrate the treatment of depression with the enhancement of critical self-care behaviors in the context of highly complex, medical and psychiatric comorbidity.  相似文献   

China is considered to be the new frontier of the global AIDS pandemic. Although effective treatment for HIV is becoming widely available in China, adherence to treatment remains a challenge. This study aimed to adapt an intervention promoting HIV-medication adherence—favorably evaluated in the West—for Chinese HIV-positive patients. The adaptation process was theory-driven and covered several key issues of cultural adaptation. We considered the importance of interpersonal relationships and family in China and cultural notions of health. Using an evidence-based treatment protocol originally designed for Western HIV-positive patients, we developed an 11-step Chinese Life-Steps program with an additional culture-specific intervention option. We describe in detail how the cultural elements were incorporated into the intervention and put into practice at each stage. Clinical considerations are also outlined and followed by two case examples that are provided to illustrate our application of the intervention. Finally, we discuss practical and research issues and limitations emerging from our field experiments in a HIV clinic in Beijing. The intervention was tailored to address both universal and culturally specific barriers to adherence and is readily applicable to generalized clinical settings. This evidence-based intervention provides a case example of the process of adapting behavioral interventions to culturally diverse communities with limited resources.  相似文献   

Maximizing HIV treatment adherence is critical in efforts to optimize health outcomes and to prevent further HIV transmission. The Balance Project intervention uses cognitive behavioral approaches to improve antiretroviral medication adherence through promoting adaptive coping with medication side effect and distress related to HIV. This 5-session intervention has been documented to prevent nonadherence among persons living with HIV who experience high levels of distress associated with their antiretroviral medication side effects. We describe the theoretical underpinnings of the intervention, provide details of the training and session protocols with a case example, and discuss implications for future applications of the intervention in both research and clinical settings.  相似文献   

The two most common comorbid conditions with HIV are substance use disorders and depression, and individuals with comorbid HIV, depression, and substance dependence face a more chronic and treatment-resistant course. As an example of how to adapt evidence-based approaches to a complex comorbid population, the current case study examined the integration of a combined depression and HIV medication adherence treatment. The resulting intervention, ACT HEALTHY, combines a brief behavioral activation approach specifically developed to treat depression in individuals receiving residential substance abuse treatment (LETS ACT; Daughters et al., 2008) with a brief cognitive-behavioral approach to improving HIV medication adherence (Life-Steps; Safren et al., 1999; Safren et al., 2009). The current case series demonstrates the use of ACT HEALTHY among 3 depressed HIV-positive, low-income African Americans entering residential substance abuse treatment.  相似文献   

New treatments for HIV can improve immune functioning and decrease mortality. However, lapses in adherence may render these complex regimens ineffective. Sixty-three men and 9 women on highly active antiretroviral therapy completed measures of medication adherence, psychological characteristics, and barriers to adherence. HIV viral load, a health outcome measure of virus amount present in blood, was also obtained. The sample was 36% African American and 56% Caucasian, with 35% reporting disability. Nearly one third of patients had missed medication doses in the past 5 days, and 18% had missed doses weekly over the past 3 months. Frequency of missed doses was strongly related to detectable HIV viral loads. Depression, side-effect severity, self-efficacy, and social support distinguished patients with good and poor adherence. Barriers also varied with adherence level. Implications for interventions promoting HIV treatment adherence are discussed.  相似文献   

HIV-positive persons who do not maintain consistently high levels of adherence to often complex and toxic highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) regimens may experience therapeutic failure and deterioration of health status and may develop multidrug-resistant HIV that can be transmitted to uninfected others. The current analysis conceptualizes social and psychological determinants of adherence to HAART among HIV-positive individuals. The authors propose an information-motivation-behavioral skills (IMB) model of HAART adherence that assumes that adherence-related information, motivation, and behavioral skills are fundamental determinants of adherence to HAART. According to the model, adherence-related information and motivation work through adherence-related behavioral skills to affect adherence to HAART. Empirical support for the IMB model of adherence is presented, and its application in adherence-promotion intervention efforts is discussed.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine the efficacy of a peer-led social support intervention involving support groups and telephone contacts compared with standard clinical care to enhance antiretroviral medication adherence. DESIGN: Randomized controlled trial with follow-up. Participants were 136 HIV-positive indigent mainly African American and Puerto Rican men and women recruited from an outpatient clinic in the Bronx, New York. The 3-month intervention was delivered by other HIV-positive clinic patients trained in addressing barriers to adherence and sensitively providing appraisal, spiritual, emotional, and informational adherence-related social support. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Medical chart-abstracted HIV-1 RNA viral load, antiretroviral adherence according to electronic drug monitoring and participant self-report, and social support and depressive symptomatology. All assessments conducted at baseline, 3 months, and 6 months. RESULTS: Intent-to-treat and as-treated analyses indicated no between-conditions intervention effects on the primary outcome of HIV-1 RNA viral load or any of the secondary outcomes at immediate postintervention or follow-up. Post hoc analyses within the intervention condition indicated greater intervention exposure was associated with higher self-reported adherence, higher social support, and lower depressive symptomatology at follow-up, even after controlling for baseline adherence. CONCLUSION: Null findings, consistent with the limited literature on efficacious highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) adherence interventions, may be due to insufficient exposure to the intervention, its low intensity, or the nature of the sample-a heterogeneous HAART-experienced group of patients with high levels of substance use and multiple other competing stressors. Overall, findings highlight the need for more comprehensive and intensive efforts to battle nonadherence.  相似文献   

HIV medication adherence remains a challenge and limits the degree to which treatment benefit can be maximized. This study tested an explanatory model of HIV medication adherence using a social problem-solving (SPS) framework. Associations of SPS with adherence are hypothesized to be direct and/or indirect via psychological health. HIV+ adults were interviewed using validated measures of SPS, psychological health, and antiretroviral therapy (ART) medication adherence. Structural equation modeling (SEM) techniques were used to test hypothesized relationships and to evaluate overall fit of the model to the data. SEM supported an indirect association (but not direct) of SPS on adherence via psychological health among the 545 HIV+ adults included in the analyses. Overall, the findings resulted in a model of adherence that offered very good fit to the data and correctly classified 97% of the cases as adherent versus nonadherent. Results support the use of SPS as a conceptual framework for understanding adherence to ART. Findings offer rationale and direction for SPS interventions to enhance adherence by improving psychological health. Such approaches, if effective, have the potential to positively impact psychological well being and adherence, thereby maximizing clinical benefit from treatment, which is linked to lower mortality from AIDS.  相似文献   

HIV is prevalent in Sub-Saharan Africa, and depression frequently co-occurs. Depression is one of the most important predictors of poor adherence to antiretroviral therapy (ART). Little has been done to develop integrated interventions that are feasible and appropriate for task-shifting to nonspecialists that seek to address both depression and barriers to ART adherence in Sub-Saharan Africa.This case series describes an integrated intervention for depression and ART adherence delivered by a lay adherence counselor and supervised by a local psychologist. The 6-session intervention was based on problem-solving therapy for depression and for barriers to adherence (PST-AD), with stepped care for those whose depression did not recover with PST-AD. Primary outcomes were acceptability and depression. Acceptability was measured by participant attendance to the 6 sessions.Three case studies illustrate the structured intervention, solutions identified to adherence barriers and to problems underlying low mood, and changes seen in the participant's psychological symptoms. Acceptability of the intervention was high and common mental disorder symptoms scores measured using the SRQ-8 decreased overall.An integrated intervention for depression and adherence to ART appeared feasible in this low-income setting. An RCT of the intervention versus an appropriate comparison condition is needed to evaluate clinical and cost-effectiveness.  相似文献   

Psychosocial and behavioral factors may be strong predictors of adherence to medications in a wide variety of diseases. Newly emerging antiretroviral medications for HIV have been shown to be effective but require near perfect adherence to offer clinically significant benefits. There is currently great interest in deriving patient factors that may predict optimal medication adherence in HIV-positive persons. In this study, we examined the association of psychosocial and behavioral characteristics using the Millon Behavioral Medicine Diagnostic (MBMD; Millon, Antoni, Millon, Meagher, & Grossman, 2001) and adherence to highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) among 117 HIV-positive individuals on HAART regimens. Specific indexes of the MBMD were associated with HAART adherence as assessed through patient interview, at baseline assessment, and at 3-month follow-up at a point after which participants had received medication adherence training. As hypothesized, the Medication Abuse scale of the MBMD was uniquely associated with overall adherence at baseline assessment and also predictive of adherence at 3-month follow-up. Additional MBMD scales were also related to overall adherence as well as specific adherence behaviors such as missed doses, following specific instructions, and overmedicating, although the Medication Abuse scale emerged as the most consistent predictor of adherence in the study. These results suggest that the MBMD can be used to predict adherence to HAART medication in a sample of HIV-positive men and women and may subsequently be used to identify those in need of adherence counseling at the point when medications are initiated.  相似文献   

This treatment development report describes the need for evidence-based psychosocial trauma-focused treatment for people living with comorbid posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and HIV. Individuals with HIV have higher rates of exposure to traumatic events and PTSD than the general public, and they also experience additional consequences of PTSD on the management of their chronic disease (e.g., established link between PTSD symptoms and lack of adherence to antiretroviral therapy [ART]). We used the empirically supported ADAPT-ITT approach to consider the initial steps in adapting evidence-based Cognitive Processing Therapy (CPT) for individuals with PTSD and HIV. This paper reviews a case example that involved various clinical issues that may arise when providing trauma-focused treatment for people living with HIV including HIV-stigma, disease management, and the need for making multicultural adaptations to psychotherapy. This case example illustrates how trauma-focused treatment may benefit from enhancement to address additional barriers that may arise over the course of PTSD treatment in this population. Feasibility of engaging and delivering a "full dose" of evidence-based PTSD treatment among individuals living with HIV is discussed. While evidence-based treatments can reduce PTSD symptom severity, issues related to chronic disease coping and HIV-related stigma management could be integrated to augment the efficacy of treatment for individuals with HIV. Adaptive intervention research targeting PTSD in persons living with HIV warrants further attention, especially given the association between PTSD and adherence to ART.  相似文献   

The human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) is the pathogen responsible for acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS). Worldwide there are currently about 40 million people infected with HIV and an estimated 44,000 in Germany. If left untreated after a few years the infection leads to the manifestation of AIDS and eventually to death through opportunistic infections and malignant tumors. Infection with HIV is not curable. Nevertheless, antiretroviral treatment can slow the progress of the disease and prolong life expectancy significantly. Once antiretroviral treatment has started the medication must be taken regularly and lifelong. Serious side effects of the medication pose a significant stress on physical and psychological well-being and impair adherence. Infection with HIV means a total change in life perspectives and requires extensive adaptations in lifestyle. Problems with adaptation and mental disorders (e.g. depression, anxiety disorders, adjustment disorder) are, therefore, frequent. With disease progression neurocognitive impairments are increasingly likely. Mental disorders and neurocognitive impairments adversely affect treatment adherence, increase health risk behavior and reduce immune function. Psychological interventions contribute significantly to the reduction in health risk behavior, improve treatment adherence and are successful in the treatment of depression and anxiety.  相似文献   

The present study sought to extend prior work, showing an association between self-reported distress tolerance and self-reported antiretroviral treatment (ART) adherence, by conducting a multimethod test of the association between distress tolerance and objective measures of ART adherence among a sample of 140 individuals (23.6% female) with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). Findings indicated that, after accounting for negative affectivity and ART side-effect severity, distress tolerance was significantly associated with pill count adherence as well as viral load. Specifically, a differential association was observed whereby self-reported distress tolerance was associated with pill count adherence, whereas behavioral distress tolerance was associated with viral load. Importantly, no associations were observed between either measure of distress tolerance and CD4 count. Findings are discussed in terms of the importance of both behavioral and perceived distress tolerance assessment among patients with HIV as well as potential clinical implications related to the integration of distress tolerance-focused treatments into existing interventions for individuals with HIV.  相似文献   

Treatment adherence by patients with HIV ensures they gain the full benefit of antiretroviral medications and extend their lives. One problem which may contribute to poor adherence is deficits in metacognition or the capacity to make sense of mental states. In particular, persons who struggle to notice and think about their thoughts and feelings may be less able to direct their own recovery by taking advantage of effective treatments. This raises the possibility that treatments which lead to improved metacognitive function may enhance treatment adherence. We describe the case of a man in an advanced stage of AIDS with Kaposi’s sarcoma. The patient was treated with Metacognitive Interpersonal Therapy combined with psychoeducation about pharmacological treatment for HIV. Primary medical outcomes were suppression of viral load, increase of CD4 count and control of AIDS related conditions such as Kaposi’s sarcoma. The primary psychological outcome was reduction of personality disorders criteria. The patient was able to understand what led him to discontinue medication and then later regain full adherence. He achieved suppression of viral load and restore of CD4 count. As regard severity of personality disorder, he achieved reliable change. Interventions such as Metacognitive Interpersonal Therapy may assist patients with HIV to gain the metacognitive capacities to make sense of their medical and psychological challenges and adhere to antiretroviral therapies leading to enhanced levels of health. Future studies are needed to explore these findings in larger controlled studies.  相似文献   

Rising rates of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection among adolescents and young adults underscore the importance of interventions for this population. While the morbidity and mortality of HIV has greatly decreased over the years, maintaining high rates of adherence is necessary to receive optimal medication effects. Few studies have developed interventions for adolescents and young adults and none have specifically been developed for sexual minority (lesbian, gay, and bisexual; LGB) youth. Guided by an evidence-based adult intervention and adolescent qualitative interviews, we developed a multicomponent, technology-enhanced, customizable adherence intervention for adolescents and young adults for use in a clinical setting. The two cases presented in this paper illustrate the use of the five-session positive strategies to enhance problem solving (Positive STEPS) intervention, based on cognitive-behavioral techniques and motivational interviewing. We present a perinatally infected heterosexual woman and a behaviorally infected gay man to demonstrate the unique challenges faced by these youth and showcase how the intervention can be customized. Future directions include varying the number of intervention sessions based on mode of HIV infection and incorporating booster sessions.  相似文献   

Internalized stigma, shame, and other negative self-conscious emotions are inadequately addressed barriers to HIV-related self-care, particularly among people actively using substances. Innovative approaches are needed to optimize antiretroviral treatment (ART) adherence as well as engagement in HIV care among people living with HIV and substance use disorders. Based on qualitative feedback from providers and patients, we iteratively developed and conducted a proof-of-concept study of a relatively brief transdiagnostic emotion regulation intervention designed to improve ART adherence and engagement in HIV care by addressing behavioral and psychological barriers, including internalized stigma and shame, among people living with HIV and active substance use disorders. The final intervention included 5 individual sessions focused on metacognitive awareness of emotions and thoughts, cognitive reframing of dysfunctional thoughts about the self using concepts such as self-compassion, and identifying and reaching the participants’ personalized HIV-self-care goal(s). All participants received daily texts querying current emotion and weekly texts querying ART adherence and substance use. To extend the effects of the intervention, we developed a personalized bidirectional text component through which participants received their personalized compassionate self-statements, informed by the intervention content, in response to their answers to emotion queries for 8 weeks after the 5 sessions. The texts modeled using compassionate self-statements as a form of cognitive reframing, consistent with cognitive restructuring of distorted core beliefs. We consented 10 participants living with HIV and active substance use disorders in the proof-of-concept pilot. Of the 8 participants who completed all intervention sessions, participants replied to 70% of all text messages sent. All 8 reported strong acceptability of the intervention content. This emotion-focused, technology-enhanced intervention demonstrated proof-of-concept, in that this patient population would participate in this intervention. A larger randomized controlled pilot is needed to determine feasibility and acceptability among people living with HIV and substance use disorders, a hard-to-reach and underserved population.  相似文献   

The phenomenon of post-traumatic stress has been well documented in the literature as a lasting mental health condition associated with exposure to traumatic life events. The diagnosis and experience of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) disease may be such a trauma. On the other hand, the phenomenon of post-traumatic growth (PTG) has been described, whereby people show positive mental health growth in the face of such trauma. This systematic review was set out to explore post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and PTG in people with HIV to monitor prevalence, measurement and efficacy of interventions to reduce stress and/or promote growth. Standardised review techniques were used to track reports on both PTSD and PTG. A total of 206 papers were retrieved from the PTSD and HIV searches, and 13 from the PTG and HIV searches. After reviewing the papers for inclusion according to adequacy and relevance criteria and to remove duplicates, 33 PTSD papers and three PTG were available for full coding. Prevalence of PTSD in HIV ranged from 5% to 74%, which were much greater than the 7-10% in the general population. Seven studies showed a relation between trauma and PTSD, while six showed a link between PTSD diagnosis and reduced antiretroviral treatment adherence. Women were more likely to be diagnosed with PTSD. Only three intervention reports were identified that fitted our inclusion criteria. All of these reported on psychological interventions for HIV+?individuals with trauma. The interventions utilised HIV education, training in coping techniques and support groups. Only coping interventions were shown to be effective. PTG was under researched but showed a promising avenue of study. There needs to be harmonised measurement and the evidence base would need strengthening in order to build on the understanding of the impact of PTSD and PTG over the course of HIV disease. There is good evidence to associate HIV diagnosis and experiences during the course of illness as traumatic. PTSD has been shown to be prevalent and there seems to be good evidence to incorporate standardised measures to track the course of the disorder. There is extremely limited evidence that interventions may affect the course of symptom experience. The evidence and insight into PTG show promise but is currently inadequate.  相似文献   

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