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The aim of this study was to assess the effects of a 7‐week standardized cognitive behavioural treatment of work‐related stress conducted via e‐mail. A total of 342 people applied for treatment in reaction to a newspaper article. Initial screening reduced the sample to a heterogeneous (sub)clinical group of 239 participants. Participants were assigned randomly to a waiting list condition (n = 62), or to immediate treatment (n = 177). A follow‐up was conducted 3 years after inception of the treatment. The outcome measures used were the Depression Anxiety Stress Scales (DASS‐42) and the Emotional Exhaustion scale of the Maslach Burnout Inventory – General Survey (MBI‐GS). Fifty participants (21%) dropped out. Both groups showed statistically significant improvements. Intention‐to‐treat analysis of covariance (ANCOVAs) revealed that participants in the treatment condition improved significantly more than those in the waiting control condition (0.001<p?0.025). In the treatment group, the effects were large to moderate (0.9 (stress)?d?0.5 (anxiety)). The between‐group effects ranged from d = 0.6 (stress) to d = 0.1 (anxiety). At follow‐up, the effects were more pronounced, but this result requires replication in view of high attrition at follow‐up. The results warrant further research on Internet‐driven standardized cognitive behavioural therapy for work‐related stress. Such research should include the direct comparison of this treatment with face‐to‐face treatment, and should address the optimal level of therapist contact in Internet‐driven treatment.  相似文献   

The authors compared guided Internet‐delivered self‐help with one session of live‐exposure treatment in a sample of spider‐phobic patients. A total of 30 patients were included following screening on the Internet and a structured clinical interview. The Internet treatment consisted of five weekly text modules, which were presented on a web page, a video in which exposure was modelled, and support provided via Internet. The live‐exposure treatment was delivered in a 3‐hr session following a brief orientation session. The main outcome measure was the behavioural approach test (BAT), and as secondary measures the authors used questionnaires measuring anxiety symptoms and depression. Results showed that the groups did not differ at posttreatment or follow‐up, with the exception of the proportion showing clinically significant change on the BAT. At posttreatment 46.2% of the Internet group and 85.7% in the live‐exposure group achieved this change. At follow‐up the corresponding figures were 66.7% for the Internet group and 72.7% for the live treatment. Within‐group effect sizes for the spider phobia questionnaire were large (d = 1.84 and 2.58 for the Internet and live‐exposure groups, respectively, at posttreatment). The authors conclude that guided Internet‐delivered exposure treatment is a promising new approach in the treatment of spider phobia.  相似文献   

Bibliotherapy is potentially effective in the treatment of panic disorder (PD). A still unanswered question is whether pacing is important. This study was designed to test whether there is a difference between being assigned a full book as therapy and receiving one individual chapter every week (i.e. pacing). A total of 28 participants were randomized to either 10 paced chapters or one book with 10 chapters. To maximize compliance, short weekly telephone calls were added in both conditions (M = 17.8 min, SD = 4.2). Both treatments showed promising results, with effects maintained up to 2 years and with within-group effect sizes (Cohen's d) between 0.95 and 1.11. Pretreatment ratings of credibility were positively correlated with the change scores at both posttest and 2-year follow-up for three panic measures. Pacing of text material in bibliotherapy for PD is not needed, and all material can be provided at once when the treatment is guided by a therapist.  相似文献   

This study examined co‐morbid generalized anxiety disorder and/or panic disorder and personality disorders as predictors of treatment outcomes in adult outpatients with obsessive‐compulsive disorder. The patients received exposure with response prevention (ERP) treatment with the addition of either elements of cognitive therapy (ERP+CT) or relaxation training (ERP+REL). It was hypothesized that the addition of cognitive interventions would yield better treatment outcomes for patients with co‐morbid generalized anxiety disorder and/or panic disorder. It was also hypothesized that patients with any personality disorder would show less treatment gains in both conditions. Using intention‐to‐treat criteria, patients with generalized anxiety disorder and/or panic disorder co‐morbidity showed less treatment gains at post‐treatment across both treatment conditions. This group showed significantly more treatment gains in the ERP+CT condition at the post‐treatment and the 12‐month follow‐up assessments compared with patients in the ERP+REL condition. However, this was not significant when comparing treatment completers. Patients with a co‐morbid Cluster A or B personality disorder showed significantly less treatment gains in both treatment conditions at the 12‐month follow‐up assessment. Among treatment completers, patients with a Cluster C personality disorder showed significantly better outcomes at the post‐treatment assessment in the ERP+REL treatment condition. These results, clinical implications, and the importance of further investigations are discussed.  相似文献   

Trauma‐related exposure therapy is a useful but not universally effective treatment for post‐traumatic stress disorder. Anxiety sensitivity may play an important role in this disorder, as it does in panic disorder. Studies have shown that interoceptive exposure therapy reduces anxiety sensitivity in panic disorder. The present case study was a preliminary investigation of the merits of including interoceptive exposure therapy in the treatment of post‐traumatic stress disorder, in order to improve treatment outcome for a patient who had no history of panic disorder or panic attacks. Interoceptive exposure therapy (4 sessions) was one component of treatment, combined with trauma‐related exposure therapy (4 sessions of imaginal exposure followed by 4 sessions of in vivo exposure). Treatment outcome was assessed with the Clinician‐Administered Post‐traumatic Stress Disorder Scale, a self‐report measure of post‐traumatic stress disorder symptoms, and measures of symptoms and cognitions commonly associated with post‐traumatic stress disorder. Scores on all outcome measures decreased over the course of treatment, with gains maintained at 1‐ and 3‐month follow‐up. Symptoms of anxiety sensitivity and post‐traumatic stress disorder decreased during interoceptive exposure therapy. The results indicate that interoceptive exposure therapy is a promising adjunctive intervention for post‐traumatic stress disorder. Further research is needed into the merits of combining interoceptive exposure therapy and trauma‐related exposure therapy as a means of boosting treatment efficacy.  相似文献   

《Behavior Therapy》2022,53(6):1265-1281
Callous–unemotional (CU) traits designate a distinct subgroup of children with early-starting, stable, and aggressive conduct problems. Critically, traditional parenting interventions often fail to normalize conduct problems among this subgroup. The aim of this study was to test whether parent–child interaction therapy (PCIT) adapted to target distinct deficits associated with CU traits (PCIT-CU) produced superior outcomes relative to standard PCIT. In this proof-of-concept trial, 43 families with a 3- to 7-year-old child (M age = 4.84 years, SD = 1.12, 84% male) with clinically significant conduct problems and elevated CU traits were randomized to receive standard PCIT (n = 21) or PCIT-CU (n = 22) at an urban university-based research clinic. Families completed five assessments measuring child conduct problems, CU traits, and empathy. Parents in both conditions reported good treatment acceptability and significantly improved conduct problems and CU traits during active treatment, with no between-group differences. However, linear mixed-effects models showed treatment gains in conduct problems deteriorated for children in standard PCIT relative to those in PCIT-CU during the 3-month follow-up period (ds = 0.4–0.7). PCIT-CU shows promise for sustaining improvements in conduct problems for young children with conduct problems and CU traits, but requires continued follow-up and refinement.  相似文献   

Although 14% to 42% of people with whiplash injuries end up with chronic debilitating pain, there is still a paucity of empirically supported treatments for this group of patients. In chronic pain management, there is increasing consensus regarding the importance of a behavioural medicine approach to symptoms and disability. Cognitive behaviour therapy has proven to be beneficial in the treatment of chronic pain. An approach that promotes acceptance of, or willingness to experience, pain and other associated negative private events (e.g. fear, anxiety, and fatigue) instead of reducing or controlling symptoms has received increasing attention. Although the empirical support for treatments emphasizing exposure and acceptance (such as acceptance and commitment therapy) is growing, there is clearly a need for more outcome studies, especially randomized controlled trials. In this study, participants (N = 21) with chronic pain and whiplash‐associated disorders were recruited from a patient organization and randomized to either a treatment or a wait‐list control condition. Both groups continued to receive treatment as usual. In the experimental condition, a learning theory framework was applied to the analysis and treatment. The intervention consisted of a 10‐session protocol emphasizing values‐based exposure and acceptance strategies to improve functioning and life satisfaction by increasing the participants' abilities to behave in accordance with values in the presence of interfering pain and distress (psychological flexibility). After treatment, significant differences in favor of the treatment group were seen in pain disability, life satisfaction, fear of movements, depression, and psychological inflexibility. No change for any of the groups was seen in pain intensity. Improvements in the treatment group were maintained at 7‐month follow‐up. The authors discuss implications of these findings and offer suggestions for further research in this area.  相似文献   

Depression rates rise dramatically from the early to late adolescence. Especially young adolescent girls with elevated depressive symptoms are at high risk for developing a depression during adolescence or adulthood. Therefore, the prevention of depression is important especially in this high-risk group. The aim of the present study was to examine the effectiveness of the Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) component of the depression prevention program ‘Op Volle Kracht’ (OVK) among Dutch adolescent girls with elevated depressive symptoms. In total, 102 adolescent girls (11–15 years) in the first and second year of secondary school participated in this study. The girls in the experimental group (n?=?50) followed the eight CBT-lessons of OVK and reported depressive symptoms 1 week prior to the start of the lessons, after every lesson, at one-month and 6-months follow-up. The girls in the control group (n?=?52) exclusively reported depressive symptoms at the same time points. Latent Growth Curve Modeling showed that the decrease in depressive symptoms was significantly larger for girls in the experimental group compared to the girls in the control group. Furthermore, it was found that at 6-months follow-up, the girls in the experimental group had significantly lower levels of depressive symptoms compared to the girls in the control group. These findings indicate that the CBT-component of OVK effectively reduces depressive symptoms in short term and possibly prevents the development of a clinical depression.  相似文献   

Social skills deficits are commonly reported among children with social phobia (SP) and children with Asperger’s Disorder (AD); however, a lack of direct comparison makes it unclear whether these groups, both of which endorse the presence of social anxiety, have similar or unique skills deficits. In this investigation, the social behaviors of children with SP (n = 30) or AD (n = 30) were compared to a typically developing (TD) peer group (n = 30) during structured role play interactions. Data were analyzed using blinded observers’ ratings of overt behaviors and digital vocal analysis of verbal communication. Compared to children with AD and TD children, children with SP exhibited less overall social skill, an ineffective ability to manage the conversational topic (pragmatic social behavior), and deficient speech production (speech and prosodic social behavior). There were no differences in observer ratings between children with AD and TD children. However, using digital analysis of vocal characteristics (i.e., intensity, pitch), distinct vocal patterns emerged. Specifically, children with AD spoke more softly than TD children, and had lower vocal pitch and less vocal pitch variability than children with SP. This pattern may be subjectively heard as monotonic speech. Consistent with a vocal pattern associated with heightened anxiety, children with SP spoke more softly and had less voice volume variation than TD children, and had higher vocal pitch and more vocal pitch variability (jitteriness) than children with AD. Clinical implications of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

This multiple baseline study evaluated the efficacy of behavioral parent training (BPT) for 12 parents (M age?=?39.17 years; 91 % mothers) and their children (ages 6–12; 83 % boys) both with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), and also explored the acute effect of stimulant medication for parents before and after BPT. Parents rated their own and their children’s symptoms and impairment and were stabilized on optimally dosed medication. Then, parents discontinued medication and were randomly assigned to a 3, 4, or 5 week baseline (BL), during which they provided twice-weekly ratings of their impairment, parenting, and their child’s behavior. Following BL, parents and their children completed two laboratory tasks, once on their optimally dosed medication and once on a placebo to assess observable effects of medication on parent–child behavior, and they completed additional assessments of family functioning. Parents then completed eight BPT sessions, during which they were unmedicated. Twice-weekly ratings of parent and child behavior were collected during BPT and additional ratings were collected upon completing BPT. Two more parent–child tasks with and without parent medication were conducted upon BPT completion to assess the observable effects of BPT and BPT plus medication. Ten (83.33 %) parents completed the trial. Improvements in parent and child behavior were observed, and parents reported improved child behavior with BPT. Few benefits of BPT emerged through parent reports of parent functioning, with the exception of inconsistent discipline, and no medication or interaction effects emerged. These results, although preliminary, suggest that some parents with ADHD benefit from BPT. While pharmacological treatment is the most common intervention for adults with ADHD, further examination of psychosocial treatments for adults is needed.  相似文献   

Hyperactivity is currently considered a core and ubiquitous feature of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD); however, an alternative model challenges this premise and hypothesizes a functional relationship between working memory (WM) and activity level. The current study investigated whether children’s activity level is functionally related to WM demands associated with the domain-general central executive and subsidiary storage/rehearsal components using tasks based on Baddeley’s (Working memory, thought, and action. New York: Oxford University Press 2007) WM model. Activity level was objectively measured 16 times per second using wrist- and ankle-worn actigraphs while 23 boys between 8 and 12 years of age completed control tasks and visuospatial/phonological WM tasks of increasing memory demands. All children exhibited significantly higher activity rates under all WM relative to control conditions, and children with ADHD (n = 12) moved significantly more than typically developing children (n = 11) under all conditions. Activity level in all children was associated with central executive but not storage/rehearsal functioning, and higher activity rates exhibited by children with ADHD under control conditions were fully attenuated by removing variance directly related to central executive processes.
Mark D. RapportEmail:

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