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Summary  Is there any argument for scepticism? The epistemic problem of the possibility of error. Arguments for scepticism rest on the assumption that knowledge claims are fallible. For this reason the concept of knowledge appears to be questionable. Since it is necessary to distinguish doubts from possible doubts, the arguments for scepticism appear to be unconvincing. If we take it into account that we know something that is immune to doubt, we should draw the conclusion that, contrary to scepticism, knowledge claims have to be compatible with being fallible. Thus any knowledge claim is capable of being doubted.  相似文献   

Comorbidity between severe personality disorder and posttraumatic stress disorder is a frequent clinical problem. Severe personality disorders are characterized by an impaired regulation of emotions, a low mentalization capacity and deficits in personality integration. For severe personality disorders and posttraumatic stress disorder, a variety of evidence-based treatment approaches of psychodynamic and cognitive-behavioral origin are available. However, a closer inspection of these treatment concepts shows that they do not sufficiently take the respective comorbid condition into account. No single concept is able to cover all problem areas presented by patients with this comorbidity. Therefore, an attempt is made to present an integrative psychodynamically oriented therapy concept for traumatized patients with personality disorders which contains elements from psychodynamic, cognitive-behavioral and other concepts. The phase structure of the concept clarifies the sequence hierarchy of the therapeutic interventions. The content of the five phases are: (1) safety, holding and strengthening of coping capacities, (2) emotion regulation and self-care, (3) mentalization and development of stable representations, (4) gentle trauma processing and (5) conflict-oriented psychotherapy and treatment of maladaptive relationship patterns.  相似文献   

A number of philosophers are committed to the view that sense experiences, in so far as they have contents, have propositional contents, but this is more often tacitly accepted than argued for in the literature. This paper explains the propositional account and presents a basic case in support of it in a simple and straightforward way which does not involve commitment to any specific philosophical theory of perception.  相似文献   

An independent online consulting service for persons with eating disorders and their relatives (www.ab-server.de) exists in Germany since 1998, which was developed by physicians and psychologists. This study aims to comprehend the individual use of the online consulting for affected persons and their relatives. In order to do this, two online questionnaires were developed for these two groups. The questionnaires were sent digitally in two phases to those people who had posted an e-mail to the online consulting service from January 1999 to November 2003 and from January 2004 to July 2006 (phase 1: n=2,760; phase 2: n=1,419). A total of 493 data sets of affected persons and 127 of relatives were included in the analysis. The online consulting service is of great importance especially to establish the user’s first contact with professional help. The main reported effects were an improved understanding of the disease and the motivation to seek further professional help. This specific setting of internet-based intervention fulfils the function of a signpost within the German supply system.  相似文献   


Patients showing the features of Borderline Personality Disorder as defined in DSM-IV are notoriously difficult to treat. They are difficult to keep in therapy, frequently fail to respond to therapeutic efforts, and make considerable demands on the emotional resources of the therapist, particularly when suicidal and parasuicidal behaviors are prominent. Dialectical Behaviour Therapy, (DBT) devised by Marsha Linehan at the University of Washington in Seattle, is an innovative method of treatment that has been developed specifically for this difficult group of patients. In the present paper, the theoretical grounds for DBT are summarized, as well as the treatment format and different treatment techniques. The empirical evidence for the effectiveness of the method, which has so far been demonstrated in a few controlled studies, is also summarized. Finally, there is a presentation of a research project led by Professor Marie Åsberg at the Karolinska Hospital in Stockholm, where a group of female patients at high risk of suicide will be scientifically investigated and described. Besides this careful investigation, Otto Kernberg's treatment model (PDT), Marsha Linehan's treatment model (DBT) and treatment as usual (TAU) will be to be implemented and compared in a controlled treatment study for this group of patients.  相似文献   

En klient som hade radsla for att tala i andras narvaro behandlades med systematisk desensibilisering. Tekniken hade modifierats sa att en forestalld respons (att tala) forandrades till auditiv stimulering (banduppspelat tal) dar klienten gavs kontroll over exponeringen. Be—handlingen utvarderades subjektivt av klienten och med hjalp av hjart—frekvensregistrering. Resultaten tolkades i termer av motbetingning och exponering till den fobiska situationen.  相似文献   


Föreliggande arbete avser en enkätundersökning av svenskars flygrädsla. Tvätusen svenska med-borgare i äldrarna 18–75 är erhöll en enkät med 25 frägor angäende flygrädsla och hur denna päverkar viljan att utnyttja trafikflyget.

Christer L. Nordlund: A questionnaire of Swedes' fear of flying. During the spring and summer of 1982, 1 992 randomly selected individuals received a written questionnaire concerning fear of flying. 1 484 individuals returned the questionnaire and 169 of the remainders were interviewed by telephone and were included in the material. 76% of the individuals in the material had flown one or more times, while 6% reported that because of fear they had never flown. 17% reported that they could not consider flying, owing to fear, or for other reasons. 10% answered that they experienced relatively great or greater fear when flying, while 15% answered that they felt the same when thinking about flying. When asked about different parts of a flight, 25% revealed that they felt relatively great or greater fear during some part of it, and about 30% reported the same level of fear when clear air turbulence was encountered. The prevalence of flight fear depends upon the definition used. If “daring to fly” is used as a criterion, 10% of the Swedish population, i.e. 600 000 Swedes, can be considered to be afraid of flying. Given that flying is quite safe (from a statistical point of view), anyone experiencing discomfort during a flight could be regarded as demonstrating fear of flying. With this criterion, 50% of the interviewed individuals (= 3 000 000 Swedes) could be regarded as apprehensive about flying.  相似文献   

From an evolutionary standpoint language developes from music and sounds. On grounds of that theory the role of intonation, timbre, volume and rhythm in speaking is considered as well as the messages that are transmitted beyond the lexical-semantic level primarily on the phonetic level. The vocal apparatus as a generator of tones, vibrations and rhythm is connected to the body as a whole and functions as a ?resonance body‘. Thereby, it gives the sound, when speaking or listening, a specific quality and meaning. That principle of giving and developing meaning in a sensory way exists already in the communication between mother and child before birth. Besides the secondary linguistical representations it remains lifelong of central importance in the generation and passing on of implicit knowledge. A psychoanalytic treatment is described as an example on how the phonetic level in speech influences the process and advances of therapy.  相似文献   

The rule of contraposition has been investigated thoroughly by Arabic logicians. In this paper, we study the work done by Fārābā and Avicenna, the fathers of Arabic logic. Fārābā studied contraposition of universal affirmatives, discussed its four forms, and discovered a relation between one form and the conversion of negative universals. Although Fārābā and logicians before him have used contraposition only for conditionals, as well as for indefinite and universal affirmative categorical propositions, Avicenna generalized the rule to all the four Aristotelian quantified categorical propositions. However, many of his ideas on contraposition were opposed by his 12th and 13th century followers, which are to be investigated later.  相似文献   

Anders als bei Patienten mit schubf?rmiger Multipler Sklerose, insbesondere jenen, die erst kurze Zeit erkrankt sind, sind unsere therapeutischen M?glichkeiten für Patienten mit sekund?r chronisch progredienter Multipler Sklerose leider noch immer nicht ausreichend. Dies bedeutet erstens, dass wir unsere zur Verfügung stehenden Therapien frühzeitig im Verlauf der Erkrankung einsetzen müssen, um überhaupt erst einen übergang in eine sekund?re Progredienz zu verhindern. Andererseits kann man, wenn ein Patient bereits in der sekund?r progredienten Phase ist, durch sorgf?ltig überlegten Einsatz Krankheitsmodifizierender medikament?ser Therapien, symptomatischer Therapien und Rehabilitation eine lange Stabilisierung der Multiplen Sklerose bei guter Lebensqualit?t erreichen.  相似文献   


The procedural validity of the Composite International Diagnostic Interview - short form (CIDISF) administered via an Internet web-page was examined and compared with an in-person interview (Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV Axis I Disorders, research version; SCID) for 7 DSM-IV mental disorders: major depression, generalized anxiety, specific phobia, social phobia, agoraphobia, panic attack and obsessive-compulsive disorder. The 53 participants completed a computerized interview (CIDI-SF) via a web page 2 days before the scheduled in-person interview (SCID). The agreement between CIDI-SF and SCID was generally low (Cohens Kappa <0.40). However, if the panic disorder module from the long version of CIDI is used instead, the Kappa is fair (K = 0.48) with an agreement of 75%. Practical applications and future directions are discussed.  相似文献   



The effectiveness of preventive approaches in the field of child protection depends, amongst other things, upon identifying typical risk constellations of infanticide. Postpartum bonding disorder, a disorder affecting a mother’s emotional relationship with her child, is one of those risk constellations alongside other negative consequences to child development. It frequently accompanies postpartum depression, which is determined by other emotional qualities. The therapeutic response is a determinant factor for the success of preventive measures.


42 mothers with postpartum disorders (25 depressive, 17 schizophrenic) undergoing treatment at a mother-baby-unit were examined for bonding disorders and the therapeutic response, primarily regarding the mother-child relationship. Perception of bonding, maternal self-efficacy and objectively measured parameters of mother-child interaction were the most important parameters assessed. Results. Nearly 60% of the mothers suffered from a bonding disorder. Overall, the results indicated a clear improvement in psychiatric disorder as well as in the assessed parameters for the mother-child relationship and the experience of motherhood.


Maternal bonding disorders are strongly associated with postpartum depression and low maternal self-efficacy, which can lead to a risk constellation for infanticide. The data confirm the therapeutic response, thus demonstrating that early diagnosis and treatment of postpartum depression can represent a timely and effective preventive approach in the field of child protection.  相似文献   

Children of parents suffering from a serious disease (e.g. cancer, multiple sclerosis, Aids) are at increased risk for mental health problems. Empirically based interventions for these children are missing. At the University Medical Centre Hamburg-Eppendorf, a preventive short-term counselling service has been existing since July 2000. Results from a 6-month evaluation (n=50) are presented. The evaluation encompasses a retrospective interrogation in a multiperspective und multidimensional approach. Most families experienced the intervention as helpful and supportive in coping with the multiple stressors of the situation. Out of a previously defined list of 12 intervention goals, enhancing anticipatory grief in children, their active coping behaviour as well as parents’ sense of their own parenting competence were identified as the most important foci of the counselling interventions, as reported by parents, children and therapists.  相似文献   

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