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ABSTRACT— Experience with certain types of faces during the first year of development defines which types of faces are more efficiently recognized later in life. In work described here, we found that infants who learned to recognize six monkey faces individually (i.e., each face was individually labeled) over a 3-month period maintained the ability to discriminate monkey faces. However, infants who learned these same six faces categorically (i.e., all faces were labeled "monkey") or were simply exposed to these faces (i.e., faces were not labeled) showed a decline in the ability to discriminate monkey faces. These results suggest that experience individuating faces from 6 to 9 months of age, via labeling, critically shapes the perceptual representation that is responsible for later recognition and discrimination of faces.  相似文献   

人格特质对选择性加工偏向的影响   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
陈少华  郑雪 《心理科学》2005,28(5):1135-1139
采用词性辨别和注意探测任务,考察了神经质和外倾性对选择性加工偏向的影响。结果表明:(1)放试在选择信息时存在特质一致性倾向;(2)在单一刺激条件下,当刺激词呈现时间为0.5s时,高神经质对所有效价词的RT均快于低神经质;而当呈现时间为1.0s时,外倾者比内倾者的反应潜伏期更短4(3)双重刺激条件下的选择性加工偏向比单一刺激条件更明显;(4)在词性辨别任务中.刺激词呈现时间只影响了神经质被试对情绪词的RT;在注意探测任务中,呈现时间对内外倾被试的加工偏向影响不显著。  相似文献   

这篇文章从进化心理学的视角阐述了认知偏向研究的方法和基本理论,进化心理学认为人类认知存在系统的偏向,这种有偏的认知通常是自然选择设计的特征.认知偏向的误差管理理论认为:如果认知在不确定条件下做出,并且错误肯定和错误否定的错误的成本在进化历史上不对称情况循环出现,自然选择偏爱犯最小成本错误的认知偏向.认知偏向研究的进化心理学方式有助于系统地产生关于领域特定化的认知偏向的预测.  相似文献   

史滋福  张庆林 《心理科学》2011,34(4):970-973
采用贝叶斯推理问题作为实验材料,探讨被试解决贝叶斯推理问题的启发式策略,从认知偏向的角度分析该问题的困难原因。结果发现:(1)贝叶斯推理问题解决过程中的可得性启发与后验概率估计过程中的直觉调整差误密切相关;(2)贝叶斯推理问题解决过程中文、理科被试都同样会产生直觉调整差误偏向;(3)贝叶斯推理问题解决过程中的后验概率估计值和对推理问题中包括虚报率信息的命题的可得性测量所得主观概率之间存在显著的负相关。  相似文献   

采用贝叶斯推理问题作为实验材料,通过分析被试推理过程中的理由叙述,探讨被试贝叶斯推理所使用的启发式策略,从认知偏向的角度分析该问题的困难原因.结果发现:(1)在贝叶斯推理过程中,对"击中率"命题的"换位表征"错误和锚定"基础比率"信息导致了"锚定参照错误"偏向,从而表现出对贝叶斯推理成绩显著的高估或低估;(2)"锚定参照错误"偏向程度和锚定参照目标受任务情境的影响;(3)解决良构的问题和非良构的问题时,"换位表征"的现象都有可能发生,而且表现得比较一致.  相似文献   

本研究以老年抑郁量表、自评抑郁量表和汉密顿抑郁量表为工具筛选出老年抑郁个体和老年正常对照组为研究对象,通过空间线索化范式,以及分离的情绪Stroop范式考察了刺激呈现时间、线索呈现条件对老年抑郁个体注意偏向的影响,并探讨了老年抑郁个体注意偏向的发生阶段。研究结果表明:(1)在空间线索任务中,当刺激呈现时间为250ms或500ms时,老年抑郁组与老年正常组的返回抑制效应在各种情绪刺激下均无显著差异(P>0.05),即老年抑郁个体没有呈现出对任何情绪刺激类型的注意偏向现象;当刺激呈现时间为750ms或1000ms时,老年抑郁组的返回抑制效应在不同情绪刺激条件下差异显著,F(2, 66)=3.22,P=0.046,而老年正常组则不存在返回抑制效应在情绪刺激类型上的差异(P>0.05),提示老年抑郁组对不同情绪类型的刺激注意返回抑制能力不同;进一步检验得知:返回抑制效应在悲伤条件下,存在组间差异,分别是F(1, 33)=10.03,P=0.003;F(1, 33)=18.21,P=0.000,即老年抑郁组的返回抑制效应弱于老年正常组。(2)在Stroop实验中,老年抑郁组在单中性、双中性与单悲伤面孔、中性悲伤面孔、双悲伤面孔线索类型下的反应时差异显著;且当线索类型为单悲伤面孔、中性悲伤面孔、双悲伤面孔时,老年抑郁组与老年正常组的反应时差异均显著,即老年抑郁组的反应时明显长于老年正常组,F(1, 41) = 5.37,P=0.026;F(1, 41) = 7.08,P=0.011;F(1, 41) = 7.28,P=0.010;而当线索类型为单中性和双中性面孔时,老年抑郁组与老年正常组的反应时差异不显著(P>0.05);提示抑郁组可能在自动化注意选择分配期存在注意偏向。研究认为,老年抑郁个体的注意偏向可能发生在注意初始分配阶段和解释阶段,且受加工深度的影响。在刺激呈现时间较长的条件下,注意偏向的效应更明显。  相似文献   

Four experiments investigated the effects of romantic goals on task and social impression formation. The clouded judgment hypothesis holds that romantic goals encourage positive biases on less relationship-relevant dimensions (e.g., task competence). The default positivity hypothesis holds that romantic goals encourage positivity biases on relationship-relevant dimensions in the absence of relevant information. The selective accuracy hypothesis posits that romantic goals encourage accuracy regarding relationship-relevant attributes (e.g., social competence) when relevant information is available. In four studies, male and female perceivers evaluated opposite-sex targets whom they expected to date (romantic goals) or to meet for nonromantic interaction (baseline). Videotaped targets displayed competence or incompetence on task (Experiments 1 and 2) or social (Experiments 3 and 4) dimensions. All three hypotheses were supported.  相似文献   

Research on cognitive theories of social anxiety disorder (SAD) has identified individual processes that influence this condition (e.g., cognitive biases, repetitive negative thinking), but few studies have attempted to examine the interaction between these processes. For example, attentional biases and anticipatory processing are theoretically related and have been found to influence symptoms of SAD, but they rarely have been studied together (i.e., Clark & Wells, 1995). Therefore, the goal of the current study was to examine the effect of anticipatory processing on attentional bias for internal (i.e., heart rate feedback) and external (i.e., emotional faces) threat information. A sample of 59 participants high (HSA) and low (LSA) in social anxiety symptoms engaged in a modified dot-probe task prior to (Time 1) and after (Time 2) an anticipatory processing or distraction task. HSAs who anticipated experienced an increase in attentional bias for internal information from Time 1 to Time 2, whereas HSAs in the distraction condition and LSAs in either condition experienced no changes. No changes in biases were found for HSAs for external biases, but LSAs who engaged in the distraction task became less avoidant of emotional faces from Time 1 to Time 2. This suggests that anticipatory processing results in an activation of attentional biases for physiological information as suggested by Clark and Wells.  相似文献   

测评中的共同方法偏差   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
共同方法变异是指由于测量方法而非所测构想造成的变异。共同方法变异会对测评和测评间的相关产生严重影响,甚至会使研究导致错误结论。本文介绍了学界对共同方法偏差的研究,内容包括:(1)共同方法偏差在多大程度上和以何种方式影响测评研究结果;(2)共同方法偏差的潜在来源及其程序控制。  相似文献   

Many psychological disorders are characterized by interpretational processing biases, and Aaron T. Beck's work provided a crucial theoretical foundation for assessing, treating, and researching them. The present commentary aims to sketch a brief historical overview of how this work evolved and developed, and how it has been translated into concrete assessment techniques for use in treatment and led to innovative research lines in clinical research.  相似文献   

Strategies for reducing prejudice may be directed at the traditional, intentional form of prejudice or at more subtle and perhaps less conscious contemporary forms. Whereas the traditional form of prejudice may be reduced by direct educational and attitude-change techniques, contemporary forms may require alternative strategies oriented toward the individual or involving intergroup contact. Individual-oriented techniques can involve leading people who possess contemporary prejudices to discover inconsistencies among their self-images, values, and behaviors; such inconsistencies can arouse negative emotional states (e.g., guilt), which motivate the development of more favorable attitudes. Intergroup strategies can involve structuring intergroup contact to produce more individualized perceptions of the members of the other group, foster personalized interactions between members of the different groups, or redefine group boundaries to create more inclusive, superordinate representations of the groups. Understanding the nature and bases of prejudice can thus guide, theoretically and pragmatically, interventions that can effectively reduce both traditional and contemporary forms of prejudice.  相似文献   

共同方法偏差的统计检验与控制方法   总被引:38,自引:1,他引:38  
共同方法偏差是心理学研究中一个越来越被关注的课题,但国内心理学界对其的介绍、研究还比较少,导致研究中对共同方法偏差的控制还有所欠缺。共同方法偏差的控制方法分为程序控制和统计控制,该文介绍了共同方法偏差的多种统计控制法,如因素分析法、偏相关法、潜在的误差变量控制法、结构方程模型法等,分析了其各自的优缺点,并提出了如何选择采用这些方法的建议.  相似文献   

情感预测偏差的相关研究评述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
情感预测是预测将来的情绪状态。情感预测时会表现出各种偏差, 例如免疫性忽略、聚焦错觉和共情鸿沟。本文从认知–体验自我理论和心理模拟的角度对情感预测偏差的原因进行了整合, 对情感预测偏差的个体差异和矫正进行了分析。情感预测的未来研究方向应该从心理-行为机制、进化机制和脑机制几个方面展开。  相似文献   

目的:探讨积极型、消极型和低型反刍思维者对不同情绪刺激的注意偏向。方法:采用积极和消极反刍思维量表区分三种反刍思维类型的大学生,以情绪面孔(高兴,中性,悲伤)图片为实验材料,采用"空间线索任务"实验范式,探讨不同反刍思维类型个体注意偏向特点。结果:无启动条件下,三种类型都未产生注意偏向。积极情绪启动条件下,积极型和低型产生对积极刺激的注意警觉,消极型产生对消极刺激的注意警觉和注意解脱困难。消极启动条件下,三种类型都产生对积极刺激的注意警觉,且积极型的警觉水平高于低型和消极型。结论:积极和消极启动对三种反刍思维类型注意偏向的影响不完全符合情绪一致性效应。  相似文献   


In a factorial experiment, subjects, most of whom possessed managerial experience, were given information about a salesperson and asked to rate his ability on the job. As predicted, the subjects tended to overutilize effort information and underutilize task difficulty information in making their evaluations. The research reveals that cognitive biases in information processing may influence a crucial sales management responsibility. The results are discussed in terms of their implications for employee promotions and the application of attribution theory to sales personnel evaluations.  相似文献   

Remunerating jobs according to their comparable worth has been suggested as one way to reduce sex inequities in wages. To implement such a policy, it is necessary to obtain unbiased ratings of a job's worth. The present study investigated whether such ratings would be biased by the incumbent's sex, the sex composition of the occupation, or the job analyst's sex. A second purpose was to ascertain what job characteristics are viewed as worthy of financial compensation. Business school undergraduates viewed videotapes of a male enacting a low prestige, anchor job and either males or females enacting a moderate and a high prestige job. Ratings of the moderate and high prestige jobs relative to the anchor revealed that both male and female analysts perceived the jobs as higher in responsibility, in persuasive ability requirements, and in monetary worth when enacted by males than by females. The occupation's sex composition had no effect on any job ratings, a finding attributed to subjects' failure to recall the sex composition information provided. Regression analyses revealed that the only significant predictors of a job's monetary worth relative to the anchor were its perceived salary, its desirability, the training it required, and the gender of the incumbent. It was concluded that sex biases in comparable worth analyses may yield an underestimation of the wages that women's work is worth.  相似文献   

During rapid aiming, movements are planned and executed to avoid worst-case outcomes that require time and energy to correct. As such, downward movements initially undershoot the target to avoid corrections against gravity. Illusory target context can also impact aiming bias. Here, the authors sought to determine how strategic biases mediate illusory biases. Participants aimed to Müller-Lyer figures in different directions (forward, backward, up, down). Downward biases emerged late in the movement and illusory biases emerged from peak velocity. The illusory effects were greater for downward movements at terminal endpoint. These results indicate that strategic biases interact with the limb-target control processes associated with illusory biases. Thus, multiple control processes during rapid aiming may combine and later affect endpoint accuracy (D. Elliott et al., 2010 Elliott, D., Hansen, S., Grierson, L. E. M., Lyons, J., Bennett, S. J., &; Hayes, S. J. (2010). Goal-directed aiming: two components but multiple processes. Psychological Bulletin, 136, 10231044.[Crossref], [PubMed], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]).  相似文献   

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