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Nio kvinnor som stod på väntelista för bröstförstorande operation deltog i individuella- och gruppsamtal kring utseendeproblematik och själv-förtroende. Vid en uppföljning 12 månader efter samtalen hade fem av kvinnorna beslutat avstå från operation, tre var osäkra och endast en hade opererats.  相似文献   

胡先金 《天风》2007,(10):13
在香港,有一位八十多岁的老人,他虽然有近十亿元的资产,却和老伴住在租来的平房里,一日三餐过着“一箪食,一  相似文献   

Sammanfattning: Depression kan bero på felaktigt given förstärkning i uppfostran eller på ringa positiv förstärkning från omgivningen. Behandling av depression med metoder, som utvecklats vid universitetet i Oregon, bygger på kodning av interaktioner, daglig skattning av sinnestillstand och aktiviteter samt tids—begransning av behandlingen, hemobservationer, gruppinteraktion. Därigenom får man informa—tion om beteende, som utgör grund för testning av hypoteser, för utveckling av behandlings-strategier och for evaluering av beteendeför-ändringar  相似文献   


Föreliggande arbete avser en enkätundersökning av svenskars flygrädsla. Tvätusen svenska med-borgare i äldrarna 18–75 är erhöll en enkät med 25 frägor angäende flygrädsla och hur denna päverkar viljan att utnyttja trafikflyget.

Christer L. Nordlund: A questionnaire of Swedes' fear of flying. During the spring and summer of 1982, 1 992 randomly selected individuals received a written questionnaire concerning fear of flying. 1 484 individuals returned the questionnaire and 169 of the remainders were interviewed by telephone and were included in the material. 76% of the individuals in the material had flown one or more times, while 6% reported that because of fear they had never flown. 17% reported that they could not consider flying, owing to fear, or for other reasons. 10% answered that they experienced relatively great or greater fear when flying, while 15% answered that they felt the same when thinking about flying. When asked about different parts of a flight, 25% revealed that they felt relatively great or greater fear during some part of it, and about 30% reported the same level of fear when clear air turbulence was encountered. The prevalence of flight fear depends upon the definition used. If “daring to fly” is used as a criterion, 10% of the Swedish population, i.e. 600 000 Swedes, can be considered to be afraid of flying. Given that flying is quite safe (from a statistical point of view), anyone experiencing discomfort during a flight could be regarded as demonstrating fear of flying. With this criterion, 50% of the interviewed individuals (= 3 000 000 Swedes) could be regarded as apprehensive about flying.  相似文献   

希波的奥古斯丁[上]   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
奥古斯丁,全名奥雷里乌斯·奥古斯提奴斯(AureliusAugustinus),于公元354年11月13日出生于北非的小城塔格斯特(Tagaste),父亲是异教徒,母亲蒙尼卡是基督教。早年在马道拉的著名古典学校受教育,后来在家乡讲授词学,后又在迦太基、罗马、米兰讲学。早年生活放荡,养情妇,出入于表演色情的剧场,以及斗兽场。在他的人格中,向善心和欲乐倾向产生激烈斗争。也许是这种人格的双重性,使他一度信奉主张善恶二元的摩尼教。有一次,在会见摩尼教领袖的劫难中,他发现教义不能圆满解释罪恶的问题,大失所…  相似文献   

希波的奥古斯丁[下]   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
原罪与自由意志这是奥古斯丁最著名,也是最具影响的理论。所谓影响,并不仅指接受或继承,更多地指,在建构不同理论时,某一先行理论提供了前所未有、此后成为不可或阙的思维视野。在《论自由意志》中奥古斯丁对本问题进行了集中系统的讨论。此外,在以下诸书中亦有较完备的阐释:《论基督的恩典与原罪》(DeGratiaChristietpeccato originali)、《论恩典与自由意志致瓦伦提努》(DeGratiaetliberoarbitrioadValentinum)、《论堕落与恩典》(Decorrept…  相似文献   

朱维利 《天风》2007,(18):45
已到而立之年的我,每当我想到从前所走过的路,感到无尽的后悔与痛苦.  相似文献   

螲[虫当]是生活在马来西亚热带雨林里的一种蜘蛛,平时居住在地下洞穴里,捕食猎物和其他蜘蛛一样,都靠织网。在建造巢穴时,它们通常先选一块较为干燥的地方,然后开始打洞。洞穴建好后,它们就在洞口处织一个线圈,然后走出洞外,从外面呈辐射状拉出8根丝线,在这8根丝线的基础上,再延伸出更多丝线,最后,再造一个伪装性极强的盖子,钻进洞里,盖住洞口。  相似文献   

正10个温暖善美纯真禅意主题传递人性的真善美倡导仁爱和谐生活的智慧,在于自我心地的运用,多一分宽恕,则消一分狭隘;多一分理解,则少一分愤慨;多一分坚强,则解一分悲哀。从来都不是生活不完美,是自我心地不够圆满,如果没有那么多的挑剔和偏执,眼前的世界,原本就是清净无染。《人生智慧丛书》,带你走进温暖和澄静。  相似文献   

松托雪,寒惊鹊。 白冷披月, 马棚不夜。天空唱,地上合。 万物静观皆自得, 人间爱火正炽烈。世界高歌,普天同乐,宇宙踊跃。[中吕]普天乐·圣诞夜@张晓红~~  相似文献   

正豫定热线:0311-8078532818332007703联系人:夏盛磊10个温暖善美纯真禅意主题传递人性的真善美倡导仁爱和谐生活的智慧,在于自我心地的运用,多一分宽恕,则消一分狭隘;多二一分理解,则少一分愤慨;多一分坚强,则解一分悲哀。从来都不是生活不完美,是自我心地不够圆满,如果没有那么多的挑剔和偏执,眼前的  相似文献   

诗成为人的本质存在的一部分。它归结为人的精神存在、价值存在、审美存在、文化存在,归结为一种纯粹的精神追求的记录,一种情感的自我净化和升华,一种心理调节和补尝,逐步实现心灵自我完善的途径。就此而言,虽然诗意地栖居“如梦如幻”,但却真的是一种“本真”,或许应该把它看作梦之境。  相似文献   

正预定热线:0311-80785328 18332007703 联系人:夏盛磊10个温暖善美纯真禅意主题传递人性的真善美倡导仁爱和谐生活的智慧,在于自我心地的运用,多一分宽恕,则消一分狭隘;多一分理解,则少一分愤慨;多一分坚强,则解一分悲哀。从来都不是生活不完美,是自我心地不够圆满,如果没有那么多的挑剔和偏执,眼前的世界,原本就是清净无染。《人生智慧丛书》,带你走进温暖和澄静。  相似文献   


En klient som hade radsla for att tala i andras narvaro behandlades med systematisk desensibilisering. Tekniken hade modifierats sa att en forestalld respons (att tala) forandrades till auditiv stimulering (banduppspelat tal) dar klienten gavs kontroll over exponeringen. Be—handlingen utvarderades subjektivt av klienten och med hjalp av hjart—frekvensregistrering. Resultaten tolkades i termer av motbetingning och exponering till den fobiska situationen.  相似文献   

This paper offers a literary and ideological deconstruction of the Bhāgavata Purā[ndot]a; it traces the Purā[ndot]a's formation through the convergence of the Vedāntin, the Aesthetic and the Vai[sdot][ndot]ava traditions, and argues that it is the doctrine of Pari[ndot]āma which underlies the treatise. I first examine the Bhāgavata Purā[ndot]a's literary components; the roots of these are traced back historically to the Vedānta and ālvār traditions, and the Bhāgavata Purā[ndot]a's nature as an opus universale, representing an all Indian cultural ‘melting pot’, is highlighted. The paper then looks at the relations of Vai[sdot][ndot]avism and dramaturgy, both historically as well as theologically, and argues that the Bhāgavata Purā[ndot]a was traditionally read as a drama. It proceeds to decipher the aesthetic theory underlying the Bhāgavata Purā[ndot]a, and argues that it is Bharata's dramaturgical rasa theory. Within the rasa tradition, Abhinavagupta's and Bhoja's positions are highlighted and compared through three seminal points and it becomes apparent that the Bhāgavata Purā[ndot]a's underlying aesthetic theory is close to the Pari[ndot]āma doctrine of Bhoja where ?[rdot][ndot]gāra is considered to be the supreme rasa. As Bhoja's date is no doubt later than the Bhāgavata Purā[ndot]a's it is assumed that the Bhāgavata Purā[ndot]a was influenced by one of Bhoja's predecessors. The paper ends by reinforcing this analysis by highlighting a later tradition which had actually accepted this point of view and that is the Gau[ddot]iya Vai[sdot][ndot]ava tradition.  相似文献   

本文的工作是在D.M.Gabbay的一篇论文《超模态逻辑理论:在模态逻辑中的模转换》基础上所做的,主要是将他的两类满足关系扩充到n+1种满足关系,然后在此基础上得到两类一般性的逻辑类K[TnK]和K[TKn],其中n≥1。我们得到了一些更为一般性的结论:(1)逻辑类K[TnK]的定理模式是:对任意n≥1,□j+(n+1)kp→□i+(n+1)kp,其中0≤in]的定理模式是:□1+(n+1)kp→□(n+1)kp,其中b≥1。不过,□j+(n+1)kp→□i+(n+1)kp,其中0≤in]的定理模式,因此,(3)每一个逻辑K[TnK]都是相应的逻辑K[TKn]的真扩张,其中n≥1;(4)必然化规则在两类逻辑K[TnK]和K[TKn]中都不成立,但是,这样的规则成立,即如果A分别是两类逻辑K[TnK]和K[TKn]的定理,那么对于任意n≥1,□n+1A也分别是逻辑类K[TnK]和K[TKn]的定理;(5)等值替换规则在逻辑类K[TnK]和K[TKn]下都不封闭;此外,(6)我们将D.M.Gabbay的从超模态逻辑到正规模态逻辑K的两类翻译τ0和τ1扩充到n+1类翻译τ01,…,τn。在超模态逻辑K[TnK]和K[TKn]与正规模态逻辑K之间,我们找到了点模型满足对应理论,即对任意的超模态逻辑公式α,在某个世界ω上为真,当且仅当,在正规模态逻辑K中τi(α)在世界ω上也为真。其中τi(α)是公式α从超模态逻辑到正规模态逻辑K的翻译。  相似文献   

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