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采用实时窗口阅读技术,探讨阅读中文本表述结构在情境模型空间维度非线索更新中的作用。实验一结果表明,阅读中,如果文本叙述中采用以人为参照的描述方式,那么可以促进相应空间设置内物体的实时更新。实验二考察了空间设置不同程度的描述对空间信息加工中的影响,结果发现,相对于对空间设置的简单描述,在文本中对空间设置进行精细阐述更有利于情境模型空间维度非线索更新的达成。  相似文献   

Two apparently contradictory ideas are closely linked in Israeli political discourse: Israel is powerful and independent and Israel is vulnerable and dependent. This study used content analysis and focus groups, as well as existing survey data analyzed by others, to explore how this paradox has been reflected in newspapers and conversations during six different time periods from 1948 to 1996. The goal was not to explain the paradox but to examine its consequences for Israeli perceptions of U.S. policy in the Middle East—and, in the process, to explore Israeli self-images. The nature of U.S. strategic interests was originally treated as problematic and in need of political discussion, but in the past 25 years these interests have become taken for granted. Surprisingly, even after the end of the Cold War, a critical discourse moment in which a reexamination of U.S. interests in the Middle East would seem inevitable, the U.S. role remains taken for granted and largely unexamined. The strong/vulnerable paradox explains this absence of discussion: Examining U.S. interests too closely upsets the delicate balance that keeps the sense of vulnerability in check.  相似文献   

职业兴趣的结构:理论与研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
有着近70年历史的职业兴趣结构的研究丰富与发展了其理论,这些理论主要包括:Roe的圆形模型、Holland的六边形模型、Prediger的维度模型、Gati的层级模型以及Tracey-Rounds的球形模型。总结比较这些不同的职业兴趣结构的研究发现,Holland的六边形模型更适合于美国样本(非种族样本)群体,而其他的模型则有待于进一步的考察。研究还表明没有广泛适用的职业兴趣模型,因此,职业兴趣的跨化研究应深入探讨与验证。  相似文献   




This article examines a narrative understanding of identity and discusses its relevance within the sociocultural contingencies of the postmodern age. Providing an historical overview of understandings of the self, Meador traces the lineage of the self from Augustine through contemporary theories of identity. He focuses on the narrative concept of identity, acknowledging the existence of multiple narratives—those that individuals tell about themselves and those told by others. Finally, he explores the transformative potential available within this context for those in their later years.  相似文献   










The search for a narrative in acute psychosis exists but the result of this search can be insufficient because the stories available do not sufficiently capture the pre-narrative quality of personal experience, and hence the sense of agency may be diminished. The context of reflexivity is lost when a subjugating story blocks an individual off from making a choice from among a multiplicity of stories. Psychosis can also be an escape in order to maintain a sense of agency. When the patient has trouble in creating meaning through narrative action, the aim of therapy and treatment is to open a channel through which the pre-narrative quality of life can become narrated, to create a multiplicity of stories, and so offer the possibility of choice in the construction of a narrative identity.  相似文献   

Substance abuse relapse has been linked to a number of internal and external vulnerability factors. The authors explored the internal construct of Adlerian social interest (Adler, 1956 ) and the external construct of Hirschi's ( 1969 ) social bonding to provide a holistic risk profile of relapse.  相似文献   

美国医生对于医疗坏消息告知的程序及具体方法   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
坏消息的告知是临床医生遇到的较为困难的情况之一。从交谈的环境、告知的开始、继续交谈、对病人情感反应的评价及处理、病人的遗愿5个方面详细介绍了美国医生对于医疗坏消息告知的程序及具体方法,从而为我国医生提供参考。  相似文献   

The present study examined how the representations of biotechnology using genetic engineering have been developed in Japan relying on media analysis. Specifically, using the online database of the Asahi Shimbun , one of the major opinion-forming newspapers in Japan, the annual numbers of articles concerning biotechnology were tallied from 1985 to 2000, and an analysis was conducted of the content of 850 articles from 10 particular years. Specifically, a framework in which a biotechnological issue was presented was focused on; the changes of dominant frames and the relationships between frames and specific biotechnological applications (e.g. medicine, agrifood and cloning) were investigated. The results showed that: (i) the number of articles increased sharply in particular since 1996–1997; (ii) although general attitudes toward biotechnology were persistently positive, a frame of biotechnological article became more diverse (i.e. the prospect frames were considerably dominant in the earlier phases, but the concern frames also became prominent in the later phases); and (iii) several articles were found which reported cloned animals in a frame of emotional attachment, a frame unique to Japan. These results were compared with those of European countries and discussed from a perspective of the theory of collective symbolic coping.  相似文献   

采用2(新闻框架类型:诱发气愤情绪或诱发悲伤情绪)×2(危机事件团体回应类型:惩罚型或补偿型)×2(团体回应中情绪感染力的呈现情况:呈现或缺乏)的被试间实验设计,探讨不同版本的危机事件新闻报道诱发出的不同情绪如何影响个体的信息加工,以及情绪反应怎样影响个体对组织随后回应策略的偏好。结果发现:气愤情绪促使公众采用启发性加工方式,悲伤情绪促使公众采用系统性加工方式;相比于悲伤情绪,气愤情绪会导致公众对公司更加负面的态度;惩罚型回应信息的可信性更高;惩罚型和补偿型回应信息使公众对企业的态度从比较消极转变为偏向积极;具有强烈情绪感染力的回应信息更容易降低气愤组对企业的责任归因程度,并进而促进公众对企业态度的改变;公众的气愤和悲伤情绪水平在接受企业回应后明显减弱,但没有达到基线水平。结果表明,在面对危机事件时,新闻框架的类型、企业对危机事件的回应方式以及回应中的情绪感染力,会结合在一起,制约公众对危机事件的知觉以及对企业的判断。  相似文献   

临床试验中的利益冲突:伦理和政策问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
人们对于研究人员、赞助商和研究机构三者之间的经济利益关系给予越来越多的关注,人体试验研究中的经济利益与其他利益有所不同,这种经济利益会导致偏见或诱导不正当的行为,尤其是当有从研究中获益的机会存在时,将会影响到研究人员关于应该选择哪个受试者,应该提供给受试者什么样的医疗服务,甚至应该如何正确使用受试者保密的健康信息方面的判断,由经济利益引起的明显的风险同样也会威胁公众的学术机构研究使命的支持,从处理临床试验中利益冲突的准则,什么样的经济利益是研究中的重大经济利益。准则的实施等方面进行了详尽的叙述,最后指出没有潜在受试者和公众的信任,我们就不能有效地开展研究。  相似文献   

The relationship between interest and knowledge was investigated in a representative sample of 11th grade students from cultures that differ in the strength of their gender-role stereotypes and their endorsement of effort-based versus interest-based learning. Among 11th graders from the United States (N = 1052), Taiwan (N = 1475), and Japan (N = 1119), boys preferred science, math, and sports, whereas girls preferred language arts, music, and art. General information scores were comparable across the three locations; however, boys consistently outscored girls. Gender and interest in science independently predicted general information scores, whereas gender and interest in math independently predicted mathematics scores. Cultural variations in the strength of the relationship between gender, interest, and scores indicate that specific socialization practices can minimize or exaggerate these gender differences.  相似文献   

数月以来,新冠肺炎疫情之下的中国医务人员及患者在这场抗疫之战中形成了许多独具特色的医学叙事,其中的文本意义既具有深刻的社会属性,亦具有极强的个人属性。采用参与式观察法,收集、记录自然条件下不同的患者在疫情期间前来医院就诊的疾病故事,共计29个案例,并根据患者就诊中的不同心态将这些案例分为恐慌、无奈和乐观三类,最后尝试以医者的视角,通过三个医务人员的平行病历对疫情之下这三类不同的患者心态进行解读,借此重新审视特殊时代背景之下医者的责任和医学的意义,旨在为后疫情时期的医患关系研究提供一些理论基础和思考空间。  相似文献   

对于限制/无行为能力患者的医疗决策采取代理决策模式,该模式奠基于社会习俗与习惯法。通常情况下,亲属能够更加准确地评判患者的个人价值取向和医疗决定偏好。但是,基于利益判断的主观性,代理决策中的道德冲突难以避免,其合理性辩护基于代理身份的合法性、“善意”与“患者利益”的标签、制度缺失,对于其批评在于代理者德性基础上的一致性不足。按照解决问题的逻辑进程,规避代理决策中利益冲突的方式有寻求共识的可能、临床伦理咨询与司法介入,其中伦理咨询与司法介入需要依托国家制度设计。  相似文献   

本研究以502名大学生为被试,探讨神经质人格与网络小说成瘾的关系以及叙事传输和沉浸感在其中的序列中介作用。结果发现:(1)网络小说成瘾与神经质人格、叙事传输和沉浸感之间均呈显著正相关;(2)神经质人格不仅可以直接影响网络小说成瘾,还可以通过叙事传输和沉浸感的中介作用对其产生影响,且该中介作用包含了两条路径——沉浸感的单独中介作用以及叙事传输-沉浸感的序列中介作用。这一结论有助于引导大学生健康阅读网络小说,预防成瘾。  相似文献   

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