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"做人"是一种德性——兼论个体道德的起点   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我们必须超越时"做人"的常识化理解,从更加具有普遍意义的关系视阚而非日常私人交往领域来重新审视"做人","做人"是一种德性,内含着人的本质性规定.同样,对"做人"的评价、对"好人"的认定也要超出日常的私人交往领域,为"做好人"确立一个相对客观的标准和宽松的环境.在市场经济条件下和民主社会公共交往扩大的背景下,按照新的"做人"观念学会做人应成为个体道德建构的起点.  相似文献   


According to the relevant alternatives theory of knowledge (RA), I know that p only if my evidence eliminates all relevant alternatives to p. Jonathan Schaffer has recently argued that David Lewis's version of RA, which is perhaps the most detailed version yet provided, cannot account for our failure to know in cases involving missed clues, that is, cases in which we see but fail to appreciate decisive evidence. I argue, however, that Lewis's version of RA survives exposure to missed clue cases. Moreover, even though Schaffer maintains that Lewis's Rule of Belief provides no protection against missed clue cases, I argue that we should credit the Rule of Belief with ensuring the survival of Lewis's version of RA.  相似文献   

由王征国撰著 ,中山大学出版社 2 0 0 1年 8月出版的《道德规范论》一书 ,除导论外共有 9章 ,旨在适应社会主义市场经济、构建以人为核心的道德规范体系。“人”——既是道德产生的精神土壤 ,又是道德规范得以实行和调整的有力杠杆。本书就是紧紧抓住了“人”这个核心 ,构建了新的道德规范体系。本书把人道原则作为第一原则 ,由此又引申了行善原则和群分原则 ,这三者构成了以人为核心的道德规范体系的主体框架。 ( 1 )人道原则把人的需要的满足作为一切价值的源泉 ,强调对每个人的平等权利、尊严和价值的尊重 ,把人类的最佳生存和发展状态及…  相似文献   

The article by Wilcox and Edwards (1982) is discussed in terms of the notion of a Physics necessary for an explanatory theory of Perception. Phenomenological explanations, while true, are rejected as lacking explanatory adequacy. Some examples of succesful computational theories, covering the phenomena Gibson considered basic to an Ecological Physics, are given which are based upon a classical optics.  相似文献   

In 1749 David Hartley published his Observations, a work of great historical significance, yet the history of the Observations has been frequently debated. Establishing an accurate history of the Observations is, therefore, warranted. This has been undertaken here by reexamining known source materials, as well as additional primary documents not previously applied to Hartley studies. Significant historical information has been gleaned from transcribing the Hartley-Lister shorthand correspondence. The synthesis of material from these sources has led to a new history of the stages of conceptual development, composition, and publication of Hartley's Observations that differs substantially from previous accounts.  相似文献   

A scenario study was performed to investigate whether people in the street would be less likely to respond positively to a stranger's request for a small favor if the stranger wore a T-shirt bearing a progay slogan. One hundred and eighteen female and 112 male participants were each presented with six scenarios, all of which asked them to imagine being approached by a person requesting change for a banknote. The dependent variable in the study was the participant's judgment, on a 7-point scale, of how likely he or she would be to help. Five of the scenarios were included as distractors. In the critical scenario, the requester was described as wearing a plain T-shirt or one with either a progay or a control slogan printed on it. The male participants in the progay condition showed a significantly lower level of help than those in either of the control groups. The antigay pattern, however, was not obtained in the responses of the female participants. The results are discussed with reference to other findings in the literature, and their implications for people's responses to progay persons in everyday life are considered.  相似文献   

Rollo May, a prominent existential psychologist and therapist, discusses his personal and professional development, his perspective on the state of the counseling profession, and his concerns about current societal issues.  相似文献   

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