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This research examined whether mothers' expectations about their children's drinking behavior influenced their children's future alcohol use through self-fulfilling prophecies. It also investigated whether children's self-esteem, family social class, or the valence of mother expectations moderated this process. Analyses of longitudinal data from 505 mother-child dyads yielded results consistent with a self-fulfilling prophecy. The inaccurate portion of mother expectations predicted children's future alcohol use after accounting for relevant control variables. Moderation analyses indicated that this effect was stronger among higher self-esteem children and when mother expectations were positively valenced (i.e., when mothers underestimated their children's future alcohol use). The findings are discussed in terms of parent-child relationship quality, peer influences, self theories, and out-group stereotypes.  相似文献   

To examine the impact of age-related variations in facial characteristics on children's age judgments, two experiments were conducted in which craniofacial shape and facial wrinkling were independently manipulated in stimulus faces as sources of age information. Using a paired-comparisons task, children between the ages of 2 1/2 and 6 were asked to make age category as well as relative age judgments of stimulus faces. Preschool-aged children were able to use variations in craniofacial profile shape, frontal face feature vertical placement, or facial wrinkling to identify the age category of a stimulus person. Children were also able to identify the older, but not the younger, of two faces on the basis of facial wrinkling, a finding consistent with previously demonstrated limitations in young children's use of relative age terms. The results were discussed in the context of research which reveals parallel effects of craniofacial shape and wrinkling on the age judgments of adults.  相似文献   

This study investigated how parental beliefs about children's emotions and parental stress relate to children's feelings of security in the parent–child relationship. Models predicting direct effects of parental beliefs and parental stress, and moderating effects of parental stress on the relationship between parental beliefs and children's feelings of security were tested. Participants were 85 African American, European American, and Lumbee American Indian 4th and 5th grade children and one of their parents. Children reported their feelings of security in the parent–child relationship; parents independently reported on their beliefs and their stress. Parental stress moderated relationships between three of the four parental beliefs about the value of children's emotions and children's attachment security. When parent stress was low, parental beliefs accepting and valuing children's emotions were not related to children's feelings of security; when parent stress was high, however, parental beliefs accepting and valuing children's emotions were related to children's feelings of security. These findings highlight the importance of examining parental beliefs and stress together for children's attachment security. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In two studies, we examined the role of perceived fulfillment of parental expectations in the subjective well-being of college students. In Study 1, we found that American college students reported having higher levels of life satisfaction and self-esteem than did Japanese college students. American college students also reported having fulfilled parental expectations to a greater degree than did Japanese college students. Most importantly, the cultural difference in well-being was mediated by perceived fulfillment of parental expectations. In Study 2, we replicated the mediational finding with Asian American and European American college students. Asian American participants also perceived their parents' expectations about their academic performance to be more specific than did European Americans, which was associated with the cultural difference in perceived fulfillment of parental expectations. In short, perceived parental expectations play an important role in the cultural difference in the well-being of Asians and European Americans.  相似文献   

Seventeen pre-delinquent, 17 mixed psychiatric, and 17 normal adolescents and their parents were compared for the possession of certain personality traits traditionally classified as masculine or feminine. The parents were also compared in regard to the characteristics they expected their sons to possess. The main findings centered around three personality traits that differentiated the adolescents, and also between the expectations of both the mothers and fathers. In general, the parents of the normal adolescents expected their sons to be more achieving, dominating, and enduring than the parents of the other adolescents, which is consistent in regard to the personality traits that differentiated the adolescents from each other. The results suggest that the possession of certain traits, such as dominance and endurance, appear to be important for adequate functioning in adolescent males.  相似文献   

林爽  刘文  王薇薇  张雪 《心理科学进展》2021,29(6):1042-1055
Moffitt的反社会行为发展理论将反社会行为分为两种类型, 即终身型和青春期型, 其中, 青春期型反社会行为在青少年群体中发生的频率更高, 它一般在青春期早期产生, 在青春期晚期或成年期早期结束, 青春期个体的发育成熟会对青春期型反社会行为产生影响。成熟包括生理成熟和心理成熟两方面, 生理成熟或心理成熟的单独影响和共同影响均从不同角度解释了青春期型反社会行为的产生、发展和停止:生理成熟对青春期型反社会行为具有发展和强化作用; 心理成熟对青春期型反社会行为具有减缓和削弱作用; 生理成熟与心理成熟的交互作用减弱或强化了青春期型反社会行为; 生理成熟与心理成熟之间的成熟差距抑制了青春期型反社会行为。未来的研究还需就拓展不同类型成熟的研究、改进成熟度的计算方法、结合青少年成熟特点进行有针对性干预等方面进行更多的尝试和探索。  相似文献   

Starting from the core systemic premise that humans influence each other, this paper focuses on child influences in the bidirectional parent–child relationship. Following a co‐constructionist approach on bidirectionality, meaning constructions of children and their parents concerning child influences are explored. The authors used in‐depth interviews separately with children and their parents. Phenomenological analysis shows similarities and differences in children's and parents' thinking. Both stress the difficulty and existential dimension of the subject and refer to this influence as mainly unintentional. In particular, children disentangle influence from power. Children focus on the responsiveness of their parents. Parents emphasize the overwhelming effects on their personal development. The importance of making room for constructive child influences in family therapy is acknowledged.  相似文献   

We report three studies that investigate young children's ability to solve partitive division problems when presented with a concrete model of a problem. In the studies, 5- to 8-year-olds were given problems about sharing "sweets" between dolls, and the sweets were grouped in one of two different ways. When the sweets were grouped by the divisor, the number of groups coincided with the number of dolls (divisor) and the number in each group was the answer (quotient). When the sweets were grouped by the quotient, the reverse was true. In all three experiments, children found it much easier to solve the problems in the Grouping-by-Divisor condition than in the Grouping-by-Quotient condition (although there was some evidence of a developmental improvement in the tasks). It is suggested that the Grouping-by-Divisor condition is easier because it coincides with the end point of sharing. The findings are discussed with reference to schemas of action in children's mathematical understanding.  相似文献   

Middle-class children between the ages of 4 and 8 were interviewed about their sex-role attitudes, in order to determine the extent to which recently changing cultural mores have influenced children's sex-role concepts. The children were asked about their career goals; the careers they would choose if they were the opposite sex; the reasons why they like being a boy or girl; and their opinions regarding the appropriateness of men and women participating in 14 sex-stereotypic occupations and activities. The children's parents provided demographic information. The children expressed very nonstereotypic attitudes towards the 14 occupations and activities, compared to children in recent studies; but they chose very traditional careers for their own choices and opposite-sex career choices, and often gave stereotypic reasons for preferring their own sex. Parents' education, mothers' employment status, fathers' nontraditional careers, and the children's gender predict responses to several of the sex-role-related questions. Implications for research are discussed.  相似文献   

The expectations children bring to interactions, as well as the information they receive prior to them, may be important for children's experiences of new adults. In this study, 148 children (8-13years old) reported on their expectations of adults, received one of three types of information about a new adult (positive, realistic, or control), and then "interacted" with a videotaped "controlling" adult. The effect of information type depended on children's age and prior expectations, with expectancy effects emerging in the context of positive information at the younger end of our age range and in the context of realistic information at the older end of our age range. Furthermore, the more expectations exceeded perceptions (i.e., the more disappointment), the lower children's rapport, affect, and prosocial intentions were and the more internal causal attributions they made. Results are discussed in terms of their theoretical and applied contributions.  相似文献   

People judge, evaluate, and treat attractive people better than moderately attractive or unattractive people [Langlois, J. H., Kalakanis, L., Rubenstein, A. J., Larson, A., Hallam, M., & Smoot, M. (2000). Maxims or myths of beauty? A meta-analytic and theoretical review. Psychological Bulletin, 126, 390–423]. The fact that individuals like attractive people combined with the finding that individuals imitate the ones they like, suggests that they may be more prone to imitate attractive people. The present research extends previous work on attractiveness and imitation by examining this hypothesis. Using a novel coloring procedure, we show that attractive females are imitated more than unattractive females (Experiment 1) and that attractive males are imitated more than unattractive males (Experiment 2). Importantly, this imitation occurs without any direct or anticipated contact with the target individual and without awareness of the influence of attractiveness on imitation behavior.  相似文献   

Children 3, 6, 9, and 12 years of age were assessed on their ability to recognize and identify facial expressions of emotion. In an emotion recognition (ER) task, children were presented with three facial photographs and were asked to select the photo representing a particular emotion (e.g., happiness, disgust, sadness). Another task, emotion labeling (EL), required that the child name the emotional state expressed in a facial photograph. An age trend was found for both tasks: Accuracy in judging emotional states increased with age. Results showed that scores on the ER task were significantly better than scores on the EL task, suggesting that recognition of an emotional state was less difficult than verbally identifying an emotional state. The order in which the two tasks were given significantly affected results on the EL task: When the ER task preceded the EL task, scores on EL were higher than when EL was given first. Accuracy in judging the individual emotion categories also varied with the order of tasks.  相似文献   

Background: Research has shown that shy children differ from their peers not only in their use of language in routine social encounters but also in formal assessments of their language development, including psychometric tests of vocabulary. There has been little examination of factors contributing to these individual differences. Aims: To investigate cognitive‐competence and social anxiety interpretations of differences in children's performance on tests of vocabulary. To examine the performance of shy and less shy children under different conditions of test administration, individually with an examiner or among their peers within the familiar classroom setting. Sample: The sample consisted of 240 Year 5 pupils (122 male, 118 female) from 24 primary schools. Method: Shy and less shy children, identified by teacher nomination and checklist ratings, completed vocabulary and mental arithmetic tests in one of three conditions, in a between‐subjects design. The conditions varied individual and group administration, and oral and written responses. Results: The conditions of test administration influenced the vocabulary test performance of shy children. They performed significantly more poorly than their peers in the two face‐to‐face conditions but not in the group test condition. A comparable trend for the arithmetic test was not statistically significant. Across the sample as a whole, shyness correlated significantly with test scores. Conclusions: Shyness does influence children's cognitive test performance and its impact is larger when children are tested face‐to‐face rather than in a more anonymous group setting. The results are of significance for theories of shyness and have implications for the assessment of schoolchildren.  相似文献   

Evidence from a previous study together with other studies of parental control styles suggest that helping parents teach their children might affect the role-taking skills or social sensitivity of their children. This study reported the results of a 30-week program during which parents from a Social Priority Area came into schools and were offered assistance in educating their children. Comparison of pre- and posttest scores on social sensitivity measures showed significant gains by these children as compared to a matched control group. This result suggested that if children's social sensitivity is related to parental control style then giving parents practical advice on their children's educational needs increases the likelihood of personal, as against positional, control style. Further work to directly test this hypothesis is suggested.  相似文献   

It has been shown that a person's position in a group influences how that person is evaluated, with people in the middle perceived as more important than people on the fringe of a group. Four experiments examined whether the position of a face, in a line of five faces, influenced facial attractiveness. The middle position influenced the perceived attractiveness of the target face but the direction of this effect depended on the attractiveness of the target and the surrounding faces. Attractive faces were perceived as less attractive when in the middle of unattractive faces, or faces of average attractiveness. Conversely, unattractive faces were perceived as more attractive when in the middle of other unattractive faces. These results have wide implications, suggesting that the more central a stimulus is in a context then the greater the influence of the context on the judgment of that stimulus.  相似文献   

The author studied children's and young adult's perceptions of facial age and beliefs about the sociability, cognitive ability, and physical fitness of adult faces. From pairs of photographs of adult faces, participants (4-6 years old, 8-10 years old, 13-16 years old, and 19-23 years old) selected the one face that appeared younger, older, better at remembering, smarter, more caring, friendlier, healthier, or stronger. Pairings consisted of faces at different adult age levels (young adults, middle-age adults, older adults, and very old adults.) Older participants were more sensitive to age differences in older faces and to faces more proximal in age. Children and adolescents believed that very old adult faces appeared to be less cognitively able than middle-aged faces (for children) and young adult faces (for adolescents). Very old male faces were judged to be less sociable. Old and very old faces were judged to be less physically fit than young and middle-aged faces. Significant positive correlation coefficients were found between the youngest children's abilities to discriminate between the adult faces of proximal age and youthful biases when selecting faces appearing to be more sociable and cognitively able. The results are discussed with respect to the development of facial information-processing skills and how those skills may be associated with the development of and changes in beliefs about older adults.  相似文献   

Gender and ethnicity are important aspects of children's everyday social relationships, yet little is known about how these social categories influence children's collaborative interactions. In the present study, 322 White (Caucasian) and South Asian boys and girls (mean age, 7.5 years) collaborated in pairs on easy and difficult versions of a model completion task. As expected, girls were less assertive than boys in conversation, yet this relation held only for all‐Asian pairs (i.e., an Asian boy and girl in conversation). Also consistent with expectations, levels of conversational affiliation were lowest in cross‐ethnic interaction. The influence of gender and ethnicity on conversations did not vary in light of contrasting cognitive demands of the tasks. Results are discussed in relation to work on effective peer collaboration and the potential role of contact in promoting positive ethnic and gender group attitudes.  相似文献   

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