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This study examined aspects of speech produced by an aphasic subject with neologistic jargon. Grammatical category, syllabic structure, and phonemic characteristics of neologisms, paraphasias, and correct productions were analyzed and compared. Results tended to confirm an anomic component in this type of aphasia and to support a role for the postactivation of phonemic units from prior utterances in the phonemic composition of some neologistic productions. In opposition to prior claims, however, the results also showed a striking similarity between neologisms and paraphasias, suggesting that similar mechanisms may be involved in both types of aphasic error.  相似文献   

This paper is a case study of an aphasic patient who displays two interesting characteristics, namely, (1) a dissociation between his oral and written disorders (i.e., oral Wernicke vs. written Broca); (2) an agraphia-alexia syndrome in which the picturability of the entities referred to by words plays an important role. Some of the characteristics shown by this patient have been well described concerning reading but never concerning writing. This second aspect is particularly emphasized.  相似文献   

A detailed analysis of a unique speech disturbance, marked by the frequent appearance in the speech stream of a meaningless intrusive syllable, is presented. Following a lengthy thoracic surgery, an American English speaking patient began to speak with non-English prosodic patterns, which evolved to a conspicuous intrusion in his speech of the syllable /sis/. This syllable and its variants were attached to words in a manner which conformed to the regular phonological rules in English (for formation of plural, possessive, and third person singular morphemes). The distribution and frequency of the intrusive syllable are described, and possible explanations for the abnormal occurrence of this particular syllable are discussed.  相似文献   

本文是一例女大学生因怀疑自己口臭、担心肠蠕动的声音像放屁声,因表现为在人多的场所感到紧张、不断地吞口水,回避人多的场所等症状的心理咨询案例。分析了求助者的生物学层面、社会层面和心理层面的相关资料,结合SCL-90、SAS、SDS的测验结果,分别做出了诊断和鉴别诊断。采用认知行为疗法和暴露疗法对来访者做了有效干预和治疗。根据求助者自我评估、咨询师评定、心理测验结果证明本咨询为有效咨询。  相似文献   

This case history describes the attempted suicide by jumping in front of a London Underground train of a man with advanced HIV disease. It illustrates the complex relationship between HIV disease and suicidal behaviour. Although the attempt was made by a man with AIDS, it is by no means evident that this disease was the sole or even the primary cause of his wish to die. This account is also interesting because of the unusual method used, the sudden onset of suicidal feelings and the patient's interpretation of the reason for his survival.  相似文献   


In this study we describe an investigation into the residual written word retrieval skills of M.E.D., a patient with a severe aphasia. M.E.D.'s performance on written naming and writing to dictation tasks showed a distinctive pattern of performance across semantic categories. The patient's ability to write the names of countries and famous people was consistently superior to her ability to write the names of objects. These results could be considered as indicative of a double dissociation in the proper nouns category, as there are already patients on record who have a selective deficit in retrieving proper nouns.  相似文献   


The present case report describes the spontaneous occurrence of catharsis in a tense and depressed young woman who participated in a research study designed to investigate ways of increasing the accessibility of emotional memories. During the research she became extremely distressed and showed both somatic and cognitive components of catharsis. Prior to this, subjective and physiological indices of anxiety and tension were evident and marked differences in bilateral finger temperature indicated the presence of pronounced laterality effects. Following catharsis both subjective and physiological measures revealed a substantial reduction in tension and the previously observed laterality effects virtually disappeared. This case report thus describes a rare portrayal of the subjective and physiological effects of catharsis and documents the positive, beneficial nature of the effects observed.  相似文献   

In their case study of a patient with selective apraxia of phonation, Marshall, Gandour, and Windsor (1988, Brain and Language, 35, 313–339) reported that many of his utterances were ill-formed syntactically. In this note, a detailed syntactic analysis of his speech is presented. Although the patient's syntax is deviant, it is seen to result from the application of certain consistent, identifiable, compensatory strategies. Moreover, it is shown that the particular, abnormal syntactic structures are internally consistent with his phonatory apraxia coupled with the normal rules of English prosody.  相似文献   

BackgroundLittle is known about optimal treatment approaches and stuttering treatment outcomes for children with Down syndrome.Aims and methodThe purpose of this study was to investigate outcomes for a child with Down syndrome who received a combination of fluency shaping therapy and parent delivered contingencies for normally fluent speech, prolonged speech, and stuttered speech.ResultsIn-clinic speech measures obtained at post-treatment and at 4 months follow-up reflected improvements in fluency of 89.0% and 98.6%, respectively. The participant's beyond-clinic follow-up sample reflected an improvement of 95.5%. Following treatment, the participant demonstrated improved self-confidence, self-esteem, and improved participation and functioning at school.ConclusionsFindings suggest that fluency shaping with parental contingencies may be a viable treatment approach to reduce stuttering in children with Down syndrome. Future research using an experimental research design is warranted.Educational objectives: Readers will be able to describe (a) prevalence estimates of stuttering in individuals with Down syndrome, (b) the main components of a fluency shaping program for a child with Down syndrome who stutters and has co-occurring speech and language delays, and (c) speech and parent-, teacher-, and self-report treatment outcomes.  相似文献   

The communication disorder in dialysis dementia is an integral feature of the syndrome. This report describes the communication disorder in a 67-year-old man over a period of 4 months from his admission to the hospital to his death. In the early stage of the syndrome, the most prominent feature was a speech problem, the characteristics of which may vary among cases. In the middle stage, it was difficult to distinguish among aphemia, aphasia, or a combination of dysarthria and confusional state. The severity of the problems in these stages was temporally related to the dialysis treatments. The final stage was characterized by constant mutism and was unrelated to the dialysis treatments. Death occurred 10 months after the communication problems emerged. Communication studies of dialysis dementia patients may offer a systematic method to monitor the course of the syndrome, its response to therapeutic trials, and a clinical model for the study of communication disorders in general.  相似文献   

Regional cerebral glucose metabolism in aphemia: A case report   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Local cerebral metabolism was determined in a patient suffering aphemia following cerebral infarction using the 18FDG-PET technique. The syndrome was characterized by profound ictal nonfluency with sparing of other language functions. Speech subsequently improved so that content and grammar were appropriate but mild dysprosody persisted. Conventional CT showed no lesion of the left hemisphere while PET revealed a discrete focus of hypometabolism on the left which partially resolved on serial studies. The metabolic lesion could be localized to the region of the inferior precentral gyrus and the adjacent subcortical space.  相似文献   

In this article we present a case report of a patient, who had a peculiar pattern of language use following a stroke. The two most prominent features were language switches during spontaneous speech in the first months postonset, when the patient mixed English, German, and French words and utterances into his mother tongue (Dutch); clearly disturbed speech output, showing signs of word-finding problems and paragrammatism but hardly any paraphasias, while at the same time no evidence of a language disturbance could be obtained with standard clinical aphasia tests.  相似文献   

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