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The purpose of this investigation was to determine if passive visual distraction altered ability to regulate exercise intensity as, assessed by ratings of perceived exertion during a 30-min. treadmill run. 10 trained females (VO2max, 52.7 ml.kg-1.min.-1) performed a graded exercise test on a treadmill to assess maximal aerobic power and rating of perceived exertion, oxygen uptake (VO2), heart rate, and running velocity at the 2.5 mmol.L-1 blood lactate concentration. Subjects then used the target rating of perceived exertion to regulate exercise intensity during a control condition, and two treatment runs with passive visual distractions. During the treatment sessions, the subjects ran on a treadmill while viewing a high-action or a low-action video with no audio. The subjects were allowed to adjust the treadmill speed throughout the run to maintain the target rating of perceived exertion; however, subjects were not allowed to view the speed setting. There were no significant differences in blood lactate concentration among the conditions for the control, low action, high action, or graded exercise test (p < or = .05). No significant differences in VO2 or running velocity were found within or among the 30-min. treatment runs and the graded exercise test. Heart rate at 5 min. of exercise during control (158 +/- 3 b.min.-1), low action (158 +/- 3 b.min.-1), and high action (159 +/- 2 b.min.-1) was significantly lower than the graded exercise test (169 +/- 3 b.min.-1). Based on the data collected, visual passive distraction did not alter regulation of intensity using ratings of perceived exertion during a 30-min. treadmill run. 相似文献
Elliptical exercise has recently increased in popularity. However, little is known regarding heart rate and perceptual responses during this exercise mode even though such information is important with respect to prescribing and regulating exercise intensity. In the current study, heart rate and perceived exertion were compared between treadmill and elliptical exercise. During treadmill exercise (TM(EST)) participants estimated RPE-Overall as well as RPE-Legs and RPE-Chest. Two elliptical sessions followed: (1) RPE estimation during elliptical exercise (EL(EST)): HR (b/ min.) from TM(EST) was achieved during elliptical exercise, with participants estimating RPE-Overall, RPE-Legs, and RPE-Chest. (2) RPE production during elliptical exercise (EL(PROD)): RPE-Overall from TM(EST) was produced during elliptical exercise. There were no significant differences between modes for RPE-Overall (TM(EST): 11.2 +/- 2.2 vs EL(EST): 11.9 +/- 3.2) or RPE-Chest (TM(EST): 11.0 +/- 2.4 vs EL(EST): 11.7+/- 3.2). Mean RPE-Legs was significantly different (TM(EST): 11.2 +/- 2.4 vs EL(EST): 12.5 +/- 3.1). Heart rate was not significantly different between TM(EST) (163 +/- 16.6) and EL(PROD) (159 +/- 20.0). Analysis indicated elliptical exercise is perceived as more intense with respect to leg (RPE-Legs) exertion. Further, RPE-Overall appears effective for regulating heart rate during elliptical exercise. 相似文献
Delextrat A Tricot V Hausswirth C Bernard T Vercruyssen F Brisswalter J 《Perceptual and motor skills》2003,96(2):664-666
After the swim to cycle transition of a triathlon, perceived exertion (RPE) during cycling was higher than during a single cycling bout for 8 well-trained triathletes, but swimming in a drafting position led to lower RPE responses and energy cost of cycling than swimming alone. 相似文献
Grace E. Giles Julie A. Cantelon Marianna D. Eddy Tad T. Brunyé Heather L. Urry Holly A. Taylor Caroline R. Mahoney Robin B. Kanarek 《Motivation and emotion》2018,42(4):482-496
Emotion regulation may influence psychological responses to exercise. We examined whether the emotion regulation strategies, cognitive reappraisal and distraction, influenced psychological state and prefrontal cortex oxygenation during endurance exercise. Twenty-four endurance runners ran for 90 min at 75–85% maximum heart rate in three separate sessions with no instruction or with instructions to use cognitive reappraisal or distraction. Participants rated their emotional arousal, emotional valence, and perceived exertion before, every 30 min during, and after exercise. Functional near-infrared spectroscopy quantified changes in prefrontal cortex oxygenation. Participants felt lower emotional arousal and physical exertion when instructed to utilize cognitive reappraisal than when given no emotion regulation instruction. Such responses to distraction did not differ from the other conditions. Emotion regulation strategies did not influence emotional valence or prefrontal cortex oxygenation. Participants’ analytical interpretation of the cognitive reappraisal instruction could contribute to small effect sizes and limited effects. Further research should determine contexts under which emotion regulation strategies most benefit endurance exercise experience. 相似文献
Differentiated ratings of perceived exertion and physiological responses during aerobic dance steps by impact/type of arm movement 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Overall ratings of perceived exertion, i.e., undifferentiated RPE, are often used as indicators of exercise intensity during walking, jogging, and cycling; however, conflicting results concerning RPE during aerobic dance exercise have been reported, and the use of differentiated RPE, i.e., local RPE and central RPE, has not been investigated. The purposes of this study were to assess local, central, and over-all RPE, and physiological responses [heart rate (HR); % HRmax; absolute and relative VO2;% VO2 max, ventilation (VE), ventilatory equivalent (VE.VO2(-1); and oxygen pulse] during aerobic dance exercise varied by Arm Movement (Static Arm vs Dynamic Arm) and Impact (High vs Low). Trained women (N = 25; max VO2 = 50.4 +/- 7.5 ml.kg-1.min.-1) completed four aerobic dance steps. No RPE were significantly correlated with heart rate or VO2; however, for all steps all RPE were significantly (r = .40-.62) correlated with VE.VO2(-1) or VE. No interactions were present for RPE or physiological variables, and main effects were noted for Impact and Arm Movement. All RPE were greater for High Impact and for Static Arm Movement. Because VE and VE.VO2(-1) were correlated with Overall RPE for all steps, this may suggest that participants "attended to" perceived changes in respiratory phenomena during aerobic dance exercise. It appears that during combined arm-and-leg aerobic dance exercise the use of Overall RPE is sufficient to assess perceptual sensations associated with the intensity of the exercise. Changes in Overall RPE were proportionate to objective measures of exercise intensity, i.e., HR and VO2; however, it is recommended that both HR and Overall RPE be used to assess fully a participant's objective and subjective responses during aerobic dance exercise. 相似文献
Previous research has shown that feminine-typed women have an aversion to strenuous physical activity and when engaging in cross-sex behavior may experience psychological distress. Given the growing interest in aerobic exercise, the present study was designed to test whether sex-role orientation mediated the report of physical exertion. Subjects were 33 college-aged women selected from three categories: masculine, feminine, and androgynous. Procedures required that each subject complete two one-hour testing sessions. The first session was employed to collect anthropometric data and to evaluate maximum aerobic capacity, while the second session consisted of subjects completing a preperformance affect scale and subsequently running for 30 minutes at a preestablished work intensity. Results revealed that those who were feminine-typed gave significantly higher exertional ratings than either the masculine or androgynous women. The fact that the feminine group was less positive about the task suggests that the observed perceptual differences may have been due to affective schemata which have been hypothesized to mediate the perception of pain.This article is based on a master's thesis by the first author, but the second author assumed primary responsibility for the preparation of the present article. 相似文献
Use of leg weights for physical conditioning was evaluated in 8 middle-aged male Ss; four Ss of similar age served as a control group. Pre- and post-training evaluation consisted of heart rate and oxygen uptake responses to five submaximal work loads which involved either level walking or cycling. Differentiated ratings of perceived exertion elicited for each work load were: a local muscular rating; a central or cardio-pulmonary rating; and an over-all or general rating. Submaximal heart rate decreased 6 to 9 beats/min. from pretraining values for all work load after training. The differentiated ratings for training generally reflected a reduced strain on the cardiovascular system and also improved functioning of the working muscles with training. However, when one set of sensations dominated the exertional perception the others appear to have been perceptually de-emphasized. Local muscular factors seemed to dominate the exertional perception for cycling, but central factors appeared to play a more important role for treadmill walking, at least within the range of velocities investigated. 相似文献
Daniel Aragonés Natàlia Balagué Robert Hristovski Rafel Pol Gershon Tenenbaum 《Psychology of sport and exercise》2013,14(6):796-803
ObjectivesTo reveal and study the fluctuating dynamics of perceived exertion (PE) during constant-power exercise performed under different conditions (duration, intensity, and termination).DesignA pilot and two subsequent experimental studies were performed. The studies consisted of manipulating workload and measuring fluctuating perceived exertion dynamics throughout the cycling task.MethodsIn a pilot study Borg's rating of perceived exertion (RPE) was measured every 15 s in 2 groups of 9 participants each (using RPE 6-20 and CR10 scales, respectively) cycling at heavy intensity until volitional exhaustion. The percentage of participants alternating increased and decreased RPE values (fluctuating dynamics) was calculated. In 2 subsequent experiments PE changes (increase/decrease perceptions) were reported when occurring in 2 groups of 13 participants cycling at a moderate intensity for 30 and 60 min, respectively (Experiment 1), and in another group of 12 participants cycling at heavy intensity until volitional exhaustion (Experiment 2). The individual time series of “increase”/“decrease” reports were divided into 5 non-overlapping temporal windows, and the percentages of “PE increase” were calculated for each window.ResultsIn the pilot study 66.6% (RPE 6-20 group) and 33.3% (CR10 group) of the participants showed an RPE fluctuating dynamics during the exercise. However, all participants showed a clear PE fluctuating dynamics during the moderate and heavy intensity exercises performed in Experiment 1 and Experiment 2, respectively. Nevertheless, a transition towards a PE non-fluctuating dynamics (dominated by “PE increase” reports) was noticed in Experiment 2 while approaching volitional exhaustion.ConclusionsPE seems to have a dominant fluctuating dynamics during constant-power cycling performed under different conditions (duration, intensity, and termination) that changes towards a non-fluctuating dynamics when approaching the volitional exhaustion point. 相似文献
W M Felts 《Perceptual and motor skills》1989,69(2):368-370
24 females (aged 18 to 28 yr.) completed two 24-min., randomly ordered bicycle ergometer exercise bouts at workloads maintaining steady state at 30% and 60% heart-rate reserve. Ratings of perceived exertion (RPE) were recorded at 3-min. intervals from Minutes 9 to 24 of exercise. State anxiety was measured prior to, immediately following and 50 min, after cessation of exercise. Regression analysis indicated no relationship between RPE and the pre- to postexercise changes in state anxiety. 相似文献
Goss FL Robertson RJ Haile L Nagle EF Metz KF Kim K 《Perceptual and motor skills》2011,112(1):310-318
This investigation identified a perceptually-based "warning zone" that can be used to anticipate termination of treadmill tests administered to individuals taking beta-blockers. The use of ratings of perceived exertion to anticipate test termination may be valuable given the attenuation of heart rate associated with the use of this class of medication. Sixteen men with coronary artery disease participated in this investigation. Ratings of perceived exertion (Borg 6-20 Scale) were estimated during the last 15 sec. of each minute of a progressively incremented treadmill test. Tests were terminated when participants indicated they were too fatigued to continue. The time-to-test termination was determined from the point that participants estimated a rating of 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, and 17 in order to determine the rating that was less than or equal to the time associated with a single exercise stage. A rating of 14 was associated with impending termination, which can be used as a "warning zone." The time to termination corresponding to a rating of 14 was 153.1 sec. (SD = 27.0). Participants exercised for 153.1 sec. (SE = 27.0) after estimating a rating of 14. Once a rating of 14 is reached, volitional test termination will occur before the next exercise stage is completed. 相似文献
This study examined differentiated rating of perceived exertion (RPE), heart rate, and heart-rate variability during light cycle ergometry exercise at two different pedal rates. 30 healthy men (22.6 +/- 0.9 yr.) were recruited from a student population and completed a continuous 20-min. cycle ergometry exercise protocol, consisting of a 4-min. warm-up (60 rev./min., 30 Watts), followed by four bouts of 4 min. at different combinations of pedal rate (40 or 80 rev./min.) and power output (40 or 80 Watts). The order of the four combinations was counterbalanced across participants. Heart rate was measured using a polar heart-rate monitor, and parasympathetic balance was assessed through time series analysis of heart-rate variability. Measures were compared using a 2 (pedal rate) x 2 (power output) repeated-measures analysis of variance. RPE was significantly greater (p<.05) at 80 versus 40 rev./min. at 40 W. For both power outputs heart rate was significantly increased, and the high frequency component of heart-rate variability was significantly reduced at 80 compared with 40 rev./min. These findings indicate the RPE was greater at higher than at lower pedalling rates for a light absolute power output which contrasts with previous findings based on use of higher power output. Also, pedal rate had a significant effect on heart rate and heart-rate variability at constant power output. 相似文献
ObjectivesIn two experiments, we investigated the effects of acute moderate-intensity exercise on aspects of executive function in adolescents.DesignAn experimental design was used.MethodsFifty-five Japanese adolescents (Experiment 1: N = 28; Experiment 2: N = 27) performed a modified flanker task and a modified n-back task to assess inhibitory control and working memory before, during, and after walking on a treadmill at moderate intensity (Experiment 1: 60% maximal heart rate; Experiment 2: 70% maximal heart rate). In a separate session, the same testing sequence was administered while participants sat in a chair.ResultThe results revealed that reaction time for working memory increased during exercise in both experiments, while response accuracy decreased during exercise only at 70% maximal heart rate. Moderate intensity exercise had no substantial effect on inhibition control. Following cessation of the exercise, no effects were observed for either executive function assessment.ConclusionThese results indicate that moderate intensity exercise selectively affects executive function in adolescents. Further, during physical activity, adolescents maintain inhibitory control, but their working memory declines. Further research is required to reveal the mechanisms underlying this phenomenon and to expand beyond the laboratory setting to the areas of sports and physical activities of daily living. 相似文献
This investigation examined the validity of using ratings of perceived exertion (RPE) to regulate intensity during resistance exercise. 19 male (M age = 22.2 yr., SD = 2.7) and 19 female (M age = 21.4 yr., SD = 2.3) participants estimated exertion when performing the knee extension at 40% to 90% of one-repetition maximum. One week later, participants were asked to produce weights for the knee extension that elicited the feelings of exertion associated with 9, 13, and 17 on the Borg RPE scale. The weight produced at 9, 13, and 17 during the production session was compared to the weight lifted at each RPE during the estimation session. The effect sizes associated with the differences in weight lifted across sessions at each RPE were generally small in magnitude, especially at the higher intensities (ES = .40, -.09, .15, respectively). The results of this investigation support the use of RPE as a method of prescribing the intensity of resistance exercise. 相似文献
Garcin M Mille-Hamard L Billat V Humbert L Lhermitte M 《Perceptual and motor skills》2005,101(3):675-683
The purpose of this investigation was to study effects of acetaminophen consumption on ratings of perceived exertion and estimated time limit responses at the lactate threshold. 98 young regional to national level athletes performed a graded exhausting exercise on an outdoor running track to estimate their maximal aerobic velocity and the velocity associated with their lactate concentration threshold. Urine (30 mL) was collected during this test and analysed for numerous substances. During urinary screening for doping substances, 9 acetaminophen consumers (9.2%) among the 98 included athletes were detected. These acetaminophen consumers have significantly lower perceived exertion at velocity corresponding to the lactate concentration threshold than nonconsumers (11.9 +/- 2.1 vs 13.6 +/- 2.1, respectively) although they were at the same relative exercise intensity. This result shows that acetaminophen consumption may have mediated the perceived exertion response at the lactate concentration threshold. This may then suggest that the pain induced by training load could be a factor in use of self-prescribed pain relievers. Such consumption must be taken into account by medical staff, trainers, or educators who have to give information on the use and adverse effects of this substance and to propose palliative methods to their athletes. 相似文献
This pilot study examined the validity of a new scale of perceived exertion during acute bouts of resistance exercise in young children. The researchers developed an 11-point numerical scale with five pictures representing youths at various levels of exertion while lifting weights. 26 children (M age 10.1 +/- 1.2 yr.) performed one set of 10 repetitions at 35%, 55%, and 75% of their one-repetition maximum on the chest press and leg press exercises using child-size weight training machines. Scaling procedures for the perceptual anchors on the perceived exertion scale were based on one repetition maximum testing. Children could use this scale to translate into numbers their perceptions of physical exertion during upper and lower body resistance exercise. Perceived exertion distributed as a positive linear function of the percent of one repetition maximum on the chest press and leg press exercises (rs = .70 to .77), and perceived exertion increased significantly across all three exercise intensities on both exercises. These preliminary findings provide partial evidence for validation when this scale was used during resistance exercise with children. Additional validation regarding perceived exertion during resistance exercise with children is warranted. 相似文献
Emergency situations often require continuous execution of one-person cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) for periods of time in excess of 30 minutes. The limited research which has examined the demands of the procedure has focused on central physiological measures, despite (1) the use of a subjective end-point for termination of CPR (i.e., exhaustion) as stated in professional guidelines, and (2) significant peripheral involvement in the form of muscular exertion, a phenomenon more closely linked to Ratings of Perceived Exertion (RPE) than to central factors. To examine subjective responses to performing CPR, 8 healthy, sedentary subjects [M age = 20.8 (yr) +/- .4; weight (kg) 82.6 +/- 7.1; height (cm) 183.7 +/- 2.8] reported differentiated Ratings of Perceived Exertion (RPE) following 10 minutes of one-person CPR testing. While metabolic data observed during CPR support previous research suggesting that the energy demands of performing CPR are relatively low, both peripheral and over-all RPE were significantly higher than central (respiratory-metabolic) RPE. Over-all RPE was also significantly greater than peripheral RPE. The data suggest research investigating CPR demands based on central measures may underestimate actual as well as perceived demands of performing the procedure. In addition, the considerable interindividual variability in the relative energy cost (% VO2 max) of performing one-person CPR suggests that the fitness level of the individual may be a limiting factor in the ability to perform CPR for extended periods of time. 相似文献
Utter AC Kang J Nieman DC Vinci DM McAnulty SR Dumke CL McAnulty L 《Perceptual and motor skills》2003,97(1):175-184
Ratings of perceived exertion (RPE) and their relation to selected physiological mediators during endurance exercise have been limited to laboratory settings. The present study characterized the pattern of change in perceptual responses and examined the relation between RPE and selected physiological variables during a long competitive sporting event, i.e., an ultramarathon race (68 km). A single-group design was employed in which all of the 28 subjects provided their perceptual ratings 11.9 +/- 0.2) and heart rate (HR) (138 +/- 3) periodically (every 5 km) throughout the ultramarathon, and selected physiological responses were measured before, once during (32 km), and immediately after the race. Runners drank approximately 1,000 ml of carbohydrate beverage each hour (60 gm carbohydrate hr.(-1)) and ate 2 or 3 carbohydrate gel packs per hour (25 gm each(-1)). RPE increased significantly throughout the course of the ultramarathon. No significant correlations were found between RPE and HR at any time throughout the ultramarathon. RPE averaged 10.4 +/- 0.4 at the beginning of the race (6.4 km) and 15.4 +/- 0.4 at the conclusion of the race. Subjects maintained 76.9 +/- 1.1% of maximal heart rate; however, there was a tendency for heart rate to drop significantly after 32 km. Significant time main effects were found for serum glucose, insulin, and cortisol throughout the race. However, no significant correlations were found between RPE and any of these physiological mediators. These data indicate that during an ultramarathon race there is a progressive increase in RPE without an accompanying increase in HR or decrease in blood glucose. Therefore, during competitive self-paced exercise the perceptual responses may be mediated through other neurological and physiological mechanisms. 相似文献
ABSTRACTThe present study was designed to examine the impact of exercise intensity and aerobic fitness on free recall, judgments of learning (JOLs), and metacognitive accuracy. In Experiment 1, 30 college students engaged in either (1) no exercise, (2) light exercise (55% of predicted maximal heart rate), or (3) moderate exercise (75% of predicted maximal heart rate) on three different days. In Experiment 2, 29 high-fit students (VO2 max?≥?70th percentile) and 28 low-fit students (VO2 max?≤?50th percentile) completed sedentary and light exercise conditions. In both experiments, free recall scores significantly increased in the exercise conditions compared with the sedentary condition, but JOL magnitude and metacognitive accuracy were largely unaffected. These results demonstrate that exercise can improve recall at both light and high intensities, and that the benefit can be obtained by individuals regardless of their fitness level. 相似文献
《Psychology of sport and exercise》2014,15(5):464-470
ObjectivesTo determine whether fitness and cognitive task type moderate the relationship between acute exercise and cognition.MethodsThirty-six healthy college-aged adults completed a maximal graded exercise test and were categorized as low, moderate, or high in cardiovascular fitness. Participants then performed the Stroop Test prior to and after an acute bout of cycling exercise that consisted of a 5-min warm-up, 20 min of exercise at moderate intensity (65% VO2max), and a 5-min cool-down.ResultsIndividuals of all fitness levels improved in cognitive performance following exercise. With regards to fitness, while no differences were observed on the congruent condition as a function of fitness, high fit individuals showed the longest response time on the Stroop incongruent condition.ConclusionThe beneficial relationship between performance of an acute bout of exercise and cognitive performance were observed for both cognitive task types and for participants of all fitness levels. However, a curvilinear relationship was observed between fitness and cognitive task type performance such that participants who were moderately fit performed the best on the incongruent trials, implying that maintaining fitness at a moderate level is associated with better executive function. 相似文献
Effects of aerobic exercise training, age, and physical fitness on memory-search performance 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
We investigated the effects of exercise training on memory performance. One group of 13 men (M = 42.92 years of age) participated in supervised aerobic exercise (jogging) three times a week for 12 weeks. A second group of 15 men (M = 43.67 years of age) performed anaerobic exercise (strength training) for the same period of time. Subjects' reaction time (RT) performance in a memory-search task was assessed both before (Time 1) and after (Time 2) the 12 weeks of exercise training. Results indicated that there was no significant change in memory-search performance over time as a function of exercise training. Analyses of the Time 2 RTs demonstrated that aspects of memory-search performance were related significantly both to subjects' initial (Time 1) level of fitness and to age, but not to the amount of change in fitness associated with aerobic exercise training over this 12-week duration in this age group. 相似文献