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Self reflection is an important factor in the relationship between individual and organisational development, but until recently, it has gone unnoticed. Reviewing the significance of self reflection through analysis of three vital areas of organisational development—leadership, women-in-management, and organisational survival—it is argued that there is a vital case to be made for the development of counselling strategies aimed at encouraging and assisting self-reflective practice among organisational participants. Reflecting upon the authors' own practice among managers, a number of strategies and potential strategies for reaching people in the work-place are outlined.  相似文献   

The employee assistance programme (EAP) is a benefit increasingly provided by UK employers that claims to reduce the effects of 'stress' on individuals and organisations, provide a 'management tool' to improve workplace performance and productivity, and respond to critical incidents. Although the marketing literature describes services as workplace-based counselling, there is evidence to suggest what they actually offer is consultation, assessment, referral and short-term treatment to clients experiencing a wide range of serious psychological and mental health difficulties. This article describes EAPs, their history, development and operation, and reviews the evidence to support their claims for effectiveness. Because employee distress is often the result of an interaction between organisational and individual factors, the role and claims of EAPs as organisational interventions are also critically examined.  相似文献   

Vocational psychology and the practice of career development are important dimensions of the psychology discipline and profession. This paper contains an overview of Australian career development practice in light of recent trends, particularly the formalisation of career development practice among professions other than psychologists. Given the advent of professional standards for Australian career development practitioners, a review of postgraduate degrees in organisational, developmental and educational, and counselling psychology was conducted to determine their correspondence with the competencies presented in the Standards. The review found significant consistency with generic competencies. Degrees in organisational psychology provided the broadest correspondence, while degrees in counselling, developmental and educational psychology had lower levels of correspondence on specific competencies. The implications of the review are discussed in light of the evolution of the career development industry and psychologists' standing in this field.  相似文献   

Providing counselling in the workplace can challenge the ethical principles on which counselling is based. A series of questions is identified designed to focus attention on aims, outcomes, referrals, confidentiality and resources. It is concluded that confronting ethical dilemmas is a continuous responsibility for counsellors. Frequently issues are managed rather than resolved. However, in confronting and managing these issues, the values underpinning organisational life can be challenged and, perhaps, changed.  相似文献   

The issues involved in the use of counselling skills and approaches by members of professions such as nursing and social work have received relatively little research attention. Grief counselling represents an appropriate area in which to explore these issues, since members of many diverse professional groups may be called on to work therapeutically or supportively with the bereaved. This paper explores the use of grief counselling in a variety of professional and voluntary contexts, through an analysis of the experience of students who had undertaken a bereavement counselling course. The aim of the study was to explore the level of awareness shown by employing organisations to the 'loss' element of client experience, and the implications of organisational context for the role of counsellor as a worker responding to client grief. A range of practice characteristics emerged. At one end of the spectrum was clearly focused and contracted grief counselling, usually within the context of specialist voluntary agencies. By contrast, there were practitioners whose counselling response to grief was concealed within a multi-professional perspective characterised by compromise, usually working in complex organisational contexts in the statutory sector. It is argued that the range of practitioner activity cannot be understood simply by describing some activities as counselling and others as the use of counselling skills; it seems that there is a real and sometimes subtle middle ground which lies between the two. This is territory which is determined by the context of practice and needs to be understood and defined as such  相似文献   

This paper examines the ethical and professional dilemmas faced by counselling supervisors working in a range of diverse organisational contexts. Questionnaires and interviews were used to explore supervisor experiences of working in counselling agencies, industry, education and health service settings. Ethical and professional dilemmas outlined by supervisors were examined in connection with their role within the organisation. It was found that both external and ‘in‐house’ supervisors were exposed to dilemmas focused around issues of responsibility, confidentiality, boundaries, professionalism, relationships, contracts and ethical practice. Supervisors were divided in their opinions about playing a more active, educative role within organisational systems. There was considerable support for the construction of more explicit relationships between supervisors and their employing organisation.  相似文献   

A survey of the American and British literature on counselling is used to elaborate an hypothesis concerning the importance in the minds of counsellors of the organisational as well as the interpersonal relationships they make. The hypothesis is tested and confirmed by a questionnaire enquiry to counsellors, pastoral care staff, guidance staff and others in British secondary schools. It leads to an elaboration in organisational terms of the notion of 'directiveness'.  相似文献   

This reply to Dryden (1990) and De Jager (1992) explores the role of organised counselling psychology in challenging, maintaining or promoting apartheid. Counsellors have an important role to play in newly racially integrated tertiary institutions. This role should be informed by an acknowledgement of the central involvement of race and politics within counselling psychology so that appropriate politically contextualised organisational interventions can be implemented.  相似文献   

Organisational representative response is an important factor to consider when counselling employees who have experienced bullying and are considering approaching their organisation for assistance. The author argues that not all responses are supportive and that some responses can further harm an employee. The author presents a review of representative responses, developed from bullying cases the author saw as a counsellor or trainer. The author reviews three organisational representative responses to allegations of bulling: (1) the behaviour is acceptable; (2) the behaviour is inappropriately equally attributed to both parties as a personality conflict; and (3) the behaviour is harmful and inappropriate. The author concludes that counsellors must review potential organisational representative responses with employees and recommends mandatory training for organisational representatives.  相似文献   

Within the field of stress-management intervention, there have been substantial disagreements on the 'right' approach. Some argue for counselling and stress-management training, while other argue for more substantive organisational change through stress audits. It is argued that both are important in meeting the needs of individuals and organisations.  相似文献   

The impact of waiting-list times on subsequent attendance for appointments has received extensive attention within the area of health, but hitherto has received relatively little interest from counselling services. Given the current pressure on all welfare agencies for accountability and efficient use of resources, counselling organisations need to consider resource usage and barriers to efficiency. A study was therefore made of one aspect of this issue: the impact of short v. long time-delays between initial referral and first appointment for relationship counselling. It was found that clients offered appointments within two weeks of referral were significandy more likely to attend for first appointment than were clients whose appointment came between 4 and 12 weeks post-referral. The implications of these results for organisational policy are discussed.  相似文献   

The provision of counselling for work‐related problems has expanded in recent years, as organisations have recognised the value of this approach to staff support. However, there has been relatively little research into the outcomes of workplace counselling, and no systematic reviews have been conducted into the effectiveness of counselling in this setting. This paper presents the results of a preliminary review of evidence in this area. 34 studies of the effectiveness of workplace counselling were identified, of which 16 were sufficiently well designed to be considered as comprising reliable findings. The results of these studies suggest that, in general, workplace counselling is effective for clients for a wide variety of type and severity of presenting problems, employed across a range of different organisational contexts. The paper includes discussion of methodological issues associated with this research, recommendations for further research, and implications for practice.  相似文献   

Outsourcing can involve the forced transfer of employees to another organisation. During or after the transfer they may find their jobs have changed or go through a process of downsizing. They also often have to maintain a relationship with their previous employer as they continue to work on joint projects. In this paper we review relevant research literature and identify important psychological and organisational processes involved in this process, which are of specific interest to guidance and counselling. We also present data from a longitudinal research study in which employees undergoing an outsourcing transfer discussed their experiences. A number of these employees required career counselling and some were undergoing psychological counselling to reduce depression and anxiety. In conclusion, we summarise important issues to be considered by the counsellor when advising individuals going through this process.  相似文献   

The despair and uncertainty apparent in some parts of the current educational environment is likely to give rise to an increase in the occurrence of unhealthy institutional defence mechanisms. The implications of such developments for the counsellor are explored. In particular, it is argued that the latter may have to assume the role of organisational consultant and become more politically engaged within the institution, if the integrity and dignity of counselling are to survive.  相似文献   

In prison populations around the world, the prevalence of HIV is often higher than that of the general population. The prison population is at high risk for HIV infection, particularly through the sharing of contaminated needles and high-risk sexual activity. Counselling is regarded as a key element in the prevention and treatment of HIV infection. Support groups provide essential supportive counselling for HIV-positive individuals struggling to cope. This paper looks at the challenges to providing a support group for HIV-positive prisoners. The author's experience of attempting to provide a support group highlights two key challenges: organisational issues which lead to disruptions for the group; and challenges to ensuring confidentiality, a core ethical principle in HIV counselling.  相似文献   

The results are reported of a survey of GP counsellors and primary health care teams concerning the role and contribution of counsellors in primary care. Most of the literature argues the value of this service, which has been growing very quickly. This survey identified the principal tasks of GP counsellors, their relationship with the host team, and some of the organisational and professional dilemmas which need to be addressed. A great deal of variation wasfound in ail of these areas, which suggests the value of a protocol for GP counselling to establish minimum standards and promote best practice.  相似文献   

The work of Argyris (Reasoning, Learning and Action: Individual and Organisational: San Francisco Jossey-Bass, 1982) demonstrated the gaps that we tend tio have between our stated values and those that we actually use in practice. That of Micholt (Transactional Analysis Journal, 22, 228–233, 1992) illustrated the concept of psychological distance as applied tio facilitating groups in an organizational setting. These are both important works which can be very useful in conceptualizing the organizational context of counselling and also the client's problem situation. By combining these two approaches, it is possible to demonstrate a more detailed picture of the psychological distance and some of the potential problems inherent in interactions among three (or more) parties. For counselling, the combined approach emphasizes the importance of the counsellor remaining aware that the client's story is likely to reveal their stated values and that only by gaining a values-in-action perspective (i. e. behaviour) about the client's life can the counsellor adequately assess the client's situation. The examples given in this paper relate to counselling in an organisational context, but the approach may be applied tio facilitation, geneal management or consltancy.  相似文献   

An enquiry into how students and staff at one English university perceived personal tutoring arrangements and the role of personal supervisors is reported. Following a discussion of the principles and problems of personal tutoring in higher education, the setting and the research method are briefly outlined. Survey results are presented, and the commentary focuses on convergences and divergences between the two groups' expectations, conceptions and evaluations. Reasons for student criticism of supervisors, especially in the field of personal counselling and pastoral care, are discussed and related to the existing organisational structure and dominant institutional values. It is nevertheless concluded that the pastoral role of the academic could be made viable, and a possible recasting is proposed.  相似文献   

The evolution of an 'attributes checklist' tool for assisting counsellor development is described. The attributes relate to characteristics of case-notes that indicate evidence of counsellor reflection and consideration of the counselling process. The checklist was initially tested among a sample of 19 counsellors employed by an organisational EAP and was subsequently refined. The final checklist tool was found to be both usable and useful in differentiating 'process' from 'content' notes. The purpose of the checklist tool is not to enable quantitative assessment of counsellor notes, but rather to facilitate counsellor development within a professional supervisory relationship. The findings of the study are discussed, and suggestions for future research in this area are made.  相似文献   

Exposure to terror seriously threatens the well-being of children and adolescents. School mental health professionals cope simultaneously with the counselling needs of their clients and with their own fears and doubts. This report is based on two studies. The first study was concerned with the perceptions of Israeli adolescents of the place of terrorist attacks in their lives. It also examined adolescents' help-seeking attitudes and behaviours in relation to terrorist attacks. The second study investigated Israeli school counsellors' and teachers' perceptions of their own roles and professional attitudes in relation to terror. A better understanding of the effects of terrorism on adolescents as well as potentially effective approaches to coping with its individual and organisational outcomes are proposed.  相似文献   

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