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A 'priming' effect in a choice reaction time task   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

The serial reaction time (SRT) task is a commonly used paradigm to investigate implicit learning. In most studies the settings originally introduced by Nissen and Bullemer are replicated, i.e., subjects respond to a visuo-spatial sequence of stimulus locations by pressing spatially compatible arranged keys. The present experiment was designed to explore to what degree the sequential learning observed under these conditions depends on the use of locational sequences. Under otherwise identical conditions, first the S-R compatibility was reduced by using symbols instead of locations as stimuli, and second, the connectibility, i.e, the ease of connecting successive stimuli into coherent pattern, was varied. Effects on reaction times (RT) in the SRT task and on explicit memory in a generation task were evaluated. The results indicate that the connectibility of the stimuli has no effect at all and that S-R compatibility influences only the general RT level but does not seem to modify the learning process itself. Thus, the data are more consistent with the notion that learning is based primarily on the sequence of responses rather than on the sequence of stimuli. Moreover, a post hoc classification of subjects with regard to the amount of explicit sequence knowledge they have acquired reveals a striking modification of the general result: The RT difference between responses to locations and symbols vanishes in the course of learning for the complete explicit knowledge group. In order to account for this effect, we presume that the response control of these subjects shifts from stimuli to motor programs, so that RTs become increasingly independent of the stimuli used.  相似文献   

Can knowledge underlying a simple perceptual-motor skill be unconscious? Three experiments (a) trained participants on a 4-choice reaction time (RT) task in which the stimulus on each trial was determined by a repeating 12-element sequence and (b) studied the extent to which participants' knowledge of this sequence was implicit, that is, unavailable for conscious access. Participants proved via an indirect test to have acquired knowledge of the sequence, because their RTs increased when the sequence was changed. To evaluate whether this knowledge was consciously accessible, participants were asked to perform an "objective" free-generation or recognition test of sequence knowledge. Results show that sequence knowledge is fully accessible on these objective tests. Moreover, it is demonstrated in this procedure that old-new recognition cannot be explained by unconscious attribution of perceptual-motor fluency. The question is raised whether distinct implicit (procedural) and explicit (declarative) forms of knowledge are acquired when participants learn a perceptual-motor skill.  相似文献   

Barshi I  Healy AF 《Memory & cognition》2002,30(8):1189-1203
In three experiments, we investigated the mental representations employed when instructions were followed that involved navigation in a space displayed as a grid on a computer screen. Performance was affected much more by the number of instructional units than by the number of words per unit. Performance in a three-dimensional space was independent of the number of dimensions along which participants navigated. However, memory for and accuracy in following the instructions were reduced when the task required mentally representing a three-dimensional space, as compared with representing a two-dimensional space, although the words used in the instructions were identical in the two cases. These results demonstrate the interdependence of verbal and spatial memory representations, because individuals' immediate memory for verbal navigation instructions is affected by their mental representation of the space referred to by the instructions.  相似文献   

Right isosceles triangles, which differed in size and orientation, were presented in a sequential visual recognition task. Subjects produced an identity match response if the first self-presented stimulus, now in memory, was identical to a sequentially presented stimulus and a nonidentity match response if the subsequently presented stimulus differed in either or both size and orientation. The pattern of nonidentity recognition reaction times produced was compared to predicted patterns deduced from several theories of form information processing. The pattern of responses for both group and individual data were better described by serial and parallel self-terminating models with probabilistic assumptions than they were by template or deterministic serial or parallel models. A second study, in which identity and nonidentity response bias was equated, found that the identity responses were significantly faster than nonidentity responses, supporting wholistic processing for the identity matches and, when combined with the nonidentity match results, supporting a dual process theory.  相似文献   

Performance of reaction time (RT) tasks was investigated in young children and adults to test the hypothesis that age-related differences in processing speed supersede a “global” mechanism and are a function of specific differences in task demands and processing requirements. The sample consisted of 54 4-year-olds, 53 5-year-olds, 59 6-year-olds, and 35 adults from Russia. Using the regression approach pioneered by Brinley and the transformation method proposed by Madden and colleagues and Ridderinkhoff and van der Molen, age-related differences in processing speed differed among RT tasks with varying demands. In particular, RTs differed between children and adults on tasks that required response suppression, discrimination of color or spatial orientation, reversal of contingencies of previously learned stimulus-response rules, and greater stimulus-response complexity. Relative costs of these RT task differences were larger than predicted by the global difference hypothesis except for response suppression. Among young children, age-related differences larger than predicted by the global difference hypothesis were evident when tasks required color or spatial orientation discrimination and stimulus-response rule complexity, but not for response suppression or reversal of stimulus-response contingencies. Process-specific, age-related differences in processing speed that support heterochronicity of brain development during childhood were revealed.  相似文献   

The effects of aging on response time are examined in 2 simple signal detection tasks with young and older subjects (age 60 years and older). Older subjects were generally slower than young subjects, and standard Brinley plot analyses of response times showed typical results: slopes greater than 1 and (mostly) negative intercepts. R. Ratcliff, D. Spieler, and G. McKoon (2000) showed that the slopes of Brinley plots measure the relative standard deviations of the distributions of response times for older versus young subjects. Applying R. Ratcliff's (1978) diffusion model to fit the response times, their distributions, and response accuracy, it was found that the larger spread in older subjects' response times and their slowness relative to young subjects comes from a 50-ms slowing of the nondecision components of response time and more from conservative settings of response criteria.  相似文献   

This experiment was designed to investigate the effects of continuous, partial, and noncontingent schedules of reward, as well as the withdrawal of rewards, on the performance of hyperactive and normal control children on a delayed reaction time task. Although noncontingent reward resulted in faster reaction times for control subjects, performance of hyperactives deteriorated under noncontingent reward and improved when it was withdrawn. Also, reaction times of controls during extinction remained superior to baseline, whereas performance of hyperactives returned to baseline level. It was suggested that these and other findings reviewed point to an unusual sensitivity to rewards in hyperactive children.  相似文献   

Participants performed a serial reaction time task, responding to either asterisks presented at varying screen locations or centrally presented letters. Stimulus presentation followed a fixed second-order conditional sequence. Each keypress in the experimental groups produced a contingent, key-specific tone effect. The critical variation concerned the mapping of tones to keys. In Experiment 1, keypresses in one control condition produced noncontingent tone effects, while in another control condition there were no tone effects. In Experiment 2, three different key-tone mappings were compared to a control condition without tone effects. The results show that tone effects improve serial learning when they are mapped to the response keys contingently and in a highly compatible manner. The results are discussed with reference to an ideomotor mechanism of motor sequence acquisition.  相似文献   

In the experiment reported here the primary hypothesis proposed, which was supported by the data, was that subjects performing a two-choice self-paced serial RT task would learn to change their strategy of perceptual analysis of signals presented to them as they became progressively more practised. Early in practice each signal is identified as a particular state of the display and an appropriate response is then made. Well practised subjects, however, select their responses by reference to the change or constancy between successive displays. This strategy implies that the assumptions made by the generally accepted simple S-R connectionist model of two-choice serial RT may be quite misleading, since the choice of any particular response must be determined not only by the display state but also by what the previous response had been.  相似文献   

Twenty subjects, half having high extraversion and the other half having low extraversion scores on the Eysenck Personality Inventory, performed a simple reaction time task in which the warning stimulus was a light and the imperative stimulus was a tone. Beat-by-beat analysis showed significantly different response patterns between the two groups in time of onset, magnitude, and duration of the cardiac responses. The extraversion measures were found to relate to central-nervous-system-strength types and to indicate relative strength of central inhibitory processes, as reflected by cardiac activity.  相似文献   

Subjects were required to respond to the visual presentation of numerals by uttering syllables closely resembling the names of the numerals. Information in stimulus ensembles was varied by manipulating the number of alternative stimulus configurations that could appear, the relative frequencies of stimuli within an ensemble and the probability of a response being required. An increasing linear function was a good first approximation to the relation between reaction time and information transmission. Systematic deviations from this function were found and an attempt is made to explain them by introducing an intervening variable, “effective probability.”  相似文献   

The effects of alcohol (1.0 ml/kg body weight) and practice (2 sessions) were investigated in 2-, 4-, and 8-choice reaction time (RT) tasks with 24 male subjects. The number of errors increased with alcohol, practice, and increasing task complexity (choice). Mean RT decreased with practice, but increased with alcohol and complexity. Both the alcohol and practice effects on mean RT increased as complexity increased. The effects of alcohol, practice, and complexity were all larger for the higher percentiles of the RT distributions than for the lower percentiles. RT distributions were further analysed at each level of choice by plotting percentiles (5th, 10th, ... , 95th) for alcohol conditions against corresponding percentiles for no-alcohol conditions, and percentiles obtained early in practice (Session 1) against those obtained later in practice (Session 2). These plots revealed that whereas at all levels of choice the effect of alcohol could be expressed as a simple linear transformation of all RTs, the effect of practice required a more complex curvilinear transformation. Thus, alcohol produces a general slowing of all RTs, whereas practice produces a disproportionate improvement at the slower end of the RT distribution.  相似文献   

Several sources of interference may simultaneously affect the onset of the well-known “Stroop effect.” Among them is the semantic component, which is reflected in the gradient or semantic effect. This effect consists of an increase in the amount of interference as the semantic distance between the word and the color concept decreases. Shepard (Science 237:1317–1323, 1987) relates psychological space, measured through multidimensional scaling, to mean response times. The present investigation aims to study the function relating the semantic gradient with the psychological distance between the word and the color in a Stroop task. After measuring the gradient, we obtained the subjective rating of the degree of dissimilarity of the gradient words with the concept of “color.” In our work, we show that the amount of interference in a Stroop task increases when the semantic distance from the word to the color concept decreases, and it does so exponentially. We replicated the study with different stimuli to test the robustness of the results.  相似文献   

Divergent results have been reported on the effect of a night's sleep loss on performance of a single monotonous task. The present experiment examined the effect that partial sleep deprivation had on 10 participants' performance on a simple reaction time task requiring low responding for 120 min. compared to performance on the same task when well rested. Participants missed significantly more signals and had slower reaction times when sleep deprived. Reaction times increased with time when participants were both sleep deprived and rested, but the number of misses did not significantly change over time. Reaction time was significantly correlated with subjective ratings of sleepiness and heart rate in both conditions. EEG and heart-rate variability measures did not correlate significantly with reaction time. Misses correlated significantly with subjective ratings and heart rate but only in the rested condition.  相似文献   

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