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Prior work suggests that receiving feedback that one's response was correct or incorrect (right/wrong feedback) does not help learners, as compared to not receiving any feedback at all (Pashler, Cepeda, Wixted, & Rohrer, 2005). In three experiments we examined the generality of this conclusion. Right/wrong feedback did not aid error correction, regardless of whether participants learned facts embedded in prose (Experiment 1) or translations of foreign vocabulary (Experiment 2). While right/wrong feedback did not improve the overall retention of correct answers (Experiments 1 and 2), it facilitated retention of low-confidence correct answers (Experiment 3). Reviewing the original materials was very useful to learners, but this benefit was similar after receiving either right/wrong feedback or no feedback (Experiments 1 and 2). Overall, right/wrong feedback conveys some information to the learner, but is not nearly as useful as being told the correct answer or having the chance to review the to-be-learned materials.  相似文献   

Pseudo-guessing parameters are present in item response theory applications for many educational assessments. When sample size is not sufficiently large, the guessing parameters may be ignored from the analysis. This study examines the impact of ignoring pseudo-guessing parameters on measurement invariance analysis, specifically, on item difficulty, item discrimination, and mean and variance of ability distribution. Results show that when non-zero guessing parameters are ignored from the measurement invariance analysis, item discrimination estimates tend to decrease particularly for more difficult items, and item difficulty estimates decrease unless the items are highly discriminating and difficult. As the guessing parameter increases, the size of the decrease in item discrimination and difficulty tends to increase, and the estimated mean and variance of ability distribution tend to be inaccurate. When two groups have heterogeneous ability distributions, ignoring the guessing parameter affects the reference group and the focal group differently. Implications of result findings are discussed.  相似文献   

The issue of measurement invariance commonly arises in factor-analytic contexts, with methods for assessment including likelihood ratio tests, Lagrange multiplier tests, and Wald tests. These tests all require advance definition of the number of groups, group membership, and offending model parameters. In this paper, we study tests of measurement invariance based on stochastic processes of casewise derivatives of the likelihood function. These tests can be viewed as generalizations of the Lagrange multiplier test, and they are especially useful for: (i) identifying subgroups of individuals that violate measurement invariance along a continuous auxiliary variable without prespecified thresholds, and (ii) identifying specific parameters impacted by measurement invariance violations. The tests are presented and illustrated in detail, including an application to a study of stereotype threat and simulations examining the tests’ abilities in controlled conditions.  相似文献   

The Self-Other Differentiation Scale (Olver, Aries, &; Batgos, 1989 Olver, R. R., Aries, E., &; Batgos, J. (1989). Self-other differentiation and the mother-child relationship: The effects of sex and birth order. The Journal of Genetic Psychology, 150, 311321. doi:10.1080/00221325.1989.9914600[Taylor &; Francis Online] [Google Scholar]) is a self-report instrument assessing the experience of a separate sense of self from others. The authors aimed to examine its dimensionality, reliability, and measurement invariance across gender. It was completed by 348 participants (48% men) from 17 to 30 years old in Study 1, 348 participants (40% men) from 18 to 28 years old in Study 2, and 1,068 participants (49% men) from 17 to 28 years old in Study 3. The results supported the hypothesis of just one factor underlying the scale; they also showed an appropriate internal consistency and a partial measurement invariance across gender. Results also showed evidence for a 10-item version of the scale. Globally, the Self-Other Differentiation Scale can be considered a good scale to assess individual's sense of differentiation of one's own sense of self from others.  相似文献   

I report the results of two studies that explored relationships between employees' justice perceptions and their psychological well-being. In both studies, the main and interactive effects of distributive justice and procedural justice accounted for significant, unique variance in employees' psychological distress. Consistent with predictions derived from a framework that integrates stress and coping theory with justice theory, relationships between procedural justice and psychological distress were stronger when distributive justice was lower. I discuss theoretical implications for the organizational justice literature and identify the studies' limitations and practical implications.  相似文献   

以生活满意度量表为例,运用实证性因素分析,考察在中国文化下网络测验和传统纸笔测验之间的测量不变性。结果显示,网络测验和纸笔测验之间存在弱不变性,即网络测验和纸笔测验有着相同的测量单位;但网络测验和纸笔测验只存在部分的强不变性和部分的严格不变性,测验实施环境对结果的影响不可忽视。该研究表明,恰当设计的网络测验是可靠的,同时还提示,当一个测验在不同情境下运用时,检验测量不变性十分必要  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Three investigations tested the hypothesis, that the attainment of fame leads to chronic self-consciousness. One of these studies also examined the relationship of self-consciousness with self-destructive behavior. Analyses of Kurt Cobain's and Cole Porter's song lyrics indicated increased use of first-person singular pronouns after each songwriter attained celebrity. An analysis of John Cheever's short stories indicated greater use of the first-person narrative voice following his first brush with fame. Other analyses revealed that variations in Cheever's fame were positively correlated with use of first-person singular pronouns in his private letters and journals. These measures of self-consciousness were also positively correlated with Cheever's self-reported alcohol use. Together, these, three studies offer the first empirical support for a self-consciousness hypothesis linking celebrity to self-destructive Behavior.

In the urge to find a better, more perfect self, the possibility of uncovering a worse, more misshapen one hangs like a threatening cloud. Lurking behind every chance to be made whole by fame is the axman of further dismemberment.
(Braudy, 1986, p. 8)  相似文献   

The current study has two main goals: (a) to identify a factor structure of the Daily Spiritual Experiences Scale (DSES) on a large archival data, collected from 1,325 adults in the United States (709 women, 616 men) by the U.S. General Social Survey in 2004 and (b) to examine the measurement invariance of the 16 DSES items between women and men in the same data to see whether any of the items are favoring or biased toward either women or men. The one-factor confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) model fit our data better than the two-factor CFA models because of high correlations between the two factors (r > .90). The fit of the one-factor CFA to our sample data was improved when we specified seven correlated residuals suggested by overlapping item content and large modification indices. The ensuing measurement invariance testing of the one-factor CFA model with seven correlated residuals supported full measurement invariance of factor loadings, thresholds, and residual variances, as well as factor variances between the women and the men. Yet the factor mean for the women was .841 units (Cohen’s d = .496) higher than it was for the men, indicating that higher levels of daily spiritual experiences for women reported in gender comparison studies in the United States are not likely to be an artifact of bias in the questionnaire.  相似文献   

Using confirmatory factor analyses, this study examined the method effects on a Chinese version of the Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale (RSES; Rosenberg, 1965 Rosenberg, M. (1965). Society and the adolescent self-image. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press.[Crossref] [Google Scholar]) in a sample of migrant and urban children in China. In all, 982 children completed the RSES, and 9 models and 9 corresponding variants were specified and tested. The results indicated that the method effects are associated with both positively and negatively worded items and that Item 8 should be treated as a positively worded item. Additionally, the method effects models were invariant across migrant and urban children in China.  相似文献   


The Internal Consent Scale (ICS) was created to measure feelings associated with a person’s willingness to engage in partnered sexual activity. Although previous studies using the ICS have assessed gender differences, evidence has not been provided to suggest that the ICS functions similarly for women and men. Using data from an online cross-sectional survey of adults (N = 874; 53.1% women), we subjected the 25-item ICS to tests of measurement invariance across gender. We found that only partial measurement invariance was tenable, which indicated that direct comparisons across gender should be interpreted with caution when using the ICS. Therefore, we created a gender-invariant short form. In support of construct validity, we found that this 15-item ICS–Short Form demonstrated similar associations with measures of sexual consent communication as the full 25-item ICS. If researchers aim to compare women and men on internal sexual consent, we recommend using the 15-item ICS–Short Form. Cognitive interviews should be conducted to further understand how women and men might differentially interpret ICS items.


介绍两种动机测验及其形式:1)多元动机测验(MMG)及其半投射测验形式和网格技术,它综合了投射测验和问卷的优点;2)客观性成就动机测验(OAMT)及其通过被试完成操作性任务测评成就动机的客观性测验形式。  相似文献   

Two experiments tested the hypothesis that a non-strategic mode of rule learning results in atomic representations. In each case subjects were taught concepts under two different conditions, designed to favour either non-strategic or strategic learning. Following training, subjects demonstrated an equivalent ability to discriminate exemplars from non-exemplars of the concepts acquired under each of these two learning conditions. However, performance on a decompositional inference task, which required access to critical constituent elements within the rule representations, was disproportionately poor for a concept acquired under the training condition that favoured non-strategic learning. These findings lend support to the view that rule acquisition can be mediated by either of two modes of learning, and that the format of knowledge representations is not equivalent across these two learning modes.  相似文献   

The value–belief–norm model assumes that egoistic, social‐altruistic, and biospheric value orientations causally influence how people cognitively structure beliefs regarding adverse environmental consequences. Empirical studies have administered the Awareness of Consequences (AC) scale to differentiate between these 3 orientations. We report an analysis that challenges previous work in the field. Evidence is presented that indicates the AC scale should be reinterpreted as a measure of beliefs supporting environmental action and beliefs supporting environmental inaction. The beliefs supporting environmental action appear to be differentiable according to beliefs in the positive consequences from environmental protection and the seriousness of environment harm. This has major implications for the value–belief–norm model and its application.  相似文献   

Two field studies assessed the preconditions and behavioral consequences of relative deprivation. A sample of single mothers receiving government assistance participated in Study 1, and a sample of working women participated in Study 2. We found general support for a 2-factor model of the preconditions of relative deprivation, in which wanting the desired state and deserving the desired state were the best predictors of discontent. In both studies, discontent regarding the status of one's group (i.e., single mothers or working women) was specifically predictive of reports of group-directed protest behaviors. In Study 2, discontent regarding one's own status was specifically predictive of willingness to engage in self-improvement behaviors. Participants in both studies reported more group discontent than personal discontent. These findings provide support from naturalistic settings for the construct of relative deprivation.  相似文献   

The 13‐item self‐rated creativity scale (SRCS) initially developed for supervisory rating of employees’ creativity was modified by some researchers and used as a self‐report of creativity. However, it is not clear if the modified SRCS is psychometrically sound. The present study addressed this gap in three studies (N = 1,033). The exploratory factor analysis (Study 1) revealed a two‐factor solution after removing Item 9 due to low factor loading. Confirmatory factor analysis was then used in Study 2 to examine and compare the conceptual one‐factor model with 13 items (Model 1), one‐factor model with 12 items (Model 2), two‐factor model with 12 items (Model 3), and the 12‐item bifactor model with one general factor and two specific factors (Model 4). The results indicated that Model 4 is more superior to all the competing models. Study 3 further confirmed that the bifactor model, showed support to the reliability and convergent validity, and found partial metric invariance across Chinese and Malay undergraduates. Taken together, the modified (12‐item) SRCS is a psychometrically sound tool for self‐rated creativity in the Malaysian context.  相似文献   

The Perceived Stress Scale (PSS; Cohen, Kamarck, & Mermelstein, Journal of Health and Social Behavior, 24: 385–396, 1983) and its derivatives are among the most commonly used self-report measures of subjective global stress. Several factorial models of the PSS have been proposed; however, which of these structures reliably measures individuals with mental illness remains unclear. Moreover, despite the detection of gender differences in perceived stress, factorial invariance between genders has not yet been tested with the PSS. Confirmatory factor analysis evaluating six prevailing factorial models of the PSS among a large sample of psychiatric patients and a matched community sample supported a two-factor model. Multiple group analysis established configural, metric and scalar invariance of this model across gender, but only configural invariance across samples differing by mental health status. Implications are that gender differences can be cautiously interpreted as true mean differences rather than artifacts of measurement bias; however, mean perceived stress factor scores should not be compared directly across psychiatric and non-psychiatric samples.  相似文献   

In this study, the authors validated the 3-factor, 8-facet model of Hood's Mysticism Scale and explored mean differences in mysticism with 330 indigenous Chinese Christian and 323 non-Christian participants. Confirmatory factor analysis demonstrated good fit for the overall Chinese sample and established measurement invariance of the instrument across the 2 groups. Both groups scored above the midpoint on the total Mysticism Scale, whereas Christians scored significantly higher in the mystical interpretation factor than did non-Christians. Controlling for demographic variables, multiple regression procedures revealed that a high intrinsic religious orientation mediated the association of Christian religious affiliation with mysticism. These results yielded patterns consistent with those found in the West and suggested that the Mysticism Scale was a valid quantitative measure for exploring spirituality issues in Chinese society.  相似文献   

Familial protective factors are an integral part of prevention approaches aimed at problematic behaviour in adolescents. However, there is scarce evidence on the role of familial protective factors in families deviating from the two-parent family configuration. For evaluating targeted (preventive) interventions, a reliable and valid measurement of familial protective factors is crucial. We investigated the factor structure of the Communities That Care (CTC) Family Attachment Scale and tested its measurement invariance in different family structures. Adolescents (n?=?2.459, grades 6–11) from Lower Saxony, Germany filled in the German version of the CTC Youth Survey. Our analyses focused on the CTC Family Attachment Scale measuring the adolescent’s attachment to the mother and the father with six items. We evaluated the postulated unidimensional structure of the scale by confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) and tested the measurement invariance using multigroup factor analyses across different family structures (two-parent family/single-parent family). We used SPSS V.23 and the R packages lavaan and semTools. The two-factor solution for the CTC Family Attachment Scale with one factor representing attachment to the mother and one indicating attachment to the father had an adequate model fit in the total sample (χ2(5)?=?29.938; p?<?.001; CFI?=?.996; TLI?=?.988; RMSEA?=?.050, SRMR?=?.019). This two-factor solution of the CTC Family Attachment Scale showed strong measurement invariance regarding adolescents living in a two-parent family vs. those living with a single parent. The two-factor CTC Family Attachment Scale appears to be a suitable measure to assess family attachment in both two-parent and single-parent families with German adolescents.  相似文献   

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