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The purpose of this study was to examine the validity and the incremental validity of recently developed Reflective and Experiential Self-knowledge Scales. Along with measures of the Five Factors and of psychological adjustment, 201 male Iranian managers responded to the Self-knowledge Scales along with tests relevant to emotional intelligence, including the Trait Meta-mood Scale and the Constructive Thinking Inventory. As hypothesized, Self-knowledge Scales predicted greater self-reported emotional intelligence. Multiple regression also confirmed the incremental validity of these scales, showed each explained a separate source of variance, and supported the presumed temporal dynamics that theoretically underlie these constructs.  相似文献   

This two-part study examined the role of the responsibility to continue thinking, beliefs that one needs prolonged thinking about stressful problems, in the prediction of excessive worry. This construct is considered to reflect high levels of motivation to continue inflexible thinking and the use of rigid stop rules. In Study 1, 122 students completed questionnaires. A regression analysis revealed that responsibility accounted for a unique variance beyond negative meta-cognitive beliefs about worry. One hundred and fifty students participated in Study 2, where worry was regressed on emotional instability (Neuroticism), responsibility, and other worry-related cognitive variables (intolerance of uncertainty, positive/negative meta-cognitive beliefs, poor problem-solving orientation, and cognitive avoidance). Again, responsibility was a significant predictor, after controlling for emotional instability (Neuroticism) and other worry-related cognitions. These results indicate the incremental validity of the responsibility to continue thinking.  相似文献   

Desirability bias is the tendency to overpredict desirable outcomes and underpredict unwanted outcomes. Previous research suggests that this bias is quite pervasive among non-experts but there is very scant evidence of its intensity among experts. For at least twenty years, financial academics and, to a lesser extent, practicing investment managers have claimed that the financial markets are among the most efficient and bias free in existence. Therefore, this paper examines the degree of desirability bias among expert and practicing US and Taiwanese investment managers. The empirical results suggest that desirability bias does appear to be a characteristic of these experts. © 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This study provided evidence of reliability and validity for the four scales of the Driving Anger Expression Inventory. Alpha reliabilities for scales ranged from .84 to .89. Measures of aggressive anger expression while driving (Verbal Aggressive Expression, Personal Physical Aggressive Expression, and Use of the Vehicle to Express Anger scales) correlated positively with each other and negatively with the Adaptive/Constructive Expression scale. Scores on the three aggressive forms of anger expression correlated positively with trait anger and measures of driving-related anger, aggression, and risky behavior, whereas scores on the Adaptive/Constructive Expression scale correlated negatively with these variables. Reports of aggressive and risky behavior correlated most strongly with the Use of the Vehicle to Express Anger scale. Forms of anger expression were minimally or uncorrelated with rated trait anxiety and reports of moving violations, close calls, and accidents. Findings replicated earlier findings and provided further evidence for the reliability and validity of the Driving Anger Expression Inventory.  相似文献   

Constructive thinking: a broad coping variable with specific components   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
The structure of constructive thinking and the development of an instrument for measuring it, the Constructive Thinking Inventory (CTI), were discussed. Scales were derived from a factor analysis of an item domain of people's everyday automatic thinking. When the CTI and other tests were factor analyzed, separate intellective and nonintellective factors were found, with the CTI loading more strongly on the nonintellective factor than any other test. Only measures of IQ loaded on the intellective factor. The global constructive thinking scale correlated significantly with success in work, love, social relationships, and in maintaining emotional and physical well-being, but not with academic achievement, the only criterion with which the measures of IQ correlated strongly. The patterns of correlations between the CTI scales and the various criteria as well as the factor analysis demonstrated that the construct of constructive thinking is differentiated as well as integrated.  相似文献   

The Social Phobia and Anxiety Inventory (SPAI) is a new instrument composed of social phobia and agoraphobia subscales. The latter scale is used to detect social anxiety that may result from agoraphobia. The SPAI's construct validity was assessed through several procedures. First, confirmatory factor analyses were conducted to validate the existence of the two subscales. Second, exploratory factor analyses examined the underlying structure of the social phobia subscale. Third, a Q factor procedure determined if different anxiety diagnostic groups could be differentiated by their SPAI response pattern. The results confirmed the utility of the two SPAI subscales and identified a number of dimensions contained within the social phobia subscale which differed depending upon the specific subject sample. In addition, the complaints of social phobies appeared more homogeneous than those of an agoraphobic comparison group. The results are discussed in terms of construct validity and the sensitivity of the SPAI to various dimensions of social phobia fears.This study was supported in part by NIMH Grants 41852, 30915, 18269, and 16884.  相似文献   

Psychometric characteristics and validity of the Personal Orientation Inventory (POI) are at issue in the literature, particularly sinece the reported POI's internal consistency reliabilities are below accepted levels for published tests. This paper contends that a likely root of serious problems lies in errors made in the original POI validation. It is shown that the POI fails to meet its long-standing published claim that it can discriminate between ‘self-actualized’ (SA) and ‘normal adults’, as this is shown not to be true for 75% of its scales. It is demonstrated that the original and extend validation was illogically based on mean values of test scores of validation subject groups instead of correctly using their score ranges. A substantial lack of discrimination between the SA and ‘non-self-actualizing’ norm groups is shown to arise from the overlap of their estimated correct validation ranges amounting to about 62–86% of their combined membership. A hypothesis is that the POI is not measuring the degree of SA sufficiently, but instead measures some other variable(s) that may be weak to moderate correlate. Alternatively, the differences in the three validation constructs used may have been weakly exemplified by the subjects chosen for the validation groups. Clinical and research use of the POI is questionable. Suggestions are made for a proper validation model and for POI revisions.  相似文献   

Walters GD 《Assessment》2005,12(1):19-27
Postrelease recidivism data were collected on 137 male inmates released 1 to 72 months after completing the Psychological Inventory of Criminal Thinking Styles (PICTS) in follow-ups lasting 6 to 55 months. When a dichotomous measure of recidivism (0, 1+ arrests) was employed, Entitlement (En) was the only PICTS thinking-style scale to achieve significance after age, prior arrests, time at risk in the community, and the PICTS Superoptimism (So) scale were controlled in a binary logistic regression analysis. Both the Cutoff (Co) and En scales proved significant in predicting a continuous measure of recidivism (range = 0 to 6) after age, prior arrests, time at risk, and the So scale were controlled in a sequential linear regression analysis. Whereas the En scale displayed mixed incremental validity results relative to the Co scale, the Co scale failed to achieve incremental validity relative to the En scale.  相似文献   

Medical schools can assist students by providing them with quality career counseling to help them choose a medical specialty. Many schools use interest inventories to help identify students’ specialty interests. This study examined the predictive validity of one such inventory, the Medical Specialty Preference Inventory (MSPI). In a longitudinal design, we used discriminant function analysis to examine how well students’ scores on the MSPI fit their chosen medical specialty one year later. The MSPI correctly predicted students’ future medical specialty choice 58.1% of the time. These results can help career advisors interpret MSPI scores, and identify students’ most likely medical specialty choice, as well as their second most likely choice.  相似文献   

Honor is an important construct, mainly emphasized in collectivist cultures, such as Brazil. However, there is a lack of studies regarding honor in this cultural context. Therefore, the current research aims at proposing a short version of the Honor Scale (HS‐16) to the Brazilian context. Construct validity (i.e., factorial, convergent, and discriminant validity, as well as internal consistency and composite reliability) is reported in Studies 1 (n = 220) and 2 (n = 222), with participants from general population. In both studies, participants answered the Honor Scale and demographic questions. The authors find the HS‐16 to be a reliable and valid scale, thereby enabling its use in quantitative studies regarding the correlates of honor concerns.  相似文献   

The Medical Specialty Preference Inventory (MSPI; Zimny, G.H. (1979). Manual for the Medical Specialty Preference Inventory. St. Louis, MO: St. Louis University School of Medicine), a measure of medical students’ interests, was substantively and empirically examined to identify an underlying factor structure. A factor model for the original MSPI based on 38 factors in five general areas was evaluated on a national sample of 1014 medical students and yielded poor fit to the data. Exploratory factor analyses at the item level utilizing the full pool of MSPI items produced an 11 factor solution with 88 items. Sub-scales were identified within this model and an 11-18 higher-order model and an 18 sub-scale model also were proposed. The relative fits of the three models were evaluated by confirmatory factor analysis with the 18 sub-scale model shown to be superior. This model was cross-validated on a separate sample of 1016 medical students and fit the data well. All sub-scales exhibited adequate internal consistency across samples. These findings support the need for a revised MSPI based on 18 scales. Implications of these findings for MSPI scoring practices are discussed along with future directions.  相似文献   

The content validity of the Defense Mechanism Inventory was tested by 20 raters who evaluated each item in terms of which 15 defenses and three ego threats it represented. Items purportedly measuring the global defense categories of principalization, turning against self, and reversal, achieved relatively high rater agreement (over 70%) while projection and turning against Object fared poorly (29% and 39% respectively). Differential content validity was found in the levels and areas of the Inventory, indicating that the context in which items appear affect their representativeness of defensive behaviors. The individual defense mechanisms were disproportionately represented by the Inventory. Ratings suggested that aggressiveness was the major ego threat being measured by the items. Most of the problems appear correctable through rewriting many of the items.  相似文献   

Using a sample of 350 college students, this study examined the structural and discriminant validity of the Career Factors Inventory (CFI; Chartrand, Robbins, Morrill, & Boggs, 1990), a multidimensional measure of career indecision intended to be scored for two informational indecision components (Need for Career Information and Need for Self-Knowledge) and two personal-emotional components (Career Choice Anxiety and Generalized Indecisiveness). Results of confirmatory factor analyses and correlations revealed that: (a) the underlying structure of the CFI was similar for women and men, (b) the original four-factor model corresponding to the CFI’s scoring scheme demonstrated an excellent fit to the data, (c) a non-hierarchical two-factor model and a hierarchical model were both supported by the data, and (d) the CFI demonstrated evidence of discriminant validity. Implications for career counseling and suggestions for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

We evaluated the convergent and discriminant validity of the Psychological Inventory of Criminal Thinking Styles (PICTS; Walters, 1995) in a group of 199 maximum security prisoners. As anticipated, the PICTS Confusion scale correlated with the Personality Assessment Inventory (PAI; Morey, 1991) Negative Impression scale, whereas the PICTS Defensiveness scale paralleled the PAI Positive Impression scale. Also as predicted, a greater portion of the PICTS thinking style scales correlated with the PAI Antisocial Features scale than correlated with the PAI Somatic Complaints, Anxiety, Depression, Mania, Paranoia, and Schizophrenia scales. When the PICTS composite scales were converged onto behavioral indexes, modest statistically significant relationships surfaced between the PICTS Reactive scale and a record of disciplinary infractions and between the PICTS Proactive scale and program completion.  相似文献   

This work introduces the ‘Worry Inventory for Managers’ (WIM), a 24-item measure of jobrelated worries in managers. A sample of 138 managers responded to the WIM and to measures of pathological worry, job involvement, and self-reliance. Factor analysis of the WIM revealed two facets of job-related worry, namely worry about
1. (1) organizational processes and about
2. (2) work overload.
Results indicate that job-related worry shows differential correlations from pathological worry with the three factors of self-reliance (counterdependence, overdependence, and interdependence).  相似文献   

Strelau's reinterpretation of Pavlov's concept of nervous system properties has gained increasing attention in Western personality research, both with regard to the psychometric properties of the Strelau Temperament Inventory (STI) and with regard to the interrelations between STI and Western personality dimensions. The present study investigated the construct validity of the Strength of Excitation scale by examining its relationship to experimental indices of strength of the nervous system. Secondly, data on the convergence between STI, EPQ, SSS IV, and trait anxiety measures are presented, using German translations of all the questionnaires. The results confirmed the correlation between strength of excitation and a reaction time based measure of strength of the nervous system. A factor analysis on the questionnaire scales identified two factors. Factor I (activity/stimulation seeking) consisted of extroversion, mobility, strength of excitation and the sensation seeking scales whereas Factor II (instability vs control) was composed of anxiety/neuroticism/ psychoticism and strength of excitation/strength of inhibition/social desirability. These findings agree with Eysenck's and Strelau's theoretical predictions regarding the interrelations of Pavlovian properties and Western personality dimensions.  相似文献   

The present study investigated the ability of the General Behavior Inventory (GBI) to discriminate between diagnostic groups using youth self-report. One hundred and ninety-seven youths ages 10–17 years presenting at a midwestern urban outpatient clinic specializing in mood disorders completed the GBI as part of the intake process. Diagnoses were determined by a structured clinical interview (K-SADS) administered by either a child and adolescent psychiatrist or a research assistant trained to a high level of interrater reliability ( > .85). Games–Howell post hoc tests showed that the diagnostic groups significantly differed on the GBI's 2 subscales, Depression and Hypomanic–Biphasic. Logistic regression demonstrated that the scales discriminated between bipolar and disruptive behavior disorders, unipolar and bipolar depression, and mood and disruptive behavior disorders or no diagnosis. Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) curves further indicated the good diagnostic efficiency of the scales. Results indicate that the GBI's subscales might aid in making traditionally difficult differential diagnoses, such as between bipolar disorder and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and between unipolar and bipolar depression.  相似文献   

Reliability and validity of the Padua Inventory in an Iranian population   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In order to study the reliability and validity of the Padua Inventory (PI), its items were translated into Persian and then back-translated into English as suggested by Brislin, Lonner, Thorndike, Cross-cultural research methods, Wiley, New York, 1973. Using the translated version of the PI, two studies were carried out. The first study included 219 healthy participants selected from Shiraz city in Iran to examine the reliability and factorial structure of the PI via test-retest, internal consistency and principal component analysis methods. The results of this study showed good reliability for the PI and confirmed its factorial structure reported by previous studies. The second study included four groups of participants as follows: patients with obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), patients with anxiety disorders, patients with depressive disorder and normal individuals. The PI scores were able to differentiate between OCD patients and normal individuals, but failed to differentiate between neurotic and OCD patients. Two subscales of PI-R version of the PI (precision and washing) differentiated depressive and OCD patients.  相似文献   

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