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探讨医药代表所引出的药品价格政策等问题,通过分析医药代表发生阶段性错位的原因,引出对药品价格改革的思考。我国的药品价格虚高是导致医疗市场失控的根本原因,医药代表的错位只是一种表现。根除这种错位必须首先解决药品价格虚高的问题。  相似文献   

探讨医药代表所引出的药品价格政策等问题,通过分析医药代表发生阶段性错位的原因,引出对药品价格改革的思考.我国的药品价格虚高是导致医疗市场失控的根本原因,医药代表的错位只是一种表现.根除这种错位必须首先解决药品价格虚高的问题.  相似文献   

处于十字路口的医药代表   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
阐明医药代表的几种含义,分析目前国内医药代表的几种类型,医药代表应该是正当和高尚的职业,是传递医药信息的重要桥梁。而现实中的医药代表却变质了,催生了药品回扣、“一药多名”等现象,影响科研诚信,最终损害病人利益。从建议尽快出台医药代表认证制度、加强行业自律,以及完善立法等方面规范医药代表这一职业。  相似文献   

医药代表本是医疗机构及医务人员与药品生产和经营企业之间的重要纽带,担当着传递研发信息,提供药品特点、禁忌等资讯,指导合理用药等重要职责。但从法律视角考量医药代表现状,我国医药代表领域却存在诸多的问题,有必要从建立监督管理机制、实行准入注册制度、明确职责、加强规范、完善法律法规等方面加以规制。  相似文献   

不可轻视医药贿赂现象   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
近年来,随着市场经济的发展,医药贿赂问题相继发生,对社会造成了不良影响。一方面,这种现象严重破坏了正常的医药购销秩序,导致假药、伪劣器械层出不穷;另一方面,加重了患者的经济负担,损害群众的身心健康。从医药分家、健全法制以及行业自身建设方面提出治理医药贿赂的对策。  相似文献   

近年来,随着市场经济的发展,医药贿赂问题相继发生,对社会造成了不良影响.一方面,这种现象严重破坏了正常的医药购销秩序,导致假药、伪劣器械层出不穷;另一方面,加重了患者的经济负担,损害群众的身心健康.从医药分家、健康法制以及行业自身建设方面提出治理医药贿赂的对策.  相似文献   

转基因技术安全性的生态伦理浅析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
以转基因技术为基础的生物技术是本世纪最具影响力的高新技术产业带。转基因技术在农业、食品、医药、环保等方面有广泛应用,它给人类社会的发展带来巨大的经济效益和社会效益的同时,也存在着潜在危险,即有可能影响生态环境,危害人类健康。本文试图从生态伦理的角度来思考转基因技术的安全性问题。  相似文献   

本文分析了在我国医药产品需求不断增长、医药市场迅速发展的形势下,由于体制等原因,长期以来,我国科研与生产脱节,造成医药新产品开发困难或大量成果积压,难于转化为生产力,而企业则缺少新产品储备、缺乏发展后劲。文章指出,现阶段我国已具备建立医药技术转移中心的法律条件和社会环境等。文章介绍了医药技术转移中心的目标、任务、运行机制及其风险因素等。  相似文献   

郭家宏 《学海》2013,(1):80-87
19世纪末期,由于英国发展相对放缓,社会贫困状况恶化。中产阶级的社会调查使得人们对英国贫困问题深感震惊,他们认识到贫困的成因不单是因为个人的懒惰,而是有更深刻的社会原因,由此英国人的贫困观念的发生了巨大变化。以新自由主义、社会伦理学和有机体理论以及费边社思想为代表的社会思潮也从理论角度论述了国家和社会干预贫困问题的必要性。相应政府的济贫政策也发生变化,即由惩戒到政府救助,对20世纪社会福利制度的发展意义重大。  相似文献   

杨国荣 《哲学研究》2022,(6):51-61+126
通过“代表”治理社会,构成了社会治理的一般形式。在传统的君主政体下,君主既在“君权神授”的意义上“代表”形上之天,又作为政治上的最高统治者,担负着维护社会秩序和公共利益的职责。近代以来的政治形态以代议制为形式,其中包含无法摆脱的内在紧张。一方面,代议制中的各类政治人物首先以“选民”代表的形式出现,另一方面,他们又需要代表“全民”来看待和应对相关问题。在民主协商的形式下,人民成为中心,这一意义上的人民既是治理的主体,也是治理的对象。政治领域的代表性不仅涉及代表什么,而且关乎代表本身如何产生。在不同的时代和政治体制中,代表的社会性质不同,其形成的方式也各异。政治权力的正当性与代表产生的方式相关,但又呈现更为复杂的形态。代表形成之后,如何具体地实施代表性?政治领域代表的正当性一方面体现于代表产生的方式(代表如何形成),另一方面又与代表的实施方式(如何实际地代表)相关。在社会治理活动中,“如何代表”这一问题体现于不同方面,其意义也在这一过程中得到多重展示。  相似文献   

现代新儒家的基本理论主张可概括为 :儒学主流说、儒家道统说、新内圣外王之道、良知自我坎陷说、儒学复兴论。现代新儒学第三代重要代表人物已经偏离或放弃了这些基本的理论和主张 ,走上了文化多元化之路。这无疑意味着现代新儒学基本理论的自我消解。现在 ,这股文化思潮的高峰已经过去 ,已经成为历史。  相似文献   

This paper examines the role of perceived organisational support as a mediator of the relationship between perceived situational factors and affective organisational commitment. Perceived situational factors examined were: procedural justice, distributive justice, communication satisfaction with supervisor, and labor–management relationship climate. Analysis of data from a sample of 185 pharmaceutical sales representatives from India indicated that perceived organisational support fully mediates the relationship between each of these perceived situational variables and affective commitment to the organisation.  相似文献   

This study extends the literature on personality and job performance through the use of random coefficient modeling to test the validity of the Big Five personality traits in predicting overall sales performance and sales performance trajectories--or systematic patterns of performance growth--in 2 samples of pharmaceutical sales representatives at maintenance and transitional job stages (K. R. Murphy, 1989). In the maintenance sample, conscientiousness and extraversion were positively associated with between-person differences in total sales, whereas only conscientiousness predicted performance growth. In the transitional sample, agreeableness and openness to experience predicted overall performance differences and performance trends. All effects remained significant with job tenure statistically controlled. Possible explanations for these findings are offered, and theoretical and practical implications of findings are discussed.  相似文献   

公安派的重要代表人物之一袁宗道诠释“四书” ,显示了学宗阳明的取向 ,具有与儒林学人论学不尽相同的特色。袁宗道诠释“四书”与王门主意派形似而与王门现成派实同。宗道诠释“四书”是公安派中惟一系统解说儒家经典的著作。宗道通过提升意念 ,为公安派自然抒写性情提供了重要的理论依凭。  相似文献   

This study aims to investigate the effect of race composition of organizational representatives on perceived similarity, organizational attractiveness, and perceived opportunities for advancement. Two hundred and twenty four Malaysian Chinese university students participated in the study. The findings showed that race composition was significantly related to the participant’s perception of similarity to the representatives, attraction to the organization, and perception of advancement opportunities in the organization. Minority Chinese participants gave higher ratings on all three outcome variables when they were presented with an organization featuring a homogenous group of Chinese representatives or a racially diverse group of representatives, than an organization featuring a homogenous group of Malay representatives in recruitment advertising. In summary, the inclusion of minority representatives in recruitment advertising is beneficial in attracting minority applicants.  相似文献   

The theme of Islam and the Sermon on the Mount belongs to a lively, controversial field of discourse, in which representatives of the major monotheistic religions conflict in their claims to truth, and it has formed a central point in their encounters. For example, representatives of the Salafiyya saw in the Sermon a barrier to the secular order. Through their criticisms, they tended even to appropriate the Sermon for the purposes of Islam. However, the ethical message of the Sermon has usually not been interrogated as such. Form-critical, symbolic, structural and intentional similarities in Muslim remarks point to this appreciation. Nevertheless, Muslims seem much more concerned with the specific contextual meaning of the Sermon and its historicity rather than considering its principle of love for enemies or its legislative nature. Thus, positive receptions of the Sermon, such as al-Ghazzālī's or the recognition discourse of Sayyid Ahmad Khan, if not forgotten, have fallen into the background. In the atmosphere of Christian missionary and colonial experience and the post-colonial aftermath, this reception history and its semantic transformations are certainly understandable. However, they first offer a fertile ground for inter-religious dialogue when the mutual understanding processes are revealed and the discursively produced internal and external allocations, so rich with meaning, are exposed.  相似文献   

This paper utilizes conservation of resources (COR) theory and two of Hofstede's (1980) dimensions of culture (individualism and power distance) to examine the impact of display rules on job satisfaction and performance in an Indian call center sample. Contrary to findings in an American sample (Wilk & Moynihan, 2005), we proposed that due to cultural differences as well as differences in the nature of the job among representatives in an Indian call center, supervisory focus on display rules would reduce emotional exhaustion, and in turn, have positive consequences for employee performance and job satisfaction. Using multi-source data in a sample of 137 Indian call center representatives, results confirmed the hypothesized mediating effects of emotional exhaustion on performance and job satisfaction. Implications of these results for future cross-cultural research are presented.  相似文献   

首次从各个角度全面系统的比较并剖析了中国与全球医药领先企业技术创新战略模式的异同,指出中国不应该照搬全球医药领先企业的模式,而应该结合国家和企业的实际情况,建立有利于企业可持续发展的技术创新战略模式.  相似文献   

The major thrust of the IUPsyS activities at the UN this year has been the establishment, in early 2001, of a permanent team of New York area psychologists willing to voluntarily represent the Union at the different meetings held throughout the year at the UN Secretariat in New York under the auspices of the UN Department of Public Information, the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC), as well as some of the other UN agencies also active in New York, such as UNICEF and UNESCO. With the help of the International Affairs Office of the American Psychological Association, which we would like to thank, we had access to the names of New York area psychologists who were interested in doing UN representation for psychology. Four of them were identified as prime candidates and were interviewed. Their nomination as UN/NGO representatives was approved by the Executive Committee of the Union. I am very happy to inform our national members and affiliate organizations that Dr. Fritz Galette, Dr. Margarita Garcia‐Estevez, Dr. Douglas Y Seiden and Ms. Carolee E. Iltis have generously accepted to act as the Union's NGO representatives in New York. The decision to appoint four representatives was determined by the workload associated with the activities of the UN Secretariat (e.g., Dept of Public Information ‐NGO Briefings every week, multiple meetings of numerous committees dealing with mental health, health, ageing, children, human rights, women issues), plus numerous Preparatory Committees for General Assembly Summits (presently, three upcoming summits on racism, children and women that we will briefly discuss later in this report). Therefore, we felt it was important to be realistic and to appoint several individuals who are ready to share the work to be done and provide 1–2 days per month of their time.  相似文献   

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