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Gesell (1939) introduced the term reciprocal interweaving to describe the inconsistent expression of behavior common to the maturation process. Although the concept has been used to characterize development during infancy and childhood, it has not been applied to adult behavior. This article demonstrates that reciprocal interweaving can operate in adulthood and provides examples involving the learning of complex social skills in later life. The examples include personality change as a result of psychotherapy, the acquisition of sex-role behavior, and the effects of assertiveness training.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to contribute to the phenomenological understanding of revictimization through metaphors used by women when describing their revictimization experiences. Data were collected through in-depth semistructured interviews with 9 women regarding their repeated sexual victimization. Content analysis focused on metaphors used by the women when describing revictimization. Analysis of the metaphors revealed vulnerability in relation to the self and to interpersonal relationships. The metaphors relating to the self are portrayed through images of imprisonment, homelessness, contamination, and disability. Interpersonal relationships are described through the image of boundaries. These metaphors reflect duality: the profound need for security and the perception of boundaries as limiting and confining. Metaphors can be useful as a heuristic instrument for understanding women’s experience of the duality and the contradictions in coping with revictimization, and for intervention.  相似文献   

要谈论非洲的妇女就要考虑到许多支配个人生活的象征性关系。今天社会的特点是城市化现象的大量出现 ,这是一个事实。我在这里所关心的妇女是那些居住在城市环境或与城市有关的环境中的妇女 ,因为城市无论是真实的还是虚构的 ,都是妇女在其中生活和活动的空间的组成部分 ,无论她们是什么出身。要谈论非洲妇女和她们的日常生活 ,就要证明不与作为基础的虚构联系起来就不能理解真实。正是在这个层次上 ,“妇女所占的份额”[1] 作为行使男人占有的权力必不可少的补充仍然可以使我们感到惊奇。值得疑惑的是 ,她们是否拥有某种形式的权力 ,如果拥…  相似文献   

Conclusion Our understanding of South Asian society and history is sometimes muddled by the rigid distinctions we make between ‘religion’ and ‘politics.’ The resurgent appeal of Hindu nationalism, the involvement of Hindu renouncers in contemporary Indian politics, and the continuing relevance of religious issues to political discourse throughout South Asia, show that such a distinction is of limited utility. In this essay, I have examined the notion of digvijaya in some detail, in an attempt to show that this ‘most important Indian concept with regard to sovereignty’ was always both a ‘religious’ and a ‘political’ phenomenon. When it was performed by Hindu kings in the classical period, the ‘political’ dimension of digvijaya was foregrounded, while in the medieval and modern periods, when it was associated primarily with Hindu renouncers, its ‘religious’ aspects were paramount. But neither ‘political’ nor ‘religious’ aspects were ever absent from any of the digvijayas discussed here because religion and politics were mutually entailed in the digvijaya at all times, just as kings and renouncers were—and still are—alter-egos of each other. I am tempted to conclude that the digvijaya melded religious and political domains. Yet perhaps even to speak of ‘melding’ religion and politics is a peculiarly modern kind of discourse. Perhaps we need to rethink our categories and recognize that politics always has a religious element, while religion is always a political force.  相似文献   

In this study we analyze veiling as an Islamic religious practice among Turkish and Moroccan immigrant women in the Netherlands, investigating whether the strength of religious identity, education, contact with natives, and gender role attitudes can explain who veils and who does not. Confirming stereotypical interpretations of the veil as a religious symbol of a strongly gendered religion, we find that a strong Muslim identity and traditional gender role attitudes are positively associated with veiling. While our results seem to support predictions that contact with natives and education relate negatively with wearing a headscarf, these relationships with veiling are more complex. Education strengthens the positive relation between religious identification and veiling, indicating that most highly educated women endorse veiling as a religious practice if they are more religious. Contact with Dutch, however, weakens the association between religious identification and veiling, meaning socially well integrated women veil less often even if they are religious. We discuss our findings against the background of previous qualitative research on veiling as a religious practice and regarding theories on immigrant religion in Europe.  相似文献   

A sense of connectedness for men was hypothesized to be based on relationships that emphasize forms of social comparison, whereas a sense of connectedness for women was hypothesized to be based on relationships that emphasize forms of intimacy and physical proximity. The results from this study generally supported the hypotheses for both women and men. For women, relationships that emphasized reliable alliance and not guidance contributed to social connectedness. For men, relationships that emphasized reassurance of worth but not reliable alliance or opportunity for nurturance contributed to social connectedness. Differences in how women and men construct social connectedness are discussed in terms of counseling implications and future research.  相似文献   

"智慧"说及其对马克思主义哲学中国化的贡献   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
马克思主义哲学从传入中国时起,就存在着如何中国化的问题,也就是马克思主义哲学如何取得中国特色和中国气派,以便与中国革命和建设的实际相结合,从而科学地解决“中国向何处去”这一近代以来的时代中心问题。马克思主义哲学中国化包括了政治层面的中国化和学术层面的中国化。政治层面的马克思主义哲学中国化是指革命家、政治领袖运用马克思主义哲学的立场、观点和方法考察中国的历史和现状,科学地解答新民主主义革命和社会主义革命进程中遇到的实际问题,从而形成指导中国革命和建设的正确理论、路线、方针和政策。政治层面的马克思主义哲学…  相似文献   

The research of Young, MacKenzie, & Sherif (1980), designed to test Laws' (1975) analysis of token women in academia, is criticized on several methodological and conceptual grounds. The appropriateness of the study as a test of Laws' theory is questioned since no evidence is offered for the validity of the independent variables as measures of tokenism. Alternative explanations for their data, centering primarily on generational differences in attitudes and values, are examined briefly.  相似文献   

I maintain that every therapist operates out of a “philosophy of treatment” that is not always conscious. Every interpretation made or not made is rooted in such a philosophy. I then consider my own approach in 14 points. In the second part, two cases are discussed. The case of Frank's perversion is understood as a defensive identification with two parents, themselves perverts, and particularly a mother who stimulated his incestuous wishes by jointly looking at pornography. In Laura's case, the father's assuming maternal functions encouraged a permanent fixation at the oral level. In both cases, I argue in favor of a more encompassing interpretation than those made by the original authors.  相似文献   

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