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Returning the tables: language affects spatial reasoning   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Levinson SC  Kita S  Haun DB  Rasch BH 《Cognition》2002,84(2):155-188
Li and Gleitman (Turning the tables: language and spatial reasoning. Cognition, in press) seek to undermine a large-scale cross-cultural comparison of spatial language and cognition which claims to have demonstrated that language and conceptual coding in the spatial domain covary (see, for example, Space in language and cognition: explorations in linguistic diversity. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, in press; Language 74 (1998) 557): the most plausible interpretation is that different languages induce distinct conceptual codings. Arguing against this, Li and Gleitman attempt to show that in an American student population they can obtain any of the relevant conceptual codings just by varying spatial cues, holding language constant. They then argue that our findings are better interpreted in terms of ecologically-induced distinct cognitive styles reflected in language. Linguistic coding, they argue, has no causal effects on non-linguistic thinking--it simply reflects antecedently existing conceptual distinctions. We here show that Li and Gleitman did not make a crucial distinction between frames of spatial reference relevant to our line of research. We report a series of experiments designed to show that they have, as a consequence, misinterpreted the results of their own experiments, which are in fact in line with our hypothesis. Their attempts to reinterpret the large cross-cultural study, and to enlist support from animal and infant studies, fail for the same reasons. We further try to discern exactly what theory drives their presumption that language can have no cognitive efficacy, and conclude that their position is undermined by a wide range of considerations.  相似文献   

In previous analyses of the influence of language on cognition, speech has been the main channel examined. In studies conducted among Yucatec Mayas, efforts to determine the preferred frame of reference in use in this community have failed to reach an agreement (Bohnemeyer & Stolz, 2006; Levinson, 2003 vs. Le Guen, 2006, 2009). This paper argues for a multimodal analysis of language that encompasses gesture as well as speech, and shows that the preferred frame of reference in Yucatec Maya is only detectable through the analysis of co-speech gesture and not through speech alone. A series of experiments compares knowledge of the semantics of spatial terms, performance on nonlinguistic tasks and gestures produced by men and women. The results show a striking gender difference in the knowledge of the semantics of spatial terms, but an equal preference for a geocentric frame of reference in nonverbal tasks. In a localization task, participants used a variety of strategies in their speech, but they all exhibited a systematic preference for a geocentric frame of reference in their gestures.  相似文献   

Mou W  Xiao C  McNamara TP 《Cognition》2008,108(1):136-154
Two experiments investigated participants' spatial memory of a briefly viewed layout. Participants saw an array of five objects on a table and, after a short delay, indicated whether the target object indicated by the experimenter had been moved. Experiment 1 showed that change detection was more accurate when non-target objects were stationary than when non-target objects were moved. This context effect was observed when participants were tested both at the original learning perspective and at a novel perspective. In Experiment 2, the arrays of five objects were presented on a rectangular table and two of the non-target objects were aligned with the longer axis of the table. Change detection was more accurate when the target object was presented with the two objects that were aligned with the longer axis of the table during learning than when the target object was presented with the two objects that were not aligned with the longer axis of the table during learning. These results indicated that the spatial memory of a briefly viewed layout has interobject spatial relations represented and utilizes an allocentric reference direction.  相似文献   

Previous studies have shown that multiple reference frames are available and compete for selection during the use of spatial terms such as “above.” However, the mechanisms that underlie the selection process are poorly understood. In the current paper we present two experiments and a comparison of three computational models of selection to shed further light on the nature of reference frame selection. The three models are drawn from different areas of human cognition, and we assess whether they may be applied to a reference frame selection by examining their ability to account for both existing and new empirical data comprising acceptance rates, response times, and response time distributions. These three models are the competitive shunting model (Schultheis, 2009 ), the leaky competing accumulator (LCA) model (Usher & McClelland, 2001 ), and a lexical selection model (Howard, Nickels, Coltheart, & Cole‐Virtue, 2006 ). Model simulations show that only the LCA model satisfactorily accounts for the empirical observations. The key properties of this model that seem to drive its success are its bounded linear activation function, its number and type of processing stages, and its use of decay. Uncovering these critical properties has important implications for our understanding not only of spatial term use, in particular, but also of conflict and selection in human cognition more generally.  相似文献   

One of the most widely used tasks in the spatial memory literature is the judgement of relative direction (JRD) test. The present investigation examined the hypothesis that standard JRD task demands bias spatial recall. In two experiments, participants' recall of small-scale layouts as measured by standard JRD tests (in which the relationship between objects was employed to establish imagined orientations within the learned scene) was compared with recall as measured by novel JRD tasks. The novel tasks emphasized either the internal front/back and left/right axes of individual objects (Experiment 1) or extrinsic spatial cues (Experiment 2). Spatial recall was found to reflect the reference cues emphasized by the JRD task in Experiment 1 and by the novel task in Experiment 2. The finding that directional judgements tended to reflect a frame of reference aligned with the set of cues emphasized by task demands suggests that the nature of the task employed to test knowledge can have an effect on spatial recall.  相似文献   

According to Chen's (2013) Linguistic Savings Hypothesis (LSH), our native language affects our economic behavior. We present three studies investigating how cross‐linguistic differences in the grammaticalization of future‐time reference (FTR) affect intertemporal choices. In a series of decision scenarios about finance and health issues, we let speakers of altogether five languages that represent FTR with increasing strength, that is, Chinese, German, Danish, Spanish, and English, choose between hypothetical sooner‐smaller and later‐larger reward options. While the LSH predicts a present‐bias that increases with FTR‐strength, our decision makers preferred later‐larger options and this future‐bias increased with FTR‐strength. In multiple regressions, the FTR‐strength effect persisted when controlled for socioeconomic and cultural differences. We discuss why our findings deviate from the LSH and ask in how far the FTR‐strength effect represents a habitual constitution of linguistic relativity or an instance of online decision framing.  相似文献   

时间隐喻中的空间参照框架   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在时间隐喻研究早期, 研究者多将时间隐喻分为“自我移动”和“时间移动”两类, 关注的是“自我移动”和“物体移动”空间参照框架向时间概念的系统映射。最近, 有研究者在语料分析的基础上, 提出了由其他空间参照框架映射而来的新的时间参照系, 并确立了新的理论, 其中以自我参照点和时间参照点理论、三大参照系理论最具代表性。文章对“自我移动”和“时间移动”隐喻方面的最新研究及目前空间-时间隐喻方面一些新的参照点/系理论和相关实证研究进行了述评。  相似文献   

人类空间记忆和空间巡航   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
人类如何表征周围环境的空间结构信息,如何利用记忆中的空间表征来指导个体在环境中的空间活动,已成为认知心理学、神经科学、地理学以及人工智能研究的重要课题。文章综述了作者负责的实验室及其合作者近年来在视觉空间信息表征、基于运动的空间表征更新,以及认知系统中的不同空间信息处理模块等方面的研究工作,对以上问题及其内在的认知机制问题进行了初步的探讨  相似文献   

We consider the binary relations of parallelism and convergence between lines in a 2-dimensional affine space. Associating with parallelism and convergence the binary predicates P and C and the modal connectives [P] and [C], we consider a first-order theory based on these predicates and a modal logic based on these modal connectives. We investigate the axiomatization/completeness and the decidability/complexity of this first-order theory and this modal logic.  相似文献   

Terrain slope can be used to encode the location of a goal. However, this directional information may be encoded using a conceptual north (i.e., invariantly with respect to the environment), or in an observer-relative fashion (i.e., varying depending on the direction one faces when learning the goal). This study examines which representation is used, whether the sensory modality in which slope is encoded (visual, kinaesthetic, or both) influences representations, and whether use of slope varies for men and women. In a square room, with a sloped floor explicitly pointed out as the only useful cue, participants encoded the corner in which a goal was hidden. Without direct sensory access to slope cues, participants used a dial to point to the goal. For each trial, the goal was hidden uphill or downhill, and the participants were informed whether they faced uphill or downhill when pointing. In support of observer-relative representations, participants pointed more accurately and quickly when facing concordantly with the hiding position. There was no effect of sensory modality, providing support for functional equivalence. Sex did not interact with the findings on modality or reference frame, but spatial measures correlated with success on the slope task differently for each sex.  相似文献   

In this study, the authors addressed the issue of whether space-based motor planning occurs at a higher, equal, or lower level of central nervous system control than joint-based motor planning by using a computerized adaptation paradigm. Visual displays of participants' (N = 32) reaching movements to spatial targets were distorted either with respect to spatial hand displacements (space-based distortion) or with respect to joint angle displacements (joint-based distortion). Participants adapted more easily to space-based distortion than to joint-based distortion. The results suggest that when the participants were confronted with new visuomotor mappings, they aimed for virtual spatial targets whose positions were adjusted to compensate for the distortions associated with the new mappings. That strategy was preferred over a joint- or posture-based strategy, in which a posture is selected for the displayed spatial target and is then modified so that the new mapping between adopted and seen positions can be accommodated. The results support the widely held view that space-based planning occurs at a higher level than joint-based planning.  相似文献   

The question of whether language affects our categorization of perceptual continua is of particular interest for the domain of color where constraints on categorization have been proposed both within the visual system and in the visual environment. Recent research (Roberson, Davies, & Davidoff, 2000; Roberson et al., in press) found substantial evidence of cognitive color differences between different language communities, but concerns remained as to how representative might be a tiny, extremely remote community. The present study replicates and extends previous findings using additional paradigms among a larger community in a different visual environment. Adult semi-nomadic tribesmen in Southern Africa carried out similarity judgments, short-term memory and long-term learning tasks. They showed different cognitive organization of color to both English and another language with the five color terms. Moreover, Categorical Perception effects were found to differ even between languages with broadly similar color categories. The results provide further evidence of the tight relationship between language and cognition.  相似文献   

Linguistic category priming is a novel paradigm to examine automatic influences of language on cognition (Semin, 2008). An initial article reported that priming abstract linguistic categories (adjectives) led to more global perceptual processing, whereas priming concrete linguistic categories (verbs) led to more local perceptual processing (Stapel & Semin, 2007). However, this report was compromised by data fabrication by the first author, so that it remains unclear whether or not linguistic category priming influences perceptual processing. To fill this gap in the literature, the present article reports 12 studies among Dutch and US samples examining the perceptual effects of linguistic category priming. The results yielded no evidence of linguistic category priming effects. These findings are discussed in relation to other research showing cultural variations in linguistic category priming effects (IJzerman, Saddlemyer, & Koole, 2014). The authors conclude by highlighting the importance of conducting and publishing replication research for achieving scientific progress.  相似文献   

Zhang H  Mou W  McNamara TP 《Cognition》2011,(3):419-429
Three experiments examined the role of reference directions in spatial updating. Participants briefly viewed an array of five objects. A non-egocentric reference direction was primed by placing a stick under two objects in the array at the time of learning. After a short interval, participants detected which object had been moved at a novel view that was caused by table rotation or by their own locomotion. The stick was removed at test. The results showed that detection of position change was better when an object not on the stick was moved than when an object on the stick was moved. Furthermore change detection was better in the observer locomotion condition than in the table rotation condition only when an object on the stick was moved but not when an object not on the stick was moved. These results indicated that when the reference direction was not accurately indicated in the test scene, detection of position change was impaired but this impairment was less in the observer locomotion condition. These results suggest that people not only represent objects’ locations with respect to a fixed reference direction but also represent and update their orientation according to the same reference direction, which can be used to recover the accurate reference direction and facilitate detection of position change when no accurate reference direction is presented in the test scene.  相似文献   

Chen JY 《Cognition》2007,104(2):427-436
English uses the horizontal spatial metaphors to express time (e.g., the good days ahead of us). Chinese also uses the vertical metaphors (e.g., 'the month above' to mean last month). Do Chinese speakers, then, think about time in a different way than English speakers? Boroditsky [Boroditsky, L. (2001). Does language shape thought? Mandarin and English speakers' conceptions of time. Cognitive Psychology, 43(1), 1-22] claimed that they do, and went on to conclude that 'language is a powerful tool in shaping habitual thought about abstract domains' (such as time). By estimating the frequency of usage, we found that Chinese speakers actually use the horizontal spatial metaphors more often than the vertical metaphors. This offered no logical ground for Boroditsky's claim. We were also unable to replicate her experiments in four different attempts. We conclude that Chinese speakers do not think about time in a different way than English speakers just because Chinese also uses the vertical spatial metaphors to express time.  相似文献   

外界环境中物体位置与空间关系在记忆中如何表征,一直是空间认知研究领域探讨和争论的热点问题。该文从空间表征的参照框架、朝向特异性、组织结构和存储内容四个方面,系统回顾了近年来对空间表征形成机制与内在特征的理论探讨。在此基础上,进一步讨论了当前空间表征研究中存在的生态效度问题,以及以后将虚拟环境技术引入到空间认知研究中的发展趋势  相似文献   

游旭群  李晶 《心理学报》2010,42(12):1097-1108
空间关系的理解是概念表征向知觉表征的转化, 而空间关系的表达则是知觉表征向概念表征的转化。两种表征的转化以参照系为中介。视觉数量空间关系加工属于知觉表征向概念表征转化的空间关系表达过程。本研究通过控制方向、朝向及距离在启动与探测中的匹配关系, 采用三个实验探讨了数量空间关系加工中参照系各参数的表征及其相互作用。结果发现:(1) 数量空间关系加工中存在方向表征, 一定任务情境下存在朝向表征。(2) 距离匹配的促进效果只在启动刺激和探测刺激的方位关系处于参照系同轴时发生。这些结果进而说明, 数量空间关系加工中内隐地包含类别空间关系表征, 一定任务情境下, 可能存在垂直/水平的类别空间关系表征; 数量空间关系加工中的距离是联系于参照系轴的表征。  相似文献   

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