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This research explores the promoting elements of Korean leaders' creative achievements, and provides implications for creativity education which are suitable in the Korean sociocultural context. In‐depth interviews focusing on their school life and personal growth were held with twelve leaders, four each in the fields of science, humanities, and art. The results of these interviews revealed that a solid basis of basic knowledge, the ability to connect domains from experience in various fields, challenge, and social contribution were the promoting elements for creative achievement. In addition, permissive parents, psychological support from teachers, and horizontal relationships in organizations were affective. Thus, for promoting creativity in Korean education, the importance of knowledge‐base, shared values, teamwork, and teacher role are discussed.  相似文献   

Domain-specificity is a topic of debate within the field of creativity. To shed light on this issue, we conducted a meta-analysis of cross-domain correlations based on the Kaufman Domains of Creativity Scale (K-DOCS). To evaluate the model fit of one general factor versus two factors that encompass the primary K-DOCS subscales (Scholarly, Everyday, Artistic, Scientific, and Performance), we employed the one-stage meta-analytic structural equation modeling (OSMASEM) approach. Poor fit of these models would provide evidence of domain-specificity, as the proposed models would not outperform the independence model. Our analysis included 45 correlation matrices from 30 studies, with a total sample size of 31,136 participants. The results provided support for a general domain of creativity, as well as a two-factor solution consisting of Arts and Sciences factors. Among the subscales, the highest correlation was found between the Artistic and Performance domains (r = .478), while the smallest correlation was observed between the Everyday and Scientific domains (r = .178). Furthermore, moderator analyses incorporating age and gender revealed that the Scientific and Everyday subscales exhibited a stronger factor load in older participants compared to younger participants. Implications are discussed for research and practice.  相似文献   

The article integrates the seven papers of the two special issues with a special focus on discussing the differences in people's beliefs about creativity between the Chinese and American cultures: How it is conceived, evaluated, and nurtured. It uses three metaphors to capture major differences in these aspects, and highlights areas with profound cultural variations in conceptions and creative education for future research.  相似文献   

Statistical mediation analysis can help to identify and explain the mechanisms behind psychological processes. Examining a set of variables for mediation effects is a ubiquitous process in the social sciences literature; however, despite evidence suggesting that cross-sectional data can misrepresent the mediation of longitudinal processes, cross-sectional analyses continue to be used in this manner. Alternative longitudinal mediation models, including those rooted in a structural equation modeling framework (cross-lagged panel, latent growth curve, and latent difference score models) are currently available and may provide a better representation of mediation processes for longitudinal data. The purpose of this paper is twofold: first, we provide a comparison of cross-sectional and longitudinal mediation models; second, we advocate using models to evaluate mediation effects that capture the temporal sequence of the process under study. Two separate empirical examples are presented to illustrate differences in the conclusions drawn from cross-sectional and longitudinal mediation analyses. Findings from these examples yielded substantial differences in interpretations between the cross-sectional and longitudinal mediation models considered here. Based on these observations, researchers should use caution when attempting to use cross-sectional data in place of longitudinal data for mediation analyses.  相似文献   

This article examines the role of 3 types of perceived support for creativity in moderating the relation between creative self-efficacy and self-perceived creativity. The findings suggest significant interaction effects for perceived work-group support and supervisor support, but not for perceived organizational support. This study is among the first to (a) examine the importance of perceived support for creativity in unlocking creative potential and increasing creativity in organizations and (b) use interaction terms in structural equation modeling (SEM) to investigate moderator effects in an applied research setting. These results imply that organizational interventions focused on training supervisors and work-group members to support creativity in the workplace may be more effective than broader and less focused interventions at the organizational level.  相似文献   

To assess the dynamical effects of creative interaction networks on team creativity evolution, this paper elaborates a theoretical framework that links the key elements of creative interaction networks, including node, edge and network structure, to creativity in teams. The process of team creativity evolution is divided into four phases, including formation, growth, maturity and decline/restart. The importance of domain‐relevant knowledge, creativity‐relevant skill, interaction frequency, interaction length, network density and closeness centrality are emphasized in specific phases of team creativity evolution in a complex creative context. To test our assumptions, a longitudinal study of creative teams in a “Challenge Cup” Creative Business Plan Competition for university students is performed and the full networks of 17 creative entrepreneur teams are mapped. Both static comparison and dynamic analysis are conducted to analyze the relationship between creative interaction networks and team creativity evolution. For specific phases of team creativity evolution, we find confirmation of our predictions. The implications of dynamic creative interaction networks for all the phases of creative teams from formation to decline/restart are discussed.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to examine the nature of problem behavior development from late childhood through adolescence, to assess the quantitative development of problem behavior (alcohol use, marijuana use, deviance, academic failure) as well as potential qualitative shifts in problem behavior over time. Multivariate latent growth curve modeling (LGM) analyses and a cohort-sequential design were employed. Data were from the National Youth Survey and included 770 youth from four cohorts (11, 12, 13, 14 years old), assessed annually for 5 years. Results showed significant growth in problem behavior from ages 11 to 18. Alcohol use and marijuana use contributed most, and academic failure contributed least to the problem behavior latent construct. Results of the variant model revealed that the contribution of all four behaviors to the overall problem behavior construct increased similarly as children aged.  相似文献   

试论团体创造力研究与创造心理学的理论转向   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
邓雪梅 《心理科学》2005,28(5):1277-1279
团体创造力研究是当前创造心理学的新方向。本文讨论了自J.P.Guilford以来,从个体层次创造力研究发展到重视团体创造力研究的演变过程。认为团体创造力研究不仅在创造心理学传统理论框架内开辟了一个新时期,其方法论视角的转换为以更广阔视野揭示创造力本质打开了思路。  相似文献   

Creativity plays a critical role in today’s society by aiding an individual’s response to the mounting complications of modern life and assisting in the maintenance of mental health. Though counselors seek to promote similar developments in their clients, they often do so without the benefit of any particular training in theories of creativity or creativity-enhancing techniques. This article examines literature in the fields of creativity, counseling, and education to highlight the essential nature of creative processes in counseling and psychotherapy, ultimately presenting a rationale for the incorporation of creativity in counselor education.  相似文献   

Purpose  To examine the relationship between proactive personality, employee creativity, and newcomer outcomes (i.e., career satisfaction and perceived insider status). Design/methodology/approach   A survey was conducted using a 3-wave longitudinal design with 146 Hong Kong Chinese employees from various organizations. Structural equation modeling was used to test the research hypotheses including the mediation effects. Findings   Proactive personality was positively associated with employee creativity and employee creativity was positively associated with career satisfaction and perceived insider status. In addition, employee creativity fully mediated the relationships between proactive personality and career satisfaction and perceived insider status. Implications   Based on self-reported responses, these data show that newcomers with a proactive personality shape their work environments in part through creative behavior, which in turn leads to feelings of career satisfaction and perceptions of being an organizational insider. Our study’s results also show that employee creativity is positively and significantly related to workers’ career satisfaction and perceived insider status, suggesting that employee creativity can improve employees’ attitudes toward their career and perceptions as valued and contributing organizational insiders. Future research may examine other possible variables that might mediate the relationship between proactive personality and individual outcomes. Originality/value  One of the few studies that have examined the intervening mechanism by which proactive personality leads to employee outcomes and examined the effects of proactive personality on employee outcomes in Asian culture. Received and reviewed by former editor, George Neuman.  相似文献   

目前中介效应检验主要是基于截面数据,但许多时候截面数据的中介分析不适合进行因果推断,因而需要收集历时性的纵向数据,进行纵向数据的中介分析。评介了基于交叉滞后面板模型、多层线性模型和潜变量增长模型的纵向数据的中介分析方法及其四个发展。第一,中介效应随时间变化,如连续时间模型、多层时变系数模型。第二,中介效应随个体变化,如随机效应的交叉滞后面板模型和多层自回归模型。第三,中介模型的整合,如交叉滞后面板模型与多层线性模型整合为多层自回归模型。第四,中介检验方法的发展,建议使用Monte Carlo、Bootstrap和贝叶斯法进行纵向数据的中介分析。总结出一个纵向数据的中介分析流程并给出相应的Mplus程序。随后展望了纵向数据的中介分析的拓展方向。  相似文献   

This study aimed to investigate the heterogeneity of creativity and the role of interpersonal relationships for creativity subgroups among primary school students. We used latent profile analysis to identify subgroups of creativity among pupils. We then used logistic regression analysis to investigate the role of teacher-student and peer relationships in these subgroups. A total of 1,047 primary school students (Mage = 10.97, SD = 0.91; 47.80% girls) completed the Chinese version of the Torrance Test of Creative Thinking Figural Form A, the Teacher-Student Relationship Scale, and peer nominations. First, the results revealed five creativity profiles for pupils in primary school: high-creativity individuals, innovators, medium-creativity individuals, adaptors, and low-creativity individuals. Heterogeneity across the five subgroups was reflected in the differing creativity levels and differences in creativity dimensions. Second, students who had better teacher-student relationships were more likely to be high-creativity individuals and innovators than low-creativity individuals. In addition, students who had higher perceived popularity tended to be high-creativity individuals, innovators, adaptors, and medium-creativity individuals than low-creativity individuals. The results of this study provide a theoretical basis and empirical support for the targeted cultivation of creativity in primary schools.  相似文献   

This convergent mixed methods study examined the triangulation of self-rated, quasi-expert-rated and verbalized creativity in students enrolled in a year-long photography program. The quantitative data included self-report scales in creativity, and ratings of creativity in students’ photography. The qualitative data included student interviews reflecting on their photographs and verbalizing their beliefs about creativity. The data were first analyzed separately and then merged for analysis to determine possible relationships between these three data sources. Merging quantitative and qualitative data highlighted two key discrepancies between students’ actual creative performance and their perceptions as creative individuals. Possible explanations of these disceprancies are discussed in light of research on creative self-efficacy and creative mindsets.  相似文献   

In the present study, we examined the relationship between socio-economic status (SES) and creativity through a meta-analysis of 885 effect sizes from 151 samples in 117 studies. Analyses of a multivariate model with a robust variance estimator showed a small positive correlation between creativity and SES (r = .120, 95% CI [0.086, 0.154]). Further analyses with four groups of moderators (i.e., creativity measure, SES indicator, sample characteristics, and study characteristics) indicated that the mean effect size is significantly higher when the creativity index is flexibility rather than fluency or when SES is measured by parental or one's own level of education and parental occupation rather than the location of residency. In addition, the relationship between creativity and SES dissipated as the students progressed from elementary school through college. The potential role of schooling in the creativity-SES link is discussed.  相似文献   

This research explores the emergence of student creativity in classroom settings, specifically within two content areas: science and social studies. Fourteen classrooms in three elementary schools in Korea were observed, and the teachers and students were interviewed. The three types of student creativity emerging in the teaching and learning process found in this research were: (a) heuristic creativity when the students express their thoughts about a new concept based on their experience, (b) interpretive creativity when the students explain the meaning of materials based on students' knowledge, and (c) integrative creativity when students generate new solutions or make new products based on their internalized knowledge. The study results will challenge teachers to find instances of student creativity in their teaching and learning situations and to facilitate student creativity when the students interpret data or materials related to the contents of the curriculum.  相似文献   

This article describes how, as theories of creativity evolved, so have measures of creativity. Measures thus reflect the theories that generated them.  相似文献   

研究通过2个实验,考察不同高低抑制水平对科学创造力和艺术创造力的影响。通过安排不同难度的Simon任务(不一致试次占70%或10%)来消耗被试的认知资源,达到操纵被试的抑制水平,以侧抑制任务的前后测来评估被试抑制水平的变化情况,实验1和实验2分别以科学创造力测验和粘贴画任务测量被试的科学创造力和艺术创造力。结果发现,在科学创造力测验上,高抑制水平组被试的流畅性和灵活性得分显著高于低抑制水平组;在粘贴画任务中,低抑制水平组被试的创造性、可爱程度、综合印象得分以及总分均显著高于高抑制水平组。表明高认知抑制水平有利于科学创造力,低认知抑制水平有利于艺术创造力,认知抑制对科学创造力和艺术创造力的影响存在分离效应。  相似文献   

Pretence and creativity are often regarded as ubiquitous characteristics of childhood, yet not all education systems value or promote these attributes to the same extent. Different pedagogies and practices are evident within the UK National Curriculum, Steiner and Montessori schools. In this study, 20 children participated from each of these school systems (N  = 60, aged 6;10–8;11) completing the test of creative thinking—drawing production (TCT ‐DP ; K. K. Urban, & H. G. Jellen, 1996) and a pretend actions task (W. F. Overton & J. P. Jackson, 1973). Overall, Steiner pupils performed significantly higher on the TCT ‐DP than both the Montessori and National Curriculum pupils who performed similarly. Steiner pupils also performed significantly better on the pretend actions task than the Montessori pupils, but no other significant differences were found. Overall, there was also a significant positive correlation between pretence and creativity in the current sample, supporting previous research suggesting that these skills are related (e.g., A.S. Kaugars & S. W. Russ, 2009; P. Y. Mullineaux & L. F. Dilalla, 2009).  相似文献   

采用整群取样的方法在全国按东部、中部和西部共抽取了7所高校的1983名新生,进行了历时四个月的四次追踪测试。使用潜变量增长模型建模,分别考察了新生主观社会地位和抑郁的变化轨迹,并就两者间的变化关系进行了分析。结果发现新生入学后四个月内:(1)主观社会地位呈阶段化线性增长,其起始水平和第一阶段的增长速度存在显著个体间差异;(2)抑郁呈二次方增长,其起始水平和增长速度存在显著个体间差异;(3)入学后主观社会地位的下滑速度能有效预测新生抑郁水平的上升速度。研究基于情绪压制理论,对主观社会地位与抑郁间的变化关系进行了分析。  相似文献   

创造力的领域特殊/一般性问题是创造力研究中最具争议的焦点之一。Baer和Kaufman基于大量实证研究, 提出创造力游乐场理论。该理论以游乐场做隐喻, 将创造力分为先决条件、一般主题层面、领域和微领域, 并将创造力的一般性成分和特殊性成分联系起来, 说明这两种成分在层级结构中是如何在不同程度上重叠的。这一理论是西方研究者提出来的, 我国研究者在创造教育实践中也摸索出了类似的培养模式, 两者互相印证, 说明该理论具有极强的科学性与实用性。  相似文献   

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