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The constant comparison method was used to analyze seven in-depth interviews with Marriage and Family Therapists and some of their colleagues working with dying children and their families. The findings of the study revealed that working in these settings can encourage shifts in priorities, relationships, and beliefs about life and death, and can elicit professional growth. Also, it can carry with it significant costs such as emotional exhaustion, and hypervigilance about death. Implications for practice and training are discussed. In the Greek mythology, the Elysian Fields is the place where the souls of the heroes and the virtuous dwell in the afterlife. It is the equivalent of the Christian Heaven. Portions of this paper were presented at the 65th Annual Conference of the American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy, Long Beach, CA, 2007.  相似文献   

Mental health professionals frequently work with family caregivers in the provision of psychotherapy services to individuals with serious mental illness. To address the need for ethical guidelines for working with family caregivers, an analysis of relevant ethical and legal issues is provided within the context of dynamic mental health care and legal systems. When working with family caregivers, practitioners utilize the American Psychological Association’s Ethics Code (2010), legal codes, and a complex decision-making plan; identify and communicate ethical obligations to family caregivers; consider the unmet needs of this population; avoid harm resulting from multiple relationships; and balance ethical duties of beneficence and respect for autonomy.  相似文献   

Various challenges exist in the use of dreams in group counseling. Obscure and complex dream symbols and images, intricacies of the dream interpretation process, and a lack of counselor training in dreams are among the restrictions that limit the application of dreams in groups. At the same time, dreams constitute a universal human experience that is intriguing and compelling. Dreams offer a potential in group counseling for advancing the understanding of group members, promoting cohesiveness among group participants, and stimulating therapeutic group-member interactions.  相似文献   

In 2005, the American Counseling Association (ACA) introduced a new ethical standard for counselors working with clients with terminal illness who are considering hastened death options. The authors’ purpose is to inform counselors of the Death With Dignity Act and explore relevant ethical guidelines in the ACA Code of Ethics ( ACA, 2005 ).  相似文献   

This paper presents an account of the development, philosophy, and delivery of a particular kind of human service: counseling with runaways and their families that is based in a Runaway House. It attempts to show some of the relationships between the work of effective counseling, the set of the counselors (almost all paraprofessionals), and the setting in which counseling takes place (a weekly "Family Seminar" that serves a Runaway House functioning as one collective in a community of social service projects, Special Approaches to Juvenile Assistance [SAJA]).  相似文献   

The historical and contemporary context of pastoral care and counselling within the judaeo/Christian tradition is reviewed. Three kinds of pastors who use counselling in their work - Christian, specialist, and generic - are identified and the ethical problems of their positions clarified. The ethical principles of autonomy, beneficence, non-maleficence and justice are applied to the counselling work of pastors. Theology's definition of various ethical levels, and the impact of these upon the professional ethics of pastoral carers and counsellors, are explored, and some conclusions for the future drawn.  相似文献   

This article addresses the primary modifications necessary for system change to better meet the mental health needs of children under the age of three. The role of risk and resiliency factors in the young child, family and community and the necessity for a comprehensive community infant-family mental health system with a focus on the whole family are addressed. Barriers to care within early childhood systems of care are examined, including stigma, community referral and collaboration, diagnostic concerns during infancy, issues around family engagement, empowerment and partnership, funding of comprehensive and well coordinated infant-family services, workforce capacity and evaluation. Recommendations for implementation of system changes at the community and federal levels are proposed.  相似文献   

This article examines the advantages and disadvantages of 4 helping orientations of the counselor to religious and spiritual issues in psychotherapy: rejectionism, exclusivism, constructivism, and pluralism. The constructivist and pluralist approaches are advocated as those orientations best suited to work with diverse clients and religious beliefs, and flexible enough to deal respectfully, ethically, and effectively with a variety of religious and spiritual issues in counseling.  相似文献   

In the context of a growing aging population, this paper begins with the notion that the traditional resources of pastoral care will remain relevant, cffective and basic. However, the Church must redefine its images of "successful" ministry to emphasize the inhercnt value of the gray church. Gerontological stud~es need to become integrated in the whole enterprise of theological education and should be recognized as both presenting a special opportunity for female clergy and for developing a new model of m~nistry. Discussed are three needs for adequate preparation for the pastoral care of the aged: (1) Training in group process, (2) Skills in conflict resolution, and (3) A theology of aging that rests on Grace rather than works and that separates aging as a process distinct from death and dying. Finally, the author insists upon the involvement of the aged as a prerequisite for authenticity in each of these areas.  相似文献   

Journal of Religion and Health - This mixed methods study explored challenges faced by pastoral care workers. A development phase preceded an on-line survey completed by chaplains and pastoral...  相似文献   

Twenty major issues in remarriage families are identified from the professional literature and are placed in four categories: initial family issues, developing family issues, feelings about self and others, and adult issues. Each issue is discussed using citations from the primary sources. Many suggestions for counselor assessment and intervention are offered.  相似文献   

Counselors who work with conservative Christians may ask how to respect a client's values when “God” seems to be saying something contrary to what the counselor believes is in the client's best interests. In a managed care era of decreasing choice about one's counselor, referral of such clients to a conservative Christian counselor is not always an option. “Working with God” when counseling conservative Christian clients requires counselors to understand conservative Christian beliefs. This article portrays conservative Christianity as a culture and articulates conservative Christian beliefs that may challenge the counseling process, suggesting options within the framework of these beliefs.  相似文献   

Issues and risks for pastoral care and counseling from the perspective of old age (here, ages 75 to 100) include identification of old age as a problem and its association with death in a death-denying culture. Two elements are fundamental: existential experiential deficits between the old and their younger caregivers (e.g., age cohort experiences, health status, gender, culture, privilege, etc.); and boundary issues that push the old, and pastoral care, to the edge of experience, where choices must be made between creativity and negativity (e.g., moving to dependent living, disability, etc.). Loss of doing (versus being) as a viable option is a major edge experience. The resulting sense of emptiness carries with it the potential for a sacramental awareness in which absence of doing becomes an outward and visible sign of an inward and spiritual grace.  相似文献   

The authors present a brief introduction to Americans of Arab descent and a brief overview of Arab culture. Then, culturally appropriate counseling considerations related to family, attitudes toward disability, religion, communication, acculturation, help‐seeking behaviors, and stereotypes are highlighted. In the last section, the authors provide conclusions and recommendations for culturally appropriate considerations in working with Arab Americans with disabilities and their families. Los autores presentan una breve introducción sobre los americanos de origen árabe y un breve resumen de la cultura árabe. Después, se destacan consideraciones para la consejería culturalmente apropiada relacionadas con la familia, actitudes sobre discapacidad, religión, comunicación, aculturación, comportamientos de búsqueda de ayuda, y estereotipos. En la última sección, los autores proporcionan conclusiones y recomendaciones para consideraciones culturalmente apropiadas a la hora de trabajar con americanos de origen árabe con discapacidades y sus familias.  相似文献   

Wraparound is an individualized, team-based service planning and care coordination process intended to improve outcomes for youth with complex behavioral health challenges and their families. In recent years, several factors have led wraparound to become an increasingly visible component of service systems for youth, including its alignment with the youth and family movements, clear role within the systems of care and public health frameworks, and expansion of the research base. In this paper, we provide a review of the place of the wraparound process in behavioral health, including a discussion of the opportunities it presents to the field, needs for further development and research, and recommendations for federal actions that have the potential to improve the model’s positive contribution to child and family well-being.  相似文献   

As professionals, therapists should be prepared to work with a diverse population. The purpose of this study was to explore predictors of American Association of Marriage and Family Therapy Clinical Members' comfort level in working with gay and lesbian individuals, couples, and families. Results indicated that therapists' scores on the Support for Lesbian and Gay Human Rights Scale predicted their comfort level in working with gay and lesbian individuals, couples, and families. The challenge for training programs is to assist therapists-in-training and supervisors with self-exploration and to increase opportunities for interactions with gays and lesbians.  相似文献   

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