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This paper takes as its starting point ‘identifying markers of Latin American psychoanalysis’. The authors see this theme as a compromise between two diverging approaches. On one hand, the conference at which the content was presented provided the opportunity for Latin American psychoanalytical thinking to be discussed and, as a reward to the best papers, to be published. On the other, both the conference and the reward are more indicative of the observer's biases than of the object's peculiarities. The authors consider that the conference mistakenly focused on the search for minor differences (secondary identifi cations) instead of looking for invariances (identities). Considering that uncertainty, pluralism and complexity are issues relevant to the whole of psychoanalysis in its current stage of development as a scientifi c discipline, the authors think that treating these elements as ‘identifying markers of Latin American psychoanalysis’ is evidence of prejudice brought about by a coloniser‐colonised relationship. To develop their argument, the authors discuss a paper on editorial criteria by Tuckett as a clinical case, and use an episode of Brazilian history as further illustration. They address issues such as conformity to cultural patterns; the search for certainties and proofs; the domination of some groups over others; and editorial power‐more specifi cally, its infl uence on the acceptance or rejection of scientifi c ideas. These issues have distracted attention away from the fundamentals of psychoanalysis by introducing other, extraneous aims. Publication plays a key role in feeding a possibly vicious circle wherein only a small proportion of scientifi c contributions manages to reach a wide audience‐exactly those contributions that conform to established patterns. The act of publication turns that portion into offi cial knowledge, while unpublished ideas become increasingly excluded.  相似文献   

Six years of the Cross‐cultural Colloquy at Virginia Theological Seminary, located in metropolitan Washington, D.C., have alerted the two participating American teachers to some peculiarities of their own American culture, some peculiarities of the home cultures of foreign students, and the importance of the work which foreign Christian leaders must do to select and translate from their new learnings when they begin to turn their minds towards resuming responsibilities at home. We observe that this Colloquy also meets characteristic needs of non‐Americans studying theology in the USA: it offers them conceptual tools and an oral forum for explaining to themselves odd aspects of American culture, emotional support during that time of adjustment, and inducements to begin formulating ways to take both curricular and extracurricular learnings and begin to apply them in the settings to which they will be returning. We commend this model for consideration by schools where foreign or minority‐culture students' place in the curriculum and in the community of teachers and learners is ill‐defined or remains less than satisfactory.  相似文献   

Although charismatic and participative leaders have been noted for their positive effects on criteria such as performance, job satisfaction, and commitment, few studies have looked at the relations with subordinates' leadership needs. In this study, the relations between charismatic and participative leadership, team outcomes, and a team's need for leadership were investigated. The sample consisted of South Pacific CEOs and their top-level management teams from Fiji, Tonga, Samoa, Vanuatu, and the Solomon Islands. Results showed that charismatic leadership was related to both group-level need for leadership and positive team outcomes. However, team outcomes did not mediate the relations between leadership and a team's need for leadership. Additionally, a moderator effect was found between participative leadership and charismatic leadership in explaining a team's need for leadership, implying that teams of subordinates with participative charismatic leaders need more instead of less leadership from their CEOs.  相似文献   

This article explores the emergence of Indian theology at the Latin American level. Indian theology appeared in the church of Latin America over the last 20 years. This branch of theology is a rethinking or reshaping of what existed there during the pre‐Columbian period and incorporating the most valuable contributions of the Christian faith. These were brought to the people during the first 50 years of the evangelism. ‘Indian theology’ therefore comes down to us from the distant past, a collective movement by the indigenous grassroots, indigenous leaders, and supporters of the indigenous cause within the church. Indian theology has taken different forms in Latin America: within the churches; within the people's own traditions, independently of the churches; and within indigenous social movements. Building bridges between people of diverse views through dialogue is leading to increased understanding and respect.  相似文献   

Guilford's 1950 presidential address to the American Psychological Association helped spark the growth of creativity research in the 2nd half of the 20th century. This growth has been fueled by an influx of creativity researchers, a group of individuals about whom we know little. In this study, the first 32 volumes of the Journal of Creative Behavior were subjected to an author analysis to identify 1st-time authors per year, create a contribution distribution of its authors, identify a possible trend in 1-time authors, and identify highly productive authors. The results of this study suggest that the field of creativity is similar to other scientific fields in respect to its author contribution distribution. There is a positive trend in 1-time contributors, and prolific contributors to this journal are no longer active, at least as can be estimated from an analysis of authors' contributions to the first 32 volumes of the Journal of Creative Behavior.  相似文献   

The authors find that a consumer's position in a social network is related to both opinion leadership and susceptibility to influence. Using two field network studies, the authors show that people see themselves as opinion leaders when they perceive that they are popular (i.e., central) in the network. However, these self-assessments are sometimes at odds with the perceptions of the rest of the network. Counter-intuitively, the authors demonstrate that consumers who are central in networks are quite susceptible to others' influences. The findings extend the field's knowledge by demonstrating how network centrality is associated with consumer influence.  相似文献   

In this article, we analyze the ways in which Evangelicals frame a rhetoric of environmental concern and environmental apathy, with a larger focus on the latter. Heeding calls to further explore within-Evangelical differences, we compare environmental narratives of 20 leaders and laity of a predominantly white Southern Baptist congregation and 20 leaders and laity from an African American Baptist church, both located in a Southwestern American city. We find, especially on the topic of climate change, that most Evangelicals in our study readily evince environmental apathy, which we explore in depth. In particular, we find a belief in a rigid hierarchy of God, humans, and then the environment; a belief in the sovereignty of God; and evangelical eschatological beliefs help generate narratives of environmental apathy. There are different environmental narratives, between the two congregations, that are framed in terms of political affiliation and socioeconomic status. But we find little evidence to suggest that religious beliefs foster different environmental attitudes across the two congregations. We conclude with future research directions and implications for those who wish to foster environmental concern among Evangelicals.  相似文献   

The authors examined whether individuals' approaches to relationships, expressed in terms of attachment styles, was related to how they viewed ideal leadership and to their degree of tendency to emerge as team leaders. Specifically, the authors hypothesized that attachment styles, or cognitive representations of orientation to others, would explain individual differences in leadership perceptions and emergence. Participants were 127 American students in college teams. The authors found that securely attached individuals (n = 81) perceived themselves as more effective team members than did insecurely attached individuals (n = 46) and that fellow team members saw securely attached team members as emerging team leaders significantly more often than they did insecurely attached team members.  相似文献   

Recent changes to the American Psychiatric Association's Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders highlight the importance of identity dysfunction within several psychiatric diagnoses. Despite a long-standing tradition of identity research and theory in the developmental literature, there is limited work establishing intersections between clinical and developmental conceptualizations of identity problems. The relative lack of integration between decades of clinical and developmental work is unfortunate, and likely limits progress in both areas. In this commentary, the authors argue for greater interdisciplinary collaboration and highlight contributions from developmental and clinical theories, which, if integrated, could enhance identity scholarship. The developmental psychopathology perspective is introduced as an ideal framework to promote these goals.  相似文献   

We examined the incremental contribution of personal values in predicting individuals' motivation to lead (MTL) in a military personnel sample (n = 231). We operationalized self-transcendence through personal values (spirituality, integrity, and willingness to serve) and self-enhancement value orientation through desire for power/achievement. In multivariate analyses, personal values made significant incremental contributions in explaining of all three forms of MTL. Personal values had the largest incremental effect in explaining noncalculative MTL. Self-enhancement values had a larger positive relationship with affective-identity and social-normative MTL than did self-transcendence values. Inversely, self-transcendence values had a significantly larger relationship with noncalculative MTL.  相似文献   

We examined the impact of acculturation on attitudes toward gay men and lesbians in the Vietnamese American community. We recruited 114 Vietnamese American participants at a large community organization. The Suinn–Lew Asian Self‐Identity Acculturation Scale ( Suinn, 1992 ) was used to measure participants' acculturation levels, while the Attitudes Toward Lesbian and Gay Men Scale ( Herek, 2004 ) was used to measure participants' attitudes toward homosexuality. It was hypothesized that Vietnamese Americans with higher levels of acculturation would have more positive attitudes toward homosexuality. The results supported this hypothesis. Additionally, we found a complicated pattern of results explaining attitudes based on acculturation level, age, and gender.  相似文献   

To explore similarities and differences between religiosity and spirituality, the authors used several measures of religiosity and spirituality to examine the level of their association in 171 African American college students. Results support the multidimensionality of both constructs. An intrinsic religious orientation accounted for most of the variance in each type of spirituality; conversely. 1 type of extrinsic religious orientation accounted for almost none. The authors also found no significant differences between men's and women's scores on any of the religiosity and spirituality measures. The authors discuss implications for addressing religion and spirituality with African American clients.  相似文献   

Derek R. Nelson 《Dialog》2020,59(3):212-217
Contemporary trends in American culture like the de-centering of the church from public consciousness and the weakening of institutions in general provide an occasion to reflect on a new theology of pastoral leadership. This article proposes that pastors function best as community leaders when they are maximally creative in seeing possibilities, rather than functioning as spokespersons for an institution. God's creative activity involves both foresight and improvisation, and therefore a pastoral theology modeled on God's creative work must also include those elements.  相似文献   

Addressing psychological literature's deficiency in research on the early development of leaders in everyday life (e.g., leaders in the workplace, leaders in social settings, leaders in organizational settings), this study assumed that central psychological capacities required for such leaders can be predicted and explained by J. Bowlby's (1969) Bowlby, J. 1969. Attachment and loss: Vol. 1. Attachment New York : Basic Books. [Google Scholar] attachment theory concerning developmental processes in infancy. The authors administered a series of questionnaires to 402 participants. The authors analyzed data by using structural equation modeling. Findings indicate a potential-to-lead construct that forms in infancy. The results fully supported the authors’ main arguments: that secure attachment style influences the potential to lead and that this capacity is essential for leadership as measured by leadership ranking.  相似文献   

African American female counseling professionals contribute greatly to the multicultural growth of the counseling profession by spurring the profession's evolution and defining new paradigms and counseling activities. Despite their contributions, they face serious organizational, intrapersonal, and interpersonal challenges to their success in academia. This article seeks to elucidate the challenges to African American female counseling professionals and offers systemic and personal strategies that will facilitate the profession's evolution to culturally competent, ethical, and intentional helping orientations and worldviews.  相似文献   

Razran’s “The Place of the Conditional Reflex in Psychology and Psychiatry” delivered at GAP Symposium No. 9 traced historically the influence of Russian physiology on American behavior systems, first in the classical Watson period and then in present-day Neobehaviorism. The address collated Pavlovianism and Behaviorism, and mentioned recent Soviet emphasis of interoceptive, semantic, and compound-stimulus conditioning. Within the limits of time, it dealt with group developments and not with individual contributions. And it assumed that a behavior system comprises both normal and abnormal aspects; that is, the basics of both psychology and psychiatry. The assertion by Reese, Dykman and Peters that “Psychiatrists tend to avoid contributions of experimental psychologists and vice versa” is not shared by Razran, nor, he believes, by American psychiatry and experimental psychology as such. And the assertion is contrary to the Pavlovian tradition. Pavlov’s first, 1903, publication on conditioned reflexes was entitled “Experimental Psychology and Psychopathology in Animals” which he later renamed “the physiology and pathology [or pathophysiology] of higher nervous activity.”  相似文献   

The present study used a constructivist grounded theory (CGT) approach to explore, examine and develop a grounded theory (GT) of spiritual awakening conceptualisation and process. The authors used the interview data of 34 eminent spiritual teachers who have written books on spirituality, led spiritual retreats and conducted lectures and trainings on spiritual quest. These participants come from diverse backgrounds (e.g., American, Asian, European and Mexican), trainings (e.g., Buddhism, Yoga, Hinduism, Taoism, Christianity and other mindfulness traditions) and professional experiences. The data analysis of the interviews led to the development of the spiritual awakening evolution (SAE) model, explaining the process and evolution of spiritual awakening. According to this model, spiritual awakening evolves through four phases: an initial transient shift in perception, further practice to support spiritual development, surrendering and a continuous journey of spiritual development. As spiritual awakening experiences are transcultural, the SAE model can inform counsellors' understanding of clients' spiritual needs and the meanings of those experiences. Implications for counsellor practitioners, counsellor preparation programmes and research are discussed.  相似文献   

The authors describe African American cultural and spiritual traditions that are the bedrock for therapeutic work with this population. Through the use of a clinical case, they link African American women's emotional issues with healing interventions borrowed from their rich heritage of religious and spiritual rituals and practices.  相似文献   

Perceptual set induction was studied among Indian children from Mysore, ages 4 and 5 years. The method of perceptual-set induction involved a procedure of contrastive classification that had been attempted only once before with an American sample of subjects. Findings of the present study were positive, demonstrating the formation of perceptual sets in preschool age children. Taken together with data from the American sample, the results provide a firmer basis for conceptualization, and for explaining the failure of other studies to find evidence for susceptibility to perceptual sets among young children. The findings are also considered in connection with contemporary ideas about symbolic mediation and production deficiencies in children's memory and thinking.  相似文献   

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