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电影这一媒介在其诞生之初就表现出自我意识,而自反性电影则具备多重功能.罗伯特·斯塔姆(Robert Stam)认为,电影能够"探索电影制作所处的社会环境……直接或通过类比的手段揭示电影制作的实际过程,并且(或)……通过唤起人们对电影技术的关注来炫耀它们的技巧"(斯塔姆,1992:77).宝莱坞,在出产世界上最多电影的国家电影产业中占据着主导地位,正如越来越多的冠以"全球宝莱坞"之名的学术研究所断言的那样,其叙事策略、歌舞、制作方式、展出与发行实践、接收等多个方面已经变得越来越有自反性、跨媒体化,也越来越有跨国性,或者说全球性(克武里和普纳腾贝克,2008;戈帕尔和穆尔蒂,2008;什雷索娃,2008).  相似文献   

<正>在大家的共同努力下,国家宗教局2010年培训工作任务已顺利完成。全年共举办14期培训班,培训宗教工作三支队伍各类人员2400多人。可以说,我们的培训工作围绕大局、服务大局,为全年宗教工作作出了贡献。2010年培训工作的特点,一是各级领导重视、培训计划周密。国家宗教局党组多次听取工作汇报,研究培训方案。王作安  相似文献   

领导授权行为通常被视为一种积极的领导行为类型。组织中管理者在授权实施过程中扮演着重要角色, 然而管理者出于维护威权等目的, 不想赋予员工自主权或相应资源的现象大量存在。鉴于此, 越来越多的学者开始探索领导授权行为的影响因素, 但目前研究较为零散, 亟待整合。研究发现:(1)更多的学者强调领导授权行为并非一种稳定的领导风格, 而是领导对不同下属所采取的差异化授权行为; (2)领导授权行为的影响因素可以分为环境因素、领导者因素以及员工因素; (3)领导成员交换理论、信任理论、社会认知理论与授权风险视角是解释领导授权行为形成的重要理论/视角。此外, 基于情境领导理论、CIP领导模型(魅力型-意识形态型-务实型)以及追随理论, 提出了领导授权行为影响因素的未来研究方向。  相似文献   

高校教师岗前培训为青年教师提供了学习高等教育理论知识的平台,使得高校青年教师将理论与实际相联系,能切身体会到理论知识的重要性,并且深刻体会到作为高校教师,尤其是艺术专业的高校教师,需要具备良好的职业道德修养、崇高的职业境界、较强的能力素质。结合高校绘画专业特点,进行新时代下高校绘画专业教师的素质培养研究。  相似文献   

<正>城市地区的人类学研究(经常被称为"都市人类学")与民族志方面的所有发现引起了非人类学家、许多专家、决策者、立法者以及公共政策负责人越来越多的关注。近来的一些出版物(帕尔多和普拉托,2012b;普拉托和帕尔多,2013)引致了一场激烈的争论。自2013年以来,《都市性》(Urbanities)杂志举办了"都市人类学"论坛(2013,2014),越来越多的研究人员参与其中,这一现象今后将持续。即将由  相似文献   

范庭卫  朱永新 《心理科学》2002,25(3):357-358
“贞观之治”是中国历史上少有的治世。吴兢(公元670—749)著《贞观政要》,记录了唐太宗及其大臣的言论与行动,是研究贞观统治集团管理思想的重要参考资料。日本一些企业领导将它视为“当代主管阶层最需要研究的一本‘领导学”’。概括贞观统治集团的管理心理思想,主要包括以下几个方面:  相似文献   

自我领导是个体在实践活动经验积累的基础上, 通过自身需要的驱动, 根据内部标准的指导, 运用内部奖赏实现自我激励而达成绩效的自我影响过程。本文从自我领导的概念形成、结构测量、实证研究和研究热点等四个方面, 对国外有关研究的现状进行了介绍和述评。在此基础上, 对自我领导的未来研究趋势做了初步的预期, 主要包括:(1)自我领导影响效果的理论分析与实证检验; (2)自我领导与相关人格特质的关系; (3)组织领导者自我领导有效性的最大化; (4)中国文化背景下的自我领导研究。  相似文献   

主动性人格的研究现状与展望   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
近年来,越来越多的研究者与管理者开始关注员工的主动行为,主动行为能够改善组织的效率和提高竞争力。主动行为受到许多因素的影响,其中一个因素即主动性人格。主动性人格是一种稳定的主动行为倾向。许多研究表明:主动性人格与许多行为结果都有密切联系,包括工作绩效、职业生涯成功、领导能力、团队绩效、创业等。今后的研究需要探讨一些问题,如主动性人格与关系绩效、职业生涯成功新标准的关系  相似文献   

随着越来越多的学生进入了高等院校进行深造,因此,学生管理工作难度也在不断加大。高校辅导员处于学生管理工作的第一线,在高校优秀人才的培养体系中起着非常重要的作用。本文从当代大学生的特点入手,提出了作为辅导员所应具备的职业素质,最后重点阐述了当代辅导员应如何适应新形势,开展学生管理工作。  相似文献   

如今越来越多的家长重视孩子的素质教育,少儿美术培训机构也是遍地开花,其办学规模以及目前存在的状态各不统一,面对琳琅满目、名目繁多的培训机构,家长在选择的时候也颇为盲目。文章重点研究时下焦作地区校外儿童美术培训机构的教师现状并提出相应对策,为教育工作者、家长和学生提供参考资料,促进行业良性发展。  相似文献   

Described as a “holy hush,” past research has noted a general silence about and reluctance to address intimate partner violence (IPV) in religious congregations. To explore this, we interviewed 20 Protestant Christian religious leaders about how they understood and responded to IPV. Based on a thematic content analysis, our study revealed some of the challenges, tensions, and complexities that may be barriers to leaders speaking about and responding to IPV, and also the ways religious leaders in our sample attempted to overcome these challenges. For example, results revealed religious leaders understood violence on a gradation from less to more severe, and linked a need for and type of response to the level of violence. Throughout, religious leaders expressed a tension between their leadership role and responding to IPV. Furthermore, religious leaders acknowledged their need for greater training and connections to service providers, however, they reported not currently being connected to other IPV resources or organizations in the community. We discuss how the findings illuminate challenges and tensions for religious leaders in responding to IPV and how some leaders in this study were navigating these tensions to respond. We also discuss how findings may inform future research and the development of trainings and protocols for religious leaders and congregations on responding to IPV, promoting survivor safety, and fostering a greater understanding of IPV. Implications for collaboration with other community‐based IPV organizations are also discussed.  相似文献   


Research on the relationship of implicit motives and effective leadership emphasises the importance of a socialised need for power, whereas high levels of the need for affiliation are assumed to thwart a leader’s success. In our study, we experimentally analysed the impact of leaders’ socialised need for power and their need for affiliation on perceptions of transformational leadership and various success indicators. Using paper-people vignettes, we contrasted leaders characterised by either motive with those concerned with personalised power or achievement. Results based on N?=?80 employees show that leaders high in socialised power were rated more successful and elicited more identification and organisational citizenship behaviour (OCB) in followers, and that in most cases this effect was mediated by perceptions of transformational leadership. For all outcomes but OCB, findings remained unchanged when affiliation-motivated leaders were considered. Exploratory analyses contrasting socialised power-motivated and affiliation-motivated leaders show that with regard to attitudinal outcomes affiliation-motivated leaders were, on average, as effective as socialised power-motivated ones.


为了探索团体心理咨询与治疗师的胜任力模型,本研究用行为事件访谈法对13位团体心理咨询与治疗师进行访谈,分析文献提取并整理成编码词表,并对访谈数据进行编码,统计各词条在访谈资料里的出现频次并排序。最终提炼出了团体心理咨询与治疗师的基准性胜任特征和鉴别性胜任特征,并整理得到了团体心理咨询与治疗师的胜任特征模型。研究表明,基准性胜任特征的存在表明团体心理咨询与治疗师具有共同的胜任特征,如专业知识、变化觉察、把握环境、判断力等;鉴别性胜任特征则反映了不同水平的团体心理咨询与治疗师在胜任特征上的差异,如专业知识、洞察力、观察力、分析性思维等。  相似文献   

In 2 studies, this research demonstrated the existence of leader transference, a cognitive process whereby mental representations of previous leaders are activated and used for evaluation when new, similar leaders are encountered. The 1st study demonstrated that exposure to a new leader who was similar to a past leader led to erroneous generalization of leader characteristics and associated underlying attributions. The 2nd study showed that expectations of just treatment and abuse were also subject to transfer from old to new, similar leaders, although positive and negative affective responses were not. Results suggested that individuals exposed to a leader who was not reminiscent of an old leader were more likely to use a general leader prototype to form leader expectations, whereas individuals exposed to a leader who was similar to an old leader activated a significant other mental representation for use in making judgments. These results have implications for individual- and relational-level processes as characterized by implicit leadership theory and leader-member exchange theory as well as macro theories of leader succession and organizational culture change.  相似文献   

The observer's impact on the process and content of over fifty, two-day, intensive training groups was evaluated by leaders, members, and observers. There was general agreement across the three perspectives that the observer's influence was significant and potentially negative. The group members experienced the observer as more intrusive than did their leaders. The effects were predominantly indirect, and reflected in the content of group interactions both during and after the observer's visit. Results are discussed in terms of their clinical implications, and recommendations are made for how leaders may maximize the therapeutic potential of the observer's contributions.  相似文献   

Two studies assessed the perception of epistemic authority (denoting a source of information which has a determinative influence on the acquisition of knowledge) by means of a scale (Epistemic Authority Scale) which was constructed for this purpose. The first study showed that individuals perceive political leaders with similar political orientations as greater epistemic authorities than political leaders with different political orientations. In addition, the study investigated the reasons used by the subjects to explain reliance or lack of reliance on political leaders. In general, the responses showed that leaders' expressed opinions and characteristics were important determinants in epistemic authority selection. The second study found that students of statistics departments have a greater tendency to perceive their professors as epistemic authorities in their disciplinary knowledge than students of psychology departments, while the latter are more likely than the former to perceive their professors as epistemic authorities in general knowledge domains. Analysis of the Reason scores for reliance on the professors in the two departments reveals that expertness received the highest ratings.  相似文献   

When leaders perform solitary tasks, do they self-regulate to maximize their effort, or do they reduce effort and conserve their resources? Our model suggests that power motivates self-regulation toward effective performance-unless the task is perceived as unworthy of leaders. Our 1st studies showed that power improves self-regulation and performance, even when resources for self-regulation are low (ego depletion). Additional studies showed that leaders sometimes disdain tasks they deem unworthy, by withholding effort (and therefore performing poorly). Ironically, during ego depletion, leaders skip the appraisal and, therefore, work hard regardless of task suitability, so that depleted leaders sometimes outperform nondepleted ones. Our final studies replicated these patterns with different tasks and even with simple manipulation of framing and perception of the same task (Experiment 5). Experiment 4 also showed that the continued high exertion of leaders when depleted takes a heavy toll, resulting in larger impairments later. The judicious expenditure of self-control resources among powerful people may help them prioritize their efforts to pursue their goals effectively.  相似文献   

The observer's impact on the process and content of over fifty, two-day, intensive training groups was evaluated by leaders, members, and observers. There was general agreement across the three perspectives that the observer's influence was significant and potentially negative. The group members experienced the observer as more intrusive than did their leaders. The effects were predominantly indirect, and reflected in the content of group interactions both during and after the observer's visit. Results are discussed in terms of their clinical implications, and recommendations are made for how leaders may maximize the therapeutic potential of the observer's contributions.  相似文献   

A study was conducted to explore the impact of differences in leadership style on the practice of global leadership and management. Data were collected from 391 senior managers from a global organization and 1,701 of their direct reports, 358 straight-line supervisors, and 266 dotted-line supervisors. ANOVA results indicate that transformational leaders were rated significantly higher on all behaviors by their direct reports than were transactional leaders. Straight-line supervisors rated transformational leaders significantly higher on managing change- and relationship-management behaviors, whereas dotted-line supervisors rated transformational leaders higher on learning orientation. Finally, transformational leaders were significantly more self-aware (greater congruence in self vs. direct reports' average ratings) regarding the practice of these behaviors. implications for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

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